The electability of Hillary Clinton....


Tight Jeans
Jun 22, 2001
The Democratic National Committee is currently polling Americans through the internet to determine the electability of Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of the United States in 2008. If you would like to show your support for Hillary and encourage her to run for President, please click the link below. Turn on your sound for instructions.
har har har

Only an idiot would click that link...

*Waits for idiots
I just can't bring myself to support Hillary for president for one simple reason.

Over the past few years, with all of the insanity going on her pet project, the thing she thought important enough to make a firm stand against, was "Grand Theft Auto".

A video game was important enough to warrant her attention while prisoners were being tortured, while the American public was lied to and spied on, repeatedly, by the White house.

A fucking video game? here's a game reference for you.

Go to hell Hillary, straight to hell, do not pass go, do not collect $200.

*didn't click the link* :p
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I don't think she is electable. Nor Obama. Which means the republicans will probably win and I will be sad.
Aliea said:
I don't think she is electable. Nor Obama. Which means the republicans will probably win and I will be sad.
Oh no. Clinton is just what we need. Then we can be just like Europe. Then everyone will love us. :rolleyes:
hillary is dangerous people. look at her record. first was against illegal immigration, now for amnesty. first for a troup surge now against it. whatever you are supporting somebody that can't make up there mind is dangerous.
If George W. Bush can be President then the field is WIDE open. No wonder the politicians look with disdain on the electorate. You keep voting the same crooks in over and over. America deserves what ever it gets.
plasticman33 said:
The Democratic National Committee is currently polling Americans through the internet to determine the electability of Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of the United States in 2008. If you would like to show your support for Hillary and encourage her to run for President, please click the link below. Turn on your sound for instructions.
I'm not clicking anything from a domain extension I've never heard of before.
plasticman33 said:
The Democratic National Committee is currently polling Americans through the internet to determine the electability of Hillary Clinton for the Presidency of the United States in 2008. If you would like to show your support for Hillary and encourage her to run for President, please click the link below. Turn on your sound for instructions.

You've GOT to be kidding me.