Request for beta readers for a sci-fi/mind control novella


Sep 10, 2022

I’m looking for one or more beta readers to help me polish a mind control/near-future sci-fi novella, approximately 30K words.

The story is from the POV of a woman who has amnesia and finds herself in an environment she can’t leave, under the control of people she doesn’t know. She experiences challenges and self-discovery (and a lot of hot sex).

Potential tags: science fiction, mind control, oral, lesbian sex, group sex, bondage, love, noncon.

The first draft should be ready within a week. My text will be clean, needing very little copy editing or spell checking (but if you find such mistakes please flag them). My FMC’s predicament turns the plot into a bit of a mystery as she figures out what has happened to her and what may happen. I’d like some discerning literary editors' critiques of how the plot works and the characters develop, and also on philosophy, gourmet cooking, games, pop culture, and other special areas of expertise that she encounters.

I’ve been submitting stories here for about 18 months. You can see my style and track record (mostly red H’s) here:

As a teaser, here’s the first part of the opening scene:
I was in the airport, franticly looking through my purse for my boarding pass. It had to be in there, but I searched and I searched and it wasn’t there. The last few passengers were filing onto the plane. I was going a little crazy. And I was also thinking, Don’t they know who I am? Why the fuck do I need a fucking boarding pass? But I couldn’t remember. I just stared into my bag.

Out of nowhere a hand reached in, a man’s hand, and pulled out the slip of paper. He held it up for me. I was dumbfounded. “What the fuck?”

He motioned the paper to me. I took it, went through ticketing, and took my seat on the plane, 1A. It was only then that I realized that I hadn’t checked, and that I didn’t know where this plane was going. I couldn’t remember why I had got on the plane. I took out the boarding pass and was about the check the destination when the man sat down next to me and took it out of my hand.

“You don’t want this,” he said. He put it in his pocket.

“Who the fuck are you?” I looked around the plane. It looked full. “What’s going on?”

“You didn’t want to know.”

“Know what?”

“Anything,” he answered. “Don’t forget your seat belt.”

If you like this kind of story, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Interested? My plan is to submit this as a novella to the Geek Pride challenge in May, so a reasonably quick turnaround would be appreciated. Also, I’ve never asked for a beta reader before, so I could use some guidance on how to communicate 1:1 and what format my readers would like to see the text in. I can produce .docx, .pages, .rtf, etc.


I'm a little too busy atm unfortunately, especially for 30k words, but message me if you don't get any other takers.

Is 'franticly' allowed?
It's in the OED:

But it's fallen out of favor. Maybe save that spelling for a Victorian comedy: "Sir Kensington franticly rebuttoned Mrs. Hellman's bodice after licking his new invention, mayonnaise, off her bosom."

Thanks for your quick response and kind offer. I'll let you know how things go.
Wait! I used it! Oh my. And the spell checker didn't catch it. So you're already doing copy editing for me.

I would like to help. I'm from the UK and a new author too, which may put you off. Your outline looks interesting to me though. If you want, PM me or send it through .docx is fine.
Looks like I'm late to this thread, but it sounds like a good story. Lemme know if you still need a beta, and if not, I'll look forward to seeing the finished product when it's posted.