Story idea. Now what?


Oct 24, 2019
I came up with a story idea that I’d like to read. If it’s already been written I’d love to read it, and if not, then I’d go ahead with either writing it or collaborating with someone. I don’t know how to search for an idea. It would be more than just a keyword search.

I actually have written a one page “treatment” or summary of the main character, possible story arc, different episodes, etc. This is a series. I just don’t know what to do with it. If this story is ripe for writing, I might be interested in giving it a try but I would really appreciate some help or coaching along the way. I’ve never attempted writing on a large scale, though I have published two fairly pathetic stories here.

Would it be acceptable to try to find an author - someone who likes my idea and wants to write it? Does that happen here, like authors hang out and people pitch ideas? After all, this is the Authors Hangout board. :)
There are some people here who take commissions, at least in some cases, but that's paid work.
You're not really likely to find someone who is eager to write your story/series for you out of pure excitement, but stranger things have happened, so good luck if that's what you're after. Likewise in terms of collaborations. You might have better luck posting your idea than alluding to it, and you'll probably get some feedback on what people think of it, but don't be surprised if no one jumps at the bait. If there's a similar story already, though, people might point you toward it (especially if they wrote it!).
There are some people here who take commissions, at least in some cases, but that's paid work.
You're not really likely to find someone who is eager to write your story/series for you out of pure excitement, but stranger things have happened, so good luck if that's what you're after. Likewise in terms of collaborations. You might have better luck posting your idea than alluding to it, and you'll probably get some feedback on what people think of it, but don't be surprised if no one jumps at the bait. If there's a similar story already, though, people might point you toward it (especially if they wrote it!).

Ah perfect, this is just the kind of info I’m looking for. Thank you. It’s very helpful to learn about the community here, how things work. Mostly I just keep to myself but if I’m going to write this thing then maybe I’ll get to know some people.
There's a Story Ideas forum that you can use for exactly this purpose, and there are a handful of talented authors who frequent it, looking for inventive ideas and inspiration.

I, for one, do sometimes write for commission, but I normally have people approach me looking for me to write the story they want to buy, which is different than what you're looking for, I think.

Also, the Author's Hangout is the right area to be if you're looking for a co-author, although most of the time that's an uphill battle if you haven't already written stuff beforehand and spent time in the forums making friends.

Best of luck to you 😁
There's a Story Ideas forum that you can use for exactly this purpose, and there are a handful of talented authors who frequent it, looking for inventive ideas and inspiration.

I, for one, do sometimes write for commission, but I normally have people approach me looking for me to write the story they want to buy, which is different than what you're looking for, I think.

Also, the Author's Hangout is the right area to be if you're looking for a co-author, although most of the time that's an uphill battle if you haven't already written stuff beforehand and spent time in the forums making friends.

Best of luck to you 😁
Bingo, thanks! I posted it already.
I came up with a story idea that I’d like to read. If it’s already been written I’d love to read it,

Bad news is: it's probably already been done.

The GOOD NEWS is: that doesn't mean you can't still write it yourself. :)

The possible variations one one story alone are almost endless. Just have fun with it and write your story your way, and even if the idea has been done before it'll still be unique to you.

Welcome to AH, btw.
The reality is that there is an overabundance of writers and their stories here. Sure, it's OK to pitch for total-from-the-story-inspiration-up help here, but there's no real need for more writers to be developed here and most writing here are busy doing their thing at their own development level.

Story idea. Now what?​

I’ve written 56 stories here. I have 16 in various states of being partly written. Have a guess how many I wrote based on someone else’s idea?

No, not zero. One*.

And that one has some very specific reasons:

The person who asked me had been a religious follower of my work and sent me encouraging feedback over several months.

He explained clearly why he thought I was the person to write it, citing scenes from various of my stories.

Outside of the general concept and one or two things he wanted included, he said I had total artistic control. He didn’t even ask for a veto on the final work. Though I gave it to him anyway.

His idea was kinda interesting and aligned with some stuff I had been thinking about.

So I wrote it and am pleased about the outcome.

But… I mention above that I have 16 work-in-progress stories. I’m not sure how many jotted ideas I have beyond that.

I think most authors are the same.

If someone wants you to write for them, then they had better have some good reasons why (like the guy above), or be prepared to pay for the work (I did the above story for free).

