"Tales of Leinyere" Story Event: Official Support Thread


Aug 22, 2018
I am posting this thread to officially kick off the "Tales of Leinyere” Story Event. Laurel will be creating the Event Page shortly - and submissions can be sent in between January 1st and January 16th, with a Friday January 21st Go Live Date. That's SEVEN WHOLE MONTHS AWAY. That’s plenty of time!

What (or where) is Leinyere?

“Tales of Leinyere” will be a collection of stories set in the same fantasy universe. Any writer who wants to participate can write any story that fits the site's guidelines: from epic tales of star-crossed lovers in the midst of continent-spanning war; to interracial trysts between burly, violent orcs and haughty, graceful elves; to the clandestine efforts of queens scrambling to provide heirs for sterile kings; to dubiously consensual fucking between brigands and either the princesses, or common maidens confused for princesses, that they’ve abducted; to incestuous romps in the hay-strewn barns of rural direcow (or hucow if the authors introduce them) farms. The world would be built as the writers write, and we will use this forum thread to suggest facts, locations, people, and events that cross over from story to story, complete with a map worthy of the first page in a dusty paperback and an official timeline of the continent of Leinyere.

What Leinyere is like, the various kingdoms, cities, and landscape, as well as its inhabitants, cultures, and sexual mores, will be illuminated by the authors themselves as they worldbuild within their own stories, just doing our best not to contradict each other. Will there be elves? Will they be tall and graceful, or short and mischievous? What about dwarves? Orcs? Lizardfolk? Etc? How does magic work in this world? Let’s all find out together.

Here is a map of our lovely continent, named by a combination of two pre-existing fantasy languages to coin a word that means “world of sexual desire”. Of course, that etymology only means anything to us, and not to Leinyere’s inhabitants:

[size=+2]Map of Leinyere[/size]

As you can see, national boundaries, as well as locations of cities, ruins, dragon dens, and other landmarks are beginning to fill in. That’s because you, the writers of these stories, are inventing these locations as you write your stories. Please communicate with me as you do and I will continuw fill in this map with details as time goes on. In fact, if your story would benefit from literally changing the landscape of the continent, please talk to me about it, because this map is editable.

And here is our timeline of the history of this world:

[size=+2]Timeline of Leinyere's History[/size]

Will the events of your story be notable enough to warrant an entry in the timeline, or are your characters simple folk trying to survive and leave behind descendants in a world of monsters and magic. Will your story take place hundreds of years after The Great TBD or thousands? Similar to the map, I will fill in details on this timeline as I’m made aware of them.

I will also maintain a Notes Doc with background information about Leinyere, which can be found here:
[size=+2]Leinyere - Notes[/size]

This contest is also open to the Adult Comics and Erotic Art categories, as well, and there is a corresponding thread in the Visual Artist’s Corner here on the forum to discuss those. Click this link to find it:
[size=+2]Visual Artist's Thread[/size]

Feel free to collaborate, in either thread, on stories inspired by visual art and artwork inspired by stories.

This thread is to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE authors to enter stories in the 2022 "Tales of Leinyere" Story Event. If you have questions, post them here and someone will answer. It might be me, it might be someone else here but don't be shy. Ask.

If you're a first time writer, or this is the first time you're putting a story into an "Event" on Literotica, hey, don't get stressed about it. You don't have to have written anything before to write for this event. This isn’t a “by invitation only” event. This is not a competition. There are no scores and no prizes.

We’re just writing for fun with a bunch of other writers doing the same thing. If you're not sure about what to do, how to submit your story, or anything at all in fact, just ask here. I know I’ve been there and there are a bunch of very helpful people here to pass on their experience.

So, without further ado, are you interested in writing a story for the “Tales of Leinyere” Literotica Story Event? Get started! First time writers and veteran Literoticans alike are all invited and encouraged to participate. Post the name of your story here so we can all see it and I'll keep a running list going in this thread.

