Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords ~ Introduction


Really Experienced
Nov 7, 2010
For anything not IC please use OOC thread ~

Small Town conventional (mayor); AL NG
GP Limit 800 gp; Assets 49,600 gp
Population 1,240
Type isolated (90% human, 3% halfling, 2% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-elf,
1% gnome, 1% half-orc)
Authority Figures
Kendra Deverin mayor (NG female human aristocrat 4/expert 3);
Belor Hemlock, sheriff (CG human male fighter 4); Abstalar
Zantus, town priest (CG male human cleric 4); Titus Scarnetti,
nobleman (LN male human aristocrat 6); Ethram Valdemar,
nobleman (NG male human aristocrat 5/expert 2); Lonjiku
Kaijitsu, nobleman (LN aristocrat 3/expert 2)

Map ~

1. Sandpoint Cathedral
Easily the largest building in Sandpoint, this impressive cathedral
is also the town’s newest structure. Built over the foundations of
the previous chapel, Sandpoint Cathedral is not dedicated to the
worship of a single deity. Rather, it gathers under its eaves the six
most commonly worshiped deities in the region, providing chapels
for all of these deities in a communal forum. In a way, Sandpoint
Cathedral is six different churches under one impressive roof.
Yet even the previous chapel wasn’t the first holy site in this location.
The core of both the original chapel and the new cathedral is an
open-air courtyard surrounding a set of seven standing stones themselves
surrounding a circular stone altar. These stones served the
Varisians for centuries as a place of worship; although they generally
venerated Desna at these stones, the stones themselves have a much
older tradition.

The six Dieties are:

2. Sandpoint Boneyard
Set in the shadow of the Sandpoint Cathedral and accessible via a
gate to the north or from several doors leading into the cathedral
itself, this expansive cemetery overlooks the Turandarok River.
Stone vaults owned by affluent members of the town stand near
the cemetery’s edges or at its center, while dozens of humble plots,
each marked with a simple gravestone, sit amid trees and shrubberies.
The boneyard is well-maintained, kept by a man named
Naffer Vosk.

3. The White Deer
A pair of wooden life-sized deer, carved with painstaking care from
white birch, stand astride the entrance to this sizable tavern and
inn. The White Deer commands an impressive view of the Varisian
Gulf to the north. The building is new, recently rebuilt after the
previous inn at this location burnt to the ground five years ago
in the same fire that destroyed the Sandpoint Chapel. The new
building is a grand affair, three stories tall with a stone first floor
and wooden upper floors with a dozen large rooms that can accommodate
two to three guests each. A somber and quiet Shoanti man named Garridan
Viskalai owns the White Deer and runs the place with
the aid of his family and a few local girls.

4. The Way North
As with several other buildings in the vicinity, this one-story structure
was recently rebuilt after the Sandpoint Fire. Originally a stable,
the building has been converted by its owner, an aged but spry gnome
named Veznutt Parooh, into a cramped and cluttered library to house his
tremendous collection of maps and sea charts. Maps of local regions, from the immediate
vicinity up to the whole of Varisia and the Storval Plateau, can be
purchased from him for prices ranging from 5 gp to 100 gp, depending
on the size and level of detail.

5. Jeweler
This squat stone building escaped the fire that ravaged northern
Sandpoint, much to the relief of its owner, a wild-haired jeweler
named Maver Kesk.

6. Junker’s Edge
Garbage gathered by Gorvi’s boys (see area 7) is routinely dumped
over the edge of this cliff to gather on the beach below. Several of
the town’s Gozreh worshipers

7. Gorvi’s Shack
This dilapidated shack is home to one of Sandpoint’s few halforcs,
a fat, heavily tattooed lummox named Gorvi.

8. Sage
The sole occupant of this ancient building is a cantankerous old
man named Brodert Quink, a balding
expert on Varisian history and engineering. Brodert claims
to have spent two decades of his youth studying with dwarven
engineers at Janderhoff and three decades as a cataloger at the
Great Library of Magnimar, and is continually baffled and enraged
that his learning and obvious intelligence haven’t afforded him
more prestige. Brodert has been studying ancient Thassilonian
ruins for the past several years and has recently become obsessed
with the Old Light. No one believes his theories that the tower
was once a war machine capable of spewing fire to a range of
more than a mile.

9. Locksmith
A flamboyant dwarf named Volioker Briskalberd has owned and operated Sandpoint’s locksmith
business since the town’s founding.

10. Sandpoint Garrison
This stone fortress serves double duty as Sandpoint’s militia barracks
and its jail. The jail itself is located in an underground wing,
while the above-ground portion houses the town’s guard. Sandpoint’s
town guard consists of a dozen full-time watchmen; about twice this many
servants and other experts(smiths, cooks, bookkeepers, couriers, and the like) dwell here
as well. Guards patrol the city alone; there’s generally not much
trouble beyond the odd drunk for them to handle, so usually only
three or four are on duty at any one time.
Sandpoint also maintains a militia of 62 able-bodied men and
women who are expected to attend training and
exercise here at least once a week. This militia can be brought to
service in 1d3 hours.
The garrison is currently under the watchful eye of Sheriff Belor
Hemlock, a native Shoanti.

11. Sandpoint Town Hall
The majority of the ground floor of this two-story building consists
of a meeting hall large enough to seat most of Sandpoint’s
adults, although town meetings have rarely been even half so well
attended. The upper floor contains offices and storerooms, while
a vault in the basement below has been functioning as the town
bank for decades. Sandpoint’s mayor, Kendra Deverin, can often be
found in this building, tending to the town’s needs.

12. Savah’s Armory
The northeast corner of this building bears a few scars from the
Sandpoint Fire, but fortunately for its owner, Savah Bevaniky, the
building escaped significant damage. Savah’s shop sells all manner
of weapons and armor, including several masterwork items and exotic weapons
like a spiked chain, a dozen masterwork shuriken, and a +1 repeating
crossbow with a darkwood and ivory stock that bears the name
“Vansaya.” She’s not sure what the name means—she bought the
weapon from an adventurer on the way to Riddleport a year ago,
and the combination of its high price and complexity has ensured
its semi-permanent stay in her shop.

13. Risa’s Place
Risa Magravi operated this tavern for the first 30 years of Sandpoint’s history, and even now
that she’s gone mostly blind in her old age and has left the day-to-day affairs of the job to her
three children Besk, Lanalee, and Vodger, the mysterious Varisian sorcereress remains a fixture
of the tavern. Known as much for Risa’s tales of ancient legends and myths as for its spiced
potatoes and cider, this tavern is a favorite of the locals if only because its out-of-the-way
location ensures strangers rarely come by.

14. Rovanky Tannery
Situated at the edge of town, Larz Rovanky
runs Sandpoint’s tannery with ruthless
efficiency. He expects perfection
from his workers and his products, and as a
result often works long hours on his own during
the stretches when he’s temporarily fired the
help. His leather and fur goods are of high quality,
enough so that locals generally don’t mind the extra
wait for custom orders while Larz fusses with getting
things perfect.

15. Red Dog Smithy
Named for its owner’s affection for large red mastiffs, two to three
of which can always be seen lounging about nearby, Red Dog Smithy
is owned by a bald and powerfully muscled man named Das Korvut.
Das’s temper is, perhaps, his true claim to fame—he has little patience
for customers, and even less for everyone else. Sandpoint suffers his
foul-mouthed attitude and frequent drunken midnight rants because
he really does know his job. And as long as he’s busy hammering metal, he stays
relatively calm and confined to his smithy. The local children have
recently been circulating a somewhat cruel rhyme about Das that
they’ve taken to chanting at hopsquares, a rhyme sure to come to
an end once the smith hears it.
“Here comes crazy-man Das Korvut,
Mad as a cut snake in a wagon rut.
See how his chops go bouncity-bounce?
How many people has he trounced?
One! Two! Three! Four...”

16. The Pillbug’s Pantry
Nestled at the base of a cliff and tucked between several old tenements,
nothing but a painting of a pillbug perched on a mushroom
indicates this building’s anything more than yet another
home. The proprietor of this establishment is a short, rotund
man named Aliver “Pillbug” Podiker, an accomplished herbalist & gardener.

17. Bottled Solutions
This cluttered shop is filled with shelves upon shelves of bottles,
bags, and other alchemical containers, some covered with dust
and others so new that the pungent stink of their brewing still
fills the air. Nisk Tander is the alchemist in charge, and store owner.

18. Cracktooth’s Tavern
A particular favorite of patrons of the Sandpoint Theater, Cracktooth’s
Tavern is always full after the latest show at the nearby
playhouse lets out. A large stage gives actors, singers, and anyone
else the opportunity to show their stuff. Every night a crowd of
would-be entertainers packs the taproom in the hopes of being
discovered. Owner Jesk “Cracktooth” Berinni might look like a thug,
but he’s actually quite well-read and possesses a scathing wit—nights
when he takes thestage to deliver his observations on the political
situations in Magnimar are quite popular.

19. House of Blue Stones
This long stone building is primarily a single large chamber, the
floor decorated with polished blue stones set within winding
pathways of reed mats. This structure was built 10 years after
Sandpoint was founded by a wandering monk named Enderaki
Sorn—today, the monastery is tended by Enderaki’s daughter,
Sabyl, her father having passed away seven years ago.
A worshiper of Irori, the god of self-perfection
and knowledge, Sabyl is very generous and kind.

