Phantasy Star OOC thread/casting call/discussion


Mar 5, 2006
Okay, going to try reposting this thread and see if that gets people to actually join instead of just saying they will,

the setting: the Algo star system, consisting of four planets around a blue-white star (that it turns out is an actual star in our skies). the first planet, Parma, is a garden paradise. second planet, Motavia...desert world, almost no planet life, but lots of ocean. Third planet, Dezoris...completely covered in snow and ice. Fourth planet, Ryucross (Rykros << >> odd translation)....crystalline planet in a cometlike orbit of a thousand years

there are two artificial satellites (at least, two known ones) and a numerous amount of control facililities across the three inner planets.

the races:

Dezorans: lizardlike aliens able to withstand the icey cold of Dezoris.

Parmans: this one's easy...humans...or rather, creatures of similar construction, though not FROM the same place.

Motavians: large, bluefurred, redeyed creatures of humanoid construction with a strange, almost beaklike mouth and nose.

Androids: artificial humanoids constructed by the ages-old control systems of Algo

Numans: genetically engineered creatures, created by mixing Parman DNA with that of the Musk Cat, a sentient Biomonster race that resemble a longeared cat, except it can transform into a massive winged cat (the specific donor is Myau, who helped three Parman heroes save the universe two thousand years ago) They look basically human, though slighter of build, shorter of stature, and lighter of weight, with long pointed ears.



Biomonsters: genetic accidents, caused by a malfunctioning planetary control system (oddly, the same one that created the Numans)
more info will be forthcoming, along with pictures as examples of the different species

Chaz Ashley and his wife, Rika: The top hunters of the Hunters' Guild of Aiedo. Chaz is a fairly young man with short blonde hair and tanned skin. Well muscled, as a result of the training he received at the hands of his mentor and sole role model, the legendary Huntress Alys Brangwyn, also known as the Eight Stroke Sword, now deceased and buried in the town of Krup, Chaz is extremely skilled with a sword and with a technique that seems to be unique to him, known as Tsu (very few know the technique). Rika, his wife, is a Numan, one of the first of the race. She is lithe and agile, skilled in the use of taloned gloves called Claws and healing and defensive techniques. Her long red hair and bright blue eyes, not to mention her well developed body, don't match her youthful age. As a genetic construct, her life span is unknown, but nothing makes her happier than her friends and her husband. (Rika's the girl in the black bodysuit and armor in the pics, with blacktipped pointed ears)

Hahn Mahlay and his wife Saya: Hahn is famous for two things. He is a brilliant researcher at the Piata Academy, but he is also the son and heir of the Mahlay Forge, known for manufacture of weapons and armor (the old fashioned way) He has sandy brown hair and dark eyes, and is one of the masters of techniques that alter the abilities of the enemy, as well as ice. Saya has blue hair, and is only famous as a schoolteacher in Krup (the only one)

Gryz, Grandfather Dorin, and Pana: Gryz and Pana are related, but it is unknown if Dorin is really their grandfather. Pana is a young Motavian girl, and Gryz is her older brother, a large, muscular Motavian soldier. Dorin is an Elder, and possesses the knowledge of his people.

Rune Walsh: Rune is the heir to the knowledge and memories of Lutz, also known as Noah. Noah was alledgedly the first in a long line of Espers, though he used the term Telementals. Powerful telepathic mages, the Espers are now led by Rune, though he often wanders the star system (seeming to be stricken by permanent wanderlust) His long titanium-blue hair and white robes mark him from a distance, even without his powers. He knew Alys, and because of his relationship with her, decided to help her student become a hero.

Demi: Demi is the younger of two of the original Androids. She was created by the elder of the two as the epitome of human beauty, though many would argue that point. Adorably cute would probably be better, considering her extremely short stature and lack of any visible womanly features. She has long green hair, and can interface directly with the machinery of the Algo system.

Wren: Wren is the elder of the two original androids, created to manage the control systems of Algo. He is very tall, and practically emotionless, unlike his younger counterpart, who seems to be in love with the Land Rover series of vehicles. His black hair and eyes remain constantly in one place, even when his body is moving through a battle or his fingers dance over the controls of Zelan, the artificial satellite.

