Story: A bet leads to domination in the office

A male and a female co-worker make a naughty bet. The loser has to obey the winner for 1 week.
Put a man's name as {FIRST_NAME}
Put a woman's name as {LAST_NAME}
Click on the link below.

Total threads:206
Deepest thread:28

I hope you will read the story and add to it.
Thanks in advance!
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Bend her over, by one of Chyoo's best writers, deathofcards.
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Many threads by a new writer to the story, cassio, starting with Put Ashley on display.
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150th thread of the story "No, not really my thing..." by cassio.
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This storyline by cassio has now made the story 28 threads deep.
Choose options 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 and follow on from there for the deepest thread.
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A new great storyline from cassio, starting with They want to make you suffer a bit.
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Another great storyline by cassio starting with, Kisses back.
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New Thread

Very very long, very very worth it.

Took me forever, damn well better be approved.

Visit "The Drunken Whore." (*CROSSOVER*)
Comments on my crossover thread

Switch76, Thank you for approving my threads so quickly. It was a major undertaking, and one I've been trying to do for a long time now. I wanted to use popular stories that would be read, although I didn't realize when I was writing them that they both had the same editor. If I do something like this again, I'll make it a cross-editor project. Also, if you compare them side-by-side, it should be clear that there are some subtle differences in perspectives. I finished this last night, and was surprised when I reread it today, that it didn't have any typos. Sure, I'd done proofreading, but it was late and I was tired. I considered using Ooh Kitty's Stone Wall Mall story, but couldn't find any good places where people would visit the Mall for only one thread, and Lace (or whatever her name is) didn't really leave the Mall as far as I could tell.

I had to hunt through several stories to find a good place where the characters could meet on neutral ground, and those two won. The really hard part was dancing around the fact that two of the people in each thread couldn't be referred to by their names. I took the liberty of making "A Boy At A Girl's School"'s LAST_NAME a brunette to distinguish her.

I tried very hard to keep consistancy. The only continuity problem I saw was the time of year. In one story, it was the start of the season. In the other story, Ashley had been working for the company since the start of the season.

I don't know if very many people will read them or add onto them, since they're so long. I hope the novelty of a crossover offsets the sheer length of the threads. I tried to tie things up neatly at the end, although really the couple in this story should have had sex at the end of the evening.

Weird thing: I actually felt uncomfortable about taking something away from one story (expensive bottle of wine) to benefit the other. Like I was depriving them of their prize or plot device.

Don't know how to end this thread, except to say, please read mine.
Extremely well by Torg, follows the previous thread.
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Nude women??

by Uncola Man. Lots of possibilities... I think.

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Edit: someone gave it a '5' and it hasn't even been approved yet. :)
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Both: You could use some interns. by Uncola Man
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See what she'll do for the job written by Torg.
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2 new threads by new Chyoo member, ynyn.
Tell {LAST_NAME} to go into your bedroom, followed by, Blow Job Time!
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She is an exotic dancer by Torg.
This is the 200th thread of the story.
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Get her on all fours to nail that hot ass! by ynyn.
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