20. Sandpoint Glassworks
One of the oldest industries in Sandpoint, the Glassworks has been
owned by the Kaijitsu family from the town’s inception. The glassworking
trade has been in the family for generations, and many of
their techniques—perfected in distant Minkai—result in dazzling
and impressive works that fetch top price among the nobles of Magnimar,
Korvosa, and beyond.

21. Sandpoint Savories
The smells issuing from this bakery fight against the salty tang of
the sea every morning except on Sunday. Owned and operated by
the Avertin family for the past two decades, Alma Avertinis a morose sad woman.
Her twin daughters Arika and Aneka all but run the business.

22. The Curious Goblin
The sign out in front of this shop shows a wide-eyed goblin reading
a book nearly as tall as him. Inside, this bookshop is a testament to
one man’s obsession with the printed word. Chask Haladan has
maintained his love affair with books for nearly 70 years and shows no
sign of giving it up any time soon. His store is surprisingly complete,
and while almost all of his wares are far too pricy for any of the locals to
shop here with any frequency, a nest egg gathered in his adventurous youth combined
with a frugal lifestyle makes the success of his business secondary
to his own satisfaction. Several locals, including Brodert Quink
(area 8), Sabyl Sorn (area 19), and Ilsorai Gandethus (area 27) can
often be found here, either chatting with Chask or sitting in one
of several large chairs, reading.

23. Sandpoint Theater
Brand-new cathedrals and ancient ruins aren’t the only incongruities
Sandpoint boasts. This massive playhouse, financed entirely
by its larger-than-life owner, Cyrdak Drokkus, features one of the
most impressive theaters on this side of Varisia—it certainly competes
with the playhouses of Magnimar, a fact that Cyrdak takes great pride
in, since he was forced to flee that city for mysterious reasons he’s eager
to hint at but reticent to expound upon. The Sandpoint Theater often showcases
local talent, but it’s the three weekend shows that locals generally
look forward to. Cyrdak uses his contacts in Magnimar to great
extent, ensuring that the most exciting new productions in the big
city are available here as well. Although Cyrdak enjoys flirting with
all of Sandpoint’s young women, his romantic relationship with
Jasper (area 40) is one of the town’s worst-kept secrets.

24. Carpenter’s Guild
The vast majority of the buildings in Sandpoint were erected by
members of the town’s large and eternally-busy Carpenter’s Guild.
Currently overseen by Guildmaster Aesrick Battlehorn, a dwarf who
left his homeland with a near heretical fondness for working with wood
rather than stone, the Sandpoint Carpenter’s Guild has recently been
accepting a growing number of projects in the outlying farmlands as well
as work about town.

25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill
This long building was one of the first to be built when Sandpoint was
founded. Owned by the industrious Scarnetti family, daily operation of the
mill has recently been left more and more to a penny-pinching businessman
named Banny Harker and his partner Ibor Thorn. Neighbors have been
complaining that the two have been running their insidiously noisy logsplitter
into the wee hours of the night as they rush to keep up with demand in the face
of an increased availability of lumber from Magnimar, but so far they have kept
any mandates against operating the log splitter from coming to pass.

26. General Store
Owned and operated by Ven Vinder and his familiy, Sandpoint’s oldest and
best-stocked general store has a little bit of everything—farm equipment,
weapons, tack, tools, furniture, food, and even homemade pies by Ven’s
wife Solsta.

27. Turandarok Academy
As families thronged to Sandpoint, the town founders quickly
came to realize that they needed somewhere to handle the education
of children, a place to house unfortunate orphans, and somewhere
to busy older children to keep them from becoming delinquents.
The answer was the Turandarok Academy. Part school, part orphanage,
retired adventurer Ilsoari Gandethus volunteered to be the academy’s
headmaster if he could have the basement of the two-story
building to himself. The town agreed, and today, the rooms below the
Academy are almost a museum of the strange things and trophies Ilsoari
has collected over his years. He keeps these chambers locked, but
the children who attend classes on the ground floor and the orphans who
live on the upper floor have countless stories about what’s down there, ranging
from a goblin farm to a nest of phantom spiders to the Sandpoint Devil itself.

28. Madame Mvashti’s House
Although from outside this appears to be an ancient, decrepit
manor house with several rooms, only one person lives in this
old building—ancient and mysterious Niska Mvashti.

29. Grocer’s Hall
This building’s facade is open to the air where it faces the market.
During the day, bins and trays and tables here are heaped with
produce brought in that morning from the outlying farms. Near
the back of the store are tools, seeds, feed, tack, and other supplies
useful for farming. The other half of this building is filled with living
quarters, meeting halls, file rooms, and storage. Olmur Danvakus
took up the post of guildmaster here after the previous guildmaster
was murdered.

30. Vernah’s Fine Clothing
Rynshinn Povalli has owned and operated this clothing shop for the
last five years. The only daughter of a kindly woman named Vernah,
Rynshinn never knew her father, Iremiel, only that he was
killed by goblins less than a week after she was born.

31. Wheen’s Wagons
A lanky man named Bilivar Wheen owns this workshop. Bilivar is a
down-on-his-luck wheelwright who’s lately been spending more time at
various taverns than here working.

32. Scarnetti Mill
As with the Sandpoint Lumber Mill, this building is owned by
the Scarnettis. All of the flower and grain produced here is supplied
by local farmers. Mysterious fires have claimed the Soggy
River Mill, the Biston Pond Mill, and most recently the Cougar
Creek Mill, leaving this mill the only functioning grain mill in
the region. Accusations of Scarnetti-sponsered arson have been
flying high, but the manager of this mill, constantly worried and
sneezing Courrin Whesterwill, has gracefully lowered the prices for
its use to record lows until the outlying mills can be rebuilt,
a gracious move that has alleviated, to some extent,extensive public outcry.

33. The Hagfish
One of Sandpoint’s most popular taverns, especially among fishermen
and gamblers, the Hagfish is also Sandpoint’s best bet for a
good old-fashioned seafood meal. Owned by a gregarious one-legged
man named Jargie Quinn, the Hagfish gets its name from the large glass
aquarium that sits behind the bar, the home of a repellent hagfish that
Jargie affectionately calls Norah. Hanging from a nail
next to Norah’s tank is a leather pouch bulging with coins: prize
money for anyone who can drink down a single tankard of “water”
scooped from Norah’s tank. It’s a single silver coin to try, but the
trick is that, since she’s a hagfish, the water in Norah’s tank is thick
and horrifically slimy and foul-tasting. Few can stomach the stuff,
but those who do get to keep however many coins have accumulated
in the pouch, and then get to carve their names in the ceiling
beam above the bar. To date, there are only 28 names carved there,
and the Hagfish has been in business for nearly 10 years.
But there’s certainly more to this tavern than Norah. Jargie’s
game tables are always well-attended, with games ranging from
cards to checkers to dice to darts. Tall tales are a favorite pastime
here, with one popular game called “yarning” involving seeing
how long a local can string along an impromptu fable without
contradicting himself. The most popular subject of these tales
is traditionally Old Murdermaw, the legendary giant red snapper
who might or might not dwell in the depths of the Varisian Gulf.
Jargie himself is quite an accomplished yarner, with the everchanging
story of how he lost his leg being his favorite starting point for his tales.

34. Valdemar Fishmarket
Like the Grocer’s Guild across the market, the facade of this long
building is open to the air. Here, locals can shop among the day’s
catch, picking out cod, salmon, tuna, shellfish, and even the odd
octopus for the evening’s meal. Turch Sterglus, a retired fisherman
with a lazy eye and a wild white beard, runs the fishmarket in a lovably
crochety manner, constantly complaining about the weather or the day’s
catch or the antics of local youth, but always packaging his customers’
purchases with a smile and a wink. Turch’s five sons, each smarter than
the next, have made a career working for their father as fish cleaners,
haulers, and even cooks.

35. Sandpoint Market
On most days, Sandpoint’s marketplace is empty save for the odd
group of children who enjoy using the wide-open area to play whistleball
or other games. Twice a week, the market fills with vendors.
At the start of each week, the farmer’s market radically increases
the daily selection of goods available at the Grocer’s Hall, while
all day at the end of the week merchants from Magnimar, Galduria,
Nybor, Wartle, and beyond take part in the Town Market. Goods
purchased at the Town Market adhere to Sandpoint’s 800 gp limit,
but prices are generally 75% of the regular asking price.

36. Sandpoint Meat Market
Local butcher Chod Bevuk runs the Sandpoint Meat Market. Half of
this building doubles as a slaughterhouse, with the meat itself put on
display for sale in the front half of the market. Most of the meat
processed here is from livestock or animals caught by hunters.

37. The Rusty Dragon
This large structure is Sandpoint’s oldest inn, notable for the impressive
(and quite rusty) iron dragon that looms on the building’s roof,
doubling as a lightning rod and decoration. Owned and operated
for the past six years by the lovely and popular Ameiko Kaijitsu,
the Rusty Dragon is not only one of the town’s most popular eateries (made so,
in large part, by the spicy and exotic food served here), but also a great
place to meet visitors from out of town, since most newcomers
to Sandpoint come upon this inn first,
the north Lost Coast Road
being less traveled. It certainly doesn’t hurt that Ameiko’s exotic
beauty is more than matched by her skill at music, and few are the
evenings that pass without at least two or three songs by the talented

The Rusty Dragon is probably the most
adventurer-friendly establishment in town, with its ubiquitous
“Help Wanted” board near the bar and Ameiko’s “discount rooms
for anyone who tells an exciting adventure story” policy.

