Tessa.. and the pharmacist (pm open for one guy)

Mar 1, 2006
"Tessa penny for your thoughts." Her new boss Erin asked her at her new independent pharmacy, Jenny had been a pharmacy technician for the last 15 years but 3 months ago she had to leave her long-term job that she had loved... but at the same time, the pharmacist that she has grown very close to and even developed feelings for and whom she thought she could trust crushed her and the sad part it was not all his fault in the first place. See she was 30 and Clay was 50, but Clay was very hot and fit, he was still a top weightlifter and even did competitions Tessa never saw Clay as old, just smart, funny, sexy, hard-working, and determined in everything that he was involved in they had grown very close and had told one another things they have never spoken to another person, sexually and personally... see Tessa is a submissive but had only ever been with one man and that relationship ended in pure disaster so she always found herself having a hard time trusting in people until she met Clay, Clay she learned was a true dominant and wanted to do things to her that no one else ever would or things she could not even fathom, but things that she wanted, Clay told her as attractive as he found her and as sweet and kind and giving and devoted that she was, she had only beem with one man and he was afraid because of his age and his strength he would hurt her or go overboard with her, and he would never want to do anything to ruin the friendship that the two of them shared, she argued that the age difference meant nothing to her but he inisisted she needed a man her own age, and if she couldnt accept that then there really wasnt anything for the two of them to talk about, and so she had to leave because it became to hard just being his friend knowing she wanted everything he wanted to give to her, even if they would destroy each other, but then again maybe they would be what each other needed, she had trust issues, and he had his own demons, that he wasnt ready for her to know of so she decided a move was what she needed, and luckily the town was not that small so they did not run into each other.... "Oh I'm sorry Erin just thinking about the past... but I am happy here, thank you again for bringing me on." Erin smiles and they get back to work and Tessa tries not to think about what she and Clay may have been.

Looking for one man for a long detailed roleplay you can decide Clay's demons and his looks. PM only. Tessa has long dark brown hair, 5'2, dark green eyes, slim but curves in all the right places.
Jesus he missed her, and not a minute had passed by, not a minute, not a second when he didn’t think of Tessa, his Tessa, his Tess! Yet she wasn’t his, was she? She had suggested, even offered, but he had refused, and it had seemed the right thing to do, but then, she had gone away, and, he was now longer quite so sure.

Clayton Richards was a proud man, and for the most part, led a secluded private life. The lone exception was his weight lifting competitions, where he put his 52 year old, carefully sculpted body on display. He could not deny how he enjoyed the eyes cast upon him, his body oiled and on display, he always watched the women, how their eyes undressed him, he watched their mouths, how their tongue licked their lips as they perused his every physical attribute as he lifted the weights up over his head and drove into hold of the 500 plus pound of dead lift weight. Luckily he was only on stage for a moment, for as he walked off stage, after putting on his display, watching their reactions, he almost always had a raging hard on.

Clayton was at heart an exhibitionist, a dominant, yes, but with a very particular kink, and one that he had not fully enjoyed since he had left the club, left the lifestyle, nearly twenty years ago. His final night, how things had gone too far, still ran through his mind, and so it was, as he and Tessa got closer, as she divulged her desires, he had shared some of his, but not all, he did not want her to know, just how extreme his darkest desires ran.

He had sent her away to protect her, yet no matter how hard he tried he could not forget her, and so it was, he found himself with his phone in his hand, he scrolled through his favorites, and smiled at her listing, “HER” there was only one her in his mind, one woman he could not forget, and so he dialed, perhaps since they were no longer working together, they might have dinner? Yet even as he dialed her number, his mind was thinking of how she might look or rather, how he might ask her to dress. Clayton was a dominant and certain habits were impossible to dismiss …
Tessa was stunned when she looked down and noticed that Clay was calling his name in her phone as sir, ironic considering he walked away from what they could have been, why was he calling her now she thought to herself, she was on her lunch break so it was not as if she could not answer her phone, the question was did she wanted to answer her phone... she had gotten hurt but as she thought about that it was her fault Clay had always been straight forward with her and she knew he would never do anything to hurt her, but that did not make the situation any easier either, if anything it was that much harder, because of her need and want for him, not just physically but emotionally as well, and yet with her trust issues she found herself trusting in him more then she had ever entrusted in anyone before.

She took a long deep breath before deciding if she was going to answer the call or not... I mean she did leave a place that she loved just to avoid him and the way she was feeling because he couldn't give her what she so desperately needed but at the same time could she give him everything he desired...she had only ever been with one man and look how that ended up, the last thing she wanted was to get hurt once more but with Clay there was always a shade of grey that she didn't care about crossing because that was how bad her body and her soul yearned for him.

It was now or never she thought and finally decided to pick up the phone her voice a little cracked as she spoke... "Clay?" She stated more of a question than an answer.
He heard the crack in her voice as she answered, he knew he’d hurt her, even though his intent had been exactly the opposite. “Hi Tess..“ He spoke in the same steady baritone voice she had heard so many times. “I wasn’t sure you’d answer, I’m glad you did, how have you been?”

He didn’t expect the truth, although he longed to hear it, had she possibly thought of him as often and with the same want that he had her? “I know I probably shouldn’t call you, but I’ve missed you, more than I thought …” He wanted to be honest.

Theirs was truly a unique relationship, they had discussed very private and very intimate aspects of their lives, and although they had walked along the precipice, and there were definitely some D/S aspects to their interactions, it had never crossed that final line, it had never become sexual.

Yet why then, as he had dialed and waited as her phone rang, had his heart been beating so strong, and why had it been flooding blood to his cock, so that standing here, talking to his ”Friend” he had a raging hard on, picturing the woman on the other side of the line?

”I know it’s crazy, but I was thinking, since we aren’t working together any longer, that maybe, we might have dinner … in fact, I was hoping … perhaps … tonight?”
She had hoped that she did not sound as apprehensive and hurt and dare she say thrilled that he had called, even if deep down she was still very hurt. Hearing his voice however had the same effect on her as it always had in the past, she felt her nipples pebbling under the thin blouse she was wearing. The way he said her name almost made her want to purr like a kitten. She did not know how to answer him, to be honest, and tell him how much she missed him, or the truth of why she left... although she was sure Clay was wise enough to figure out her reasoning for leaving the company she had worked for so many years. "I'm doing okay." She could not say she was good, she loved the new job her new managers were awesome and she worked with a great group of other techs... but she ached not being around Clay.

What he said next completely stunned her, how long she had ached to hear something similar to those exact words. She sighed to herself her heart melting and her Pussy instantly becoming wet at the thought that he missed her, also that sexy chocolate-sounding voice. "I've missed you too, Clay more than I care to admit." She answered back honestly. She bit her lip as she so often did, whenever she was nervous, anxious, or extremely turned on.

She thought back to the day she had put her two-week notice in... it was probably one of the hardest things she had ever done... leaving Clay, for he meant the world to her... and she knew it was not easy for him either, he all but told her that on that day, she told him that she could agree to his terms but she just wasn't able to deny the attraction and need she felt for him, so she decided a change of scenery would be best for the both of them.

She was grateful he could not hear her racing heart or notice how heavy she was breathing... it was probably for the best. She wanted to run to him right then and there but she knew that wasn't for the best.

She was stunned at his next question... but she instantly knew her answer even if she knew it was a mistake Tessa never thought clearly when it came to Clay. "Yes, Clay I would love to have dinner with you this evening. I get off at 6." She replied softly.
Wasn’t this exactly what he had tried to avoid, even letting her leave when she knew being around him without taking their relationship to the next level was just too painful? Of course, his dear Tessa didn’t know the beginning of the type of pain she might endure if she stayed, and he had done what she seemed to ask?