Not trying to be mean. Just realistic.


* Actually that’s not quite true, I wrote A Hard Day’s Night based on my own idea for something that @Djmac1031 was writing. We agreed my thought didn’t really fit his work and I decided to turn it into my own tale. I’ve also got an unfinished series inspired by @EStaccato. And I ‘ve written stories based on PM exchanges with people here.
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I came up with a story idea that I’d like to read. If it’s already been written I’d love to read it, and if not, then I’d go ahead with either writing it or collaborating with someone. I don’t know how to search for an idea. It would be more than just a keyword search.

Have you tried searching in the Story Tags Portal? Hit the "Explore" icon at the top of this page and go to "Tags" in the drop-down.

Enter "superhero" and should find a whole list of results. To narrow your search, add more key words separated by commas.

I just now searched " superhero, succubus " and came up with a long list. ;)
I’ve written 56 stories here. I have 16 in various states of being partly written. Have a guess how many I wrote based on someone else’s idea?

No, not zero. One*.

And that one has some very specific reasons:

The person who asked me had been a religious follower of my work and sent me encouraging feedback over several months.

He explained clearly why he thought I was the person to write it, citing scenes from various of my stories.

Outside of the general concept and one or two things he wanted included, he said I had total artistic control. He didn’t even ask for a veto on the final work. Though I gave it to him anyway.

His idea was kinda interesting and aligned with some stuff I had been thinking about.

So I wrote it and am pleased about the outcome.

But… I mention above that I have 16 work-in-progress stories. I’m not sure how many jotted ideas I have beyond that.

I think most authors are the same.

If someone wants you to write for them, then they had better have some good reasons why (like the guy above), or be prepared to pay for the work (I did the above story for free).

Not trying to be mean. Just realistic.


* Actually that’s not quite true, I wrote A Hard Day’s Night based on my own idea for something that @Djmac1031 was writing. We agreed my thought didn’t really fit his work and I decided to turn it into my own tale. I’ve also got an unfinished series inspired by @EStaccato. And I ‘ve written stories based on PM exchanges with people here.

This is a pretty good persuader for me to try writing it on my own. Well, this and @Djmac1031's wisdom. The collab idea isn't realistic. But thanks for discussing it.

Actually I have already started writing it. And I'm discovering that it's freeing to just write for myself. I can spend time on the parts I want to spend time on, and I can shortcut or abbreviate the stuff that's "go back later and fill this in." Maybe I'll go back and fill it in, maybe not. Since I'm the only audience, who cares? Maybe some day I'll decide this thing is worthy of a broader audience, and that I'm ready for the inevitable criticism. But maybe not.
This is a pretty good persuader for me to try writing it on my own. Well, this and @Djmac1031's wisdom. The collab idea isn't realistic. But thanks for discussing it.

Actually I have already started writing it. And I'm discovering that it's freeing to just write for myself. I can spend time on the parts I want to spend time on, and I can shortcut or abbreviate the stuff that's "go back later and fill this in." Maybe I'll go back and fill it in, maybe not. Since I'm the only audience, who cares? Maybe some day I'll decide this thing is worthy of a broader audience, and that I'm ready for the inevitable criticism. But maybe not.
And the gods and muses of old smiled down from the heavens as another brave soul discovered the joy of exploring their own art.

Good luck, and have fun.
This is a pretty good persuader for me to try writing it on my own. Well, this and @Djmac1031's wisdom. The collab idea isn't realistic. But thanks for discussing it.

Actually I have already started writing it. And I'm discovering that it's freeing to just write for myself. I can spend time on the parts I want to spend time on, and I can shortcut or abbreviate the stuff that's "go back later and fill this in." Maybe I'll go back and fill it in, maybe not. Since I'm the only audience, who cares? Maybe some day I'll decide this thing is worthy of a broader audience, and that I'm ready for the inevitable criticism. But maybe not.

I don't know how "wise" I am.

But I'll drop this one one you, too: Write it. Then publish it.

What's the absolute WORST that can happen? Someone tells you "it sucks?"

So what? If you enjoyed writing it and are happy with the results, no one else's opinion matters.

But, you must just find the reverse; maybe somebody else reads it, and loves it.

Maybe several someones.

You'll never know til you try.