

Lesbian Avenger
Jan 22, 2002
If you personally have a problem with this forum, then simply don't post here.

It's as simple as that.

When I come onto this site, there are plenty of forums I don't post in, simply for the fact that I am not into that specific thing.

Why isn't it that easy for some people?

Do the people that come in here and start trouble have closet issues with there sexuality?

I often wonder that.

However, if you don't like us.... then don't post here. We are separating from the "normal" (And believe me... I am quoting normal...) people somewhat and posting here... so don't come in here and bother us and try to make us feel bad about our sexuality.

Have some sense people. Leave things be and move on with your lives.
Never is gay, why shouldn't she be able to voice her opinions on a forum geared towards her "demographic" :rolleyes:

On the same note, she should be able to take whatever shit is dished out towards her for her opinions (which she can).

The posts whining about Never are taking up more space than Never's posts disagreeing with the forum.

It's a new goddamn forum for christ's sake, if you like it post what you want the forum to be instead of just adding to the shit you so obviously don't want to see here.
First off, I didn't name names. I was simply stating the obvious facts for the trolls out there.

Why stir up shit when you don't have to?

It's the simple fact of being considerate.

Get off of your high horse.
Angel said:
Never is gay, why shouldn't she be able to voice her opinions on a forum geared towards her "demographic" :rolleyes:

On the same note, she should be able to take whatever shit is dished out towards her for her opinions (which she can).

The posts whining about Never are taking up more space than Never's posts disagreeing with the forum.

It's a new goddamn forum for christ's sake, if you like it post what you want the forum to be instead of just adding to the shit you so obviously don't want to see here.

How many threads have been started about Never, as opposed to those Never started in an obvious attempt to disrupt?

And, in addition, Never posted a blatantly gay bashing thread. I can't agree that there is any equivalence between what she has posted and the complaints made about it.

Queers trashing queer space is an old, sad story. It's too bad it has to happen here.

Several people, myself among them, have posted our reservations about this forum. But attempting to disrupt discussion with a flow of off topic threads is wrong, and I disagree with your labeling those who have said so as "whining."
Queersetti said:
How many threads have been started about Never, as opposed to those Never started in an obvious attempt to disrupt?

And, in addition, Never posted a blatantly gay bashing thread. I can't agree that there is any equivalence between what she has posted and the complaints made about it.

Queers trashing queer space is an old, sad story. It's too bad it has to happen here.

Several people, myself among them, have posted our reservations about this forum. But attempting to disrupt discussion with a flow of off topic threads is wrong, and I disagree with your labeling those who have said so as "whining."

dude, you are just fucking awesome. that is all.
Angel said:
She wasn't gay bashing, learn to read.

Her "Sodomy" thread, which appears to have been removed, was blatant gay bashing.

I can read just fine, thank you.
Queersetti said:
Her "Sodomy" thread, which appears to have been removed, was blatant gay bashing.

I can read just fine, thank you.


er. oops nevermind thats why I never saw it.

My bad, I'm sorry.
Angel said:

er. oops nevermind thats why I never saw it.

My bad, I'm sorry.

I understand Never's point.
I have a great deal of sympathy with her point of view on the issue of this forum.
But that thread went over the line, which may be why it's no longer available.

I think everyone has made their opinions known. I hope we can all agree to disagree and do whatever we think best as individuals, without rancor or resentment.
Queersetti said:
I understand Never's point.
I have a great deal of sympathy with her point of view on the issue of this forum.
But that thread went over the line, which may be why it's no longer available.

I think everyone has made their opinions known. I hope we can all agree to disagree and do whatever we think best as individuals, without rancor or resentment.

The only um... angry thread I saw was her "I hope this forum dies thread", and someone else had refered to that thread as Gay Bashing and offensive.

I hadn't seen a "Sodomy" thread so I assumed that yet again someone was referring to the "I hope this forum dies" thread which I don't think was at all offensive. -1 for me for assuming and being bitchy about my assumption.
Angel said:
The only um... angry thread I saw was her "I hope this forum dies thread", and someone else had refered to that thread as Gay Bashing and offensive.

I hadn't seen a "Sodomy" thread so I assumed that yet again someone was referring to the "I hope this forum dies" thread which I don't think was at all offensive. -1 for me for assuming and being bitchy about my assumption.

I posted threads voicing my concern about the creation of this board, both here and on the GB. I certainly am in no position to criticize Never for doing the same.
It was the off topic threads that I objected too, particularly the Sodomy thread I mentioned. That is what I referred to as trashing queer space.

I've enjoyed and respected your posting, Angel, and see no reason to change that opinion over this misunderstanding.
Queersetti said:
Her "Sodomy" thread, which appears to have been removed, was blatant gay bashing.

See? THIS is why I don't agree with thread removal. EVER.

Now Never is being accused of gay bashing (which is akin to being a self loathing homosexual) and there is no way to defend EITHER side of the argument.

Now it will just be reduced to name calling and "we" said "they" said.

That sucks.
sunstruck said:
See? THIS is why I don't agree with thread removal. EVER.

Now Never is being accused of gay bashing (which is akin to being a self loathing homosexual) and there is no way to defend EITHER side of the argument.

Now it will just be reduced to name calling and "we" said "they" said.

That sucks.

Let me make it clear that I am in no way accusing Never of being self loathing, or of having any agenda against any portion of the GLBT community.

I think she was just shit stirring because she was upset about the establishment of the forum.
Jesus, i want a Queersetti/Glam sandwich right now. ;)

Sunny, hopefully they'll be like me and now that the thread in question is gone and now that I know it's gone stop arguing about it and move on. Like 'Setti has.

I should have known better about 'setti before I started flipping.

I also know Never better than that too, and I know she wasn't bashing, she was making a point. I disagree with her point, but I also know she's not an evil hateful bitch either, which is why I jumped to defend her.

Either way, I never saw the thread, and She's not on Yahoo or Lit to say anything so I'll shut up about it now and go back to reading.
I agree with you both, but hope you see the general meaning in my post. It's not specific to this situation, this is just a good example.
*sigh* breaking my vow of not posting on here :) but i read nevers threads so i have to say

nevers post wasn't gay bashing it was a series of quotes from the bible that were anti gay

only read below this line if you really want to see me babble on longer than i should

in my opinion she was showing the problem of having a GLBT forum that is moderated ... a moderated forum isn't a true reflection of the GLBT lifestyle

these quotes exist in the bible yet weren't allowed to be posted on here even though they were about GLBT lifestyle ... to me it seemed the least likely thread that should of been removed that she posted :confused:

i think part of why never has a problem with this forum wasn't just that it was created but that its also going to be a moderated one
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