So are you really voting for a Democrat because of the Iraqi war?

Butterflybaby04 said:
No, I am voting based on what each person has done for my tiny fuckwit of a town. Raiseing of min. wage. More funding for public libraries, firehalls (all the ones in my area arre vollunteer only). It just so happens they are Dems.
A vote for the Pubs, is a vote for more libraries, big huge fire trucks, new Ford LTD's for the police, paving your mainstreet.
You have been deprived of this by voting for the Dems............ ;)
The Republicans stand for most everything I am against.

The war In Iraq is doing no one in this world any good except to recruit more terrorists.

The deficit is crippling this country.

The only jobs that have been created are minimum wage jobs, and they don't want to raise that.

They are aginst stem cell research.

They are aginst a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.

Gays and lesbians deserve the same rights as every other individual in this country. I am secure in my sexuality and not afraid of "them".

I was raised a Christian, and my god is a loving god. All this hate and bigotry bubbling out of the evangelicals makes me sick. They don't know how to love an accept another person, they don't have a clue.

I am sick and tired of listening to a total idiot of a President mangle the english language. That is a total embarrassment to everyone.

I am sick and tired of the Republican power mill thinking they can lie and cheat and committ crimes and they are above it all. It is toally disgusting. And I put them in all in the same pot, because they can't seem to control their own people even when they know whats going on.
Succulent-one said:
The Republicans stand for most everything I am against.

The war In Iraq is doing no one in this world any good except to recruit more terrorists.

The deficit is crippling this country.

The only jobs that have been created are minimum wage jobs, and they don't want to raise that.

They are aginst stem cell research.

They are aginst a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.

Gays and lesbians deserve the same rights as every other individual in this country. I am secure in my sexuality and not afraid of "them".

I was raised a Christian, and my god is a loving god. All this hate and bigotry bubbling out of the evangelicals makes me sick. They don't know how to love an accept another person, they don't have a clue.

I am sick and tired of listening to a total idiot of a President mangle the english language. That is a total embarrassment to everyone.

I am sick and tired of the Republican power mill thinking they can lie and cheat and committ crimes and they are above it all. It is toally disgusting. And I put them in all in the same pot, because they can't seem to control their own people even when they know whats going on.

Voting Democratic tomorrow as analysts are saying it looks very favorable for the democrats to gain control over one house if not both of them.

Anything to make the "Emporer's" Job harder is a plus for us.

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Succulent-one said:
The Republicans stand for most everything I am against.

The war In Iraq is doing no one in this world any good except to recruit more terrorists.

The deficit is crippling this country.

The only jobs that have been created are minimum wage jobs, and they don't want to raise that.

They are aginst stem cell research.

They are aginst a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.

Gays and lesbians deserve the same rights as every other individual in this country. I am secure in my sexuality and not afraid of "them".

I was raised a Christian, and my god is a loving god. All this hate and bigotry bubbling out of the evangelicals makes me sick. They don't know how to love an accept another person, they don't have a clue.

I am sick and tired of listening to a total idiot of a President mangle the english language. That is a total embarrassment to everyone.

I am sick and tired of the Republican power mill thinking they can lie and cheat and committ crimes and they are above it all. It is toally disgusting. And I put them in all in the same pot, because they can't seem to control their own people even when they know whats going on.

Tomorrow morning I'm gong to take this thread apart, piece by piece. It's rare to see so much ignorance on display is so few words.

Succulent-one said:
The Republicans stand for most everything I am against.

The war In Iraq is doing no one in this world any good except to recruit more terrorists.

The deficit is crippling this country.

The only jobs that have been created are minimum wage jobs, and they don't want to raise that.

They are aginst stem cell research.

They are aginst a woman's right to choose what to do with her body.

Gays and lesbians deserve the same rights as every other individual in this country. I am secure in my sexuality and not afraid of "them".

I was raised a Christian, and my god is a loving god. All this hate and bigotry bubbling out of the evangelicals makes me sick. They don't know how to love an accept another person, they don't have a clue.

I am sick and tired of listening to a total idiot of a President mangle the english language. That is a total embarrassment to everyone.