Maybe it would be different with her, different than the others, certainly different from the last. Maybe she truly was not only a submissive, but a submissive that was worthy to the domination Clayton not only liked, but was compelled to deliver.

He felt guilty dialing, tried to rationalize it was simply meeting a dear friend, that getting together, a single dinner, didn’t necessarily mean … but even as he dialed, he knew he was likely just fooling himself. As they talked he found himself rubbing his fingers, longing to touch her, pet her. He asked her to dinner, and then almost hoped she might say no, end this folly and give him what he probably deserved. Yet he knew better, the gravitational pull into his orbit was simply too strong.

He heard the eagerness in her voice, despite her attempt to hide it, "Yes, Clay I would love to have dinner with you this evening. I get off at 6." He smiled. “Good Girl…” His voice had dropped an octave, as he gave her praise. They were words she had heard before, but they had been given in a certain context, disclosed in a shared existence with clear parameters, but now, those parameters no longer existed, did they?

”I was hoping to make an evening of it, dinner at Franceska’s, I’ll get us a quiet table where we can catch up, and then a show afterwards, I’d like to keep that a surprise. Do you have any plans early in the morning?” Franceska’s was a European motif restaurant, French and Russian fusion, it was dark and intimate, a place Clay loved. He thought a bit more and then could not help himself, there was a game they had used to play, as they walked the line of D/S.

”Would you like me to suggest what I would like you to wear tonight? I was thinking something black, something that shows off that lithe frame, your dancer’s legs, a little black dress, no longer than mid thigh, perhaps bare shoulders or a scooped back, scrappy heels, four inches or so, higher if you prefer, and remember how much I hate panty lines. Of course, it is your choice.” Was it, or had he just given a command, how would she respond, and if she only knew what he was planning for afterwards, would she have wanted to come at all, or would it have made the evening irresistible.

He might curse himself afterward, the intent had been a simple dinner to catch up, but hearing her voice, that unabashed willingness had immediately put him into a higher gear, and once that happened, there was really no stopping it.

”I will pick you up at 7 promptly … Tess …” He thought for a minute, and then was honest, even vulnerable. “… I’ve missed you.”
She knew this was a bad idea… wasn’t this what he had disagreed to and she had left because she wanted what was best for the two of them, it just hurt to much to be around him! She knew there were things about Clay that she didn’t know, but she had always wanted to know more and yet in certain circumstances he always held her at arms length.

He was like a addiction to her that she could never get enough of, sure she wasn’t nearly as experienced as her and he had no idea how or why her last relationship ended though he would subtly ask, but she just wasn’t ready to divulge that information. She would be lying to say that she did not have real raw feelings for Clay, but she was sure for him it would be just simply sexual and she didn’t know if she would be able to separate the two.

She knew she shouldn’t have answered the call but seeing his number on her phone sent a sensation of thrills through her entire body, with Clay there was always a gravitational pull that she could not resist even if she wanted to. She took a deep breath and tried to gather the racing thoughts and racing heart that was shifting through her being. Deep down she knew she probably should have said no but she also knew that was the last thing she was going to do. She just could not walk away from him even if she wasn’t what he wanted nor needed.

When she breathlessly admitted that she would love to have dinner with him, butterflies were racing in her stomach at the anticipation of seeing him, of being near him… of him touching her back as he guided or or the way he would graze her fingers when she would hand him something at work. Hearing his words of praise did something to her made her have goosebumps along her entire body, a moan almost escaped her lips. She instantly felt the wetness between the folds of her shaved pussy, and that same ache for him that was always there.

She bit her lip when he had explained the evening where they would go and that he wanted to make a night of it, she was grateful he couldn’t see her biting her lip or hear how fast her heart was beating. When he asked her if she had plans in the morning it slightly confused her but then she remembered he mentioned a late night. “No plans for the morning.” She found herself almost whispering. She knew she shouldn’t have admitted that part of her knew she should say that she did have plans, but the part that so desperately wanted him and needed him had to see where this would lead the two of them.

When he mentioned asking her what he would want her to wear this evening it really turned her on and she could not deny the fact that she had missed this more than she even knew. The way he described what he wanted her to wear and how he wanted her to wear said outfit sent chills all through her body! She was so amped up to see him, yet so very nervous at the same time. To know she would be going without panties only excited her that much more she knew how he liked to show her off even at work he would request her to wear certain things work permitted of course. “I will do that for you sir!” She said softly and looked around the break room glad no one could hear her conversation.

She really had no idea what to expect this even but she had a feeling they would both learn a lot more about one another’s secrets that they have kept hidden from one another and part of her was nervous the other part of her welcomed this!!!

She listened to the tone in his voice and she was stunned by how it sounded almost unsure of himself and that definitely wasn’t the Clayton she knew… “I’ve missed you more then I care to admit.” She said softly


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He wasn’t sure what her response would be, and he would not have been entirely surprised if she had abruptly hung up, if she chose ot answer at all. Yet from the very first moment he could tell, even if she was telling herself not to succumb, she couldn’t, their connection and her need for the type of man he was, quite different and quite unique from most Dommes. Little did they know the types of extremes he needed and relished, and was reluctant to subject her to, was exactly what she craved.

He heard her tone as he praised her, her welcome submission when he told her how he wanted to dress, and her shy but submissive confirmation on the time he would pick her up. He knew she had no idea of her effect on him, how as their conversation continue how hard and aching his massive erection became in his pants. He had not indulged in self pleasure since she had left, although she had previously been the sole subject of his masturbatory sessions for quite a whille. It was his own self punishment, and he was so pent up, his prick so achingly needy.

When he told her how he wanted her to dress, he could hear the thrill in her voice, she was so naturally and deliciously submissive, it would be very hard to deny himself but he planned to try. “I will do that for you sir!” And even as she said it, he pictured how he would inspect her to validate her compliance. “Good Girl” nearly stuck in his throat as his cock jerked at her use of Sir, and his visceral response.

He had displayed some vulnerability in his statement, he knew it, what would she think, him actually expressing his true emotions. It was not something he had done before, but for Clayton, being a Domme was not just a script or a role, it was a total emotional commitment, a sacred bond between two people. He regained the power in his voice. “I will see you at 7, be ready…” And he hung up.

He had already scheduled an appointment at the salon, now he had a reason. He would be waxed so his genitals did not have a trace of hair. While not typical for a friendly dinner, Clayton was not one to leave anything to chance. He liked the feeling of the searing hot liquid as it was applied to his pubic area, and the shearing strike of pain as the wax was stripped off his now clean shaven balls. He smiled at the young woman as she finished her task and looked at his musccular torso and impressively large cock, admiring her work. He chuckled, perhaps a different time he might have taken her up on the offer her look suggested, as she first licked and then bit her lip, but he had stayed celibate for a reason, and he was meeting that reason tonight.

He had on a dark navy suit, fine white pinpoiint custom shirt and white tie square. His cuff links were platinum, his watch Piaget, his loafers Ferragamo, he knew he was dressed the part as he stepped out of his Porsche and walked up to her door and knocked ….
She had debated so many times whether to call him or to text him, but it was always wise to not do so, the last thing she wanted was to get hurt again, even if getting hurt was entirely her fault, he never once led her on and was always completely honest with her and that meant a lot to her even if it wasn't something that she wanted. God how she wanted him so badly, she had been asked out by many men lately but none of them were adequate or could ever begin to match up to Clay... maybe it was the feelings she had for him or maybe it was she knew he could give her things no other man could. She knew that what she was doing at this moment in time was probably a mistake, but damn if she wasn't willing to take it.

This time seemed different she thought to herself because they no longer worked together and the dynamics were different, and just thinking about it made her heart race in complete anticipation. Tessa hadn't been with a man in over two years, she lived off of masturbation and porn and fantasies of Clayton 99 percent of the time she fantasized about him. She had never been this attracted to a man before not even her ex, with Clay it was like they just cliqued together and she loved it and hated it at the same time knowing what she wanted and also knowing that she would never have what she so desperately needed. She sighed to herself her thoughts a racing inferno in her head.

The way he told her what to do turned her on and she had always wanted nothing more than to give him everything that he wanted and so much more not just sexually, but mentally and emotionally she wanted him in every way and she wanted him to take everything he needed from her. She could not help calling him sir he had her so on edge already and she hadn't even seen him yet. She bit her lip at the thought of him seeing her in the outfit she would choose to wear for him. The way he said good girl instantly made her pool between her legs. She had always loved it when he would call her that at work, it always made her tingle all over for him and Clay knew the effect those words had on her, and nothing had changed since then.

She was stunned by the tone in his voice, but she did not want to read too much into it considering how much she wanted and needed him.. so she was sure her own emotions were overtaking her. She not only wanted Clay she wanted every single part of him from sexual to his very soul, but she knew she would never be enough she had always felt inadequate but he would never know that. She took a deep breath hung up the phone finished her meal and went back to work, although she was completely unable to focus on any of her tasks considering everything that she was feeling about going home and changing and getting ready to see Clay.

It was slow in the pharmacy today so at 5 Erin told her she could head out if she wanted and she jumped at the chance so she would have plenty of extra time to get ready grateful she would have time to take a shower to touch up shaving her pussy and legs and underarms, so she would be able to take care of it. She left work in her small VW bug and headed home to get herself together and yet as she drove home she was a bundle of fucking nerves. She got home quickly peeled her clothes off and headed to the shower to take care of business she wanted plenty of time to get her outfit ready and do her hair and makeup. She finished her shower and headed to her room to get changed after blow drying her hair and then changing into her dress and strappy shoes then did her hair, lightly applied her makeup, and then added some light perfume to finish. She took a deep breath and took notice of the time as she bit her lip in nervous anticipation.

She took a long deep breath hoping he would not see right through her when she opened the door. As he knocked she felt goosebumps and nerves hit her all at once. She slowly opened the door and smiled, but my god the sight of him took her fucking breath away. "Clay..." She said breathlessly as she looked at him.
She was radiant, not a hair out of place, her make-up perfect, and the dress, oh fuck the dress, it made her body somehow look even better, more desirable, as if that was even possible. She opened the door wider to let him in, slowly as if making sure it was really him or she actually wanted to do this. He flashed his pearly whites and knew his baby blues were twinkling, they always did when he looked at her.

”Clay….” It was as if his name stuck in her throat. And as it did he let his eyes slowly walk up and down her body, “You look good Tess, really good!” He leaned in enough to graze his hand up over her hip and firmly grasp her waist. He felt his hand grip the combination of fabric and the bare flesh of the cut out, and he felt the spark fire through his body. He leaned in his eyes fixed on her, but just before his lips would have met hers, he moved ever so slightly so that his lips grazed the corner of her mouth before placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

He held it there just a bit longer than appropriate, but if just felt to good to feel her soft cheek on his lips. Breaking the kiss he moved away slowly, still not removing his hand. “Our reservations are at 7:30 and it is only a few minutes away, if you’d like to stay here a minute?”

From the moment to first seeing her, signals were firing through his body, it felt good, felt like the man he used to be, tha man he liked, but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. Yet he couldn’t really stop it if he wanted to, and in the moment he didn’t want to.

He had never seen her place and was curious how she lived? “I love the dress .. “ He said as he began to guide her into the main living area. He gripped her possessively, her slightly ahead. “I’d love a drink, if you’ve got any?” But as she started to walk away he held his hand firm. “Wait …” Clayton gripped her waist tight. “I think I made one other request, didn’t I? Bend over a bit, would you Tess?”

He couldn’t even believe he was doing this, except in this moment it felt so right. He slid his hand down the side of her dress to her hem, and with his other hand he reached out, and slid that one down her tight, firm hip as well. He curled his fingers under the hem of her dress, but before moving ahead he gave her a chance, “You don’t mind if I inspect, do you? I mean for panty lines .. of course….”
When she opened the door she could not hide the smile that came to her face as she looked at Clay he was even more handsome than she remembered the suit he was wearing looked as if it were made to completely fit him and it caused her mouth to water. She opened the door further more nervous than she had been at the start of all of this still thinking was this a bad idea but if it was then she did not want to be right. My god those eyes of his could drop any woman to her knees she thought to herself.

The way she said his name was as if she hadn't seen him in years, my god how she had missed him seeing him here now made her realize just how much she had missed him. "So do you sir... so do you." She said breathlessly when his hand grazed over her lip and she felt tingles shoot all through her. Familiar electric currents ran through her entire body at his touch. She gasped when he ever so slightly mistakingly kissed the corner of her lips and she felt a light groan escape her lips, the feel of his lips still tingling against her skin.

She was almost grateful that he hadn't moved away from her. She smiled up at him softly. "I would like that immensely." She admitted any time she could have with him she wanted to savor it because she knew that this night would be it.

She knew what she wanted, but she knew that it wasn't what Clay needed or wanted but the way that he looked at her made her moan ever so softly making her think maybe there was something more that could be there but that he was too scared to go for.

Her house was simple nothing to fancy but she kept it well and it suited her. "I am glad you do, I picked it out just for you sir." She said lingering on that word. His touch against her back sent shivers up and down her entire spine at the mention of a drink she smiled and told him she had plenty and went to walk towards her kitchen when he stopped her with a firm hold. The way he said wait sounded so sexy escaping his lips. She was a little stunned by his request but did as she was told.

Her heart was pounding in her chest and goosebumps aligned her skin. A moan escaped her lips at the light touch of her skin as he moved up the hem of her dress. She hoped he would not be able to see the wetness against her folds. "No sir.. of course not," She said softly.
“So do you, SIR … I am glad you do, I picked it our just for you SIR …” Oh I liked hearing how naturally that word rolled off her tongue. She never Did she have any idea what that did to me, how easily and naturally she assumed her role, my cock throbbing harder with each utterance of those three letters, S….I…R. She had done it before of course, but this was different, she didn’t work for me, and I had the wisdom of realizing how life felt like without her.

I had deluded myself that my calling her was innocent, a brief respite from my self imposed exile. Yet, I had requested she look like that, and she had done it to perfection, and what was I to do now, buy her dinner and say good bye? If that was the plan, which it was, things were seemingly playing out far, far different.

He not only heard, but felt her moan as he “mistakenly‘ and only partially, kisse her mouth. As his lips left her cheek, and their eyes met once again, he had a wicked grin on his face and a mischievous glint in his eye. “Sorry I missed, next time I’ll be more careful.” He took the back of his hand not holding her waist, and slid the back of his fingers over her cheek and down her jaw line.

Yet the kiss, even on the cheek had been shockingly incredible. He had fucked many, tenderly kissed few, in fact, he could not remember another, and it wasn’t as if he didn’t want to fuck her, craved fucking her, but, he also enjoyed that kiss, and that was the most unexpected surprise.

”Good, then let’s have a drink, I’d … like some time alone.” The words were chosen carefully, rarely did Clayton misspeak. He wanted to see her reaction to that, did she bristle or swoon, or simply carry on? “I’ll have a scotch, whatever you’ve got, two fingers, a splash of water to bring out the flavor.“ Teaching Tessa how to make a proper drink, and stock a bar, would be one of her first lessons …

He stopped himself, what was he doing, already contemplating her training, when she wasn’t even his. He hated sometimes how his mind worked, it was like a machine, precise, specific and calculating. RUN, he wanted to yell, RUN and never turn back. Yet, when she began to walk away he reached out grabbed her, asked her to bend and reached for the hem of her dress.

He even asked permission, “No sir … of course not” Her voice was so soft as she bent slightly and assumed the position. “Good girl…” He said it this time in barely more than a whisper. He knew he shouldn’t, this was so inappropriate, taking advantage of her like this, yet his fingers steadily slid her dress up nonetheless.

The backs of his fingers ran up her thighs, as slowly her tight little masterpiece was put on display for his inspection. Did she have any idea how many times he had admired this ass from afar, Tessa didn’t just have a tight, sexy little bum, Tessa had the type of peach that once a man had a glimpse, or better yet a bite, he would hunger forever.

He slid the dress up, only to find she wasn’t wearing panties, and let out an audible moan. “Oh very good girl…” He complimented, as he stared down and enjoyed. Taking his hand he ran it over the curve of her bottom, petting it, embracing it. “Tessa, I’m proud of you … your choice here … “. He ran his hand back up, and then did the same to her other cheek, taking a bit more time, caressing and petting it even more tenderly.

As he hand slid down, his fingertips came oh so close to her folds, and he could feel the heat, it registered all the way down to his cock. Only then, did he take his hand away, and pull her dress back down. “The inspection is over, you did very well …” He turned her around so he could look deep into her eyes, “Such a good girl .. we have much to discuss tonight. Now .. how about that drink?”
As much as she knew how wrong this was not only for him but for her, then again wasn't he the one that asked her to dinner, she didn't feel she was doing anything all that terrible after all, even if she knew where this could lead and that it was what she wanted... she did not want to put any added pressure on Clayton. She hadn't realized that she was biting her lip here and there at how nervous she felt and or how much she needed him and he hadn't called her out on it or rather just didn't notice and for her that was a good thing, biting her lip as her tell one that Clayton knew all too well.

Maybe just maybe she should have said no to dinner because being here with him alone no one else around only made her that much more self-aware of just how needy she was for him... but at the same time she was feeling very vulnerable and she did not want him to know that or see her as weak. I crushed her knowing after dinner, and the surprise show that he had mentioned on the phone that this may be the last time she would see him and she knew perhaps that it indeed was for the best but at the same time, it was not what she wanted. Her heart was racing almost as much as her thoughts were.

It may not have been the type of kiss she had imagined with Clay, no it was different more intense something she had longed for with him for many years now. Oh god, that grin, those eyes, he could bend her to his every whim right this minute and she was sure she would do anything that he asked of her... Tessa and her ex delved into sub/dom, but in the end, she wasn't enough for him so he decided beating and cheating on her would do just as well. She once more bit her lip at his words her breath catching, god she hoped not. She pressed her cheek into his hand smiling at him as once more tingles shot through her entire body.

He was everything she could ever want and more yet Clayton just wasn't ready, she figured he very well never be ready and she had to come to terms with and accept that. She sighed inwardly trying to keep her emotions completely in check she did not need to go down the road to the least resistance but then again wasn't that what this was?

She very much wanted time alone with him as well, nothing but time she thought to herself, but for tonight she would relish in what time they did have together. She was watching him intently as intently as he was watching her. She wondered if he could sense how much hearing those words about being alone together affected her. She wasn't the one usually making the drinks, so she hoped it turned out to his liking then again how could she go wrong?

God how she wanted him so, she wanted to be his in every way he could want her even if it was just for a night a week, or a year.. she had decided something with Clay was better than nothing. The way he had held firmly to her to keep her from going to the kitchen only had her that much more turned on. And the way he asked her to slightly bend as he touched the hem of her dress only made her blush and get even wetter between her folds.

She bit her lip in anticipation as he continued to move her hem up her legs, the coolness of the room hitting even more bare skin as she let out a low gasp, and an even lower moan when he said good girl making her swoon in all the right places. She knew she shouldn't allow this to happen considering Clayton had decided it was best if this never happened but stopping was the furthest thing from her mind.

Tessa knew her ass would soon be on full display not that she was nervous about that she was more so nervous about the fact he would be able to see her also bare shaven pussy and maybe even see how wet she was becoming throughout the little bit of time they had shared already.

Oh fuck she thought when his hands lightly traced over the globes of her tight ass she had to bite down hard on her lip to keep from crying out and that was just a soft touch imagine what would happen if he went all in she thought to herself. It felt so right even if this was all very wrong... and when he said very good girl it sent another current through her and made her moan ever so slightly.

She took a deep breath when he pulled her dress back down very carefully so as to not wrinkle it or mess it up. Then he turned her around and she met his gaze the intensity ever so evident. She took a deep breath and all but purred when he told her once more that she was a good girl. "Yes sir, please make yourself comfortable and I will be back in a moment.'' She said rather breathlessly her hard pebbled nipples very visible through the thin fabric of her dress.
He had enjoyed that moment more than he wanted to admit, first her dutifully and immediately assuming the position but doing it proudly, her posture ram rod straight, her legs parted just enough to maintain balance, but spread enough to make her accessible to whatever he might want to do. In that moment, the evening took a most unexpected and delicious turn. It had crossed a line they had never previously crossed, and with Pandora’s box open, having enjoyed her, albeit ever so briefly in this fashion, made all the yearnings he had tried to hold at bay, rush to the surface with such intensity, he would have a very difficult time in not indulging this overwhelming need.

He had noticed the heat of her folds and the slickness that resided on her toned, sexy, inner thighs, and it was his turn to bite his lip and not indulge and enjoy what was so brazenly and provatively on display. He had loved the soft but firm feel of her sculpted ass. She clearly used some sort of moisturizer as hr firm, round bottom was baby smooth and soft. He had softly massaged and been impressed by the firm tone of her muscles and the perfect, petite but round shape of her behind. In only those few seconds, he could not deny how much he would enjoy spreading those tight, firm cheeks and indulging in both sets of tight treasures held within and below.

He even took a moment to deeply inhale her feminine musk as there was no scent as evocative as the wafting aroma of a woman in arousal, and he basked in her feminine essence. As he pulled the dress back down, making sure it was perfect, he gave her bottom a firm little pat, as if excusing her, but signifying his admiration and pleasure at enjoying her offering. He sat down, his legs a bit spread to allow room for his raging hard cock. He could try to hide it, but that seemed pointless and disrespectful as a woman should be allowed to know how her charms have effected a man. Clayton was large, quite large, over eight inches long, and even at his age, when aroused his circumcised, thick, prick pointed impressively upwards, with only a slight upward curve which allowed his prick to pleasure a woman’s G spot when plunged deep inside her.

He had allowed himself to glimpse what he could of the soft pink lips of her pussy, the dew on the petals, but she looked so tight and so irresistible, but would he ever have first hand knowledge, of either her tight sweet cunt or her tight little rosebud. As he slid her dress back into position he could not deny his desire to indulge and enjoy Tessa, his Tessa, thoroughly, except she was not his, and was it fair to her to want her to be? As she walked away he let his eyes stay watching her cute little bottom as she moved, “Tessa, I want to thank you, I don’t know of a greater gift a woman can give than willing to be put on display for a man, and I know we have talked about many things, many interests, but I was wondering, do you enjoy that as well?”

It was the first of many questions tonight, ones that would explore their interest in mutual kinks, qualifying and clarifying their desires and potential fit for each other. He did not fully know that was where he was heading here, this question while perhaps obscene to others, was not out of line with topics they had discussed before, yet this was the first time it dealt directly with an interaction between them, an interaction that bridged on sexual intimacy and one with little provocation could lead to much, much more .. a fact that was no doubt lost on neither of them!
She could not deny that his slightly but sternly instructing her of what to do turned her on immensely and she could not deny she wanted more so much more. Her heart was pounding and she wondered if he would be able to hear it, she hoped not I mean she knew he knew the effect he had on her obviously and to say she was not nervous would be a complete lie. Her skin was alight with goosebumps and her skin was on fire with need for him, god how she wanted him, quite more possibly than she had ever wanted anything in her life. She knew he was more and likely feeling the same and she knew what they were doing at this moment was more and likely crossing the line and yet in her smog-filled brain she did not care one bit.

There would be no denying her arousal it would be easy to know, her body was speaking volumes she thought to herself, and she felt a little embarrassed not because of her arousal more so because of how her body responded so easily to him. The way he lightly touched the globes of her ass made her tingle all over, and she wanted him to touch her even more, but it was too soon to admit that, then again Clay already knew that much, it was not as if she had ever hidden what she wanted from him. She closed her eyes for a moment and just enjoyed the sensation that his touch brought to her. She did not want this moment to ever end, she knew she wanted more and more of Clay and she knew walking away this time would be even harder than the last time. She wondered if she was having the same kind of effect on him that he was having on her.

Her heart was pounding more and more in her chest, her breathing a little heavy, the ache between her legs almost unbearable. The way he pulled her dress down was precise and gentle and she smiled to herself at that, she knew Clay had a very dark side, how dark she had no idea, but she had never wanted to taste darkness as much as she wanted to taste his. She turned and looked at him softly as he sat on the couch his large frame evident the power radiating off this man. She could not help but take notice of his hard cock outlined in his dress trousers, she sighed and bit her lip, he must be fucking massive she thought to herself. She could once again feel her nipples pressed tightly against her dress, and the tingles shooting all through her.

She could not help but want him, hell at this point she needed him, but hadn't he already dismissed that it could ever be anything between the two of them, as much as she wanted it to, she respected him and his wishes, even if she may not agree with them. She knew nothing could become of this and as much as that hurt, what hurt worse was not having him at all, so even if she had a part of him in her life she would have to be fine with that because she would rather have some part of him, then no parts at all. She was heading towards the kitchen as he spoke and she stopped to turn and look at him softly. She took a deep breath and smiled gently before she began to speak. "You never have to thank me, sir, I would do anything you ask of me, and yes I very much enjoy that, being on display knowing my partner enjoys it, and knowing no other man could have me is very much a turn-on for me." She admitted and blushed ever so slightly.

She bit her lip and told him she would be right back she made them both a drink her thoughts a raging inferno of lust, need, and want. She walked back in and gently handed him his drink before joining him on the sofa. She decided to speak first this time. "How have you been really?" She asked softly because she knew Clay often overworked himself and knowing he was now short-staffed with her leaving, Clay was never one to take care of himself at least not mentally.
As he sat down, Clay watched her eyes go to his crotch, the outline of his throbbing prick pressed up against the fabric of his designer blue suit, and extending well down his thigh. He followed her gaze to his crotch, and adjusted himself slightly, it was only fair, he had put her on display, the least he could do was give her eyes unfettered access to her effect.

He waited, and watched as she bit her lip, it was her tell, and little did she know if she had asked him to take it out right there, return the favor he had asked of her, he would have done such, without thinking. But then, of course, would they make it to the restaurant, let alone the show afterward. The show was not really a show, it was more a club, a series of vignettes being acted out in real life by real people, performing for not only theirs, but others enjoyment. Clay had thought about it, but there was really no way to ascertain the seriousness of Tessa’s attraction and dedication to the lifestyle, absent direct confrontation.

He was still unsure if he would take her, he could always make some excuse, it depended on how the rest of the night went, here alone, their time at the restaurant, but so far it was looking increasingly likely. He thanked her, as he would if she was his pet and did as he suggested. He had so tried to stop himself, but he couldn’t stop thinking of what she might be like, what she would do, he even knew what pet name was perfect for her, “Kitten” as even in their non sexual play, she had this little purr that drove him wild.

"You never have to thank me, sir, I would do anything you ask of me, and yes I very much enjoy that, being on display knowing my partner enjoys it, and knowing no other man could have me is very much a turn-on for me." The first part of her message, sent a thrill though his body, “Anything Tessa, are you sure?” He liked she enjoyed being on display for her partner, for him, but the idea any other man might have had her this way, or might in the future, drove him crazy, and that, she could not know. Now it was he biting his lip, “Hmmm, I’m not sure that is an offer a man, or at least this man, can refuse.”

That was as forward as anything he had ever said to her, yet it was the truth, and he had always, even to his own detriment, been honest with her. “Please get me that drink and hurry back.” He needed time to collect himself, needed time to think yet as she moved away, as he watched her, he undressed her with every step. He had been a fool to thik if he only had one night, he could say good bye, get closure. For right now, closure was the last thing he wanted. He unbuttoned his jacket to get comfortable which only served to increase the prominence of the massive hard on throbbing in hs pants.

He knew her eyes were on his as she walked back in, how he raked them up and down her body, admiring everything. He needed that drink. Her question was soft but sincere, he took a sip before answering. “You want the truth, I’v been busy and hollow. I’ve thrown myself into work, all four of the locations, did you know I bought a fourth pharmacy in Scottsdale.” Clayton had not been born rich, but he had bought out the owner of his first place, mortgaged that to buy a second and third, with leverage, and once those became successful, just closed on a fourth. While Tessa was there, he had spent as much time at her location as any. It wasn’t that he needed to be, he was just happier seeing her every day.

”…. But no matter how much I work, it isn’t satisfying, I’ve felt hollow, ever since.. what was the day you left?” He took another sip of his drink and took her hand in his. “It’s really good to see you …” He took his time looking up and down her body, as if remembering every inch just in case he never saw her again, needing it indelibly engrained in his memory. And if he could only have one mental picture he wanted this, or, was it a few moments ago, when he had her bent over, her skirt up and over her ass.

”What about you, how’s the job, are you .. seeing anyone?”
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Good god that man was like staring at a Greek fucking god! Every part of his body was toned to perfection, but it wasn't just his body Clay himself was pure perfection, sexy, hot, funny, smart, dominant, hard worker.... anything that a woman could ever want and so much more. She took a deep breath as she looked at his hard cock through the thin suit pants he was wearing, lord but he was so damn arousing for her and yet she wasn't sure he even knew, he had to know surely he had to know how much she wanted him.

She could not help that her eyes traveled to his hard cock, his gentle touches along her ass had set her body aflame with desire and heady need for him. She almost did not even want to go to dinner or anywhere else at this moment in time she just wanted him, but at the same time, she was hungry but was it food that she was hungry for no absolutely not. She was chewing on her lip and didn't realize she was lost in her thoughts before she snapped herself out of it and brought herself back to the presence of Clay once more good god looking at him instantly made her wet all over again. She took a long deep breath wondering if she would ever be good enough for Clay... she knew deep down she wasn't but here she was anyway.

She was watching him ever so intently thinking about the night ahead and wondered what he had planned for the two of them, thinking about the show he had mentioned. She wished for once she could read minds because Clay was completely unreadable and at times that drove her crazy. After all, she knew that her face was a pretty easy tell of what she felt very often.

She did not mind sharing anything with him and she had always been completely honest with anything he had ever asked her, the only thing she ever avoided was when he asked her about her past relationships and or her ex. She gently bit her lip when he asked if she meant anything in not so many words. "Yes, Clay anything." She whispered in a very low tone. God she wished she could dive into his brain at the moment she could tell his wheels were spinning but she knew he could hold his composure better than anyone she knew. His words went right through her and she wondered if he could sense what his words had done to her.

She smiled at him unable to hide her blush at his words or how they affected her, but then again the slight twinkle in his eyes showed he meant exactly what he said. "Yes sir." She said and walked away, knowing his eyes were following her. She knew walking away from him at the end of the night was internally going to kill her, but at the same time, she needed to have this night with him, wherever it took them. She took a deep breath as she made them both a drink before heading back into the living room taking note that he had unbuttoned his jacket only putting his perfect physique on view.

Her heart was racing especially the way he was looking at her as she walked back into the room holding both drinks in her delicate hands. She handed him his drink and watched as he took a long sip. She listened gently as she watched him talk, she loved the sound of his voice, as much as she loved everything else about him. "That is amazing! I am so proud of you, but you really should take some time for yourself.'' She responded as she always had in the past.

She was surprised by the words he spoke next... "Three months ago tomorrow." She said softly looking away for a moment. The touch of his hand and the words I miss you made her heart flutter. "As have I." She said softly.

She looked at him a serious expression on her face. "Clay... there's no one else, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I left. As far as the new job I love it the people are very sweet and kind... but I miss you.'' She said softly looking away for a moment not wanting him to see her vulnerability.
Another sip of the scotch, “Dewars, 12 years old, not bad … but I will buy you 18 year old Macallen’s, you’ll taste the difference.” He acted like he already had her, his decisions to make, his lessons to give. It was an over reach, at least for now, maybe not by the end of the night? That thought made him smile.

“Yes, Clay anything.” Her tone dulcet, submissive but not hiding her want. “Well, I may hold you to that, I may do it soon, and more than once.” He cocked his brow and gave a little laugh, he wanted to build a bit of suspense, even if they did consummate their relationship, after all this time, there was nothing like edging and delayed gratification, two of his specialties.

His tale of how he’d been, how he’d felt was brief but telling. He knew exactly how long she had been gone, to the day, the minute, the fucking second. “Too long.” He responded as she gave the timeframe, and let those words settle between them before either one of them continued. “As have I …” She muttered, and he almost spoke up then, but waited, he wanted to hear the rest.

If somehow she’d been able to move on, move past him, he would end this night early, apologize for his earlier overtures and set her free, no matter how miserable that would make him, These three months had led him to one conclusion, he needed to find out if there was a chance she could possibly withstand and want to be part of his world, deal with his needs, and subject herself to his demons.

He knew for the right woman, what he wanted, the life he’d give, might be paradise, but so far, he had never found that woman, none could endure, but Tessa, his Tessa, could she be different. He smirked as she told him there hadn’t been anyone else, couldn’t be, couldn’t stop thinking of him.”

He had back on his poker face, his dominant ready to come out, it was time to see, one step at a time. “Is that right, well that is good to know.” He took the hand that was held in his, and signaled for her to rise up. He seemed to be changing topics, but she would soon see their evening had simply started to progress.

”Tessa, can I show you one of the aspects, that is most attractive to me in a woman, I would like to show you, do you mind?” He was sitting and she was now standing in front of him. He reached down, and starting with the back of her calves, cupped his hands around her, and ran them up the back of her legs, until he got to the middle of her thighs. And then he simply lifted her thigh until her heel was up on the coffee table, her spread seductively, but still hidden in front o him.

”Raise your skirt Tess, you said anything, this is the first of your anythings, raise your skirt up, and let me show you what I love to enjoy ….”
She smiled at the mention of her choice of scotch, she wasn’t a scotch drinker herself per se but she liked to keep a variety in her home for other people to enjoy as well. She bit her lip once more knowing she would try anything he gave her. She realized she was breathing heavy at this point and reminded herself to calm down. Nothing was happening yet she thought to herself.

She couldn’t contain telling him anything because it was definitely true she would absolutely do anything that he asked of her she would do anything for him. She realized she was once again chewing her lip as she spoke. His words sent a rush throughout her entire fucking body and her nipples hardened again and she felt the juices flowing against her pussy. She knew the look in her eyes gave her away as she was thinking yes please this is what I have longed for, for so long now.

She loved listening to him, then again honestly there wasn’t anything about Clay she didn’t love. She looked up at him and admitted to the say how long it would have been. She nodded her head in agreement but wasn’t Clay the one that wanted it this way she thought feeling slightly confused but putting that in the back of her mind. She didn’t dare deny she missed him and Tessa was never anything but honest with Clay and that would never stop.

How could Clay think there would or could ever be any one but him, then again he honestly didn’t know how much she cared about him and wanted to give him everything she could and more and she hoped like hell that it would be enough but Clayton didn’t want that from her or so that was the way she felt but she wasn’t going to let him know that.

She wished he would just give them a chance she really deep down thought that they could be something spectacular together even if she did have trust issues she trusted him, even if she was scared she was never scared of him, even if she didn’t know the darkness that was lurking beneath. She had admitted whole heartedly that how could there be anyone else her face red as she expressed that to him.

She noticed the change in him suddenly her heart starting to pound against her chest, the lust and want surely shone in her eyes. She bit her lip at his words, her heart pounding harder as he stepped towards her. She sighed and rose up as he signaled her too, she wanted to prove to him that she could be everything he wanted and needed. She couldn’t deny that she was indeed nervous but she also needed to prove she could be everything he wanted.

“Please show me sir.” She said almost desperately, as if he was the last thing she would ever see or need in her life. She stood in front of him carefully waiting for further instructions. His touch or caress it was all becoming to much she was pure putty in his hands and she knew that there was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. She gasped ever so slightly when her heel clad leg was now on her coffee table all but baring herself to him.

She bit her lip and realized a moan had escaped her lips and that her pulse was racing harder and harder before him… but she did exactly as she was told the anticipation building inside of her and she was sure they were going to miss dinner but that was the last thing she was worried about in the moment. She had never been more ready then for Clayton to show her what he enjoyed..
He would walk a fine line here, he had to, it was too soon to move too fast. There had been a reason he had not succumbed before, part of it was she worked for him, part of it was he genuinely cared, and if he were honest, loved Tessa, had come to care for her happiness, her well being above all else. What was the old saying, “if you love someone let them free, if they come back, it was meant to be.” Despite his dark demons, despite his need to test the ultimate precipice between pain and pleasure, extreme sexual gratification, he was a romantic, and Tessa, the woman he had just raise her leg and display her spectacular young sex before him, lifting her dress, and putting herself wantonly on display, was his princess!

His cock was throbbing as her leg went up, and he opened her, his eyes watched as she slid her gorgeous black dress up her thighs and put herself completely on display, he could not contain the moan at the display of her flower, smooth and bare, her soft pink lips lightly pursed, the perfect glisten of dew on her petals. “Magnificent Tessa, you have a gorgeous, truly spectacular cunt.” To some the word cunt was harsh, even vulgar, to Clayton it was magical, the essence of a woman, something to be revered, treasured, protected and enjoyed to the fullest. You petted and caressed a pussy, you worshiped, fucked and took ownershp of a cunt! A pussy was sweet and tender, a cunt was raw and needy, he could enjoy a pussy, he worshipped and craved a cunt.

He knew she was watching him as he stared at her lips, admiring her sex as such a spectacular specimen deserved. He cleared his throat, and leaned in, “Do you mind if I take a moment to enjoy your musk?” Clayton leaned even closer his nose nearly even with her clit, his lips mere inches from hers. He slowly, deeply inhaled, as if a sommelier experiencing and enjoying the bouquet of the rarest of vintages. “Ohhh, that’s nice .. so fresh, so sweet … that’s a Good Girl!” Had she ever had a man take his time like this, experience and worship her femininity, likely not, Clayton simply was not like other men. Few if any had such appreciation or attention to detail of the female form.

He pulled back, his tone back firm and commanding, “Now, pardon my brief indulgence, as I was saying ..” He took the back of his hand and slowly started sliding the back of his fingers up her inner thigh of the leg that was bent, open, its heel on the table. He stopped at the point her leg met her pelvis, that small hollow that existed and was particularly prominent in women that were lean and toned like Tessa, he stopped his fingers and started to run the fingertip of his extended middle finger up and around within that hollow.

“This right here, this V, this hollow where your gorgeous thigh meets and yields to your sex. Close your eyes for a second, and I want you to think about how it feels when I do this, it is a most underappreciated erogenous zone … do you feel it?” He teased his finger back down to her thigh, and slid it further up, where he brushed his finger so lightly, but so meaningfully along her soft, dewy outer lip. “If I do this right, you should feel the need start to grow, resonating from the core of this hollow, and extending here …” He pet her lips, his touch so light, teasing those soft delicate lips, not penetrating, more like butterfly kisses, meant to stir, enflame, but not yet satisfy ….
She realized how heavy she was breathing, and she knew it was in pure anticipation because she had waited so long for a moment like this. To admit that she was nervous would be a complete lie but she wasn't nervous about what was to come, she was nervous that at the end of this, they would once again walk away from one another and honestly she was not so sure that she would survive walking away this time. She was chewing on her lip and she knew it, she was going through so many emotions at this point but at the same time, she didn't care she was sure that he knew how she felt about him, but did he know the depths of those feelings she carried for him. She knew at this moment she would do anything he asked of her, anything he wanted she would freely give him, emotionally, sexually, physically her soul was his regardless if he wanted it or not she belonged to him, and she knew there was no other for her, even with her trust issues and sometimes her insecurities she knew that she would forever belong to him.

She might have been shy or even embarrassed at something like this in the past, but with Clay, she didn't feel that way, she wanted him and she wanted everything he had to offer the good and the bad, she would completely accept him, and being on complete display for him was only making her want him that much more, and making her folds become more and more glistened with her wetness. She blushed a deep crimson red when he mentioned that she had a beautiful cunt, the way that he said the word cunt sent shivers throughout her entire body. Most women would not have enjoyed the word cunt, considering most people considered the word vulgar but coming from Clayton's lip it only made her that much hotter for him. She knew he must be able to hear the beating of her racing heart, but at the same time, she hoped he wouldn't the last thing she wanted was for him to think that this wasn't something that she had wanted, because this was all she ever wanted and more. She bit her lip a clear tell of how turned on she was, and how much she craved him, needed him, and wanted nothing more than to worship the man that he was.

The way he was staring at her now very wet pussy was as if it was his only salvation in the entire world, and that she was all that he was seeing at this moment in time, her eyes and the way she bit her lip and the way she was preening for him, she all but purred at the way he was devouring him. "Please, Clayton." She breathed deeply at his question wanting him to know how much she wanted and needed him, how much he was turning her on. She moaned unable to stop herself as his lips were mere inches from her clit and the folds of her lips. She had never felt more worshipped or wanted than she did at this moment. She did purr this time when he called her a good girl, her pussy dampening even more at the words. She wondered if Clayton knew that she had only been with one man she could not remember if she had told him that or not considering how much they shared, she knew Clayton was more experienced than her and that worried her more than she wanted to admit. She breathed deeply enjoying the way he was staring at her, enjoying every last inch of her pussy.

His fingerlight touch was making her completely insane, and she could not stifle the small moans that were escaping her lips, he had to know he was driving her completely crazy she had never been touched in this way so tenderly yet so commanding at the same time. She felt goosebumps along every part of her body, another soft mew escaping her lips as he touched up and around her hollow, oh my she thought to herself knowing that she could not contain the moans even as she tried to stifle them, but at the same time she wanted him to know the effect that he was having on her body.

She was now hanging on his every word, that silky chocolate voice of his was also making her pussy insane with lust and passion for this man that made her feel so many things. She closed her eyes as he asked, her breathing hitched as she did so, and yes she could feel every sensation. "Yes, Clay I can feel it." She moaned out sounding desperate. The way he was touching her was setting her on fire and her nipples were also like rocks at this point, another low moan escaping her lips, her eyes still closed. She most definitely was feeling her need growing and growing more and more, she could feel every touch even more intensified than the last, even with her ex she never felt this way, so wanted, so worshipped, and she knew now that she would never be able to deny what she wanted and craved.
The moment if more intimate than overtly sexual, and he chooses to get lost in the moment, simply enjoying Tessa on display, admiring every subtle fold and fine hair of her sex, so fully and gloriously on display for him. He looks at it almost in a wonder like state, he had seen lots of pussies, but none so sacred and spectacular as hers. He let his head cast from one side to the other as he gazed on her lips, watching the little droplets form, and then watching as the began to idly roll down her inner thighs.

Yes, Tessa, her tight little soft pink lips, her juicy little cunt was quite literally dripping, and he loved it. “I don’t deserve such a compliment … “ Was he speaking to her, or to himself, as he pressed the back of he fingers a bit more prominently against her folds.

He spoke in his firm, commanding, yet gentle baritone. He let his eyes look up to hers, “There is no greater compliment you could give me than to be this wet Tessa, I want you to know I am honored, and very pleased. You really are such a Good Girl …” His eyes cast back down, as if he didn’t want to miss a second fo the tale her cunt was telling him. “Your cunt knows your truth, it plays no games, it only feels, wants, desires, and it cannot tell a lie“ He looked up again as his hand brushed back and forth across her lips, a layer of her nectar now glossing his knuckle.

”You really don’t know how spectacular you are do you?” He leaned in and gave her lower tummy, just aover her mound, a tender kiss, his tongue extending just outside his lips to momentarily taste her soft skin. “Tessa, you ..” and he turned his hand, pressing his palm against her mound, his fingers curling under to cover and possessively grip her entire sex, “… and your cunt … are simply too delicious.

He craned his neck back, keeping his hand in place, possessively, firmly, yet gently gripping her sex, wanting to stare into her eyes and her to see his soul as he spoke. “Earlier, I may have been mistaken, but, did I hear you purr?” He let the smile waft across his face, his blue eyes sparkle to show how much that pleased him. “I have often thought, considered asking, if I might call you Kitten? It always seemed to fit you in my mind, it just always seemed so right?”

He kept his hand in place, but slowly he stood up their bodies only inches apart, their faces closer, “Would you like to be MY Kitten?” He asked and briefly licked his lips. it would have been so natural to kiss her in this moment, yet he abstained.

Instead, he took her hand, with his free one, and he led it down, and pressed it against his cock. “My cock also tells the truth, it cannot lie, and you too need to understand how it honors you.” He let her do what she wanted to for a moment, after all, he had just spent several minutes becoming intimate with her sex.

And then he let go, of her cunt and her hand, gently pushing it away from fondling his erection. “I have an important night planned for us, a night that should help us know how we proceed from here. We should get going, before we are late.” And with that, he gently, but firmly, pulled her dress back down into place, and took her hand to remove her heel clad foot from the table.
The way he was devouring her Pussy that was so openly on display for her, just made the moment more intimate than really sexual and she wouldn't have wanted any other way, this was something new for her, but something new she wanted, and she wanted this and so much more with him. God the way he focused on her sex and looked at her pussy as if her pussy was the only one that he had wanted or needed in her life made her preen with pride. She hadn't been this turned on in a very long time, I mean yes when she was around Clay in the past he was always a turn-on for her, but this was a very different situation now, he was closer and he was finally touching her, something she had dreamed of for so long now and was her dream finally going to come to fruition.

Her heart was racing, and she was very self-aware of how wet she was becoming under his very skilled fingers though they were barely touching her. Every touch was driving her insane, but in such a good way that she never once wanted him to stop, hearing his words made her inwardly smile, he had no idea how amazing he was, which only made her need for him that much more for him deeper.

God his voice alone made her slightly moan. She opened her eyes gently as he started once more to speak to her and she all but swooned at his words, how could she not be wet for this man, she was close to cumming just by his voice, her ex never had this type of effect on her body, she was sure no other man would ever have this type of effect on her body either. Oh god, when he told her she was a good girl once more she moaned out a soft purr. She could feel herself becoming more and more aroused by the minute and could see she was having the same effect on him as well. She bit her lip with a slight blush at how he was explaining how her pussy was telling a story and she was sure he was indeed correct but then again right now she was sure her entire body was telling him a story of want and need.

She shook her head as if to disagree with him that she was spectacular but she didn't speak the words not wanting to disappoint him. She gasped almost instantly when his touch reached out to lick her slim fit tummy just over her mound she momentarily closed her eyes once more lost in the moment. "Oh..." She gasped out when he cupped her mound her entire body felt as if she were on fire.

The way he was looking at her, made her feelings come to full surface, anything he wanted all he would have to do was tell her she would give it to him, he could ruin her and she would be completely okay with that. She blushed a little at the mention that she had purred, indeed she had and now she was slightly embaressed by it, she was made to feel ashamed of it in her past relationship. "Yes sir, I did." She said in a meek whisper. She smiled at his next words, a little shocked that he actually liked her purring. "I would love that, sir." She said with a smile, and knowing that she would very much love to be called kitten, the name suited her and she admitted the name turned her on.

Her breathing hitched when he was inches from her face, and she looked at him intently. She could not hide her feelings now even if she wanted to. "I've never wanted to be anything but your's.'' She softly admitted leaving her vulnerability right there for him to see.

She moaned deeply when he put her small hand over his impressive hard cock through his trousers, how many nights and days had she longed to touch him. She couldn’t resist to stroke him through his pants, she wanted to feel his hard cock however bare and in her hand no barriers between the two of them. She wanted nothing more than to continue touching him and never stopping, it felt amazing.

She felt empty when he took his hand from her hot and wet mound, and even emptier when he gently moved her hand from his hard cock. “Yes let’s go shall we sir.” She said softly when he pulled her dress down and then took her hand to help her place her foot on the floor and then she held his hand in his own
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He had felt her tummy quiver at the touch of his lips and tongue, he heard her subtle “Oh…” It took all his self control to stop there and not lift hr thigh up and over his shoulder and kiss down to her soft lips and dine at her Y. He had started this night, initiated this evening, never dreaming that might be wear this would lead. However, now, with her on display, her pussy dripping onto his fingers, he had no doubt that her attraction and need mirrored his own. But that wasn’t enough was it, while perhaps never taken to this extent, there had never been a doubt in his mind of their attraction, it had been her willingness, true desire to be the type of woman he knew he would demand?

He hated how his mind worked, what his need was for total dominance, and the pleasure he took at taking a woman to her limits, beyond what she would ever deem possible, in the pursuit of ultimate sexual and even spirtual gratification. To require she dive so far into sub space that she might never find her way out, except he knew, he could get her there. This was just a theory though really, no woman had been willing to endure, to experiment, so thorougly and completely submit that any relationship he had before had ended in complete frustration Could she really be different, be who he thought she was.

It was a small step, but he loved how she had responded to everything thus far. No he had not tested her limits, but he had given her the chance to shrink or shine, to trust and give or demand and take, and she was … perfect. He pulled her dress back down, all in good time, but make no mistake, although he was in control, every nerve in his body wanted to take her with all of the same fervor that she suggested she wanted to be taken.

She had his hand in hers, but he felt he should be clear, not lead her on, he spun her and gripped her waist firmly in his strong hands. “Tessa, I didn’t stop because I don’t want you, I stopped because I want you too much. My body craves to fuck you, but I wont fuck you until I am sure that once we start, we’ll never want to stop.”

He took a moment to let it sink in, “I want tonight to be a date, I am going to treat it like a date, and we need to talk, really talk, about our histories, our limits, our true desires, and then, I am going to take you some place, and you are going to see things, perhaps experience things you have never experienced. It will all be your choice, you can stop at any time, and then I will know, but I don’t want you to go if any of this scares you, because I think if this ends, once we start, it will be very hard to get back to this place again. This is a huge risk… and …” Now he smiled, ”Kitten … do you still want to go?”
She knew her face was an easy tell of how much she desired him, especially in her eyes, her eyes really were the windows to her soul, yes she was good at hiding certain things, but certainly not how much she wanted and needed Clay. She wanted this and for her, there was no turning back now, she was going to see this night for what it was from beginning to end. She was not embarrassed to be on display for him or for him to feel the heat radiating from her pussy and the wetness that was now on his fingers. He was like an addiction that she knew she would never get enough of, and she knew or she felt that he felt the same way or was that just her wishful thinking?

She knew she was willing to risk it all, if she got hurt in any way she would just have to deal with it, she had once before surely she would be able to once more. She had hoped she would be enough for Clay, but what if she wasn't she knew he liked things a certain way, but at the same time could she be everything he wanted and needed yes she believed she could.
She knew her face was an easy tell of how much she desired him, especially in her eyes, her eyes really were the windows to her soul, yes she was good at hiding certain things, but certainly not how much she wanted and needed Clay. She wanted this and for her, there was no turning back now, she was going to see this night for what it was from beginning to end. She was not embarrassed to be on display for him or for him to feel the heat radiating from her pussy and the wetness that was now on his fingers. He was like an addiction that she knew she would never get enough of, and she knew or she felt that he felt the same way or was that just her wishful thinking?

She knew she was willing to risk it all, if she got hurt in any way she would just have to deal with it, she had once before surely she would be able to once more. She had hoped she would be enough for Clay, but what if she wasn't she knew he liked things a certain way, but at the same time could she be everything he wanted and needed yes she believed she could. God she wanted him so so bad, the anticipation was building more and more throughout her entire body.

She gasped slightly when he spun her to meet his gaze and held her firmly in his arms. She blushed at his words and she felt the same way to say that his stopping was a disappointment would be a lie, but at the same time, she knew it was for the best for the time being. She knew damn well she would never want to stop.

She listened no she hung on his every word as he spoke. She wasn't scared, she wanted all of him, good and bad... she had no idea how dark he could get and yes she was a natural submissive but she had never really been in the type of sub/dom relationship that she craved. Her heart was racing. "Yes sir, I still want to go... please." She answered and also asked at the same time. Her mind was twirling though at the mention of them talking about histories I mean her's was short but painful at the same time.