

with cheese
Aug 8, 2022
An American aviator is shot down near a remote island during the last days of the Pacific war with Japan in WW2. He makes his way to the island and finds a group of women who were hidden by the men of their village so that the Japanese wouldn't find them and use them as comfort women. Their men never returned to their village.

It's well over three years before anyone comes back to that island, to find that the village is thriving nicely.

Any other stranded ideas? Maybe a Bonner party idea where there's actually plenty of food, but not even a deck of cards between them.
I have done a few stranded stories, but then again; what is not to love about them? With the two that I did, both were polar opposites in that one was a Femme Fetale type of story, and like yours, placed back in time to the 1930's. The other was more modern, but the lady was a Damsel in Distress.

With the latter, it was based on a woman salesman who was stranded on a snow-laden highway in PA. The situation was real in that this very situation happened to my wife and I while traveling one spring, and we got caught in a pile up that killed 3 people. We were stranded on the highway for days, with the National Guard bringing out food and formula to young families. It was too good of a setting not to use in a story! In my story, the woman went to a truckdriver for warmth when her car ran low on fuel. There, she found companionship as well...

In the former, it was based on a Sea Captain in the 1930's who at sea needed repairs for his schooner. Coming up beside him was a steamship who had diving bells and who could make repairs to his ship. With no money, he traded services with his adult daughter who was aboard ship with him, not knowing the other captain was going to share her with much of his crew. Enjoying her, they paid no heed to the boiler which ran out of water and exploded. But as she was hauled into a lifeboat, she kicked at the hands of the bad steamship captain who shared her nefariously, and thus killed him.

For those that love history, it was loosely based on the 5 Masted Schooner, the Cora F Cressey. Quite the interesting ship if anyone cares to YouTube it.