Sci-Fi/Fantasy Chain Story Idea

Dark and I had an interesting question...If someone breaks one of the rules, specifically lies to her, does the ring actually vanish to somewhere else in time/space or does it simply become inert until a new master summons her with it?
deathlynx said:
Dark and I had an interesting question...If someone breaks one of the rules, specifically lies to her, does the ring actually vanish to somewhere else in time/space or does it simply become inert until a new master summons her with it?

My understanding is that the ring passes from hand to hand in the current era, unless the lie comes into play. Once somebody lies to her, then she's off jaunting through time.
Yeah, though with the possibility of her disappearing on requesting something that's against the rules I figured that it would apply the same way as lying to her...I'd been assuming that it simply became an inert lump of metal in that instance...
I always saw it as disappearing into another place in time/space... to be picked up by another individual when it is found.
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I always saw it as disappearing into another place in time/space... to be picked up by another individual when it is found. for me...
RedHairedandFriendly said:
You're so agreeable . . .*wonders if you should hold the paddle when folks call for spankings*
I'd certainly hold the paddle...Then again I have experience having once been the mysterious "Annonymous Frat-goth" :devil:

Although I'm more than willing to share the paddle when the time is right :p
Oooops...I think this is gonna confuse some people...We currently have two chapter 2s?

I'm used to being confuzzed...Actually I think we're all used to me being confuzzed at this point ;)
But the poor readers :eek:
With the preceding chapter in hand, my lead-in ( and an ending I decided to write to let Deathlynx drop Laresa wherever he wanted in space and time without having to close out my story ) is done and everything is off for final editing.

Barring disasters of biblical proportions, my chapter will be submitted on the 15th as scheduled :)

We should probably note in the guidelines that Laresa is invisible to anyone but her Master by default, only becoming visible at the wish of said Master ( whether spoken or implied within another wish - as it was in Danielle's )
deathlynx said:
Oooops...I think this is gonna confuse some people...We currently have two chapter 2s?

I'm used to being confuzzed...Actually I think we're all used to me being confuzzed at this point ;)
But the poor readers :eek:

I sent Laurel a PM asking her to fix Tseranc's chapter. ;)
Adding a RED line!

**** please note the added red line to this bunch of stuff - - I'll add key facts from author writer's work to this as the story goes. . .like a cheat sheet. ****


Ch. 03 - Tseranc -
Ch. 04 - Black Tulip - submit by September 12th
Ch. 05 - Darknacid - submit by September 15th
Ch. 06 - deathlynx - submit by September 19th
Ch. 07 - SEVERUSMAX - submit by September 26th
Ch. 08 - RedHairedandFriendly - submit by October 10th
*Ch. 09 - DanielleKitten - submit by October 17th

If you DO NOT want to write a second chapter in the story or it doesn't go into the higher chapters then please understand the * chapters may not happen. Thanks

The title: Laresa's World Ch. 01: XXXXXX (Your title choice)

If you wish to submit early let me know and I can change the schedule to reflect that. With the stories jumping back and forth through time, if you submit early isn't a big issue, just please let me know if you do, or if you can't reach the schedule date.

She's pretty much a slave with powers of a Genie and once the person loses the ring, they lose her.

We'll travel through time and space.

Her Limits:

CAN'T alter major historical events.
She can't make anyone fall in love.
Can't bring back the dead, but if there is one breath left in the body, she can heal them.

How does one lose her: Lose the ring, have it stolen, and lie to her. I like the idea of lieing to her. Like I said you don't have to lie to her, she's going to willingly do as you ask anyway, whether she likes it or not. So lieing to her means the ring disappears, where it goes in time or space is up to you the writer. Rules can not be revealed unless the Master/Mistress asks about them.

Summening her: Twisting the ring counter-clockwise by accident, and twisting it while whispering her name on purpose.

She is invisible to all, unless her Master/Mistress deems her visible. So far this has been implied in some stories.

Anything else we can think of we can post here and I'll add.
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I've got three potential settings for another possible chapter ( is that non-commital enough for ye? *laugh* ) and I've got a thought to toss out to the group.

In the event of a tremendous natural disaster ( pompeii for example ) does anyone have any reservations about the ring protecting itself by "warping" before it can be buried in thousands of tons of volcanic ash?

Pompeii is a good example, because the Master might not have had time to even realize they were dead before the pyroplastic flow immolated them.

Naturally, the example is also one of my potential settings. The other two are Incan and Ancient Egyptian. All three involve Mistresses as opposed to Masters, each with their own angle, although there are common threads running through all three possibilities. It will probably boil down to ease of research, with Egypt getting an automatic boost due to my already fair familiarity with the culture. I'd really like to do the Inca or Pompeii, but if I just can't get enough period feel to it, I'll be following the road I already know. Provided I can get any of them to achieve lift-off :p
I think a Genie would sense a natural disaster, (wouldn't they??) . . .But disappearing without her Master/Mistresses I am not sure about. . . Would a Genie not be required to protect their Master from unseen foes? Natural disasters? Death by an unseen person? So would the Genie disappear with the Master/Mistress and transport them to safety?
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I think a Genie would sense a natural disaster, (wouldn't they??) . . .But disappearing without her Master/Mistresses I am not sure about. . . Would a Genie not be required to protect their Master from unseen foes? Natural disasters? Death by an unseen person? So would the Genie disappear with the Master/Mistress and transport them to safety?