The Rules are simple:
  1. The story must be set on the fictional continent of Leinyere (including nearby islands), or some other magical realm accessible only from Leinyere.
  2. Try not to contradict any of the history or natural laws of this world, as described in this thread and any linked resources. If differences are irreconcilable, let’s use a “dibs” system, although I doubt that will be necessary.
  3. Please communicate, in this thread (or, if you don’t want to for any reason, PM me about it so I can see if it changes the world in a way that needs to be included somewhere), any world-building details you create in your story: Kingdom Boundaries and Descriptions, Prominent Historical Figures, Natural Events, etc.
  4. Any subject, any category, any length you like.
  5. Author must include the phrase "Tales of Leinyere" in the "Notes" field of the submission. We recommend that you COPY & PASTE it into the NOTES field to avoid typos.
  6. Please use “Leinyere” as a story tag.
  7. All entries to be submitted by 11:59pm, Sunday January 16th - with a Go Live Date of Friday January 21st. You can submit any time between January 1st and January 16th. All stories will be posted on Friday January 21st.

That’s it.

So, what are we waiting for?! Let's get started!

Here's a list of the planned stories so far:

"Cum & Other Drugs" by Nouh_Bdee
"Enemies in Love (An Elf-Orc Romance)" by Overtherainbow33 and Nouh_Bdee
"Mistmere: The Bullboar Sceptor" by vanderstill
"Of Things To Come" by AlphaLyon
"One Divine Evening" by Nouh_Bdee
"Seamount's Curse" by Blind_Justice
"Smitten" by AspernEssling
“So, Two Salesbeings’ Autocart Broke Down” by Rustyoznail
"The Shield Maiden" by Gamina
“Queen of the She-Wolves” by Jackie.O.Hikaru
"Unnamed Story About Mercenaries" by Voboy
"Untitled" by LoquiSordidaAdMe
“Untitled” by ravens_pet
"Untitled" by soflabbwlvr
"Untitled" by yibala
"The Wayward Princess” (short) by Nouh_Bdee
"The Wood Knot Warrior" by BurntRedstone

If you've committed a story for this event and I haven't added you to this list, please let me know!
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Sounds interesting. Neither the map nor timeline links are working.

Thanks, Simon! I fixed them

I tweak this post for like and hour and of course I have a typo in my vB Code
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Those links work now.

This is an interesting and ambitious project. You will have your hands full keeping things updated and reconciling potential conflicts between stories.

I'm not quite sure how this will work. Between now and next January, do you expect that authors will be working on stories and posting some of the details of the stories in this thread so you can begin filling in details for the map, the timeline, and the notes?

Once you DO fill them in, do you expect authors to abide by them as they draft their stories? If so then authors may need to make revisions to conform their stories to the updated canon for the story.

This might work better as an ongoing story world than a one-time event.

The former Dungeon Master in me is intrigued by the project, especially with such a blank slate made available to fill.
This sounds like a fantastic idea! I look forward to seeing how it develops and hopefully making a contribution.
This is an interesting and ambitious project. You will have your hands full keeping things updated and reconciling potential conflicts between stories.

Between now and next January, do you expect that authors will be working on stories and posting some of the details of the stories in this thread so you can begin filling in details for the map, the timeline, and the notes?
To some extent. I'm sure a lot will slip through the cracks, but hopefully everyone will make a good faith effort to help build out the world in a way we can keep track of. For example, I've started an entry for this event, and I've created the town of Greywood Crossing. I don't know where it is yet, but there's a sorceress working in that town (don't know when either, in timeline terms) who is more powerful, magically and politically, than she seems. Now, if anyone wants to incorporate that town or its people into their story, that's great! If not, that's cool too! At some point, it'll end up on the map.

Once you DO fill them in, do you expect authors to abide by them as they draft their stories? If so then authors may need to make revisions to conform their stories to the updated canon for the story.
Exactly. I hope this happens for the most part, and we'll have to make allowances or adjustments for the times it doesn't. It wouldn't be the first fantasy universe to not be entirely consistent.

This might work better as an ongoing story world than a one-time event.
Maybe. Maybe it'll even end up that way after the event. Who knows?

The former Dungeon Master in me is intrigued by the project, especially with such a blank slate made available to fill.
This is wildly ambitious but sounds fascinating. I wonder if I can use it as an excuse to revisit some of my Arthurian myth characters and story lines...

