So are you really voting for a Democrat because of the Iraqi war?

The last Republican I voted for was Gerald Ford and I don't see any reason to vote for another one anytime soon.

When the only defense of your performance is "the other guy would have fucked it up worse", its time to go.
SleepingWarrior said:
Once you grow a pair and accept that just because the Dems lose/lost it doesn't mean an election was stolen. ;)

Enjoy the ride, chickenhawk.

Tomorrow, your ideology goes back in the closet.

Ignorance can only thrive so long...
Purple Haze said:
Enjoy the ride, chickenhawk.

Tomorrow, your ideology goes back in the closet.

Ignorance can only thrive so long...

*Chuckles* You know next to nothing about my ideology since I'm voting for a Dem for Senator in 8 hours. Amy Klobuchar is her name and since you seem to be up around this neck of the woods you would probably know she isn't for this war you hate so much. Just happens to have a better stand on issues than Mark Kennedy besides that. :D
Nah, not special. Just not the Neo-con hack you think anyone who disagrees with your war stance is.

Wait, maybe it is special since I'm one of the 20-25% that actually decide an election since I vote for whomever I think is going to best represent me rather than vote based on a D or an R next to the name...

I'd probably vote for Patty Wetterling too but she lives off of her dead son's memory which I can't stand. Preaching to people about protecting their children when she let her son run around at 9pm without adult supervision...
What time do you start following your 11 year-old son around on his bike?
SleepingWarrior said:
Nah, not special. Just not the Neo-con hack you think anyone who disagrees with your war stance is.

Wait, maybe it is special since I'm one of the 20-25% that actually decide an election since I vote for whomever I think is going to best represent me rather than vote based on a D or an R next to the name...

I'd probably vote for Patty Wetterling too but she lives off of her dead son's memory which I can't stand. Preaching to people about protecting their children when she let her son run around at 9pm without adult supervision...
Sure, but what should she be saying instead?
Purple Haze said:
What time do you start following your 11 year-old son around on his bike?

You don't let your 11 year-old son ride his bike when it is dark out and he is almost a mile from home. She's just lucky the guy didn't walk off with her other younger son too.
phrodeau said:
Sure, but what should she be saying instead?

Who knows... I live 4-5 miles from where Jacob was abducted and its been a part of my life for 17 years and something about her and her family has struck me as just not right. It just makes me scoff when she talks about protecting everyone else's children when she didn't take the steps necessary to do so for her own.
You should write a book about parenting, after you finish your book about surviving Air Force Basic...
Purple Haze said:
You should write a book about parenting, after you finish your book about surviving Air Force Basic...

If Dr. Phil can write about dieting I could definitely write about anything. :cool:
SleepingWarrior said:
Who knows... I live 4-5 miles from where Jacob was abducted and its been a part of my life for 17 years and something about her and her family has struck me as just not right. It just makes me scoff when she talks about protecting everyone else's children when she didn't take the steps necessary to do so for her own.
So the message is OK, but the messenger stinks?
Over 600,000 Iraqi civilians murdered and you'd still want to vote Republican? :rolleyes:
garbage can said:
Ah, Succulent-one, it would be my pleasure to indoctrinate you into the world of reality...........where shall we meet............ ;)

Ahhhhhh......I believe that I am the one in the world of reality :cool:
Holy Devil said:
Over 600,000 Iraqi civilians murdered and you'd still want to vote Republican? :rolleyes:

48 million children slaughtered in America since 1973 and you still vote Democrat?
I guess that settles that. I declare this thread offically closed!
KravMaga said:
I am not being critical because I don't necessarily disagree with your logic; however, voting for one of the third parties is a waste of your vote. Decide if you are better off now than you were last time you voted. If so, vote for the other party...Based upon a lot of the false data that was floating around at that time and I lay that squarely in the hands of Carl Rove, there were ostensibly reasons for that vote. People have learned that you cannot trust our president and his false info since that time. The same mistake is unlikely to happen again.

And this, is whats wrong with the american election system.
Seeing this is a board where no one can verify shit..

I wonder how many here actually voted?

Has anyone started a pool to see when the next attack on US soil is done?

History repeat:

The only way this war will be like Vietnam is if the Dems do the same as they did to the RVN and set conditions that allow the terrorists to do what the NVA did to conquer the south in 1975.

Lost Cause said:
I wonder how many here actually voted?

Has anyone started a pool to see when the next attack on US soil is done?

Right after the 2008 election, then they can blame Bush. secular-progressives must die. ASAP
damnewc said:
48 million children slaughtered in America since 1973 and you still vote Democrat?

America has spoken. The Democrats won. Enuff said. :cool: