SHOCK REPORT! U.S. Government in Possession of several UFOs (Intact and Partially Intact)

That's what I saying. I've seen all the blurry stuff. I've read some great stories. You would think some pics would have been smuggled out of Area51 by now.
From what I've heard these Black UFO programs spend more money on security than they do the actual research and reverse engineering of the UFOs.
Dude. You need to get a grip. You're all over place. I don't know WTF you're talking about lights in sky. I'm not not sure you know either. Concerning what these UFOs look like wasn't in report. Neither was what they sound like, what they smell like, what they feel like, or what they taste like. At some point I'm sure detailed descriptions will be released. Be patient. Nobody likes a premature release.
You know exactly what I'm talking about, you're just being obtuse to avoid the actual questions you've been asked.

Didn't it ever occur to you to wonder why it wasn't in the report? Why people talk about conspiracy theories instead of the things they claim to have seen? You're right there with the details on pilot reports and videos from YouTube, but none of your UFO friends ever asked what the spaceships look like. Why the hell not?
MTG is not received security briefings regarding UAP/UFOs. Burchett has. If you have any source claiming otherwise please post.
i'm sorry, i should have placed this in bold text:
He has been privy to classified materials. He knows of what he speaks.
which is why my response makes sense and it wasn't that hard to extrapolate my intention.

From what I've heard these Black UFO programs spend more money on security than they do the actual research and reverse engineering of the UFOs.
"from what you've heard"... means nothing, in all honesty, when we're speaking of facts

"Black UFO programmes"... means they (how many are there?) are 'secret' in nature and so any intel you've heard has to be considered regarding source

"actual research"... do you know what 'actual research' has been done? its nature, its costing, its parameters and limitations, what funding it's received and the restrictions placed upon it by current technology/scientific knowledge/the abilities of who conducted the research, and political/public 'interest' determining the amount of monies awarded to research?

lastly, the claim that more money's been spent on security (again, where's your evidence?) than 'reverse engineering of the UFOs' might just hint at something...

really, though, there's little point in my continuing our discussion since i see your investment in a certain outcome and everything you post skews your position towards that. I prefer to keep an open mind, and will be very interested to see the outcomes. As i mentioned, previously, i HAVE seen things i'd love to know exactly what they were; i keep an open mind, appreciate my own lack of scientific/tech knowledge in these areas, and have a keen interest in anything that could shed light on those things.
i'm sorry, i should have placed this in bold text:

which is why my response makes sense and it wasn't that hard to extrapolate my intention.

"from what you've heard"... means nothing, in all honesty, when we're speaking of facts

"Black UFO programmes"... means they (how many are there?) are 'secret' in nature and so any intel you've heard has to be considered regarding source

"actual research"... do you know what 'actual research' has been done? its nature, its costing, its parameters and limitations, what funding it's received and the restrictions placed upon it by current technology/scientific knowledge/the abilities of who conducted the research, and political/public 'interest' determining the amount of monies awarded to research?

lastly, the claim that more money's been spent on security (again, where's your evidence?) than 'reverse engineering of the UFOs' might just hint at something...

really, though, there's little point in my continuing our discussion since i see your investment in a certain outcome and everything you post skews your position towards that. I prefer to keep an open mind, and will be very interested to see the outcomes. As i mentioned, previously, i HAVE seen things i'd love to know exactly what they were; i keep an open mind, appreciate my own lack of scientific/tech knowledge in these areas, and have a keen interest in anything that could shed light on those things.
I think you you're having trouble understanding how investigations work. The entire point of this investigation or any investigation for that matter. Demanding facts and evidence prior to the investigation is putting the cart before the horse. "Prove to me with facts and evidence the conclusions of the investigation before the investigation begins!"
You know exactly what I'm talking about, you're just being obtuse to avoid the actual questions you've been asked.

Didn't it ever occur to you to wonder why it wasn't in the report? Why people talk about conspiracy theories instead of the things they claim to have seen? You're right there with the details on pilot reports and videos from YouTube, but none of your UFO friends ever asked what the spaceships look like. Why the hell not?
I don't know. When objects are called, "flying saucers" or "Tic Tacs" only a moron would ask what it looks like. It's like demading to know the color of an orange then acting surprised when everybody looks at you like you're an idiot.
there's little point in my continuing our discussion

there seems to be some disconnect between reading and understanding
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I don't know. When objects are called, "flying saucers" or "Tic Tacs" only a moron would ask what it looks like. It's like demading to know the color of an orange then acting surprised when everybody looks at you like you're an idiot.
Flying saucers and Tic Tacs don't sound like much of a description from someone who had seen a real alien spaceship up close. Got anything else?

Dumbfounded and left speechless? Before demanding facts and evidence let the investigation play out first. You usually get your questions answered better that way.
No, investigations examine facts and evidence and draw conclusions. That's how logic works.
Uh oh. Look here we have another one. When will these crazy UFO cultists stop with their crazy conspiracy theories? Where's the proof? He didn't even say what they look like! People see stuff all the time. It's probably balloons....yeah that's it. Balloons!

White House National Security chief says UFOs are having an 'impact on our training ranges' and need to be treated as a 'legitimate issue'


UFOs are already having an impact on combat training for America's fighter pilots, a top national security official has warned.

'Some of these phenomena, we know, have already had an impact on our training ranges,' according to John Kirby, the National Security Council's Coordinator for Strategic Communications under President Biden.

Kirby, a retired rear admiral in the US Navy, said the unanswered questions surrounding UFOs must now be treated as a 'legitimate issue'.

