Proud Republican here


Jan 25, 2007
Just yelling loud that im a proud Republican and that i support the war in Iraq and hope we finish the job soon.
Good luck to all of our soldiers and the families at home supporting them. it is a very unfortunate but necessary war we are fighting and if you cant see that you are obviously blind or muslim
Dellan077 said:
Just yelling loud that im a proud Republican and that i support the war in Iraq and hope we finish the job soon.
Good luck to all of our soldiers and the families at home supporting them. it is a very unfortunate but necessary war we are fighting and if you cant see that you are obviously blind or muslim
Republican here............ Checking in.

We need to win that war, or there are troubled times ahead.
garbage can said:
Republican here............ Checking in.

We need to win that war, or there are troubled times ahead.

There's troubled times ahead because we RUSHED to war....
Dellan077 said:
Just yelling loud that im a proud Republican and that i support the war in Iraq and hope we finish the job soon.
Good luck to all of our soldiers and the families at home supporting them. it is a very unfortunate but necessary war we are fighting and if you cant see that you are obviously blind or muslim
who can argue with this?

who can argue with good wishes for the troops and the families?

who can argue with winning the war?
Dellan077 said:
Just yelling loud that im a proud Republican and that i support the war in Iraq and hope we finish the job soon.
Good luck to all of our soldiers and the families at home supporting them. it is a very unfortunate but necessary war we are fighting and if you cant see that you are obviously blind or muslim

The same stupid 'you are either for us or against us' mentality that took us to war.
Why not take a step from all that rant and ask yourself when you are going to see a light at the end of the tunnel or when you are going to wipe out all your enemies in iraq? Would you kill all of one tribe before there is an end or you are going to stay fighting them forever because they seem to be getting stronger and causing more carnage.
busybody said:

after 9 years?



In spite of there being NO WMD's (the first stated reason)

In spite of Iraq being no threat to the US or it's allies.

In spite of having nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11.

In spite of the fact that N. Korea was much further along in their nuclear weapons program.

Yes, rushed, and for no good reason.
it is not us or them. the reality is that we are fighting. the reality is they want us dead. would i kill a tribe no i would not...would i kill one that threatens me daily actually i wouldnt then either but i would kill one that comes to my front door to fight me. all these democrates/liberals can say what they want but the reality is when a bomb goes off in the beverly center the one thing theyll be wanting is someone strong enough to protect them. even if it means killing said attackers
Ulaven_Demorte said:

In spite of there being NO WMD's (the first stated reason) sez YOU. It went to Leb and Syria

In spite of Iraq being no threat to the US or it's allies............So sez YOU!

In spite of having nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11................No one said they did!

In spite of the fact that N. Korea was much further along in their nuclear weapons program...............Had we gone to NK, you woulda been against THAT!

Yes, rushed, and for no good reason.


Dellan077 said:
it is not us or them. the reality is that we are fighting. the reality they want us dead. would i kill a tribe no i would not...would i kill one that threatens me daily actually i wouldnt then either but i would kill one that comes to my front door to fight me. all these democrates/liberals can say what they want but the reality is when a bomb goes off in the beverly center the one thing theyll be wanting is someone strong enough to protect them. even if it means killing said attackers
:nana: :nana: :nana:
Ulaven_Demorte said:

In spite of there being NO WMD's (the first stated reason)

In spite of Iraq being no threat to the US or it's allies.

In spite of having nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11.

In spite of the fact that N. Korea was much further along in their nuclear weapons program.

Yes, rushed, and for no good reason.
UD, mistakes were made, no argument here.

What's done is done.

Now it's time to face up to the consequences of losing this war...... I think even Pelosi realizes that.
well uleven if that is your real name(sorry some humor there)

The Fact that iraq was warned countless times to let the inspectors (which the whole UN agreed with) inspect certain sites but would not allow them should say something. I find it ironic that it is okay for others to procrastinate even if it means tampering with "evidence" but when the US is involved its is the publics' constitutional right to have answers immediately regardless of how said info may hurt national security. So says the libs

Did we go about Iraq perfectly no not at all in my opinion but with people like saddam, hitler, pol pot and other evil men. sometimes you just need to get em....ask al capone
Dellan077 said:
it is not us or them. the reality is that we are fighting. the reality is they want us dead. would i kill a tribe no i would not...would i kill one that threatens me daily actually i wouldnt then either but i would kill one that comes to my front door to fight me. all these democrates/liberals can say what they want but the reality is when a bomb goes off in the beverly center the one thing theyll be wanting is someone strong enough to protect them. even if it means killing said attackers

"The reality" is that Iraq did not attack the United States, the United States attacked Iraq.
Hey seahH king of the one liners. Is ther know Liberal think tank accessible for you to get more than one sentance out. Typical liberal whining about another stupid Republican yet he says nothing to sound more than a whiney punk. back it up or shut up
Dellan077 said:
Hey seahH king of the one liners. Is ther know Liberal think tank accessible for you to get more than one sentance out. Typical liberal whining about another stupid Republican yet he says nothing to sound more than a whiney punk. back it up or shut up
You post like a dyslexic five year old.
Dellan077 said:
Hey seahH king of the one liners. Is ther know Liberal think tank accessible for you to get more than one sentance out. Typical liberal whining about another stupid Republican yet he says nothing to sound more than a whiney punk. back it up or shut up

I would point out the comedy of this post addressing the intelligence of someone else. But the humor would be lost in the misspellings.. :rolleyes:

Go go Republican party!
Dellan077 said:
Hey seahH king of the one liners. Is ther know Liberal think tank accessible for you to get more than one sentance out. Typical liberal whining about another stupid Republican yet he says nothing to sound more than a whiney punk. back it up or shut up

You opened the thread with insults, you've no grounds on which to complain about how others respond.
garbage can said:
UD, mistakes were made, no argument here.

What's done is done.

Now it's time to face up to the consequences of losing this war...... I think even Pelosi realizes that.

Oops? Thats the only defense?

Fucking OOPS?

I accept "oops" from my 8 year old. Not from the "leader of the free world".