But then, I thought the Mickey Spillane tribute was a great idea too, and I've still got some plot notes but no words written on that one. And my follow up to my first Geek Anthology story. And the one with Amelia revisited. And the one where...

I don't think I'd better commit :).
This is wildly ambitious but sounds fascinating. I wonder if I can use it as an excuse to revisit some of my Arthurian myth characters and story lines...

But then, I thought the Mickey Spillane tribute was a great idea too, and I've still got some plot notes but no words written on that one. And my follow up to my first Geek Anthology story. And the one with Amelia revisited. And the one where...

I don't think I'd better commit :).

I have a ton of stuff to tend to as well, but when the Muse is handing out blowjobs, I'm not complaining. There's already a rough story idea in place and I'm elbow-deep in building an alchemy system. Also, I want catfolk! :)

Okay, my story idea is gathering shape, which is good. I've already claimed an island in the northern ocean and named it Seamount (after the sole settlement on it) but I really, really suck at naming things. The whole ocean looks like a huge stab wound, like some vengeful god rammed his/her spear into the continent to vanquish a legendary beast or other big evil.

As fun as it is to center everything around sex, I think there should be something else besides boner references and big-titted love goddesses. Heh. Maybe a zealous god (or goddess) of virtue used her power to sink a civilization of sinners, leaving that particularly shaped bay behind when the smoke cleared.

That's... a lot of circuitous thinking just to figure out a name for a bit of ocean. Okay then. The Four-Armed Goddess Kelthala, protector of innocence and virtue, was fed up with an ancient, hedonistic civilization only focused on their own greed and pleasure. These Ancients ranged far and wide to gather new specimens for their orgies and threatened to overwhelm the budding civilizations of the other races, so, in an act of righteous brutality, Kelthala grabbed her mighty spear and flung it towards the continent, annihilating most of the Ancient's empire and leaving behind a gaping hole in the ground which the sea then claimed.

There. The bay is now known as Kelthala's Wound.
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I have a ton of stuff to tend to as well, but when the Muse is handing out blowjobs, I'm not complaining. There's already a rough story idea in place and I'm elbow-deep in building an alchemy system. Also, I want catfolk! :)



Or do you imagine clothed/costumed and more anthropomorphic?


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I have a ton of stuff to tend to as well, but when the Muse is handing out blowjobs, I'm not complaining. There's already a rough story idea in place and I'm elbow-deep in building an alchemy system. Also, I want catfolk! :)
BJ, this is so far up your alley I can see the salivation from here! Just don't bust anything in your excitement, okay?

Also, does this world have electrickery, or is the prog rock on wax cylinders or gramophones? Or have I just committed a cardinal sin, combining steam punk with orcs?
Also, does this world have electrickery, or is the prog rock on wax cylinders or gramophones? Or have I just committed a cardinal sin, combining steam punk with orcs?

That’s for all of us to decide. I could totally see having some of the ol’ steampunk fun; maybe it’s the expertise of an insular Wakanda-style country that doesn’t want to share?
That’s for all of us to decide. I could totally see having some of the ol’ steampunk fun; maybe it’s the expertise of an insular Wakanda-style country that doesn’t want to share?

I like the idea of descending tech levels the further you get away from the big cities. Let the major hubs have steam power, clockwork vehicles or monorails powered by captured fire elementals, but the moment you end up in Bumfuck, Nowhere, you have only torches, pitchforks and maybe a half-decent sword. Maximum flexibility for everyone.

Idea: Orcs actively eschew "high tech" as "tools for fools" and "crutches for the weak".


Or do you imagine clothed/costumed and more anthropomorphic?

This is freaking awesome. If I had to change anything, I'd say tone her breasts down a cup size or so. Clothes can be a real bone of contention. "Why should I drrress? I have furrr, can't you see?" :) But most well-behaved kitties do wear bits and pieces to protect others' modesty. :)

My inspiration (and source of quite a few wet dreams) is this beauty here.

