Pay the rent...or??? (closed for Becaa57)

The splash draws my attention to the pool. Becca must have gotten home a bit earlier than normal as it was just before midnight just breaking into day two. Hell, may as well say high and keep the tension in place. As well as being curious to how things will turn out. She was speeding through the water, maybe swimming off the stress of the day or burning off the energy of the day. I dropped down into one of the loungers, seeing the bottle of rum on the cafe table. The night lights were on giving the area a dim light as the moon was mostly waning.

Becca finished her workout and climbed out of the pool believing she was alone. Her movements and the water dripping off her in the low lighting was quite a sight. There was a small gasp as she realized I was there. I'm convinced it wasn't the chill of the night this time as it was still in the 80s but those nipples reacted all on their own.

"Evening, Becca. How did your day go?"
I finished my laps, happy that I was able to add 5 more to the workout, getting out of the pool flicking my hair to get rid of excess water. Reaching for the towel, when I hear you say Hi. Gasping I spin around reflexively holding the towel over my naked breasts. When I see who it is I chuckle nervously. "You startled me!" Then will still facing you I use the towel to dry off, before grabbing my wrap and slipping into it, leaving it unbuttoned, but covering me. "I had a very good day actually one of the best I've had in a while!" then remembering the rum . "Oh my boss had an event and they had some liquor left over, I brought home a bottle of rum, so I won't be drinking all your booze" :). I sit down in the chaise next to lounger next to you, leaning back. "How was your day today? And before I forget I think you have my top"
It was humorous to see her so flustered and me getting a show as she dried off. She lays back in the lounger with her wrap opening a bit showing off a delicious looking breast.

“I’m glad your day went well. Must be challenging to balance school and work out with all other needs.”

Reaching over to the rum bottle and removing the cap then taking a swig and handing it to her.

‘“I think we are past the point of you needing a top…you certainly enjoyed last night.”
I am much more relaxed now, being almost decent and sitting down. When you offer me the bottle, I look at you with a smile "Do you think I could get a glass? I'm not one of those chug rum from a bottle girls" After you smile and pour me some.
"Thanks! I would say not only it went well, it was actually great!! both school and work and FYI I have no other needs going on right now then school and work, although I do have a date for dinner tomorrow night, fingers crossed"
When you say we are past the point of no top I smile. "Well I didn't mind last night, but not sure this is something we should become accustomed too, how will I bribe you if I'm short on the rent again???"
I inwardly chuckle at the need for her to have a glass but get one for her. Pleased that she didn’t mind last night which I’m convinced she was very receptive of it. And potentially receptive to more things.

“Being accustomed to things just means there are still barriers to pass, Becca. Some more challenging than others.”

Finishing my drink and standing I glance at her relaxed and still damp body.

“It’s not a bribe when it fills those needs of both.”

Then headed inside as the minutes ticked away on the approaching end of day two.
I find that I'm enjoying our conversations, but sad they are so short.
Accepting the glass of rum I sip it. "Thanks!!"
"So more barriers to cross? Hmmm may have to explore those a bit more, I do like a good challenge"
After you head inside. I get up, shrug out of the wrap, dive into the pool for some more laps. Thinking I need to work off the booze, but in reality it helps my mind relax as I just swim from one end to the other. After another 10 or so I climb out, towel off and then sit on the lounge and sip more of my drink, enjoying the quiet of the evening. Hearing a neighbor talking to his wife, but not worried because you have a pretty high fence.
After I finish, I take the glass rinse it off and leave it to drain on your bar area, then going to grab my wrap and towel go up the stairs to my room.
When in there I add the missing rent money, double and triple count it before putting it into the envelop to deliver in the morning.
Sending you a text 'Rent is in the envelope and I'm sure it's all there this time :)'
followed by another one, 'Thanks for the company the last 2 night'
The text just added to my thoughts of her stating she liked a good challenge. I pondered how to push her a bit and see how firm her statement was. I guess we will both see. I was enjoying these late evening encounters. There just was something that made me want to push that challenge with her. Wondering how far she would go or if she was just being hot air.

I left a bit later than normal but didn’t see her or the remaining rent. Maybe she had a late class….but the time limit was a time limit. Rules you know….
I overslept the next morning, and when I went down you were already gone, just great I thought to myself. I send a quick text, 'Sorry overslept this morning, I have the rent, but don't want to stick it in the door, what do you suggest?' Then head out to school and work thankful it is Friday.
I get a chuckle out of her text. All day I thought about it when I could but honestly it was hard not to think about it, and her. Near the end of my day and just before heading home, I send a reply.

I’ll get it at the pool tonight. That will give me time to consider the late fee.”

