poor poor trump... fucker can't catch a break


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
non-profit Government Watchdog accusing trump campaign of violating law over payments ($7.2m) designated as 'legal' to a company that doesn't actually offer any legal services and is managed by trump's campaign treasurer + four other committees

Campaigns often pay outside organizations to manage polling, consulting or other needs. The Campaign Legal Center said in its Wednesday release that virtually all of the payments from Trump's campaign and committees are described as “Reimbursement for Legal Fees” or “Reimbursement for Legal Expenses”

However, Red Curve "does not appear to offer any legal services," CLC notes, while pointing out that Red Curve is managed by Bradley Crate, the same individual who serves as the treasurer for Trump's campaign and the four other committees.

"The arrangement seems designed to obscure the true recipients of a noteworthy portion of Trump’s legal bills and, in doing so, seems to violate federal law," the organization stated.

"Red Curve appears to have been fronting legal costs for Trump since at least December 2022, with Trump-affiliated committees repaying the company later," CLC says in the release. "This arrangement appears to violate FEC rules that require campaigns to disclose not only the entity being reimbursed (here, Red Curve) but also the underlying vendor."

it's a witch hunt, i tells ya!

I know the MAGAts here think everything is designed to bury trump and now disrupt his election campaign (has he tried to claim “Nuh uh, I didn’t interfere in the election, you did!” yet?).

But really, when you become the POTUS you’re gonna be scrutinized and your past will come back to bite you, not to mention if you keeps up with the shady shit you did in private enterprise you’re going to get held accountable.
I know the MAGAts here think everything is designed to bury trump and now disrupt his election campaign (has he tried to claim “Nuh uh, I didn’t interfere in the election, you did!” yet?).

But really, when you become the POTUS you’re gonna be scrutinized and your past will come back to bite you, not to mention if you keeps up with the shady shit you did in private enterprise you’re going to get held accountable.

I swear that corrupt orange traitor could shoot one of the MAGAts on Fifth Avenue, and the other sycophantic MAGAts would fervently cheer.

Cultist gonna cult…


And not only have the MAGAts placed the corrupt orange traitor above the rule of law, but they have also placed that orange POS above their own lives, the country, and, for some of them, above their "Lord and Savior Jesus Christ".



Imagine someone owning you to the extent that for 8 years you can't go more than a few minutes without saying or thinking their name and more than a few hours without posting about them.

I'd say pathetic, but the TDS crowd here say that clearly enough on their own.
Imagine someone owning you to the extent that for 8 years you can't go more than a few minutes without saying or thinking their name and more than a few hours without posting about them.

I'd say pathetic, but the TDS crowd here say that clearly enough on their own.
If this was 2014-2016 I would agree with this sentiment. But it's not. Now what I hear from this line of questioning is (broken record me) the result of white male privilege. You either don't care or have not been significantly impacted by the 30k lies, the 400k covid deaths, the attempts to overthrow our democracy, or the moral implications of having a rapist representing the free world. Stay in your bubble. The rest of us will continue fighting for democracy so you can sit back, write erotic tales, and enjoy your increased financial portfolio returns.
I'll forget about him right after I piss on his grave.
Imagine someone owning you to the extent that for 8 years you can't go more than a few minutes without saying or thinking their name and more than a few hours without posting about them.

I'd say pathetic, but the TDS crowd here say that clearly enough on their own.

They're trying to find justification for their hatred. Just like the Pro-Hamas anti semites are doing. In fact, they seem to be the same people.
They're trying to find justification for their hatred. Just like the Pro-Hamas anti semites are doing. In fact, they seem to be the same people.
Yes. Exactly. BS much?
Those were facts I gave. None exemplified my hatred. You can ask me though...
They're trying to find justification for their hatred. Just like the Pro-Hamas anti semites are doing. In fact, they seem to be the same people.
Yeah, the people who claim the right are hatemongers are siding with terrorists, spewing racism and want to start another holocaust.

But we knew it all along, didn't we?
Yeah, the people who claim the right are hatemongers are siding with terrorists, spewing racism and want to start another holocaust.

But we knew it all along, didn't we?

