Summer storms


Really Really Experienced
Apr 19, 2021
So this might not work that great for the Summer loving contest but one aspect of summer I’ve always found interesting where I live is how it might not storm a lot during the summer but when it does, it’s always really intense and can come out of nowhere. So for this thread, how about some ideas of summer plans being altered by the storms?

For example:

Recent high school graduate decides to throw a pool party as it’s the last chance she’ll get to spend any time with her classmates. The weather is supposed to be nice, parents agree to stay away, but right as they finish setting up, the weather changes and it starts lightning and hailing, forcing the girl and whoever had already arrived to get stuck in the house.

A. The power goes out, along with the cell towers, so the group (who are in the house but are in their swimwear) must find ways to entertain themselves

B. Girl thinks her crush didn’t show and loudly cries about it to her best friend, who notices their crush awkwardly standing in the doorway. Best friend then motions for them to keep listening and gets girl to admit how she was hoping to hookup with her crush at the party.

C. Only Girl’s best friend showed up, despite the fact she tried to invite the whole class, in one last ditch effort to prove she was more popular than she actually was. She and best friend hook up (for a taboo variant it could be a step/sibling)

D. Popular girl invited the whole class and nobody, even her boyfriend, came before the storm, but the unpopular kids showed up. Pissed off at her boyfriend and friends, she decides to make the most of it and hooks up with the nerds or helps the nerds hook up with each other.

2. Couple (again, if you want to do a taboo variant,step siblings) driving to the beach get caught in a downpour that is so bad that they have to pull over. The two of them try to shoot the shit but with their beach plans ruined, they decide to take advantage of the limited visibility and fuck in the back seat until the storm ends

So ideas like that
Young, deeply-in-love, somewhat starry-eyed and naive married couple caught out when walking in the high hills by torrential downpour which just goes on and on.

Desperately seeking shelter, they come across an isolated hut which is a viewpoint for tourists. Several cars standing in front of it at the end of the winding, barely drivable track leading up the mountain.

Inside they find half a dozen couples in various stages of stripping and getting it on. Turns out they've stumbled across the weekly get-together of the local swingers/orgy group. They are... drawn in... and eventually leave somewhat less starry-eyed...
I have the start of a story in my drafts folder with the title "Angry Fuck", where a fight brews between a couple with a summer storm brewing in the background. When it breaks, well, it's hot and sweaty.

I should really finish that one...
I have the start of a story in my drafts folder with the title "Angry Fuck", where a fight brews between a couple with a summer storm brewing in the background. When it breaks, well, it's hot and sweaty.

I should really finish that one...
Sounds like a really hot one. I like a good hatefuck story

Young, deeply-in-love, somewhat starry-eyed and naive married couple caught out when walking in the high hills by torrential downpour which just goes on and on.

Desperately seeking shelter, they come across an isolated hut which is a viewpoint for tourists. Several cars standing in front of it at the end of the winding, barely drivable track leading up the mountain.

Inside they find half a dozen couples in various stages of stripping and getting it on. Turns out they've stumbled across the weekly get-together of the local swingers/orgy group. They are... drawn in... and eventually leave somewhat less starry-eyed...
Love it. I love the idea of people impulsively joining in with something they normally wouldn’t
Where I live we have those "hat sized" summer thunderstorms that according to old people never cross major rivers or certain roads. They move around quite unpredictably by own wind, people watch them on the horizon and take bets what side it will go by, or what angle it should be on to actually hit. When driving, you may see a few kilometers of the road drenched and flooded, next few dry and dusty, next few lightly sprinkled.

When there's actually a major cyclone front, it's different, even if the storm clouds are still small, there may be three or more in a day moving in an echelon formation, each taking a lane slightly offset from the previous. And of course serious fronts are serious and unavoidable, and may downpour for hours instead of the 15-40 minutes of the small free roaming thunderclouds.

But it's those small unpredictable storms that I love for almost intrinsic erotic energy. They typically happen second half of the day in hot weather (okay, we consider anything above 24°C 75F "hot") and while under the cloud it can get seriously chilly (up to and including hailstorm) the ambient temperature usually shot right up after as soon the cloud goes off the sun (unlike the major systems when it drops considerably for days). And because of the small size and unpredictable nature of those roaming thunderstorms people tend to ignore them rumbling on the horizon and just go about, or even rush to get that hay heaped or whatever, and get drenched by a random shower at some point. Or not.

It's quite a trope to skinny dip during those showers. Say for girls cycling around for leisure to decide to go swimming since they're thoroughly wet already, with all the clothes, since they didn't plan for it and don't have the swimsuits, in a random swimming hole they just so happened to ride past. But wet clothes are still an impediment, and nobody's around during the rain, right? So no need for modesty, and chance to go for the trill of a skinny dip.

Or people ambushed on the beach by one of those clouds to decide to keep clothes dry, by taking everything off and pack under the only umbrella per five people, with a handle dug into the sand so the wind won't blow it away.

Or even much more likely, rush home from whatever outside activity, once it's finally clear the storm is actually "coming up" and will hit, and miss it by a minute and couple of hundred meters, running, but still get thoroughly drenched before getting in the door. To be greeted by laughter and towels and peel the clothes dripping with extremely cold water right off. And probably then decide, since already naked, to run back out just like that and down to the river for a swim. Or not, maybe even to take hot shower instead, but since everyone's still high on adrenaline, together with some not quite expected partner.

Or for a somewhat extreme variation of the above, it's not their home, it's some quasi-random door in with the shelter is sought and found, with principally the same consequences. Even in city, it could be people escaping the rain into a cafeteria and trying to dry off as best as possible.

Or even just take shelter under a random archway of a drivethrough to the inner yard (of a multistory historic art-deco appartment block), together with some random passersby. Shivering in the cold and guessing how long the shower will last. But they have to be places, and doesn't have time to wait it over, and a randomly assembled couple would run out, right into the hailstorm, in a tight embrace under the guy's suit jacket as an improvised hoodie for two.

And so on.
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One night on Clearwater Beach this young lady and I went for a long walk along the water. The wind picked up after an hour or so, so we turned back. The storm rolled in and we sheltered under the board walk.

Between the ferocity of the storm and the attraction we'd been aware of for a while, made for a memorable night.
Young, deeply-in-love, somewhat starry-eyed and naive married couple caught out when walking in the high hills by torrential downpour which just goes on and on.

Desperately seeking shelter, they come across an isolated hut which is a viewpoint for tourists. Several cars standing in front of it at the end of the winding, barely drivable track leading up the mountain.

Inside they find half a dozen couples in various stages of stripping and getting it on. Turns out they've stumbled across the weekly get-together of the local swingers/orgy group. They are... drawn in... and eventually leave somewhat less starry-eyed...

Yes indeedy. The idea of a feckless, unassertive couple just being led by the nose into doing things they wouldn't ever have contemplated. Big turn on. They realise as they stare across the room at each other 'in the act' that the cosy dream of 'roses round the door' is well and truly over.