It’s a Friday, probably a late bar night but no school for her tomorrow or work for me. I catch a nap then some laps. A late grilling of shrimp and fresh corn, all with some nice jazz playing. I put her bikini top on the cafe table along with two glasses and a bottle of bourbon. So peaceful as I still recalled her coming out of the water topless….
School went good again, and I confirmed my date on Saturday with my friend Bob. Then off to work, a very busy and profitable night, a couple of problem customers, but that's to be expected. As I head home I am thinking maybe time to find a new job. The bar is getting tiring. I see the pool lights are on, so I change into my suit, well only the bottom anymore. Because it's late. I just grab a towel and the rent, heading down. I see you sitting there and smile. The glasses and bourbon are a welcome sight. I am a bit surprised to see my bikini top on the table as well. I say hi, put the rent envelope on the table, then jump in the pool to do some laps. I've found it helps unwind. After I do my set, I climb out of the pool, dry off and sit next to you. I see you've counted the money already. "Sorry I over slept today, I should have given it to you last night. I pour both of us a drink, ignoring the bikini top, I sit back and take a sip. "How was your day?"
I didn’t hear back from her on my text. I guess she was busy or by ignoring it it’s like it didn’t exist. Without even glancing at the pool, Becca went straight into her apartment and was back outside in just the bottom to her bikini. Giving me a smile she plops down the rent envelope and her towel and jumps in for her laps. When finished, she casually dries off though I’m sure there was a bit of a show being put on. I got the impression she was enjoying it as much as I was.

Taking a sip of my drink, “It was a great day, a few fires but that’s all part of the game, eh? Got home and took a siesta then grilled and spent time poolside relaxing. Glad to see the rest of the rent, we can work out the late issue I’m sure. Just another barrier in life’s challenges.

Did your date get confirmed for tomorrow?”
Taking a sip of my drink. "My day was pretty busy, school was ok, but work was borderline crazy!!!" Smiling a bit when you mention the late fee, will be interesting to see what it is, although I think I know. "Life is full of barriers and challenges I'm finding out, but it's nice to overcome them"
"Yes having dinner with him tomorrow, funny thing is he first suggested the bar I work at, and that would not be good, so we are going downtown. He seems like a nice guy so I'm hopeful. Can't be worse then my last boyfriend was"
“Your last boyfriend was a problem child I take it? Or just mid-understood? All of us have desires we may not share up front, Becca…ones you try to keep private.”

Pouring another two fingers into each of our glasses, “How about you do a few more laps and contemplate that. You never know what you may resolve. But do them without the bikini bottoms, I’ll call things even…this time.”

A blush formed and hesitation, her making a decision apparently. She picked up her glass sipping as she thought and stared at me trying to see if I was serious.

Clinking my glass to hers, I said, “Cheers, barriers defeated are best when shared.”
"He was a problem child, and child being the operative word for sure!!!" When you suggest I do the next laps sans bottoms. I hesitate. "So just topless isn't enough for you anymore? I contemplate your request for a minute, but then decide it really isn't much more then what I'm doing now. "Ok" I stand, slide out of my bottoms, and hand them to you, before turning to jump into the pool and do more laps. As I'm doing them, I am wondering how far I will let this go. True it is you making the request, but I think I have the power to say no. 10 laps later, slightly winded I pull myself out. Drying off I walk over and take my seat again.
Turning slightly to face you I ask a question I've been wondering about. "So George no missus or girlfriend around that I can see. Do you have one, are you dating?" Hoping that's not too forward, but being as I'm sitting nude in your backyard probably a good thing for me to know
Her decision took a bit longer than I thought which led me to believe she still had some reservations about consequences. Which is what I desired, just a tad reluctant but still had some curiosity about how far she would go and a barrier or two to conquer.

Her walk back from the pool wasn’t especially quick, proud of her body, I sensed she wanted to make sure her obligation was fully met. Which I admired not only physically, but as how I sensed her inner character to be. The partial turn towards me was interesting. A need to ensure she was giving me my request, yet some quiet need to maintain some level of privacy though being completely nude in front of me.

“No, no Mrs. George, not for some time. We had different needs so it was best to part ways. It was best to amicably separate and follow our own paths. Sort of like you dropping a boyfriend who didn’t meet your needs.”