38. Goblin Squash Stables
The sign above this door perpetuates one of the greatest fears of
the lowly goblin—being trampled underfoot by a horse. Tended by
a retired hunter named Daviren Hosk, Daviren’s hatred of goblins is
nearly legendary in Sandpoint. In a somewhat grisly display, over the
entrance to the stable’s covered barn is his collection of goblin ears:
preserved and nailed to three different rafters, each bearing the goblin’s
name burned into the leathery flesh. The bitter ranger’s pride and joy
is a large glass bottle filled with brine in which he’s preserved the body
of Chief Whartus of the now extinct (due in large part to Daviren) Bonegrinder Tribe.

39. Two Knight Brewery
While Sandpoint’s taverns serve a wide variety of spirits, they
all proudly serve the mead, ale, and rum brewed here at the Two
Knight Brewery. Established almost 40 years ago by two brothers only a
few years after Sandpoint was founded, their expertise at brewing
has only increased over the years.

40. Sandpoint Mercantile League
This large building serves many purposes. One can book passage
on a ship bound for other ports, arrange for caravans or
carriages for overland travel, or send messages to folk in town
or as far away as Korvosa or even Riddleport. Inquiries into land
ownership, building construction, and founding new businesses,
both in Sandpoint proper and in the surrounding hinterlands,
must begin their processes of official foundation here.

41. Sandpoint Boutique
This large boutique and shop sells all mannerof clothing, weapons,
toys, artwork, books, and tools imported from throughout the world,
although most of the wares here are Varisian in nature. The place is
owned by Hayliss Korvaski.

42. Fatman’s Feedbag
If the Hagfish is Sandpoint’s most popular tavern, Fatman’s Feedbag
is its most notorious. Bar fights are common, and Sheriff
Hemlock typically has to come down here two or three times
a week to sort them out when they grow particularly violent or
loud. The majority of the clientele here are Varisian scoundrels
or less-reputable sailors. Most believe this tavern is owned and operated by an
enormous man named Gressel Tenniwar.

43. The Pixie’s Kitten
Many of Sandpoint’s crasser locals have a much more colorful name for this
establishment, but Kaye Tesarani runs the town brothel with class and distinguished
grace. She pays her girls and boys quite well, and the three Shoanti bouncers she
employs are more than enough to handle troublemakers.

44. The Feathered Serpent
This cramped and cluttered shop smells of a strange
mixture of incense, spice, and dust. Its sole proprietor,
Vorvashali Voon, an exotic-looking character with bright blue eyes, long red
hair, and almost bronze-colored skin, is gregarious and excited
about every customer. Not everything in his shop is for sale, rendering
it part museum in its eclectic collection of strange relics,
statues, and monument fragments. Vorvashali’s stock changes
constantly, as his dozens of contacts from Magnimar come in
weekly to buy and trade stock. Adventurers seeking magic items
and other tools of the trade can find what they’re looking for here
more often than not.

45. Hannah’s
While Abstalar Zantus (area 1) does his best to take care of
Sandpoint’s truly sick and needy, he can’t help everyone. For
minor aches, pains, and illnesses, most of Sandpoint’s citizens
depend on Hannah Velerin. Hannah spends most of her mornings
out in the surrounding wilds, gathering herbs or simply enjoying
Gozreh’s bounty. In the afternoons, she returns to her shop and
home here to prepare medicines and receive patients. Hannah’s
ironically the one to go to when either one wants to end a pregnancy
or needs a midwife to aid in a birth; Hannah encourages all of the
women she sees to carry to term, and advises the use of pinberry
extract to young women as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies
from happening in the first place, but in cases where there’s no other
option, her other services are discrete and confidential.

46. Sandpoint Shipyard
The southern facade of this long building is open to Sandpoint
Harbor, allowing its small army of shipwrights, ropemakers, and
sailmakers to work their trade in one of four drydocks right on
the shore. The shipyard is owned by the Valdemars, with Belven
Valdemar, old Ethram’s eldest son, overseeing the constant work here.
Belven is a handsome and quite available bachelor, but his dedication
to his craft and family have so far left him little time to entertain
the dozens of young women who’ve been trying to catch his eye for
the past several years.

47-50 Manor homes overlooking Sandpoint
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Kenrick Blightstar bites off more then he can chew...

Inside The Rusty Dragon Inn.....

Kenrick Blightstar, Sergeant-at-Arms, Paladin of Iomedae, "may her light shine brightly always and guide my hand to seek justice," stood in an Inn full of people. Though the men and women of this old Inn, The Rusty Dragon, were not here to see him, it was as good as any time for him to stand forth and speak his prepared speech. To have say what was needed to these wanderers, adventurers, and travelers. Have them hear of the need for more men and women to stand guard over the imprisoned Whispering Tyrant.

As he steps up onto a promp-to stage, his mind races back to why he was even here....

** *** ***​

"Sergeant Kenrick, a moment if you please." Captain Salder, his commander said to the passing by brown haired, grey eyed, tall man.

"Yes My Captain? Kenrick said as he stopped to look at the older man. Kenrick liked his commanding officer. He was a good man, with a just-heart, and a shining example of what it was to be a Paladin in the service of The Inheritor. Kenrick only hoped he could be as great a paladin as him one day. 12 years he had served faithful along side others in Lastwall, standing a vigilant guard over a dark terror that should never see the light of day again.

"I have a mission for you. One that is the utmost importance to the security of Lastwall." The greying haired browned eyed senior Paladin said.

Kenrick smiled at this. "Anything I can do, I shall sir."

"Good." Salder patted him on the shoulder. "I need you to escort a group of clerics out into the nearby lands. You are to protect them, and help them as they seek out good-minded people to come and aid us against the Orcs and Undead that plague us even today. Your experience and shining example of what it is to be a Paladin of Iomedae will be needed greatly in this."

Kenrick frowned, his thoughts racing. Did he do something wrong to be banished from Lastwall, from his duty? Did he stray from the tenets of Iomadae? His thoughts were clearly displayed on his face as Salder smiled and shook his head.

"This is no punishment Kenrick. You take your duties too seriously. I feel you need a break, and of course, I feel no one is better suited to do this then you. We have not had a steady flow of emigrates lately, and if we are to survive here, we will need new blood." Captain Salder chuckled some more. "And who knows. Maybe you will find a woman who is stubborn enough to put up with you and be your wife."

Kenrick blushed, if a man of 30 could still do that. It was true that he forsook companionship and family to follow what he thought were the guiding principles of Iomadae. But when was one to find time when any moment the Whispering Tyrant could break free! Besides, such 'base actions' were beneath him.

"Go, and prepare. You leave at dawn tomorrow." Salder said and walked away, leaving a perplexed Kenrick standing in his wake.

** *** **​

Kenrick shook his head and chased those memories away. He looked up at the crowded inn, none paying him any mind. He cleared his throat and coughed loudly, before he spoke.

"Good people of Sandpoint, hear me please. The The people of Lastwall are in trouble. Our diligent pursuit to watch over the imprisoned Whispering Tyrant has been our sole goal for as long as we have existed.

Only a few heads turned to look at him, most though watching, listening, and leering at a pretty young bardic woman with long flowing black hair and delicate pale skin. She was dancing, moving gracefully to a song she was singing. Kenrick could not tear his eyes off her as he spoke.

"But the undead horrors of Ustalav and the orcish horde on our boarders besiege us, and we need help. Our numbers are not infinite. We seek the able bodied and strong of mind to help us keep the terror of Gallowspire to never rise again."

Kenrick narrowed his eyes as he continued on with his speech. There was something familiar about this bard. He was sure he had seen her face some where before.

"I am a Paladin of Imoedae. I have come to Sandpoint to seek recruits for Lastwall warriors. Imoedae, The Inheritor, guides us always. We will never back from our due...ties-"

Wait... He stopped his speech. His eyes snapping to a poster of a wanted woman on the wall. It was her. He was sure of it.

Kenrick jumped from the make-shift stage, and walked with purpose towards the young criminal.

"Madam, in the name of Iomadae, The God of Justice, I place you under arrest for your crimes!" What crimes did she commit? All he could remember was that she was on a Wanted poster. She did have quite lovely green almond-shaped eyes. Focus Kenrick. Duty! "You will allow me to take you to the local constable so he may sort this out."

Great. Take a break. Make a few speeches, escort a couple of clerics around. And what do I do. I arrest the first pretty woman that catches my eye. I will never hear the end of this in the barracks when I return. Kenrick's thoughts raced, as he stood before the lovely woman. Idiot.

[The Rusty Dragon Inn]

When you gotta hide, do it in plain sight.
Ryogen couldn't remember who'd told her that, but she hoped it was good advice. She was, in fact, doing just the opposite. Not ten feet from where she danced, a wanted poster with her face on it was tacked to the wall.

She didn't know which was worse: that her reputation had spread this far, or that the artist had done such a wretched job drawing her nose. She would have walked out as soon as she laid eyes on it, but she needed the gold. Was it her fault that her chosen profession dictated she be the center of attention?

Ryogen flicked her wrists above her head in rhythm to the swaying of her hips and basked in the adoration of the crowd. Yes, she supposed, it was entirely her fault.

Ameiko knew how to pick her tunes, that much was certain.
Ryogen had asked for a tune that would demand the attention of her male clientele; clientele that would put gold in her pocket and send her on her way. The woman picked a ribald tune that played on the various meanings of the words 'lay' and 'lap' and described in colorful metaphor uses of the tongue that had nothing at all to do with speech.

Ryogen's waist began to corkscrew downward, simulating the effects such uses would have on her, when she felt the presence of another on the tiny stage.

"Madam, in the name of Iomadae, The God of Justice, I place you under arrest for your crimes!"
The music came to an abrupt halt.

The man standing before her had all the earmarks of a paladin: the armor, the emblems, the dimpled chin, the look of a man in desperate need of a good lay.

She cocked her hip--the hip facing her audience--and set the palm of her hand upon it. Then she cast a glance over her shoulder at the crowd.
"I dunno boys, I've heard some awfully desperate lines in my time, but this," she drew a line down his chest with her index finger, "whaddya say? Should I let him cuff me or kiss me?" She drew out the last words, emphasizing them with a sway of the hip.

The crowd roared and cheered in approval. "KISS! KISS! KISS!", they chanted in unison.

The only way out of this was to turn the crowd against him. A roomful of horny, angry men was a force to be reckoned with, no matter which god you laid claim to.

Ryogen faced the paladin, a look of devilish smile played across her lips. "Well, whaddya say, big boy?" she mouthed more than spoke.
-[The Rusty Dragon Inn]

Aruku entered the Rusty Dragon Inn when the caravan she'd been travelling with had broken up upon reaching Sandpoint. She was here in town to visit the Cathedral, to meet the priests and priestesses of Rysil, and perhaps minister to the worshipers before moving on. She was in The Rusted Dragon, to get a room, wash away the dust of travel, find herself a bed companion and make her own special prayers to Rysil...

The scene when she first entered was a happy, and exciting public house, a real cutie dancing to a funny and ribald song. She carefully stepped to the bar when the loud voice attempted to arrest the dancer, and brought everything to a screeching halt and dead silence.

Aruku put down the full hood of her travelling cloak and looked over to the stage. She saw what could only be a paladin on stage and the dancer, facing each other. The paladin, looking stern and authoratative, and the dancer with a mischievious look on her face. Aruku missed what someone had said but the crowd's reaction and chant of KISS, KISS, made Aruku think is wasn't the paladin.

Aruku made her way to the 'stage' and looked at the two people. She threw back her cloak to reveal the wooden holy symbol to Rysil that hung from her neck.

"Sir Warrior? Why is it important to interrupt the poor woman's entertaining weary travellers and interfere with the publican's earning money for his or her family and employees?" Aruku's soft voice was just loud enough to earn attention, yet not loud enough to cause upset in the paladin.

"Can we perhaps sit and discuss this in a more politic way? Also, I would enjoy seeing the beauty finish her dance. Perhaps if I gave my word that if your arguements are just and worthy, I will persuade the lass to go with you without resistance. Is this acceptable to you Sir Warrior?"

She turned to the dancer, and subtlely changed tone and timber. "Sister, shall you listen to Sir Warrior's arguements and if they are truthful and proper, will you go with him? I would travel with to make certain Sir Warrior treats you with all due kindnesses and courtesies? If so, I would enjoy watching such a beauty as yourself finish your dance. It reminds me of my younger freer days as an entertainer."

She gave a sensuous sway and grind to her hips, showing the dancer exactly what she meant and grinned. "It has been many years since I was in the business."
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"Are you certain you won't join us for the return trip?"
Fulguran Gigast ignored the caravan head's question as his eyes lazily took in the town before him. It wasn't much by any standards but the natural harbor had guaranteed some sort of civilization was bound to spring up here. While the caravan he had attached himself to unloaded its trade goods, children played in the center of the market square and numerous crastmen hustled about hither and tither.
"No, it's time I moved on with my journey." He finally responded. The man seemed a bit put out, but handed over the agreed upon fee to the raven haired sorceror.
"Well, if you change your mind we leave on the morning." Fulguran did not respond as he walked away into the the town itself. What was it called again? Sandpint, or something. Fulguran didn't think he understood but maybe a sandy pint was a local drink specialty. He had just convinced himself to order one when he stepped in the tavern and was confronnted by an armoed holy man declaring the struggles of place such and such, against blah de blah. These were troubled times, when a man could not even get a drink without being bothered by the needy and the annoying.
As Fulguran moved up to the bar he noticed that there was enntertainment from the far end of the bar. The needy holy man did too, and stopped talking. The Paladin rushed forward toward the woman and declared something about just and law and all those things paladins are always going on about. The woman replied with sauciness and seduction, and the crowd roared in approval. Whatever was going to happen now, he didn't think it would be in the paladin's favor.
Then another lay person walked in, acting as some kind of mediator between the parties.
"I'll have a sandy pint, please." He asked of the bartender. She gave him a quizical look but Fulguran wasn't really paying attention to her. The drink she put in his hand was terrible, but he put down the price on the counter anyway. Let the entertainment begin.
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To his credit, Runs-With-Night had mannaged to stow aboard a ship and hide away from the ships sailors for more than a month before being found out. One night, While Runs-With-Night slept, hunger got the better of his companion, Coils-In-Silence, and the albino anaconda, tempted by the presence of food went off to hunt. A sailor spotted Runs-With-Night's companion and shouted, awakening him. Runs-With-Night barely had enough time to stop the sailor from splitting his one remaining friend in two with a blade. He threw off the burlap tarp he'd been hiding under and with a feral growl rushed the sailor, knocking him down and pinning him to the wooden floor. Runs-With-Night would have killed the man to protect Coils-In-Silence, but several more sailors came and pulled him, snarling and biting, off of the man.

Runs-With-Night was expecting death, but to his surprise the sailors let him live. They made him and Coils spend the rest of their journey up high, where no one would bother them. They even shared some of their food and drink with him, poor and overly salted though it was. Runs-With-Night asked Rysil's blessing to make it pure enough to eat though. Several more months passed, the only things keeping Runs-With-Night sane was listening to the sailors speak and trying to figure out what they were saying. By the time he could see land from his vantage point, Runs-With-Night had a basic understanding of their language. He spent those few days before they landed pronouncing the words he had learned aloud to himself. "Eeed... Ch-ow. Goot sop. Swoop thuh dick. Skerr-vee dot."

When they finally docked one of the sailors threw a rope ladder up to him so he could climb down from his comfy little roost. Once down on deck several of the sailors surrounded him and pulled Coils from him, stuffing his companion in a sack. He growled and reached to stop them, but they brandished their weapons. For now, he would remain calm. "Good boy, thats right, stay put while we fetch the guards. Let them deal with ye." One of the sailors, the one that seemed to lead them said. "Goot bouey." Runs-With-Night tried to repeat his words, with a nod of understanding as they led him from the ship out onto the docks. "How about that, the little savage is learning! Haw haw haw!" One of the sailors shouted with raucous laughter. "Leernun..." Runs-With-Night repeated, giving the sailor a grim look as his hands were tied securely to one of the dock posts.

From the corner of his eye Runs-With-Night could see another sailor uncerimoniously drop the sack they had put Coils within next to him. "Damn beast, I swear that snake must weigh a good two undred pounds..." The sailor groused, giving the sack a slight kick. Runs-With-Night's eyes went wide at that and he lurched at the man, but his bindings held. The sailor shuffled back then gave Runs-With-Night a smarmy look. "Oh what, savage? What you gonna do? Huh?" He gave the sack another light kick. Runs-With-Night tugged and twisted at the bindings around his wrists causing himself rope burn as he howled and spat in sudden rage over being taunted. "Skervee dot! Eet, chow, skervee dot!" Runs-With-Night shouted, before suddenly growing calm just as quickly as he'd snapped. He looked the taunting sailor in the eye and bared his teeth growling the word. "Eeeeeet." from deep within his throat.

sat lazily on a bar stool in the back of the bar Ruby held her cards her show no mercy cards face in place. her eyes slowly danced over the men at the table. one mans face was weathered like he had been at sea for to long tired and down on his luck he held his cards to tightly...he had nothing she could tell. the man next to him had a lechy snarl as he stared at her ample bosom, that she knew heaved attractively under her tight brown leather bodice. She smiled seductively up at him knowing his hand was not going to beat hers. She knew she had won. Of course she had. She wouldn't have been a very good cheat if she hadn't fixed it in her favor.

Ruby watched the weathered man take a deep burn of his cigar and a plume of smoke swirled from his lips as they all showed their cards. Her full sensuous red lips turned up in a smile as she slowly placed her cards on the table for everyone to see
"Read them and weep boys" she batted her eyelashes "Seems Rhysil shines on me today" Ruby giggled and scraped up the coins and started to sweep them into her already full purse of winnings. The lechy man grabbed her wrist tightly she could feel her bones almost audibly creak and she winced tensing her jaw. she made to move struggling her arm.
"I suggest you unhand me...sir" she spat and glared at him fire burning deep behind her eyes. He cocked and eyebrow and laughed or snarled she couldn't tell.
"And why's that...harlot?"
After a moment his eyes went wide and his grip loosened on her wrist. He had obviously felt the point of Ruby's dagger pressing dangerously against where a codpiece should be.
Ruby raised an eyebrow and withdrew her hand and the one that was in danger of slipping and hurting this man's.... pride and strutted slowly out of the backroom.

she walked back into the bar, into an uproar of chanting. She paid it never mind and went straight to the bar leaning over to talk to the barmaid and order a drink. The bar maid smiled and slid a drink over which Ruby gulped gratefully.
"Thanks Laurilie"
She had a nice winnings and a good amount of money from all those exposed purses she just walked past. Oh Ruby did love a good busy rowdy pub. She tucked her red curls behind her ears and turned to face the commotion and saw what looked like a paladin, a dancer and another woman sounded like a start to an awful joke, but just to be safe she pulled up the hood of her cloak and turned back to the would be no good getting all this gold just to be caught by officials.
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Kenrick finds himself in a pickle...