I've been watching society devolve for a long time. It started in the 60's with simple things like sit ins and protests. It really began to accelerate when Marijuana was legalized by a few States and the new strains started causing irreversible paranoia and schizophrenia.
I've been watching society devolve for a long time. It started in the 60's with simple things like sit ins and protests. It really began to accelerate when Marijuana was legalized by a few States and the new strains started causing irreversible paranoia and schizophrenia.
These are the monsters the left created. They told them its okay to hate as long as they hate who they're told, but now they've gone off the deep end and are nothing but animals, and at some point, somehow, Trump will be blamed for this.

Because its all these mindless lemmings can parrot every day.

Trump, and hating him and his base, gave these social outcasts and lifelong losers a purpose and a cause. The cause of lies and hatred. The cause of being every disgusting thing they say everyone else is.

And in doing so showed who they really are to any sane reasonable person.
They told them its okay to hate as long as they hate who they're told, but now they've gone off the deep end and are nothing but animals, and at some point, somehow, Trump will be blamed for this.
This is how movements based on resentment like egalitarianism always go.

You need a virtuous victim and an evil oppressor.

Turns out that making Whites the new Jews in the camps has turned out about as people would expect, and now White people want less government and less diversity.

Big surprise. Pendulums swing when the backlash arises from self-preservation.
Imagine someone owning you to the extent that for 8 years you can't go more than a few minutes without saying or thinking their name and more than a few hours without posting about them.

I'd say pathetic, but the TDS crowd here say that clearly enough on their own.
trump works hard to stay in the public eye. And with the lawsuits and election campaign he’s current event.

I've been watching society devolve for a long time. It started in the 60's with simple things like sit ins and protests. It really began to accelerate when Marijuana was legalized by a few States and the new strains started causing irreversible paranoia and schizophrenia.
The paranoia and schizophrenia problem was most likely the PCP laced weed. And please elaborate on society’s demise due to the evils of marijuana.

Having said that, current edibles will sneak up on you. And if you buy weed in a dispensary talk to a knowledgeable clerk about your get high goals.
I've been watching society devolve for a long time. It started in the 60's with simple things like sit ins and protests. It really began to accelerate when Marijuana was legalized by a few States and the new strains started causing irreversible paranoia and schizophrenia.
So you’re saying it started when folks were afforded civil rights and voting rights?

Got it. Trying to put folks back to where they belong, always seems to be the call.
Harvey has it a bunch tougher than Trump........turned loose from one prison to start time in the next!

Añnnn nnnn nnnn nnnndddddddd the NRA is still going strong!
David Pecker’s testimony is highlighting why people have been so upset about the Trump presidency - campaign was based on fiction.

The National Enquirer has always been known as shit rag media and it was the source of so many Trump lies and obfuscation. From his heath, his wealth, his intelligence, his claims that Obama wasn’t born in America…

MAGAs swallow every load Pecker blew while calling the rest of the media fake.

History will judge. Ten years from now Trump supporters will be know as the greatest dupes of American political history.
Turns out that making Whites the new Jews in the camps has turned out about as people would expect, and now White people want less government and less diversity.

When were “Whites” (love your wacko caps) put in camps? I must’ve missed that, which is weird because I’m one of the whites.

Have you noticed that your bizarre version of libertarianism is heavily tinged with white supremacy bullshit?
I know the MAGAts here think everything is designed to bury trump and now disrupt his election campaign (has he tried to claim “Nuh uh, I didn’t interfere in the election, you did!” yet?).

But really, when you become the POTUS you’re gonna be scrutinized and your past will come back to bite you, not to mention if you keeps up with the shady shit you did in private enterprise you’re going to get held accountable.
The smoke / fire thing doesn't register with MAGAts when it comes to the orange bastard
*Sigh* Guess the scared White Nationalist evangelists are going to have to consider switching back to Franklin Graham from Trump as their savior.
The civil rights movement still pisses you off, all these years later.

Strange thing to say when you don't know me and I've built a law practice of defending the civil rights of my clients.

And your comment makes me wonder; are you sure you're new here? Because it certainly sounds like you aren't.
The smoke / fire thing doesn't register with MAGAts when it comes to the orange bastard

It isn’t that the smoke fire thing doesn’t register: it’s that the MAGAts don’t care about the smoke or the fire at all.

The corrupt orange traitor could light somebody on fire on Fifth Avenue, and the MAGAts would still vote for that corrupt orange POS.