I am sick and tired of the Republican power mill thinking they can lie and cheat and committ crimes and they are above it all. It is toally disgusting. And I put them in all in the same pot, because they can't seem to control their own people even when they know whats going on.
Ah, Succulent-one, it would be my pleasure to indoctrinate you into the world of reality...........where shall we meet............ ;)
i swore i'd never vote republican again after they tried to remove clinton.

the reason? i'm a conservative.
MechaBlade said:

Right on.

Well hell, lets just let the women decide to kill their child anytime they get bored with the idea of having them then. Basically what partial-birth abortion is when it comes down to it.
paganangel said:
i swore i'd never vote republican again after they tried to remove clinton.
Me too.

At that moment I went from centrist to democrat.

SleepingWarrior said:
Well hell, lets just let the women decide to kill their child anytime they get bored with the idea of having them then. Basically what partial-birth abortion is when it comes down to it.
No, it's not. Not from my understanding.
SleepingWarrior said:
Well hell, lets just let the women decide to kill their child anytime they get bored with the idea of having them then. Basically what partial-birth abortion is when it comes down to it.
egocentric sociopath may be the most accurate title ever
MechaBlade said:
No, it's not. Not from my understanding.

For those that are done to actually save the mother's life (which almost every law banning it has written in as an exception) its understandable while still regrettable. But without those laws being passed and on the books spelling out what constitutes a danger to a mother's life you have guys like Tiller in Kansas aborting late-term babies (no longer a fetus but VIABLE) because the mother claims depression in her 8th month of pregnancy.
paganangel said:
egocentric sociopath may be the most accurate title ever

Thank you, I worked hard thinking about it.

And while I may be what my title is at least I give a half a damn about viable human babies. ;)
garbage can said:
A vote for the Pubs, is a vote for more libraries, big huge fire trucks, new Ford LTD's for the police, paving your mainstreet.
You have been deprived of this by voting for the Dems............ ;)

You're a good reason for total abortion...
SleepingWarrior said:
Thank you, I worked hard thinking about it.

And while I may be what my title is at least I give a half a damn about viable human babies. ;)
adopt one
paganangel said:
adopt one

Well seeing as how I am basically a bum I doubt I'd even be able to afford a filing fee. That and I did say "half a damn". :)

We've got couples going to foreign lands to adopt babies so its not like their is a shortage of homes. Just have a system that is too costly for many of those people.
SleepingWarrior said:
Thank you, I worked hard thinking about it.

And while I may be what my title is at least I give a half a damn about viable human babies. ;)

Do we need to go over your username again?
Purple Haze said:
Do we need to go over your username again?

In the unlikely event the Repubs manage to retain control of both or either of the Houses will we have to hear your incessent whining of "stolen elections" yet again? :p
SleepingWarrior said:
Well seeing as how I am basically a bum I doubt I'd even be able to afford a filing fee. That and I did say "half a damn". :)

We've got couples going to foreign lands to adopt babies so its not like their is a shortage of homes. Just have a system that is too costly for many of those people.
not costly, long.
so we can go from not enough babies to plenty. then they won't have to go outside their race. YEAAA!!
paganangel said:
not costly, long.
so we can go from not enough babies to plenty. then they won't have to go outside their race. YEAAA!!

Huh? If they are going out of country for a baby I doubt they care what race their child is...
SleepingWarrior said:
In the unlikely event the Repubs manage to retain control of both or either of the Houses will we have to hear your incessent whining of "stolen elections" yet again? :p


When are you going to grow up and go shoot some brown people for Uncle Dick?
SleepingWarrior said:
For those that are done to actually save the mother's life (which almost every law banning it has written in as an exception) its understandable while still regrettable. But without those laws being passed and on the books spelling out what constitutes a danger to a mother's life you have guys like Tiller in Kansas aborting late-term babies (no longer a fetus but VIABLE) because the mother claims depression in her 8th month of pregnancy.
It's illegal to abort viable babies.
Purple Haze said:

When are you going to grow up and go shoot some brown people for Uncle Dick?

Once you grow a pair and accept that just because the Dems lose/lost it doesn't mean an election was stolen. ;)