The Bard's post

The Cleric's post
occ: clicky the "arrow buttons" in the quotes to see their posts if you haven't already read them.

Kenrick almost gulped as she drew her finger along the emblem of Iomadea's sword on his chest. He also nearly paled when she asked the crowd if they should kiss. She did have some really nice lips. DUTY KENRICK YOU FLOGGING IDIOT. He hoped no one noticed his near slips.

He was about to respond when a young woman of elven mix blood walked up to them, baring the symbol of Rysil. That neutral god was no ally of Imoedae, but that did not mean he should be rude to her. It would go against his tenets.

"This young woman is wanted. The crime matters not, only that justice be served. And to be served she must stand trial. If she is truly innocent then the balances of truth will set her free and she has nothing to fear."

He gave this new comer a more thorough look and regretted it right away. She was very charming herself, with golden tan skin, high cheekbones... and a rather nice bust. For a half-elf at least. He shook his head. How could he be allowing himself to have such base thoughts!

The way she swayed her hips did not help matters. He could fend off hordes of orcs, terrors of undead, and the cook of his company's food. And here two pretty lasses were about to defeat him in ways he never imagined. And they hadn't even lifted a sword yet.

"I would allow us to talk, but the end result that she accompany us to the constable remains. She does not have to go cuffed. I am a gentleman after all."

During all this though, three of his four man squad had been in the Inn, merely observing. They all groaned when he had jumped to 'apprehend' the bard. Kenrick couldn't turn himself off for a moment. They however went about their duty and stood by the entrance and exit to the Inn to block off any escape attempt of the bard.
The Rusty Dragon

Amieko: Watches the intensity with which this particular brand of holy warrior begins spouting his particular brand of religious fervor. They were really always the same at their core. Too much pent up man milk clogging his codpiece most likely. If he had been laid on the inside of the last three years she would eat that cute lil cleric's pussy. Come to think of it she just might do that anyways. As he approached the entertainment she had just amused herself with, she sighed. This prick was going to....

"Madam, in the name of Iomadae, The God of Justice, I place you under arrest for your crimes!"

....bloody Paladins! She moved from the bar as her head turned to notice that. She gulped as he walked in....who was that? Her eyes fastened to Fulgarn as he strode to the bar and asked her Barkeep Ernie for a....

"Sandy Pint" the sexy lil cleric of that new god that had appeared at the temple just recently, and the bard squared off with the Paladin, she spun on her heel and headed back to the bar. She came around the bar as Ernie set down the tankard of assboar ale. She grabbed for it just as Fulgarn took a drink and cursed Desna silently under her breath. turning to Ernie in one of her well known fits

"Ernest! How dare you give this man Ale! He asked for a Sandy Pint! You Ugly lout I don't even know why I bother! Get outta my way!"

Taking the coins from the counter for Fulgarn's Ale she set them down next to a nice new frosty pale ale with a Shot of her finest Single malt poured in to float.

"There you go lovely, here is your Sandy Pint. My name is Ameiko Kaijitsu... said with a breathless voice and an otherworldy charm that compels you to at least give this goddess made flesh your name at the very least(Fulgarn)

Sheriff Belor Hemlock ~ Stepped down out of the stirrup of his massive Destrider Mount. Pavis had been with him more years than he could count and the horses massive size was the only thing that could handle Belor's massive seven foot frame. At 45 the years had been abundantly kind to this bronze skinned ex-chieftan of the Shoanti Lyrune-Quah. As his massive frame alighted feather soft on the hard packed ground outside the Dragon, his senses took in the new arrivals as well as the surrounding caravans unloading. Even before he was able to clear the boardwalk outside he heard....

"Madam, in the name of Iomadae, The God of Justice, I place you under arrest for your crimes!"

...Just what I need! A fulgarn Paladin off his rocker! He sighed softly and took the peace bond off his heavy repeating crossbow that looked more like a pistol in his massive hand. He drew the large shield from Pavis and the horse didn't even move. He slung the shield easily and checked the crossbow once more.

"Paladin!!! Bring you and your charge out here now! Bring whatever proof you have as well, otherwise I will whip you personally in my town square!" The strength and confidence in that voice stills even the crowd inside, and speaks of many years fighting, and living another day. The...


...dies almost instantly. The hush now leaving Ryogen, Aruku, & Kendrick as the center of an ever expanding circle and cleared path to the front doors.

Every Stranger currently in the Rusty Dragon or within 50 yards can hear the sheriff plainly. It is also very apparent that these people not only fear but respect the owner of this voice.

On the Docks

Shalelu Andosana ~ This lithe exotically gorgeous blonde haired blue eyed elven woman moved down the docks with a small black cat following at her heels. Sticking above one shoulder was the haft of an elven long-blade, a sword so well crafted that only dwarves could forge it's like. A blade so fine and sharp they were rumored to split strands of silk lengthwise. Above the other was the haft of her twin sword, a blade designed to come apart in an expert wielders hands to form up to 8 throwing irons she could use with deadly accuracy. On her hip rested what appeared to be a small battered quiver to the untrained naked eye. her easy stride came to a halt as she heard...


...With a blinding force of speed and action born in over a century defending wild places from creatures unspeakable enough to threaten even the biggest metropolitan cities...goblins...Shae, as those of this place knew her, rested the tip of her long-blade against the man holding Runs left wrist as the other three sailors dropped where there had been standing. Vicious silver blades and spikes sticking out of them. A voice as soft and sweet as mercy's own bells, but so cold even your blood would freeze in your veins if it could, slipped from her perfect supple lips, that die to be kissed...

"The only reason you live is to inform your captain that if his crew want to survive their next port they leave this port immediately. Understood?"

...with urine staining his already dingy trousers and tainting the air with it's acrid smell, the man dropped Run's wrist and stumbled and ran up the plank to the deck of the ship.

Turning to the young man in front of her she spoke in the tongue of things older even this world itself

"Wellmet my fair young kinsmen. Why did they assault you so?"
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The bold voice of the sheriff sending shivers up Ruby's spine she winces and rubs her temples. Just what she needed the damn sheriff to find her...again...She had to get out while he was distracted by the paladin and dancers argument.

She pulled the hood tight over her head hoping it covered most of her face and went through the back poker room and opened the side door slowly sneaking out into the shadows. Ruby peeked round the corner to get a look at the sheriff. She stared lustfully at the man who had locked her up on too many occasions in her youth and bedded her quite a number of times when she was older. She could never resist that mans charms so best to avoid him at all costs. And definatley not think about him pinning her against the walls of a prison cell and....

Ruby chastised herself silently as steamy thoughts sped through her mind involving the said sheriff. She stood in the shadows not willing to risk stepping out into the empty street until he had his hands full with the bar argument.
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The bold voice of the sheriff sending shivers up Ruby's spine she winces and rubs her temples. Just what she needed the damn sheriff to find her...again...She had to get out while he was distracted by the paladin and dancers argument. She pulled the hood tight over her head hoping it covered most of her face and went through the back poker room and opened the side door slowly sneaking out into the shadows. Ruby peeked round the corner to get a look at the sheriff. She stared lustfully at the man who had locked her up on too many occasions in her youth.
Ruby chastised herself silently as steamy thoughts sped through her mind involving the said sheriff. She stood in the shadows not willing to risk stepping out into the empty street until he had his hands full with the bar argument.

Sheriff Belor

"Ruby you may as well come out now and give up whatever you are holding. Because if you ain't the cause of this, I know you're here. I can smell that lovely perfume you insist on wearing."

That voice still strong as cold forged steel, but with a hint of tenderness in it as he says her name.
Sheriff Belor

"Ruby you may as well come out now and give up whatever you are holding. Because if you ain't the cause of this, I know you're here. I can smell that lovely perfume you insist on wearing."

That voice still strong as cold forged steel, but with a hint of tenderness in it as he says her name.

Ruby sighs and groans inwardly at him managing to discover her when she had thought her hiding techniques were better. She'd have to change her damn perfume or something. Muttering profanities under her breath she stepped out sighing resigned and then realised she should be able to escape scott free. She wasn't involved in the argument. She decided to go with indignant outrage at being falsely accused.

Ruby stepped out of the dark arms folded and strode over to the Sheriff
"Excuse me but I have nothing to do with the dispute in there, Belor! How could you think innocent little me would have anything to do with that?" She bats her eyelashes and walks her fingers up his chest grinning before placing her hands on her hips and glaring up at the giant of a man.
Ruby sighs and groans inwardly at him managing to discover her when she had thought her hiding techniques were better. She'd have to change her damn perfume or something. Muttering profanities under her breath she stepped out sighing resigned and then realised she should be able to escape scott free. She wasn't involved in the argument. She decided to go with indignant outrage at being falsely accused.

Ruby stepped out of the dark arms folded and strode over to the Sheriff
"Excuse me but I have nothing to do with the dispute in there, Belor! How could you think innocent little me would have anything to do with that?" She bats her eyelashes and walks her fingers up his chest grinning before placing her hands on her hips and glaring up at the giant of a man.

