south dakota teacher hands out letters to trans students and their friends, wanting to 'save them'

You can mock me. You can resort to name calling. Those actions cay bad things bout you, rather than me. They are the behavior of a teenage thug who could not graduate from high school. You cannot refute me because what I say is true, and you know it.
I'm blunt and crude to racists. And I'm fine with that.
It’s not a book I have read; however, reviewing their updated analysis, they seem to stick to actual factual information and not discussing the “type of woman” to have an abortion.

You pervert and twist their words to justify your fiction. But glad to see you endorse abortion and the alleged resultant reduction in crime.
When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the 1930's it was specifically restricted to widows, abandoned wives and their legitimate children. I would like to return to those restrictions. I am also in favor of free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy. A single government financed abortion can save a small fortune in educational expense, welfare expense, criminal justice expense, and crimes not committed. I do not care about "a woman's right to choose." I like the eugenic benefits of abortion.
Well its not and has been largely discredited for years for a number of reasons. Plenty parts of the tests are essentially racist in a number of ways.
Well its not and has been largely discredited for years for a number of reasons. Plenty parts of the tests are essentially racist in a number of ways.
No it hasn't, not by anyone with any credibility. I've read the counter arguments. They're filled with "maybe's", "could be's" and other such qualifiers. Nothing measurable, nothing concrete, not science. We do know that there are environmental factors that can contribute, or detract, from IQ. Diet, prenatal and during the growing years, being pretty damn important, but those are individual attributes that get factored in when doing group testing.

The problem with graphs such as the one JE posted is most peoples basic misunderstanding how statistics work. An IQ graph gives a glimpse as to how certain groups stack up but in the end it comes down to each and every individual. It matters not where your group is, the only thing that matters is where YOU are.

BTW, the second most important factor in success is conscientiousness.
I am polite to those who become angry at me when I remind them of facts they privately know to be true, but desperately wish were not. :)

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I'm not angry with you. Genetics don't work like that...many others have flatly pointed out your errors. You still want to cling onto your fantasies so that you can proudly be a racist asshole.
Well its not and has been largely discredited for years for a number of reasons. Plenty parts of the tests are essentially racist in a number of ways.
It's not racist just because your demographic isn't on top.

Racism is a word with an actual meaning that isn't "Anything leftist don't like!!"...... you should look that meaning up sometime.
It's not racist just because your demographic isn't on top.

Racism is a word with an actual meaning that isn't "Anything leftist don't like!!"...... you should look that meaning up sometime.
It has nothing to do with where my demographic comes up. There are or have been in the past things on the test that of course very few black people knew. The test makers must have become aware at some point that tacos are to bread like rafts are to boats was something we no frame of reference for. Even today a lot of blacks can't even swim, you think my non swimming father is gonna know the names of different kinds of boats? Because blacks are focused in a few places why the hell would they know about Mexican food? Its not really that common or part of the regular diet. I could go on and on but yes when much of the test is based on you having experienced certain things you're gonna get lower test scored.

I gauranfucking T if the that the question are chiterlings are to sausage you guy's score would fucking plummet.
It has nothing to do with where my demographic comes up.

Funny... where your demographic comes up is of utmost importance in every other issue, and if it's not better looking than all others?? WACISM!!! LOL

There are or have been in the past things on the test that of course very few black people knew. The test makers must have become aware at some point that tacos are to bread like rafts are to boats was something we no frame of reference for. Even today a lot of blacks can't even swim, you think my non swimming father is gonna know the names of different kinds of boats?

Just because you can't swim doesn't mean you can't learn about things that have to do with water.

You're just making excuses for ignorance.

Because blacks are focused in a few places why the hell would they know about Mexican food?

Because they aren't fucking retarded nor are they or Mexicans food focused in a few places.

Even in ultra white northern Montana or Minnesota, we got black people and Mexican food.... welcome to not 1850 anymore.

I could go on and on but yes when much of the test is based on you having experienced certain things you're gonna get lower test scored.

I'm sure the willful ignorance and lack of life experience outside of the willful ignorance bubble has NOTHING to do with that.

GAWD forbid you take some ownership of yourself and your community. :rolleyes: that would be right wing racism!!
I gauranfucking T if the that the question are chiterlings are to sausage you guy's score would fucking plummet.

Yea if you're not even speaking fuckin' English anymore sure.

Give me a translation from the foreign language be it Vietnamese or (D)umbass hood rat and I'll still score in the high 130's.
I've been to Minnesota, its entirely possible that someone living there has never seen a black person in real life. I am speaking English. The fact that you are ignorant proves my fucking point.

Where my demographic comes out isn't the important detail, its why they are or have been historically treated and often times still are. You can lie all you want but that doesn't change the facts of the case.

And it goes so deep its impossible to find the bottom of it.
I've been to Minnesota, its entirely possible that someone living there has never seen a black person in real life.

Possible, but highly unlikely.

I am speaking English.

Yes, but you were talking about changing that.

The fact that you are ignorant proves my fucking point.

I'm not ignorant, I know what chitterlings are.

Where my demographic comes out isn't the important detail,

Why is that so in this case but it's literally the most important thing in most if not all others??

its why they are or have been historically treated and often times still are.


Difference is your demographic wallows in it and allows it to hold them down for all eternity.

If you couldn't be victims of your skin color you might have to consider maybe individual behavior and life choices play a factor in life outcomes. Oh wait that would require some personal responsibility.... Democrat kryptonite.

You can lie all you want but that doesn't change the facts of the case.

And it goes so deep its impossible to find the bottom of it.

The perma-victim mentality.

Have fun being a victim of your skin color. We Asians and Jewz rise above that petty shit, that's why we are the most "privileged" people in the nation (and world) despite historically getting shit on just as bad if not worse than black Americans.
Jews and Asians were never treated as poorly for starters and while I think googled chiterlings are you about to claim that the AVERAGE white person has a clue?
"Don't hate me because I'm beautif
When Aid for Families with Dependent Children was introduced during the 1930's it was specifically restricted to widows, abandoned wives and their legitimate children. I would like to return to those restrictions. I am also in favor of free abortion on demand at any stage of pregnancy. A single government financed abortion can save a small fortune in educational expense, welfare expense, criminal justice expense, and crimes not committed. I do not care about "a woman's right to choose." I like the eugenic benefits of abortion.

Your obsession with “legitimacy” is just mind-boggling and truthfully I can’t even wrap my head around the importance of it.

Perhaps the solution should be all men are given vasectomies at the earliest possible. Only when the man has married and can show adequate financial resources to support a child then the vasectomy will be refused. That eliminates your “legitimacy issue,” since we know expecting men to be abstinent until marriage is laughable.

Getting a woman pregnant other than your wife would mean either you’re, at a minimum, a cheat and at worst a criminal.

And since you state crime is more often committed by children born out of wedlock, we should see a drastic reduction in crime - given the significant children NOT born out of wedlock.

Vasectomies for all! 2024!
Your obsession with “legitimacy” is just mind-boggling and truthfully I can’t even wrap my head around the importance of it.

Perhaps the solution should be all men are given vasectomies at the earliest possible. Only when the man has married and can show adequate financial resources to support a child then the vasectomy will be refused. That eliminates your “legitimacy issue,” since we know expecting men to be abstinent until marriage is laughable.

Getting a woman pregnant other than your wife would mean either you’re, at a minimum, a cheat and at worst a criminal.

And since you state crime is more often committed by children born out of wedlock, we should see a drastic reduction in crime - given the significant children NOT born out of wedlock.

Vasectomies for all! 2024!
Children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life than other children.
Well its not and has been largely discredited for years for a number of reasons. Plenty parts of the tests are essentially racist in a number of ways.
IQ tests have been denounced. They have never been discredited. For over a century they have demonstrated their ability to predict with a fair degree of accuracy academic and economic success. The only thing "racist" about the tests is that blacks tend to perform poorly on them. Nevertheless, a black person who performs well on the test usually performs as well as whites with similar high scores.
Well its because many of the questions are cultural stuff that blacks have little or no experience with.
There isn't a lot of evidence on biological parents part.

Effects of Out-of-Wedlock Births on Society​

But more important, a major study of 11,000 individuals found that “the percentage of single-parent households with children between the ages of 12 and 20 is significantly associated with rates of violent crime and burglary...

The evidence is clear and disturbing, being born outside of marriage lowers the health of newborns and increases their chances of dying; it delays children’s cognitive (especially their verbal) development; it lowers their educational achievement; it lowers their job attainment; it increases their behavior problems; it lowers their impulse control; it warps their social development; it helps change their community from being a support to being a danger to their development; and it increases the crime rate in their community.

To make the situation worse, the government has instilled powerful incentives in the welfare system which makes illegitimacy a community way of life, particularly in very poor communities. The widespread incidence of illegitimacy in turn passes on all these effects to the next generation in an even more malignant form.

While the government cannot instill virtue, it does not need to subsidize this rejection. and,increases their behavior problems; it
Well its because many of the questions are cultural stuff that blacks have little or no experience with.
the mensa test i took back when i was 21 (so 40+ years) was really about what you'd learned in school, text-book knowledge. So anyone who'd not received a decent education might not have learned some of the material... which isn't the same as how intelligent a person is. Exposure to the information, as you point out, is highly relevant when regarding results. The ability to hold onto that information might give a broad idea of levels of potential intelligence, but it doesn't truly measure how clever someone is. The measuring of how someone takes information and can apply it to various situations for a desired outcome is always going to be flawed when the playing field of knowledge is full of ruts.