Raja: Raja is a priest of Dezoran faith. Old as the hills, and twice as stubborn, his bad jokes get on Parman nerves, yet Rika finds them strangely amusing. His green skin is wrinkled, but then, he's old and wise, which is what Dezorans respect most. He is also a skilled healer (one of the best, even amongst Dezoran priests).

Kyra Tierney: Kyra is a bright young woman (a few years older than Chaz) with a fiery temper and disposition. She is sweet and kind, until she witnesses people suffering. Then her blood boils, and her fiery rage comes out. Even so, she is beloved by her fellow Espers, even if she's a little unnerved by the revelation (known only to her and a few others) that Rune is Lutz. Still, she does look up to him.

okay, you have knives and daggers, which are standard equipment for just about everyone

swords, used mainly by hunters
boomerangs/slashers, used by specific hunters/huntresses (Alys' weapon of choice, as well as Kyra's)
Axes, used solely by the Motavian army at this point (battle axes, specifically...the big twohanded kind)
canes, used by Dezoran priests and most Espers.
Guns, used by Androids (and more recently, some humans)
Claws (used only by Numan females)
Blades (special type of singleedged sword some parasitized humans carry, imbued with special powers)

It's also not uncommon for a Hunter to make their own weapons, giving them a unique type, appearance, and effects

Foi: Basic fire technique, in three levels...Foi, Gifoi, and Nafoi
Wat: basic Ice technique, same levels as Foi
Tsu: Chaz's special technique, single arrow of light fired from the palm, in three levels...Tsu, Githu, and Nathu
Gra: nonelemental gravity technique, known only to the Espers. Same three levels
Vol: instant death technique, known only to Hahn Mahlay and his students...two levels, Vol, and Savol, has a greater range than Vol
Zan: basic wind technique, three levels
Megid: Forbidden Technique known only to two existing entities--Chaz Ashley, and the spiritual being Re-Faze

Res: healing technique, single...three levels
Sar: healing technique, multiple...three levels
Ner: speed enhancer, two levels (Ner and Saner)
Deban: defense booster, one level
Shift: Strength booster, one level
Rever: revival technique
Rimpa: Cures paralysis
Anti: cures poisoning
Ryuka: Teleportation technique
Hinas: escape technique
Arows: awakens

Status Induction--
Rimit: causes sleep
Gelun: lowers enemy strength
Doran: ages enemy, makes them slower
Seals: silences

almost all Espers have Flaeli and Hewn...two magical spells, Fire and Wind, amongst their skillset. Most Espers can use both techs AND Magic, oddly enough. Dezo priests have some holy powers as well as techs.

ah, forgot Brose. Brose is a common technique, that only has one real use. It's supposed to expand the body mass of the target, but it's an instant kill on most machines.

guns come in several varieties

shots (some kind of shotgun, i guess)
Pulse (multitarget mechguns)

you could also borrow from PSO or PSU, i suppose

bazookas, regular mech guns, Launchers
Bow, Twin Handguns, and such

for those who don't understand what this thread is about, it takes place in another galaxy, far into the future. the Algol star system (yes, it's a real star, and does seem to have protoplanets orbiting it according to telescopes), comprised of three planets (Parma, Motavia, Desolis) orbitting a bluewhite star, has gone through numerous changes. unknown to the people who inhabited the star system, humans from Earth visited long ago, and built a massive computer system that the system's inhabitants used on a daily basis to make their lives better. however, at some point it started to malfunction, resulting in the creation of genetically engineered monsters, environmental disasters, and other problems. Eventually, an agent of the governing body on Parma, along with friends and allies made on his journey to investigate, destroyed the computer. their people were plunged into a thousand years of darkness, before the reappearance of an ancient evil known as Dark Force. another small group of heroes defeated Dark Force, and then went on to destroy the source of evil, The Profound Darkness. The result was peace, and knowledge of the origin of their star system. They went from technologically advanced, to a sort of sword and sorcery environment, to an advancing culture, slowly rediscovering lost technologies. they still have to deal with the Biomonsters, but they are no longer manufactured, and are becoming native creatures, and thus, easier to deal with. technological advances include learning to understand the environmental control systems that control weather, tectonic shift, and numerous other functions, making weapons that are better able to deal with the monsters prone to violence, and learning about the cosmos.