Sheriff Belor

"Ruby." that subtle use of your name has always meant the same thing. Step away until I know who needs to be beatin

"I haven't got all day, prancy-boi. If you make me count to three on your ass, I will punk you like a troll in and orphanage."


Sheriff Belor

"Ruby." that subtle use of your name has always meant the same thing. Step away until I know who needs to be beatin

"I haven't got all day, prancy-boi. If you make me count to three on your ass, I will punk you like a troll in and orphanage."



lets out a small sigh and rolls my eyes and wanders out of the way leaning against a wall to watch the show
Runs-With-Night watched the flurry of action as a lithe female came to his aid from out of nowhere. Three sailors fell, dead, upon the dock around them while the blue eyed female Runs-With-Night recognized as elven held the one who'd been taunting him at bay with the tip of her sword.

She spoke words of warning in the sailor's tongue as only an elf could, with a voice as pure and cold as the life giving waters of Runs-With-Night's homeland. He rose to his full height from the feral crouch he'd been in while she delt with his tormentor, looking her over as he did. Like most elves, she had an effortless beauty, and if it weren't for the sun-spun lightness of her hair, which was a sign of weakness amongst his people, he might have considered her worthy of mating with.

Runs-With-Night blinked and shifted his attention back upon the sailor, hearing the muffled sound of flowing water as the man was so scared, he'd loosed his his bladder upon himself. Runs-With-Night snarled with disdain at the man as he fled back to his ship, shouting after him. "Eeeet!" It was meant as a promise of action, if they met again. He scoffed and returned his attention back to the female elf, noticing the tiny black panther that hung at her heel. He gave her a beaming smile, she was obviously a friend of Rysil.

She proved as much when she turned to him and spoke in the tongue of his people, albiet with a slight accent. "I hid aboard their ship in the hope of tracking down men of great evil... I thought they were them, but I must have stolen myself aboard the wrong ship... The men I seek are murderers and slavers, they wiped out my entire tribe. I came to this land hoping to track them down and make them pay for their evil. These men let me live, they were kind. That one though, he ment my companion, Coils-In-Silence, harm, I wanted only to protect my friend. Thank you for comming to my aid, elf-woman. Would you be so kind as to cut me free?" Runs-With-Night asked, lifting his bound wrists.
Aruku stopped when the giant sherriff commanded the paladin to hand over the dancer. She stepped between the girl and the sherriff and felt a twinge of excitement in her loins seeing him. She fully opened her robe, revealing the simpe, semi sheer gown covering her otherwise nude person and spoke.

"Ah! Sherriff, I am Aruku Per 'Esh, priestess of Rysil, and travelling to the Cathedral to pray and celebrate Rysil in Your lovely city. I came here to rest and wash the dust of my travels when I saw Sir Warrior leap on the stage and trying to do His perceived duties. I must confess I councelled what I thought would be an acceptable compromise, so that the proprietor of this establishment would not lose any entertainments for her clientelle, yet allow Sir Warrior to perform his civic duties in bringing in a suspected criminal. I pray You forgive my intrusion in Your balliwick."

She bowed low, partly to hide her stimulation from the Warrior's and Sherriff's obvious good looks, as well as showing her respect of the Sherriff and His office.

"If I may be so impertinent, I also would enjoy greatly to see the end of this lovely dancer's performance." She was smiling as she ended her bow and looked calmly at the Sherriff.
The Docks
Runs-With-Night watched the flurry of action as a lithe female came to his aid from out of nowhere. Three sailors fell, dead, upon the dock around them while the blue eyed female Runs-With-Night recognized as elven held the one who'd been taunting him at bay with the tip of her sword.

She spoke words of warning in the sailor's tongue as only an elf could, with a voice as pure and cold as the life giving waters of Runs-With-Night's homeland. He rose to his full height from the feral crouch he'd been in while she dealt with his tormentor, looking her over as he did. Like most elves, she had an effortless beauty, and if it weren't for the sun-spun lightness of her hair, which was a sign of weakness amongst his people, he might have considered her worthy of mating with.

The golden beauty of her flaxen hair leaving you with a distinct impression that maybe, just maybe hair color was not an accurate representation of a suitable mate. She moved with the grace and power of any jungle cat he had ever tangled with. Rysil often worked in mysterious ways, and maybe, just maybe, this woman was sent to guide him on a new path to enlightenment. Perhaps he should find a place to pray to his merciful and loving 6th god.

Runs-With-Night blinked and shifted his attention back upon the sailor, hearing the muffled sound of flowing water as the man was so scared, he'd loosed his his bladder upon himself. Runs-With-Night snarled with disdain at the man as he fled back to his ship, shouting after him. "Eeeet!" It was meant as a promise of action, if they met again. He scoffed and returned his attention back to the female elf, noticing the tiny black panther that hung at her heel. He gave her a beaming smile, she was obviously a friend of Rysil.

The small black feline seemed much more astute and intelligent in the eyes than any other animal, except Coils. The startling similarity peaks his curiosity. His attunement to the ways of the wyld and his tribes training, also said there was possibly something mystical about this cat.

She proved as much when she turned to him and spoke in the tongue of his people, albeit with a slight accent. "I hid aboard their ship in the hope of tracking down men of great evil... I thought they were them, but I must have stolen myself aboard the wrong ship... The men I seek are murderers and slavers, they wiped out my entire tribe. I came to this land hoping to track them down and make them pay for their evil. These men let me live, they were kind. That one though, he meant my companion, Coils-In-Silence, harm, I wanted only to protect my friend. Thank you for coming to my aid, elf-woman. Would you be so kind as to cut me free?" Runs-With-Night asked, lifting his bound wrists.

Shaelu ~ this was no ordinary human she could feel it off of him. She saw signs he worshiped that new 6th god the priestess of Desna had been talking about these last few weeks. It even seemed as if the Priestess might convert herself, but who really knew with these mortals. She easily flicked her wrist and reduced his bonds to scrap, as that one fluid motion ended with the hilt of her elven long-blade back in it's scabbard. She flipped and turned listening to his very very accented sylvan and made out that he had been tracking slavers and she had just killed three innocent men. Oh, well Belor knows I can clean this up if I have to. I just hate it when I commit multiple homicide on always seems to lower my public reputation. Oh well they think I'm a psychotic bitch anyways.

"You are new here, young druid. I am this cities teeth. I guard against evil men she pauses a moment seemingly disturbed my her own next words before saying them ...and women who would harm these people. If you would care to join me along with your friend, there is someone you must meet. On the way tell me of this 6th god. He is new to me and I am curious..."

Her voice trailed off as she finished pulling her throwing irons from the bodies and interlocking them back in a truly beautiful pattern of leafy twists, and winding spiraling turns. It was a puzzle she wielded with deadly force and accuracy. As she snapped the last in place to make a truly exquisite short sword, she rose giving Runs a smile that could have melted a glacier at a hundred paces, before saying...

"Come, come...", her hand held out to you and that smile melting your hardened traditions like butter in the midday sun....

Aruku stopped when the giant sheriff commanded the paladin to hand over the dancer. She stepped between the girl and the sheriff and felt a twinge of excitement in her loins seeing him. She fully opened her robe, revealing the simple, semi sheer gown covering her otherwise nude person and spoke.

The sheriff watched her intently as she moved to block his aim at the door to the Dragon, "I highly suggest you let Mr. fancy pants in there c'mon out with his charge in tow and we can settle this. Until I see his shiny ass out here on this porch I ain't movin. And you may look hotter than a flat rock in the desert, but ask Ruby here how far that will get you when I am on duty." This mans voice could make a dry old maid quiver with desire. It's booming deep base could tickle the ivories of most any female within earshot. His body looking more like it was forged from steel and covered with smooth rippling bronze than flesh and blood. His entire form radiated raw martial prowess. The tip of the crossbow bolt in that massive ranged weapon didn't even quiver when he spoke.

"Ah! Sheriff, I am Aruku Per 'Esh, priestess of Rysil, and traveling to the Cathedral to pray and celebrate Rysil in Your lovely city. I came here to rest and wash the dust of my travels when I saw Sir Warrior leap on the stage and trying to do His perceived duties. I must confess I counseled, what I thought, would be an acceptable compromise, so that the proprietor of this establishment would not lose any entertainments for her clientele, yet allow Sir Warrior to perform his civic duties in bringing in a suspected criminal. I pray You forgive my intrusion in Your bailiwick."

His voice dipping to the realms of treacherously unfathomable icy waters"Ma'am, I respect your position. I even would be interested to hear about this new god, but right now if you don't move out of the line of fire, I will put one of these babies in you faster than a spearhawks dinner, and sleep like a baby tonight. Now move please. With that, this mountain of a man took two huge steps forward never letting his aim drop from the door. As his second step cleared him to the door

"3.....ok Mother-fulgarner, I am comin in and so help me if you even lift a fulgarn finger I will smite you with a wrath even your goddess will applaud." His third step broke him through the door and allowed his musk of sweat, dirt, and raw animal magnetism to wash over Aruku and Ryogen. The power of that smell alone would knock any straight women to her knees, this scent didn't even feel natural.

She bowed low, partly to hide her stimulation from the Warrior's and Sheriff's obvious good looks, as well as showing her respect of the Sheriff and His office.Her attempt to hide her arousal even further tested as the sheriff brushes past her inside the inn...his crotch only inches from her face, and if what she saw wasn't a log in his breeches....then his horse looked like a pony compared to this man.

"If I may be so impertinent, I also would enjoy greatly to see the end of this lovely dancer's performance." She was smiling as she ended her bow and looked calmly at the Sheriff.