In a White House briefing Monday, he told reporters: 'When pilots are out trying to do training in the air and they see these things, they're not sure what they are, and it can have an impact on their ability to perfect their skills.'
Uh oh. Look here we have another one. When will these crazy UFO cultists stop with their crazy conspiracy theories? Where's the proof? He didn't even say what they look like! People see stuff all the time. It's probably balloons....yeah that's it. Balloons!
It will go like all the other times. Lots of talk, promises of investigations, vague accounts and accusations of cover ups. Then it goes quiet for a while before another breathless UFO type bursts through the door with shock news. Enjoy the hysteria amongst the sheeple whenever it happens.
the air is now filled with inflatables, drones, experimental technology and more. all of which cause issues for pilots, especially those traveling at max speeds.

John Kirby's answer to a question made it clear that pilots encountering objects in the air was a problem, hence investigations of both the sightings and how the sightings are reported in order to get a better understanding of what's going on and how best to address it... the responsible way of handling things.

“I mean, some of these phenomena we know have already had an impact on our training ranges for, you know, when pilots are out trying to do training in the air and they see these things, they’re not sure what they are and it can have an impact on their ability to perfect their skills. So it already had an impact here,” Kirby said, noting the goal is to have a better understanding of “what they are.”
“Now we’re not saying what they are or what they’re not, we’re saying that there’s something our pilots are seeing, we’re saying it has had an effect on some of our training operations, and so we wanna get to the bottom of it. We wanna understand it better, so, yes,” Kirby added.
OJ juror logic in full effect from the UAP/UFO deniers in this thread. I can't believe how so many are twisting themselves into logic pretzels with pedantic arguments over tangents that don't matter. Just like an OJ juror they will magnify the most insignificant and absurd aspects of the case against mountains of evidence on the other side just to fit their narrative.

OJ has blood all over his house, his shoe prints are over the crime scene, he was Known to own the murder weapon, but the glove was a little tight on his hand so he's not guilty. Conversely scores of eyewitness reports of UFOs by jet fighter pilots, radar operators, intelligence officers, etc. describing what could only be alien tech can be completely ignored because the "U" in UFO means "unidentified".

It's this kind of willful ignorance that can destroy a nation. Thankfully these opinions are in the minority and will be getting smaller and smaller as more truth on the topic is revealed.

Congressman Tim Burchett has seen the classified documents and videos. He clearly states that there is no question that these vehicles are alien in nature and not of this Earth.

I don't know. When objects are called, "flying saucers" or "Tic Tacs" only a moron would ask what it looks like. It's like demading to know the color of an orange then acting surprised when everybody looks at you like you're an idiot.
For the third time, if they’re unidentified they can’t be called “tic tacs” or “flying saucers”.
OJ juror logic in full effect from the UAP/UFO deniers in this thread. I can't believe how so many are twisting themselves into logic pretzels with pedantic arguments over tangents that don't matter. Just like an OJ juror they will magnify the most insignificant and absurd aspects of the case against mountains of evidence on the other side just to fit their narrative.

OJ has blood all over his house, his shoe prints are over the crime scene, he was Known to own the murder weapon, but the glove was a little tight on his hand so he's not guilty. Conversely scores of eyewitness reports of UFOs by jet fighter pilots, radar operators, intelligence officers, etc. describing what could only be alien tech can be completely ignored because the "U" in UFO means "unidentified".

It's this kind of willful ignorance that can destroy a nation. Thankfully these opinions are in the minority and will be getting smaller and smaller as more truth on the topic is revealed.

Congressman Tim Burchett has seen the classified documents and videos. He clearly states that there is no question that these vehicles are alien in nature and not of this Earth.

The irony is lost on you.
The dam is beginning to burst on UAP/UFO disclosure. Republicans and Democrats agree that American tax payers are owed the truth on the UAP/UFO phenomenon. The witnesses in the hearing will provide insightful perspectives on this issue that cannot and will not be ignored.

Rep. Burchett and colleagues hold press conference on upcoming Oversight Committee hearing on UAPs​

Congressman Tim Burchett (TN-02) holds a press conference with colleagues from the Oversight Committee on the upcoming hearing that will be held on Wednesday, July 26, 2023 on UAPs. The hearing is titled "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Implications on National Security, Public Safety, and Government Transparency"The hearing will be held by the Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs.

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the fact that the source is tim burchett appears lost on him, too
What seems to be lost on you is this is not a partisan issue. The support for what he is saying and doing has bi-partisan support. In the real world adults have to work with people they don't always agree with. Grow up. I can't go into my job and smugly disregard all the views and opinions of my co-workers who vote Republican. Especially on non-partisan issues. "Hey Dan is a right wing asshole who votes Republican so his ideas to increase sales and expand market share should be ignored!" That would sound and look really petty, short sighted, and stupid.
i am not discussing this with you, as i said before. i am addressing others in the conversation. i made this exception to address you directly for the last time, since you don't seem to have grasped this fact.
What seems to be lost on you is this is not a partisan issue. The support for what he is saying and doing has bi-partisan support. In the real world adults have to work with people they don't always agree with. Grow up. I can't go into my job and smugly disregard all the views and opinions of my co-workers who vote Republican. Especially on non-partisan issues. "Hey Dan is a right wing asshole who votes Republican so his ideas to increase sales and expand market share should be ignored!" That would sound and look really petty, short sighted, and stupid.
The irony that you don’t understand how evidence works is still lost on you.