The electability of Hillary Clinton....

Aliea said:
I don't think she is electable. Nor Obama. Which means the republicans will probably win and I will be sad.

bullshit. just because she's a hack, and he has a name that republicans will try to exploit doesn't mean anyone with half a brain will want to "stay the course" laid out by this past administration.
Ulaven_Demorte said:
I just can't bring myself to support Hillary for president for one simple reason.

Over the past few years, with all of the insanity going on her pet project, the thing she thought important enough to make a firm stand against, was "Grand Theft Auto".

A video game was important enough to warrant her attention while prisoners were being tortured, while the American public was lied to and spied on, repeatedly, by the White house.

A fucking video game? here's a game reference for you.

Go to hell Hillary, straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

*didn't click the link* :p
Jeez, UD, who are you supporting in '08.......? Or have you decided yet?
can it be

I really am hoping Hillary gets in. I have a theory too...

The Bush administration will never admit how the was was just something to make them rich. So, to pull out of the war...and not look like they made a mistake - A woman president can do that. A woman president wouldn't want war = so, we would be pulling out, not because Bush made a mistake, but because we have a woman president. So, the people who want to leave a legacy for Bush's administration -may want her to win

Second theory...if someone on the intellegence level as low as Bush is and he can be president - then even a caveman can do it....
Really, if Bush can be president = then why can't Hillary or anyone else....he didnt' do anything special or impressive for us...he only sent this country back 20 years in everything...especially the stock market.
I read the topic line as "The electric bill of Hillary Clinton"

I clicked it to see how high it was :rolleyes: