Tap That Axe: Axe House and Taproom


Nov 8, 2002
"[Haters] are gonna hate you, regardless. Get it out of your head, that fantasy world where [haters] ain't hating on you. You gotta be grateful, you need haters. What the fuck is you complaining about? What the fuck do you think a "hater's" job is? To fucking, hate. So let them motherfuckers do their Goddamn job! Ladies, if you got fourteen women hating on you, you need to figure out how to get sixteen before Summer get here. Fellas if you got twenty haters, you need fourty of them motherfuckers. And if there's any haters in here right now that ain't got nobody to hate on: Feel Free to Hate On Me."

-Katt Williams

*An abandoned swimming pool, long dired up serves as the BRAND NEW lounge home for deviants, haters, fans, cowriters, admirers and all individuals in between. Signs label this makeshift club "The Deep End" and colored lights move and undulate to music, supported by the deep bass of subwoofers mounted into what was once the pool's filtering system. The bottom of the pool is covered in embroidered silks and luxurious pillows from end to end. On the deck surface, rows of chaffing dishes offer up daily food specials for anyone's pleasure and the shallow end of the pool has been converted into a bar that spans the entire length of the pool, rows of shelves, stocked only with the most exquisite and expensive "Adult-Beverages." Every shelf is the top shelf.*

So, I've resisted this whole lounge idea for quite a while, but I'm starting to see the value and need for a place where those who want to reach me can gather. Like with most things, I've chosen to put my own spin on the idea, welcoming and even inviting all negative criticism that exists. There are few rules here, but the nature of this thread requires a few.

1.) No back and forth arguements. ("If you've got hate in your heart, let it out." -Dave Chappelle. If you must spew negative remarks, get it out of your system and accept your valuable role as a 'hater'. The hated upon party gets one reply, but be advised that hating in retaliation... still makes you a hater. If conflicts extend beyond 1 and 1, both parties will be asked in no uncertain terms to move the childish, neverending and fruitless bickering to IM or PM or otherwise out of my domain.)

2.) Play your role. (If you're a sub, act sub. Not that you need to slob the knob of anyone who demands it, but fetch drinks, show respect, be good (Punishments must be mutually accepted and agreed upon). Dom's should be respectful of all, even when disrespecting one who deserves it. Haters, keep hating.)

3.) No Judgements, No Censorship. (Nobody's perfect, mind your own.)

No clue if I'll get any guests, but we are now open for business as well as pleasure. Come one, come all, lovers and haters alike!
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Tsk, tsk.

Way to absolutely overcomplicate it babe!

I thought you weren't gonna do this, you know Ausus and I are just gonna come up in here and crack jokes about how we really hate you right? ;)

Silly Sharky! :rolleyes: You shall learn!
And you have your first bitch hater! Now perhaps I'll be the first pimpin hater. Hatin on this hater Ho.
~peeks in and just glances around~

Hmmmm, it'll be interesting to see what you end up with here LitShark.
And here is a Ballin Bitch Pimp. No hate. We must celebrate. Shots all around on me.
Saunters in, and leaves some Peppers on the bar area.

A gift LS, thought they were appropriate. Smiles And the vixen is right you know?

Luckily for you the line between love and hate is a thin one. Nice job on the write up!
This place is quite intruiging. I think I'll stick myself into it in case things get interesting.

She curtseys politely.

Oreo's the name. Though, if you wish to call me something else, I'm not picky.
*Lines up glasses for everyone present and fills them with Black Wormwood Absinth. Taking the time to balance sugar cubes on spoons over each glass and drips just enough of the green liquid onto each to set them ablaze, as they are passed around, I change the song playing on the system with my cell phone.*

Thanks to everyone for coming. To the haters!

*Drops the spoon into the glass and stirs before pounding the now cloudy green liquid.*
As tempting as that looks, I'm still in that age of "virgin" drinks in my area and, though the law doesn't stick to the internet, I think I'll stick with a... virgin strawberry daiquiri, if you don't mind?
As tempting as that looks, I'm still in that age of "virgin" drinks in my area and, though the law doesn't stick to the internet, I think I'll stick with a... virgin strawberry daiquiri, if you don't mind?

*Glances back over my shoulder at rows and rows of liquor bottles. Taking the still flaming glass back from oreo.*

My bad, I need to hire a bouncer to check IDs and give wristbands.

*Miracles a virgin strawberry out of thin air and hands it back.*

Please, enjoy.
She purrs.

Thank you very much.

She grabs a straw and sticks it in, searching for the tip with her tongue, and then wraps her tongue around it as she pulls it into her mouth, like a predator keeping it's grip on it's prey. She sips slowly and looks up.

Delicious, thank you.
She looks over and smiles.

I'm doing fine, myself. Still got a bit of a neck issue, but that'll work itself out eventually. And yourself?
Stoned off my ass and cuddly as hell to be honest. Horny too. But more cuddly. And despite 3 hours of sleep since yesterday morning....I'm wide awake.
She cocks an eyebrow and laughs a bit.

Looking for someone to cuddle with, that it?
Cuddle, play, talk, hang out. Know anyone who might be interested in at least two out of the three?
She smiles, her signature grin, something of an innocent devil, a hard smile to master, and looks at him.

Oh, I believe I do.
Oh? Could you sent her my way? *He sits at the edge of one of secondary stages, out of the way, in a kind you darkened spot, a smile on his face and a drink in his hand. It's his favorite. Helps to cut down on coughing from the bowl he occasionally hits too.* I'll me be right here. *pats his lap then the area around him. Well, at lealt when I don't need a refill. Then I'll be at the bar unless these why marmen and women don't deliver.
She looks around.

Hmm, well I don't know where she is at the moment.

She teases him, a gleam in her eyes, her smile upon her face.
He looks totally crestfall, as though he is taking her totally at her word. "Oh, well, when you see her would you tell her something for me? That.....I'm just here waiting. Wanting to be what a lot of guys seem not to care about. But I can get into the kinky crazy stuff just as easily."
She tries hard not to smile at the look on his face, it's just too cute.


She puts her drink down.

I think I could fill in for her, in the mean time, if you want.

She makes her way over to him, fully aware of his eyes on her, swaying her hips, having fun with it.
His head moves slowly up her body, taking in each and every sway, loving the way it affects him. "Oh damn..."He whispers. His eyes continue to track to hers. They finally lock gazes whe she's a step or two away. His eyes don't move from hers after that. "Um, well then...."

He gulps slightly. "I guess if you'd enjoy at least one of the the three. Won't require the two that I normally would since you're subbing in as it were." He offers her the bowl, to take a hit. "What is your pleasure?"
She shakes her head slowly, turning the bowl down, remember her experience with... illegal substances. She sits down slowly, on his lap, making sure to take her time and wiggle when his eyes would happen to gaze over her.

Well, I'm all for cuddling. And talking works for me too.
*Is totally burnt. He pulls you tight to his chest, leaning back against the wall.* You feel really good on top of me. *watch would you enjoy talking about?
She wiggles a bit, mostly with her posterior, continuing to tease him.

Oh, I don't know. How's your day going?