Submissive needs assistance..


Dec 13, 1999
I have recently began a new experience with a gentleman who is definatly Dominant, but I need help from those of you who write on the fetish, s&m line. I need stories for the MALE point of view, on dominating a single female slave/submissive. It should include a great deal of spanking, forcefulness, boardering on non-consent to where he has complete control and pushes her past her limits, but is pleasureable for both.. Well painful too I am sure. I know this is a weird request, and anyone who can help me, you can e-mail me with the stories, or tell me where I might find something of this nature. I want to be totally dominanted.. controlled and used.. help me show him the way.
"I have recently began a new experience with a gentleman who is definatly me show him the way."

Hmm...if he's dominant, how do you know he doesn't know the way already?
Because he asked me to find some ideas.. I suppose I am more looking for stories that go along with MY DESIRES.. to show him the way to control me..
Only you can control the desires that lie deep within! Be one within yourself and the answer will follow!
yello baybee! deese iz pepe le pew
and i am a very dominante skunke!
my penuz ees big like ze eye foll towere
my cum can shoot fastere and hardere than
ze wrockette gone into ze orbite!
i can get veree dominante and spankey spank
with my chat o neuf tailez.
I vill treat you like streetcar baybee
you vill be named desire, like my dickees fire, i will be no liar, if you let me take you higher. first vee vill rent hoe telle
then shampain, the we have a hot bath in liquid boiled monsieur cleen to get cleen.
then i haul ya out of the salle de bain bitche , and rip off your bathrobe, tying you to zee fuckin brasse bedposte with zee telephune wirese, then i vill smother yer sexy bodee in anchovy shit and granulated limburger fromage. then for the grande finale! I will turn tail and make you suff fur real bad by taking away your francophone tickler dill dough, and giving you a matchstick to dew yerself with. but you will cauze yer own demize baybee! When the farts kick in, the matchhead stuck in your beggin pussy will ignite the methane bomb from yer butt, and your pussy hair will require a visit to the house of lords, after ya singe off every fuckin hair. BUTT! now yer pussy is glowin red and I want yer bodee baybee, so my saddist ways dissapear and I bee cum mister nice guy skunk once more! any qwestions class?
Maryjoann: You state that he is a dominant. Has he ordered you to find stories, or has he ordered you to tell him what you want?

Be very specific in what sort of limits you have. Also search the web for Tammad Ramilla's site; there are quite a few links which should be helpful, as well as a well-known questionnaire for submissives on pinpointing what a submissive wants, does not want; what is a hard limit, soft limit, etc.