but what if there was another threat? what if the ancient enemy that sealed away the Darkness returned, and what if it wasn't the benevolent entity the people of Algol were led to believe?

that is where we begin

you're worried about the history, i'm posting links from the games
the story of the first game
the script of the first game
the script for 2, also known as The Agent
script of Generations of Doom
script for Phantasy Star: End of the Millenium, the one this RP takes place after
multiple characters will be allowed, too...use my bio as a template

Name: Raven Kivuro
Age: ?? (for unknown, like Rune or Alys from PS4)
Class/Job: Guardian
Appearance: Long black hair, bright, vivid green eyes, tanned skin. tall, almost willowy, wearing black body armor
Weapon of Choice: Twin Blades, or Blade and Gun
Techs: Nathu, Nares, Hinas, Ryuka, Nazan, Ner, Vol
Skills: Twinslash, Grand Combo, Strike, Forceflash, Storm, Legeon, Rayblade

Bio: Raven tells nothing of his origins, aside from what those around him need to know. He's not the least bit surprised by the reformation of Parma, nor by the appearance of a fifth planet in the Algo system. He seems to know a lot about the history of the star system, as well as the locations of the ancient control facilities and caves of Motavia and Dezoris. All secrets aside, he is reliable in a fight, though his strange lack of low level techniques aside from Ner is odd. He offers advice as to where to go next sometimes, but prefers to let the others figure it out. Sometimes he can seem far away, as if he's listening to something only he can hear.
Im in all the way Razor

Name:Ji-mec Lamin
Age: 21
Class/Job: Hunter
Appearance: Short brown hair over his forhead layed out in strans combed down,blue vest like top with white body suit,blue long pants with white shoes with a blue stripe
Weapon of Choice: Sword,Twin Daggers,Shot,Twin Pistol
Techs: Zan,Wat,Sar,Shift,Deban,Ner,Rever
Skills: Wave of Ice,Triple Shot

Bio:Ji-Mec A Hunter of low rank, doing most common low rank missions he hones his skills for the purpose of being good enough to be a elite.Ji-Mec being a hunter for a couple of years a total of 2 to be exact he keeps basic technique in hopes that even basic with practice and hard work is enough to beat anything. The only other thing he strives for i to impress a girl, these purposes make him strive for going to his goal of being a good hunter, he is not weak but he dosnt belive he is good enough to be called A Great Hunter.

IC:Ji-Mec looked around and saw the scene around him in the outdoors it was this cold wet stuff falling he looked up and didnt know what it was-"Weird its kinda peaceful."-he looked at every where else and he got a odd feeling his day as a hunter for the Hunters Guild was his 3rd year and it was getting harder he sighed-"Got to wait for my next mission"-he kept his receiver on incase info should transmit to him about his next mission-
welcome back. also, this is the OOC, so save the IC posts for the IC thread when I restart it *already has it typed up*
hows this dragon

Name: Wolf Draco
Age: ??
Class/Job: Force numan
Appearance: Long red hair bright, vivid blue eyes almost white, dark skin. average, with simple armour worn by force,
Weapon of Choice: his stave that was made for him by his father when he left home
Techs:Foi Wat Zan Res Sar Rever Ryuka Hinas Rimit Brose
Skills: unknown

Bio: Wolf Draco had left home one day to run errands for his family as was his job as the eldest he was gone from sun up to sun down yet when he returned there was no home left to return to it was simply gone as if it was never there. Wolf set out after that and has been drifting from place to place ever since. He isn't overly friendly but those that make it past his icy exterior have a friend for life. He fears little and will be the last to run from a fight he hopes to find companions to travel with for he knows the road can be lonely and tiering by ones self.
hmmmm.....not bad, actually. just one question. no evidence of anything? no blast marks or anything like that? an exact opposite of what happened in the game with Zio's Fortress and the Garuberk Tower...sprang up overnight lol
download....first get a copy of Gens32 Surreal (the best Genesis emulator i've found). then find a copy of it. you could also play it if you have the PS2 game, Genesis Collection
we're supposed to be getting a new player today. we still need gals though
hmm...I guess either MrGuardian passed on this one, or isn't done with his bio yet.