Republican Leadership Is A Threat To America


Literotica Guru
Feb 11, 2007




info links to the actual above Twitter posts can be accessed here:
On child labor laws, the Repubs are slightly ahead in letting teens do adult work and have adult responsibilities again. Both parties are still at zero on teens having adult freedom. Work without freedom is a hard sell.
On child labor laws, the Repubs are slightly ahead in letting teens do adult work and have adult responsibilities again. Both parties are still at zero on teens having adult freedom. Work without freedom is a hard sell.
Evidently not, given how many poor white Americans vote for it every two years.
yet another fucking dodgy republican lawmaker (TN, and one of those who voted to oust 2 Democratic members for protesting gun violence)... resigns after ethics committee report and a run-in with tv crew

Rep. Scotty Campbell, vice chair of the House Republican Caucus, violated the Legislature’s workplace discrimination and harassment policy. The brief Ethics Subcommittee findings document from late March did not provide specifics and said no more information would be released.
Campbell’s resignation came hours after a Nashville TV station confronted him about sexual harassment allegations involving legislative interns.
i'm sure trump will have an open seat ready and waiting for people like this in his election run, people who follow in his sticky footsteps like it's second nature.
At this point the Republican leadership is screwing itself so badly that I've got to hope it continues doing what it's doing into the next election.
After Uvalde, Texas law enforcement have clearly taken steps to increase the overtime budget.

Cruz escapes to Mexico, Abbott escapes to Europe and pushes for a pardon for a convicted shooter.
The Republican Party wins the votes of lower income whites without college degrees on social issues. Social issues are easier to understand than economic issues.

Also, lower income whites without college degrees usually like and admire rich people. Many imagine that hard work will make them rich before they die
Another one for Texas.

Texas guts ‘woke civics’. Now kids can’t engage in a key democratic process​

Since Texas lawmakers in 2021 passed a ban on lessons teaching that any one group is “inherently racist, sexist or oppressive”, a little-noticed provision of that legislation has triggered a massive fallout for civics education across the state.

Tucked into page 8 is a stipulation outlawing all assignments involving “direct communication” between students and their federal, state or local officials – short-circuiting the training young Texans receive to participate in democracy itself.

Since 2021, 18 states have passed laws restricting teachings on race and gender. But Texas is the only one nationwide to suppress students’ interactions with elected officials in class projects, according to researchers at the free expression advocacy group Pen America.

Practically overnight, a growing movement to engage Texas students in real-world civics lessons evaporated. Teachers canceled time-honored assignments, districts reversed expansion plans with a celebrated civics education provider and a bill promoting student civics projects that received bipartisan support in 2019 was suddenly dead in the water.

Pornography itself as entertainment is not necessarily essential for living, but prurient interest is part of society as sexuality is a part of humanity.

Suppression just makes things worse. Outlets will be found no matter how they try to block shit and that's how black market stuff starts.

There's a reason for separation of church and state. Nothing good is coming from this.
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Pornhub was showing Mormon youth that there were other sexual partners out there other than their sisters, brothers, grandfathers, fathers, or uncles.

That ^ couldn’t be allowed to stand.