Sheriff Belor ~ by the freakin light. Another bloody cleric of this damnable new god. New gods mean new wars, just what I need in this town. As if the fulgarn goblins weren't bad enough! his thoughts coming to a distinct pause as he brushed past the cleric Although if all this gods clerics looked like her? I could stand a war or two in her bed. O down boy let's work.

As he crosses the threshold of the inn he tosses the crossbow straight up into the air and pile drives his fists into the throats of the two brethren of Iomedae sending them to their knees coughing and hacking, on their way to permanently remembering the "Theory of Air" and how bad you need it. His hands coming back up to catch the massive repeater and aim it at the Paladins back.

"I gave ya to the count of three and your two boys are on the floor. If you don't turn around real slow pretty boi, I will drill ya...."
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While Fulguran was busy watching the expanding circus his drink was removed straight out of his hand. He felt the magic boil up in his blood along with his rage at the impertinence of such an action it might have been shitty but it was still his drink. So then, when Fulguran turned about, a snarl budding upon his lips and his hair starting to jump, it was quite a surprise when instead of something to punch there was something to do all sorts of other things to.
"There ya go lovely, one sandy pint. My name is Ameiko Kaijitsu..." she trailed off as she held out a paler drink than what he had been given. Fulguran took it as he felt something indistinguishable tug on his mind and something very distinguishable tug on his trousers. He took the drink and took a sip, mostly to give himself time to think.
She wanted his name, for certain. Her words and eyes held out an invitation and the rest of the word seemed to sink away a bit. There was intrusive but ignorable command from outside, and the room grew quiet. Or was that just his mind playing tricks on him still? The drink was good, malty and crisp at the same time. She wasn't making it easier to think. Compulsion growing stronger, time seeming to slow down further. What did she put in this beer? He closed hos blue eys and sighed contentedly over the drink.
"Fulguran. My friends call me Storm." Like someone had snapped their fingers, time resumed. Some commanding voice was beginning a countdown outside.
"Is this drink what they named the town after?" He asked Kaijitsu, either unwilling or unable to take his eyes off her. He hoped his smirk seemed potentially wlecoming rather than it's usual impish.
While Fulguran was busy watching the expanding circus his drink was removed straight out of his hand. He felt the magic boil up in his blood along with his rage at the impertinence of such an action it might have been shitty but it was still his drink. So then, when Fulguran turned about, a snarl budding upon his lips and his hair starting to jump, it was quite a surprise when instead of something to punch there was something to do all sorts of other things to.
"There ya go lovely, one sandy pint. My name is Ameiko Kaijitsu..." she trailed off as she held out a paler drink than what he had been given. Fulguran took it as he felt something indistinguishable tug on his mind and something very distinguishable tug on his trousers. He took the drink and took a sip, mostly to give himself time to think.

Her enrapturing smile widened at the perceptible change in both his demeanor and physiology.

She wanted his name, for certain. Her words and eyes held out an invitation and the rest of the word seemed to sink away a bit. There was intrusive but ignorable command from outside, and the room grew quiet. Or was that just his mind playing tricks on him still? The drink was good, malty and crisp at the same time. She wasn't making it easier to think. Compulsion growing stronger, time seeming to slow down further. What did she put in this beer? He closed his blue eyes and sighed contentedly over the drink.
"Fulguran. My friends call me Storm." Like someone had snapped their fingers, time resumed. Some commanding voice was beginning a countdown outside.
"Is this drink what they named the town after?" He asked Kaijitsu, either unwilling or unable to take his eyes off her. He hoped his smirk seemed potentially wlecoming rather than it's usual impish.

Ameiko Kaijitsu~ oh these boys were all the same, but did they all have to be so fulgarn cute? But as her eyes traveled his form and her nose picked out the faint scent of ozone, her eyes suddenly widened in recognition and immediately her voice changed...the accentuation and lithe crescendos of the words spoke of ancient civilizations, Great Empires, and Fiery dooms all at the behest of your ancient blood...

"Met with death and wind, may our kin find no end.", her powerful intonation of the ancient covenant all of draconic heritage, boils like a ball of lightening in your gut. "You no doubt know you aren't like others,but do you know the truth, young reptile-kin?her last words to him, causing blood to boil and stir....his draconic nature surfacing faster than he would like and that charge he could always control suddenly blossoming and a storm is mind screams one word at the top of his mental lungs!


Her smirk the last you see before your body explodes in a force of lightening that rivaled anything he had ever absorbed so many years in a crows nest.

In the back of your mind is the thought"Where do I aim this?"
"What?" He responded in common as her draconic words washed over him. Unbeknownst to him his eyes changed, becoming more snakelike with every breath.
"You no doubt know you're not like the others, but do you know the truth, young reptile-kin?"
Inside he felt the storm coming, building into a ferocity never before within his blood. It was the same old feeling and thrice as hard, like someone had turned the storm into a hurricane. He gripped the bar with his hand splintered the wood. Through hazy eyes he could see his hands reflexively turned into talons, and he could feel his hair lift off his head with gentle buzzing from the inborn static electricity of his blood. He saw her motuh a draconic word and heard it screamed in his mind.
He stumbled around, trying to get his bearings before the storm broke. His anger began to cloud his mind, his torm began to cover over his human soul leaving the fledging reptile. Panicked, he turned his head to look sidelong at Kaijitsu, wanting to demand what she had done to him with that knowing smirk.
Then the storm broke.
Stumbling forward to try and get outside he ran bodily into someone big and physically strong. The man smelled of dirt and sweat and musk and sex. The fledgling within him took control and spoke with his mouth, his voice.
"Get out of my way you filthy half-ape," spoke Fulguran in Draconic as he shoved. The man seemed like a pillar of iron and it was Dramatic shoved back. The power reached its apex and Fulguran could no longer control it.
"Then die." He continued in the harsh foreign tongue. Fulguran let out the storm.

"What?" He responded in common as her draconic words washed over him. Unbeknownst to him his eyes changed, becoming more snakelike with every breath.
"You no doubt know you're not like the others, but do you know the truth, young reptile-kin?"
Inside he felt the storm coming, building into a ferocity never before within his blood. It was the same old feeling and thrice as hard, like someone had turned the storm into a hurricane. He gripped the bar with his hand splintered the wood. Through hazy eyes he could see his hands reflexively turned into talons, and he could feel his hair lift off his head with gentle buzzing from the inborn static electricity of his blood. He saw her motuh a draconic word and heard it screamed in his mind.
He stumbled around, trying to get his bearings before the storm broke. His anger began to cloud his mind, his torm began to cover over his human soul leaving the fledging reptile. Panicked, he turned his head to look sidelong at Kaijitsu, wanting to demand what she had done to him with that knowing smirk.
Then the storm broke.
Stumbling forward to try and get outside he ran bodily into someone big and physically strong. The man smelled of dirt and sweat and musk and sex. The fledgling within him took control and spoke with his mouth, his voice.
"Get out of my way you filthy half-ape," spoke Fulguran in Draconic as he shoved. The man seemed like a pillar of iron and it was Dramatic shoved back. The power reached its apex and Fulguran could no longer control it.
"Then die." He continued in the harsh foreign tongue. Fulguran let out the storm.

The DragonCommon room

The scene had been set. Chaos reigned. And with all the force of cosmic lightening, Fulguran's mouth shot wide and a pillar of electric energy ripped wood, bone, metal, stone, and sky with a boom that has all the markings of a Bardic event. The air crackled with concussive force so strong that no standing thing remained for 20' in all directions as the poor Half-Blue Half-elven blood surged with all the might of the Greek Titans. It seemed like an eternity as the pillar of kinetic friction poured forth from Fulguran's tortured lips. Then all of a sudden, just as it had appeared and the air was perfectly still. Then that moment turned, and the walls of the entire building began to shudder and shake as if the very timbers and stones were trying to uproot themselves in the vacuum left behind in the trail of such super-heated air.


The sonic boom shockwave rocked back out from the sheriff's feet....


Every thing in the universe stands still if for just a moment. Shards of glass frozen in mid trajectory. Bits and pieces of charred flesh surging through the air and colliding with stones the size of a man's fist. It was through this chaos that she stepped. Her beauty so powerful that only divine energy could power that glow about her too perfect form. Her hair the color of rainbows and diamonds in the morning mist as it cascaded down her body in finery, that let you imagine perfect curves mingling with the soft caress of her multi-hued tresses. As she approached her progeny on the floor she stooped with a tear, like a diamond, in her eye and spoke in that ancient language. This time it sounded as if the heavens opened up and a chorus rang out on her lilting words....

"My son your father lied. He could not handle my true form. To him I am what you see before you, but gaze upon your mother and know that I have chosen you to be my right hand." as the melody of her voice trails off like soft bells on the wind her form begins to languidly transform before your very eyes. With an oozing grace that can only be described as surreal, she becomes the full embodiment of the Draconic goddess Tiamat. "You my son take this gift and do with it as you will, but my greatness runs within you. Make your mother proud."

Time Revdersal

"You no doubt know you're not like the others, but do you know the truth, young reptile-kin?" the words ring back into focus as does that beautiful exotic Tianese face. Your gut is yours, and not even your stirring has changed, but that whatever that was felt real. Then your mind zeros in on that tear, that perfect teardrop diamond. Fulguran catches the sparkle on the floor near the sheriff's boot. It was all real, and there is the proof....
Runs-With-Night openly admired the elf-woman's form, she moved with grace and power, like the wild cats from his homeland. Her companion was a curiosity to him as well. It had the same look of awareness in its eyes as his own companion.