Only if they commanded to do so, is what I'm thinking. If not, I need to rewrite the end of my current chapter *laugh*

The Genie is intimately connected with the Master, but probably doesn't have much power concerning others unless ordered to do something that deals with them.

I'm working from the idea that everything has to be asked, everything has to be wished, all a part of the whole genie gig. She has near infinite powers, but they have to be guided and released by the Master's wishes. It gives her an out when she has a rotten Master, and can provide a little bittersweet drama when she has one she likes.

Laresa is a little different, but most genie lore would actually have a djinn that did sense something like this keeping it to themselves unless ordered to protect against such. They are unwilling servants, after all, and most border on the mischevious/downright wicked.
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I'd have to agree...traditionally genies don't do anything unless explicetly asked to...Also for the natural disaster thing I'd have to say that someone surviving it would almost be a breach of her rule against changing major historical events...Continuing with the Pompey example it was lost for so many years because it happened so fast no one did know about it...Had someone survived wouldn't history have majorly changed?
Although in that case it was discovered again so the ring would be time runs different for her would it matter provided the ring wasn't destroyed? And in the case of the ring about to be destroyed I could certainly agree that it vanishes instead...

I'm not sure about the invisibility though as sometimes she seems visable to everyone (such as your story Dark)...Most of the time, so far as I've read, it doesn't matter as she's alone with her master...Could it be up to Laresa unless otherwise instructed? For example some places she wouldn't seem out of place so she'd appear to all, but in a location where she would seem out of place (men's club?) she would arrive invisible?
deathlynx said:
I'd have to agree...traditionally genies don't do anything unless explicetly asked to...Also for the natural disaster thing I'd have to say that someone surviving it would almost be a breach of her rule against changing major historical events...Continuing with the Pompey example it was lost for so many years because it happened so fast no one did know about it...Had someone survived wouldn't history have majorly changed?
Although in that case it was discovered again so the ring would be time runs different for her would it matter provided the ring wasn't destroyed? And in the case of the ring about to be destroyed I could certainly agree that it vanishes instead...

I'm not sure about the invisibility though as sometimes she seems visable to everyone (such as your story Dark)...Most of the time, so far as I've read, it doesn't matter as she's alone with her master...Could it be up to Laresa unless otherwise instructed? For example some places she wouldn't seem out of place so she'd appear to all, but in a location where she would seem out of place (men's club?) she would arrive invisible?

Hm, in my story she's invisible.
I agree about the nature of the genie, not quite benevolent.
And a strong sense of self preservation, so vanishing in case of a disaster.

I rewrote a couple of lines after reading Tulip's, deathlynx. I dropped it into mine where Clint asks her to be visible when she's outside the ring with him, so he doesn't look like he's "not right in the head" talking to open air ;)

It was implied she was invisible early on in Red's chapter, with the cabin boy talking about the old sea dog "talking to himself"
the chapter number on my submission has been corrected, no more confusion on that front!

so now we're onto chapter 4 - w00t
I see her as invisible, unless told be be visible. I can go with her not saving her Master/Mistress from a desaster, but I can't see her leaving to save herself though. She doesn't have permission. So the ring would sit until found, in my opinion. If a Master/Mistress wants protection then yes, they'll have to demand they protect her from life-threatening things??
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I see her as invisible, unless told be be visible. I can go with her not saving her Master/Mistress from a desaster, but I can't see her leaving to save herself though. She doesn't have permission. So the ring would sit until found, in my opinion. If a Master/Mistress wants protection then yes, they'll have to demand they protect her from life-threatening things??

My thought was mostly the ring's magic preserving itself, not Laresa actually choosing to go anywhere. Magic items, especially those with such fantastic powers as the ring ( it does the space-time jump in my mind, because she never really knows where she is going to pop up the way things read thusfar ) tend to have strong self-preservation "instincts" for lack of a better word. They don't like being buried under rubble or ash.

...And facilitation for the following author. They don't have to start by having the ring found in the ashes of Pompei where it has been buried for umpteen years.
Darkniciad said:
My thought was mostly the ring's magic preserving itself, not Laresa actually choosing to go anywhere. Magic items, especially those with such fantastic powers as the ring ( it does the space-time jump in my mind, because she never really knows where she is going to pop up the way things read thusfar ) tend to have strong self-preservation "instincts" for lack of a better word. They don't like being buried under rubble or ash.

...And facilitation for the following author. They don't have to start by having the ring found in the ashes of Pompei where it has been buried for umpteen years.

So it would just take her and itself away without her knowing it either. . .hmmmmm
RedHairedandFriendly said:
So it would just take her and itself away without her knowing it either. . .hmmmmm

Exactly, that whole bittersweet character development thing if she was with a Master she liked. She probably knows a lot about history, but she may not be able to keep track of everything in her mind, since she's bouncing around in it willy-nilly. She may not realize that she's at a critical point in history until an event occurs, or it may be one she isn't yet farmiliar with. Something like the pyroplastic flow could happen before she even realizes it's there. She could be outside the ring one minute, and then *poof* back inside and confused.

She would know that she couldn't change a war, or a massive natural disaster, but she might be surprised to discover that she *can't* save someone, because that person's death was a critical turning point that eventually leads to something huge, like the rise of an empire. As soon as she tries to alter something like this according to a Master's wish, she would instantly understand, but she might not previously make the connection.

That would be a good way to mix up her space-time journeys as well, having her attempt something she can't do sending her hurtling as well. Someone could ignore the rule about the dead and demand she do it anyway out of grief *poof* gone.

Just me standard rambling and rumination.