@Nouh_Bdee: The Sinking of the Ancients should be a rather primeval event, at least five to ten thousand years before Day Zero. Some ancient elves or dragons might remember their elders telling them about the event, but most "younger" civilizations don't know how it came to be.
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I'm in!

Can I claim one of the islands in the big grouping to the north-east for the setting of my story?
Do we know the environment / eco-systems of the regions or are we making it up as we go?

Story premise: I kind of want to do a fantasy-Logan's Run storyline vibe. I want to have an order of monks on the island. All male. They have isolated themselves away from the impure temptations of the cities and their mechanical constructs (we're going with cities = steampunk, right?) and have developed a "sex-based magic system" (we can do magic, right?). Through orgasms and sex with each other, they can pierce the veil and see beyond. I mean, c'mon; this is a fantasy story, and what's a good fantasy story without a prophecy?!
Can I claim one of the islands in the big grouping to the north-east for the setting of my story?
Do we know the environment / eco-systems of the regions or are we making it up as we go?

Story premise: I kind of want to do a fantasy-Logan's Run storyline vibe. I want to have an order of monks on the island. All male. They have isolated themselves away from the impure temptations of the cities and their mechanical constructs (we're going with cities = steampunk, right?) and have developed a "sex-based magic system" (we can do magic, right?). Through orgasms and sex with each other, they can pierce the veil and see beyond. I mean, c'mon; this is a fantasy story, and what's a good fantasy story without a prophecy?!

Cool premise. The map is literally a blank slate, so you have full control over your neck of the setting. Setting a precedent for sex-based magic as one discipline among many isn't bad either.

* * *

My idea is for something tentatively called "The Curse Of Seamount"

Okay. Seamount is a small fishing village, not more than a dozen families and it sits on the small island in the northern bay, the southernmost of the three in there.

Some kids have dug around in the caves underneath the island, as kids are wont to do, and procured, among other knicknacks they found down there, an ancient kettle. Too bad it's not really suited to cook soup in and it turned all residents of the village (minus the kids, who have fallen asleep to comply with Lit's underage rule) into horny sex zombies.

Shavri has just finished her apprenticeship as an alchemist and during a wild night celebrating, she learns about the existence of a certain kettle and the boosts it can provide to a cunning alchemist. Also, the locals in the city (which conveniently sits at or near the point of the triangular bay) talk about not having seen any Seamount fishermen selling their high-quality merchandise lately.

So either she runs into a fugitive off the island who managed to escape the curse or her cat-like curiosity draws her to Seamount, but in the end she'll have to use her wits, her potions and most likely her body to cure the stricken inhabitants of the curse. If she's lucky, she can walk away with a magic cauldron afterwards.
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A question about your map:

Are the pale areas in the south intended to be high latitudes -- cold areas -- or equatorial -- warm areas?
[deleted as it only allows you to make map edits locally and does not share them.]
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A question about your map:

Are the pale areas in the south intended to be high latitudes -- cold areas -- or equatorial -- warm areas?

The white in the south is cold.

The light brown in the east central is desert. Edit: Maybe not hot, as it's not equatorial, but still close to what we would consider a traditional layman's understanding of a desert. Dry, sandy, barren, etc.
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Can I claim one of the islands in the big grouping to the north-east for the setting of my story?
Do we know the environment / eco-systems of the regions or are we making it up as we go?

Story premise: I kind of want to do a fantasy-Logan's Run storyline vibe. I want to have an order of monks on the island. All male. They have isolated themselves away from the impure temptations of the cities and their mechanical constructs (we're going with cities = steampunk, right?) and have developed a "sex-based magic system" (we can do magic, right?). Through orgasms and sex with each other, they can pierce the veil and see beyond. I mean, c'mon; this is a fantasy story, and what's a good fantasy story without a prophecy?!

Sounds great! And yes, you can decide all that stuff about your slice of Leinyere
After signing up, make sure you click the (?) to accept the TOS.
This will enable you to edit the map as necessary.

Hmm, I’ll be surprised if that works in a way that lets you save it to the collective map. Let me know if you try.

Naturally, will watch what folk start developing as story lines.


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Will there be dragons?



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