I clinked my glass against hers as the night sounds settled into our thoughts.
I watch you as you talk to me, your eyes go up and down my body, which is to be expected, I know you also watched as I walked back from the pool. I'm getting to be a bit more comfortable being nude, funny how just the bottom of a bikini can make me feel dressed, well almost dressed :). "So you parted ways? What about women afterwards? You are a fairly good looking guy for your age. I'm sure a lot of women would like to go out with you. As far as my boyfriend not meeting my needs, I guess if you consider fidelity to be a need, he failed miserably. The funny thing is, I miss my friend more then I miss him, says a lot about my relationship with him." Taking another sip of the bourbon I lay back, staring up at the night sky. "I love the sky at night, prettier when out camping and one can see more stars of course, but still the darkness that's out there all that space easy to get lost in it"
We both watched the night sky and I thought about her words. “Fidelity is one of those tricky words with many meanings which usually vary widely based on context.” Sipping my drink, “I have a couple of ladies I associate with when our desires so align, everyone has needs or barriers to explore as they say to me. And sometimes they are like a vast darkness that needs a guiding light.”

I top off my drink and hers, “so nervous about your dinner date? Where you headed if you don’t mind me asking?” Standing, I walk to the pool, losing my shirt and shorts, “Be right back, a quick few laps to counter the drinks” and dove in….
I watch as you strip down to do your laps, more comfortable now that I'm not the only one nude. Thinking about what you said, after you finish your laps and sit back down I respond.
"Thank you " indicating your lack of clothes.
"Yes I know fidelity can mean many things, and also each relationship is unique. For me it was a double betrayal, but that's behind me now. I am glad that you have a couple of ladies to help with each others needs, safety in numbers?"
Thinking about tomorrow nights date.
"Not terribly nervous, I do know him so it's not like a blind date, but there is always some nervousness involved when you are looking at changing a relationship from a friendship. Not saying I think he is 'The one' or anything like that, I'm pretty sure he isn't. But he does make me laugh and that say's a lot right? First dates can be tricky. He say's he knows a good steakhouse in town, better not be his apartment!"
“Safety in numbers, or multiple needs being acheived…or barriers breached. Or safety in different relationships satisfying different needs.” Chuckling inside, “ you always can call 911 or my number”.
"So all of the above? That's good then" I chuckle at the 911 comment. "I have a feeling your number would get a quicker response, but I've got that covered so no worries" Letting you wonder how I have it covered. Taking another sip of the bourbon, then getting up walking to the pool and jumping in for my last few laps.
It felt good to hear her chuckle, that comfortable feeling one gets when at ease with another. Even the gaps of silence didn't have that odd feeling. You just knew where each other's mind was. I watched her walk to the pool, that young ass seemed to have a bit more sass or I was half a bourbon past my limit. But I had no doubt that in the back of her mind she had some "what ifs" playing and was she going to test a bit of that out in the near future, like on the 1st. Regardless how her date went, part of her thoughts would focus on multiple needs.

I stood just as she was leaving the pool, both of us taking in sight of the other, faces neutral but expectations on both our faces. The quiet cool night air deafening in its silence.

"Rest well, Becca. A step at a time is all it takes for a barrier or desire to be explored." Knocking back the last of my drink Turn and walk away with my bit of older sass....
As I get out of the pool, you also stand up, signaling that your night has ended. We face each other, but considering I barely know you, I am comfortable being nude in front of you, and you appear to be comfortable in your skin as well. As you walk away, I say back to you. "Yes one at a time to get past and barrier or find a desire and explore it, one never knows what is around the next corner" I gather up our glasses and rinse them off in the sink before grabbing my wrap and towel. Heading back up to my apartment.
The next day is Saturday and I wake up. It is usually the day I clean and do laundry, so I get those out of the way. I see the sun is out, and I've not much to do this afternoon. I put on my wrap, knowing that your neighbor has become aware of my going up and down the staircase. Down by the pool, I lay a towel, slip out of my wrap. Put some lotion and have a cold glass of water as I soak up some sun, being careful with the area's that don't normally get any
Thoughts as I retired, those subtle words she spoke that gave me some pause.They just seemed evident of what I suspected. The question would be how far she would go and how much of a push it would take. Another "association", especially at her age was intriguing.

Saturday AM arrives and I knock out some work cyber time. That natural type "A" in me coming out. About noon I notice Becca coming down for some laps and sun. Wearing her wrap but after hitting the patio, discarding it and reveling her casual nakedness. I guess that upper part of my garage and her apartment, Mr. Jones next door would be getting a nice view. Watching her apply lotion was erotic. Probably not her normal routine as she had some tan lines. I'm sure she is enjoying her day off from school and work, looking forward to her dinner date. I wonder about her comment last night about "the next corner" as well as "find a desire and explore it". For me, I sum them up as meeting my expectations. She desires the push.

I set up a small charcuterie board with snacks and walk out to our tables. Not wanting to make her self conscious, I got naked, though this daytime meeting was different than at night. I was as interested in the continued exchange as I knew she was...those quietly expressed words. Her body language would reveal more.