SIL Attraction

To me, accounts of hot SILs read like science-fiction when I look around my family, be it now or back when I was young.
My SIL and I got along very well from the first time we were introduced, which was like a year and a half before I married her brother. His whole family was quite accepting of me and it was quite new to me the way they shared their affection with everyone when getting together. There were always hugs and kisses included in the greeting. I got used to it quickly though.
John’s sister was two years older than me and in a short time was confiding in me with stories of her secret sex life. OMG! This woman had more cocks stuck in her over the years than I had!! She never made mention of being bi-sexual or attracted to women but often she would hold my hand when intimate chat about her sex life came up.
Anyhow, at my wedding reception which wasn’t a very large gathering of people at my hubby’s house, I got up to go to the bathroom and she followed along. After the door closed she gave me a hug and planted a wet sloppy kiss on my lips complete with tongue! “Welcome to the family,” she said.
I have to say, that moment stuck in my head the whole time we were on our honeymoon and John probably wondered why I was so horny the whole time!!
Over the past twelve years there have been several intimate moments shared between her and I. 💗
Serious sexual tension with my sil, and there’s been a few situations where lines were/almost crossed.

The taboo nature of it and mutual attraction makes it so hot ….but it’s likely one of those fantasies best left in the fantasy world
Serious sexual tension with my sil, and there’s been a few situations where lines were/almost crossed.

The taboo nature of it and mutual attraction makes it so hot ….but it’s likely one of those fantasies best left in the fantasy world
Too hot to walk away from...
Serious sexual tension with my sil, and there’s been a few situations where lines were/almost crossed.

The taboo nature of it and mutual attraction makes it so hot ….but it’s likely one of those fantasies best left in the fantasy world
Same here, but I although I’ve been married to my wife for over 30 years, I would fuck either of my SILs in a heartbeat (given the opportunity). The “visual” & flirting line has been crossed many times, but not the actual physical line. I regret not acting on it back then.
Same here, but I although I’ve been married to my wife for over 30 years, I would fuck either of my SILs in a heartbeat (given the opportunity). The “visual” & flirting line has been crossed many times, but not the actual physical line. I regret not acting on it back then.
Idk…I don’t want to blow up anyone’s life or family. Playing with fire for sure. She’s my concert buddy which doesn’t help, or really helps depending on how you look at it.

Alcohol and gummies certainly make it interesting too
Have a few festivals planned for the summer with my SIL

We’ll see if any lines are crossed