The elf-woman freed him from his bonds with a flick of her blade before sheathing it. Runs-With-Night rubbed his sore, rope burned wrists, giving the elf-woman an appreciative nod as he went to collect Coils-In-Silence from the confines of the sack and allowed his old friend to wrap around him. He checked Coils over for any wounds, finding none, by Rysil's grace.

"Druid, is that what you are as well? You certainly do have some sharp teeth. This city must be well guarded by them. Who might this someone be, you wish me to meet? Eh? Sixth god? Do you mean Rysil? Oh. Hahahah! Rysil is more than some being made up by man so man can feel better about himself. Rysil is in everything. The trees, the air, the earth... Rysil is the page other gods stories are written upon..."

Runs-With-Night watched the elf-woman as she drew her deadly impliments from the unfortunate sailors flesh and affixed them together so that they formed a short blade. She rose from her kills without giving them the honor they were due. Runs-With-Night did not understand this, if she were druid, she would have known to return the dead to Rysil's circle... Did such things not matter to her? Or was she inviting him to join her?
Runs-With-Night openly admired the elf-woman's form, she moved with grace and power, like the wild cats from his homeland. Her companion was a curiosity to him as well. It had the same look of awareness in its eyes as his own companion.

The elf-woman freed him from his bonds with a flick of her blade before sheathing it. Runs-With-Night rubbed his sore, rope burned wrists, giving the elf-woman an appreciative nod as he went to collect Coils-In-Silence from the confines of the sack and allowed his old friend to wrap around him. He checked Coils over for any wounds, finding none, by Rysil's grace.

"Druid, is that what you are as well? You certainly do have some sharp teeth. This city must be well guarded by them. Who might this someone be, you wish me to meet? Eh? Sixth god? Do you mean Rysil? Oh. Hahahah! Rysil is more than some being made up by man so man can feel better about himself. Rysil is in everything. The trees, the air, the earth... Rysil is the page other gods stories are written upon..."

Runs-With-Night watched the elf-woman as she drew her deadly implements from the unfortunate sailors flesh and affixed them together so that they formed a short blade. She rose from her kills without giving them the honor they were due. Runs-With-Night did not understand this, if she were druid, she would have known to return the dead to Rysil's circle... Did such things not matter to her? Or was she inviting him to join her?

Shalelu Andosana~ Listened to the young druids words and let them sink in. He is soo handsome. What is he? He seems.. her thoughts trailed off.

"I am a Forest Warden if you must know, but the woman you are to meet knows things...but I must meet the alpha at the Rusty Dragon. So if you could please...oh the bodies? Leave them. Refuse collection will come along soon and retrieve them. They are no concern of ours." She motions for Runs to follow her as she turns her back on him and walks towards the Dragon.
Aruku suddenly saw what in her wildest guess was utter chaos. A man had done something that changed him, or was it he became what he really was? There was a tremendous amount of loud words in a tongue Aruku had never heard before, then a BRILLIANT and blinding flash and she was thrown to the floor, literally tossed like a rag doll by a force she'd never experienced before.

In fear, Aruku stood, and started dancing, a sensuous and fluid enticement. She sang the song of suplication to Rysil and channeled calming meditations. Her gown, artfully slit from the gathers at her hips to the floor spread as she swirled and danced, slowly raising and revealing her nudity under the semi-sheer clothing. The calming power filled her mind and she prayed and gathered focusing erotic power to protect the innocents from whatever danger this man posed.

She saw the Woman, possibly a Goddess, standing there and kept up her prayer her body tingling, then vibrating as her orgasm built up. When her body and spirit were filled with power, she slowed and stopped. She looked at The Woman and man, idlely wondered what they were up to, then went to those lying about from the initial explosion and tended any hurt. Her caresses eased those dazed and she knelt by one, his arm twisted at and impossible and painful angle.

"Shhh. I will tend your hurt. I must move your arm... It might hurt some." She softly gripped the arm, and spoke. "In the name of Rysil, God of Love and Desire..." She pulled the arm straight and winced at the man's grunted pain... "feel His healing powers sooth your hurts." She bent lower, her breasts rubbing against the man and tenderly kissed the arm near the break and felt healing power flow from from her nipples and lips to start the knitting and easing his pain. When she sat up, she caressed his cheek and whispered. "Sit and let the power heal you. Blessings of Rysil upon you Sir."

She then went from hurt to dazed persons easing and healing and comforting.
The scenes of chaos, disorder, explosive power, and eternal chaos washed the world many times over the preceding centuries, millennium, and eons, but this moment was reserved for the chosen of the gods. It was a time of Reckoning. The gods had let one of their own die, and the All-Father, creator of the gods, had been angered by one of their number falling to such treachery. He had stayed away from his place of power for many many years, but now that he had taken notice, the world of Golarion would feel the consequences of letting one of their noblest die at the hands of an assassin.

In years to come many would wonder why the gods chose this small coastal town, but what are mortals to know the minds of the gods? There would likely be a war in heaven because of the sin committed upon his children, but why not let the gods feel even more of his wrath at their failure. Let them become Mortal. Even Rysil himself would vest his great power into mortal form, but not until he could assure the success of his plan. Then would he allow himself to walk among mortals as one of them.

What if they killed him? They couldn't. For even with his presence gone from the heavens the 6th god was, is, and always be this world. Without him there would be no world, but without the children he so lovingly created and gave birth to....there would be no need for this world. There would be no need for him. So thus it was set in motion, that on a day like no other, the world would be reborn in a new image, with new gods. Maybe this time they could learn how to find balance....maybe then there would be rest.

Aruku suddenly saw what in her wildest guess was utter chaos. A man had done something that changed him, or was it he became what he really was? There was a tremendous amount of loud words in a tongue Aruku had never heard before, then a BRILLIANT and blinding flash and she was thrown to the floor, literally tossed like a rag doll by a force she'd never experienced before.

In fear, Aruku stood, and started dancing, a sensuous and fluid enticement. She sang the song of suplication to Rysil and channeled calming meditations. Her gown, artfully slit from the gathers at her hips to the floor spread as she swirled and danced, slowly raising and revealing her nudity under the semi-sheer clothing. The calming power filled her mind and she prayed and gathered focusing erotic power to protect the innocents from whatever danger this man posed.

She saw the Woman, possibly a Goddess, standing there and kept up her prayer her body tingling, then vibrating as her orgasm built up. When her body and spirit were filled with power, she slowed and stopped. She looked at The Woman and man, idlely wondered what they were up to, then went to those lying about from the initial explosion and tended any hurt. Her caresses eased those dazed and she knelt by one, his arm twisted at and impossible and painful angle.

"Shhh. I will tend your hurt. I must move your arm... It might hurt some." She softly gripped the arm, and spoke. "In the name of Rysil, God of Love and Desire..." She pulled the arm straight and winced at the man's grunted pain... "feel His healing powers sooth your hurts." She bent lower, her breasts rubbing against the man and tenderly kissed the arm near the break and felt healing power flow from from her nipples and lips to start the knitting and easing his pain. When she sat up, she caressed his cheek and whispered. "Sit and let the power heal you. Blessings of Rysil upon you Sir."

She then went from hurt to dazed persons easing and healing and comforting.

The Rusty Dragon

As the beautiful Aruku performed her duties amongst the chaos and ruin caused by the investing of power, and the change it wrought on the universe, let alone what it did to a simple mortal inn; The Paladin watched in horror as the world he had spent the better part of the last two decades defending, incinerate around him. He watched his own brethren, placed in his care turned to nothing more than smoke and ash. Yet he remained.

Ruby started to cry just before the heat and wind drove the tears on her face to nothing more than steam. Her heart wept as Belor was turned to cinders before her very eyes only a few feet away.

The Bard seemed lost in a world she did not want to be trapped in, as she watched what should have been the end of her dream.

Even the Sorcerer with his explosive reaction to his mothers touch felt the pain and loss of the truth revealed.

But as often the case in the legends of the past, Fate and divine will tied these six souls together with a purpose. Six you say? Ah yes, the Druid. Runs was likely about to ask his savior something very important about why she would be so cruel when a pillar of light and a wave of heat bore down on them with such fire that they both should have been obliterated, but just as the world had slowed and stopped for those inside the Dragon? So did it slow and stop for our feral friend. He watched in horror as time stopped at the point that half of his saviors body and face was being sheared away by the heat and force of this Bardic event.

Then the world righted itself. Time flowed backwards. No one ever is quite sure why time is so fluid to the gods, but even if time is not set in stone, true knowledge is. True Knowledge, once known, can never be unknown. This was decreed in the beginning. It is the secret of divinity. Once you know how, the doing is only a matter of choice.

Thus it was that time was put back, and True Knowledge, usually only the domain of the gods, was given to six gifted mortals. Now what they do with their power is up to them. May the gods bless them with the wisdom to use their knowledge wisely. For True Knowledge, is really the only basis for True Power, but will it corrupt?

But this is what it was the state of the world when the gods were cast out. Time could not bear the weight of their fall from grace and reverted to a more settled state, just before the storm. As the world comes into focus for the chosen, they reverted to the moment the Paladin arrived to sow his seed.

(OOC: Yes this is a reset. I had never intended to do it as a reset, but I always knew it was an option. Please go to the OOC board for more on why if you need.)