'Open brawl': House Dems rip Rep. Omar for equating US, Israel, and Hamas


Literotica Guru
Apr 24, 2011
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) upset a lot of people this week when she equated the U.S. and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban. It turns out it wasn't just Republicans who are calling her out for her remarks.

A dozen of her fellow U.S. House Democrats issued a statement Wednesday night criticizing her statements. And now a report has surfaced that the split between Omar and Democratic caucus is more significant than previously reported, with some Democratic lawmakers reportedly calling her an "anti-Semite" privately.

According to Punchbowl News, the fallout from Omar's actions "has erupted into an open brawl" and the "fight threatens to leave a deep divide among Democrats." It could even cost Omar her seat on the Foreign Affairs Committee.

This is not the first time Democrats have had to contend with Omar's anti-Semitic rhetoric, the outlet noted, citing the March 2019 anti-bigotry resolution the House was forced to pass in response to her multiple contentious statements.
Anti-Israeli rhetoric is not antisemitic rhetoric. And I have known Jews who were activists for Palestinian rights.
Yea nothing anti-Semitic about being against the existence of the only Jewish state in existence. :rolleyes:

Neither a two-state solution nor a one-state solution would threaten Israel's existence. The present apartheid system is what does threaten it.
Neither a two-state solution nor a one-state solution would threaten Israel's existence. The present apartheid system is what does threaten it.

There is no apartheid system.

And no, they should just kick all the Jihadi's the fuck out.

I really don't understand why they keep taking shit in their own country.

They should have gone full bore against this last attack.
There is a system where millions live under a government in which they have no voice.

So? That's a religious state.

Don't like Jewish rule? Don't live in Israel....got 194 other nations to choose from.

Muslim in a Jewish state and upset about it?? Pick one of the dozen Islamic theocracies around and GTFO.

Super simple.

It is essentially a colonial system, which is what apartheid itself was.

But it's not, it's a religious state.

You're just trying to call it an "apartheid state" to dishonestly demonize Israel.
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Don't like Jewish rule? Don't live in Israel....

The people in question don't live in Israel, they live in the OTs, where their ancestors have been living since David whipped the Philistines. There's no reason why they should have to move elsewhere to get a fair shake.
The people in question don't live in Israel,

So then they haven't been under Israeli apartheid.....wow that's quite the 180.

There's no reason why they should have to move elsewhere to get a fair shake.

Well since there are no Palestinians in Israel (according to you) they don't need to attack/destroy Israel and exterminate the Jews like termites for a 'fair shake' then now do they??

So what's the problem and why is Israel the bad guy?? Other than anti-Semitic leftist/jihadis just being anti-Semitic of course.... :D
Anti-Israeli rhetoric is not antisemitic rhetoric. And I have known Jews who were activists for Palestinian rights.

100% correct....I know many Jews who are pro Palestine and also pro Israel.

I'm for Palestine having it's own land, which was taken or at a minimum the halt of humanitarian crimes on the civilians that live there
Yes, they are, because despite not living in Israeli territory, they live under Israeli rule. That is what occupation means.

So they effectively, in the most REAL terms possible, they live in Israel. :D

And no, they aren't an apartheid state either, again, they are a religious one.

Two things:
1. Hamas needs to be forced to disband - not sure how, but they are the minority of the population, but a majority of the attacks
2. Why is Israel allowed to hold a.part of another country at all?

Anyway...regarding Omar- she has said a bunch of ill-thought out things. I'd take her off the foreign affairs committee, without question, until she learned to be more careful with her public statements.
Two things:
1. Hamas needs to be forced to disband - not sure how, but they are the minority of the population, but a majority of the attacks
2. Why is Israel allowed to hold a.part of another country at all?

Anyway...regarding Omar- she has said a bunch of ill-thought out things. I'd take her off the foreign affairs committee, without question, until she learned to be more careful with her public statements.

Very good and important issues.

The average Palestinian would turn their backs on Hamas if they had a sense of achievable prosperity. That is a first step. This can only happen when Israel allows it to happen vs bombing and terrorizing the population every time they make headway. Israel creates it own situation here (the resistance that creates terror groups) by doing what it does...this has to stop.

Other countries, including the US need to start calling out Israel for it's power grabs. Unfortunately, out history and special interests are opposed and that is why we still give big bucks to Israel. This has to change.
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Since when ws Israel not a Jewish state??? :confused:

Jewish state =/= religious state. Iran is a religious state. The Vatican is a religious state. Israel is a Jewish ethnonational state, and a secular republic, with no official religion. It was intended that way -- many of the founding Zionists were secular socialists who envisioned no official role for rabbis.
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2. Why is Israel allowed to hold a.part of another country at all?

As a prize of war, the Six-Day War of 1967. The WB was once considered part of Jordan, but Jordan has renounced any claim. The Gaza strip was under Egyptian military administration before 1967. A separate Palestinian Arab state was envisioned in the original partition of the British Mandate of Palestine, including Gaza and the WB, but, in the event, no such state was ever organized, and Palestine as such never was recognized as an independent country. The Israelis eventually officially annexed East Jerusalem, and (for purely strategic reasons) the Golan Heights, formerly Syrian territory. But they've never annexed the WB or Gaza -- that would raise the question of whether the non-Jewish residents are voting citizens. Israel does have non-Jewish citizens, but at present they're a small minority, not very important electorally or politically.

As for the Palestinian people, DNA tests show they are closely related to the Jews. In fact the Pals are descended from all the peoples who ever settled in or passed through Canaan. They're just the ones who never left. Usually they accepted, if required, the religion of whoever was the ruling power at the moment, which means most of them are now Muslims, as the land was under Islamic rule at most periods from the 8th Century to the 20th. Part of the reason there have been international wars over it since 1948 is that Muslims believe once territory is part of dar-al-Islam, it must never, ever become anything else, must never be surrendered to infidels.
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