Pookie. Congrats on the Democrat Victory!

Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Now, tell me what you have won.

The right to say "Mission Accomplished!" .... and it actually mean something. :)
This thread needs a good ass fuck ....

so karl rove's master plan was to hand both houses to the dems?
CrackerjackHrt said:
so karl rove's master plan was to hand both houses to the dems?

As master plans go it beats the hell out of invading Russia.
CrackerjackHrt said:
so karl rove's master plan was to hand both houses to the dems?

I could hear Rove's "Dean scream" all the way down South. Except, I don't think it had the same meaning as when Dean did it. :eek: :D
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Now, tell me what you have won.

Having the chip knocked off you and Ish's shoulder does it for me. I love it when losers lose. And being beaten by milk toast democraps is icing on the cake. Oh, your medal is in the mail. You done a heck of a job.
SaintPeter said:
You first. What did YOU win??

The right to say, "Well that wouldn't happen if the republicans were in power," every time there is a national crisis or something.
SaintPeter said:
You first. What did YOU win??

With the administration's record, the fact that any Republicans anywhere won is a pretty significant victory.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Did you catch that leaked Fox memo telling the reporters and anchors to look for specific stories and ignore or downplay others, in order to still slant the news toward the conservatives? Very telling, indeed.
Cap’n AMatrixca said:
Now, tell me what you have won.
To raise taxes on the rich..... to pay their fair share.

To eliminate all taxes on 51% of the lowest paid of the work force, to assure victory for decades to come.
garbage can said:
To raise taxes on the rich..... to pay their fair share.

To eliminate all taxes on 51% of the lowest paid of the work force, to assure victory for decades to come.
Hi Garby!
I'm not sure I see a downside in your suggestion, my friend!
Pookie said:
I could hear Rove's "Dean scream" all the way down South. Except, I don't think it had the same meaning as when Dean did it. :eek: :D

*perk* Down South?
awwww, false alarm...
NewEnglandGirl said:
Did you catch that leaked Fox memo telling the reporters and anchors to look for specific stories and ignore or downplay others, in order to still slant the news toward the conservatives? Very telling, indeed.

He could always borrow Cap'n Amatrixca's copy of his marchin' orders memo.
After this past election debacle and upcoming purge of non-true believers in the Republican party, I think the Cap'n might be in line for promotion to Admiral in the Fox Swift Boat Navy.

Semper Lie, AJ!
Rove is supposed to be leaving the White House in weeks. I think he is looking for the next big thing. Maybe it will be like the first time he met Bush.


As special assistant, the 22-year old Rove also performed small personal tasks for Bush, who was becoming one of his mentors. In November 1973, Bush asked Rove to take a set of car keys to his son George W. Bush, who was visiting home during a break from Harvard Business School. It was the first time the two met. "Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow," Rove recalled years later.

There was a man love thing going on there. I think we know who Jeff Gannon was using his cannon on.
RobDownSouth said:
He could always borrow Cap'n Amatrixca's copy of his marchin' orders memo.
After this past election debacle and upcoming purge of non-true believers in the Republican party, I think the Cap'n might be in line for promotion to Admiral in the Fox Swift Boat Navy.

Semper Lie, AJ!
Hmmm... Fox Swift Boat Navy - I like that concept!
overthebow said:
Rove is supposed to be leaving the White House in weeks.
I so had not heard that scoop yet -will his tail be thoroughly tucked between his legs? Pesonnaly, I'd like to see a little tar and feather action!

I think he is looking for the next big thing. Maybe it will be like the first time he met Bush. There was a man love thing going on there. I think we know who Jeff Gannon was using his cannon on.
OMG: that is just to frightening to contemplate... Brokeback Governor's Mansion?