One thing lead to another


Jun 9, 2018
One thing led to another


  • The following story is loosely based on events in real life. Part of this has actually happened, most of it is just a weird fantasy. That said, any names or characters that resemble anyone else is purely coincidental, etc, etc please don't sue me I'm already broke enough as it is!
  • This story contains elements that some would find offensive and/or distasteful, such as cheating. If this is the case for you, please stop reading and don't send me hate mail.
  • At the moment I'm looking for a man to play as Aaron. Skim through my post and if this interests you, let me know.



University of Minnesota State, a fictional school located in Saint Paul, Minnesota.


~ Chapter One: Unfortunate teammates ~

Melissa Garnier, who is sometimes called Melly by friends and family, had just recently turned 20. The tall brunette stands just about 5'10" and weighs 144 pounds with straight long hair, reaching her lower back. Her figure is what typically gets her a lot of attention. Large 30D cup breasts swelled past her chest, typically jutting out and stretching whichever top she wore. Her hourglass figure caught the attention of many admirers, with their eyes feasting themselves on her body, whether it was her face, chest or wide "child-bearing" hips. Her ass was the focus of most of these admirers. Large, plump cheeks that gave out just enough jiggle, even when the young woman wore denim in an effort to "blend in". Her ass, semi-famous around her neighborhood, was a source of frustration for her at times. Although she spent hours at the gym trying to reduce its size, at times she found the attention flattering, at least if the attention came from the right person. Easier said than done, with her body typically getting attention from the worst of men. Thankfully, she met Mike and in the end of the day, that's the only person she felt that mattered.

The two lovebirds met sometime during Freshman year. He was an engineering major and she was a computer science student. At that point, neither of the two shared any classes, but met each other through the gaming club. Mike was actually the first man to approach her there, finding her most often alone. Truth be told, most men felt too intimidated to approach Melissa. She had a tendency of seeming cold to others and most people were already putting themselves at a distance from how out-of-their-league she seemed. Mike took the first plunge and as it turned out, shared a ridiculous amount of things with her. Their love blossomed and turned into a loving relationship. Of course, her body appealed to him a lot but there was so much more than that between them.

Melissa often felt that people thought that she was an extravert and couldn't be further from the truth. She figured that most people assumed this due to her body. Of course, someone who looked like a pornstar had to be the type to go out and have fun at night clubs. Perhaps it was due to the fact that Melissa was raised by traditional Catholics parents, or perhaps it was more nature rather than nurture, but either way the young Filipina woman preferred to be by herself or with people she was close to, rather than socializing. That was actually one of the reasons why she chose to major in Computer Science in the first place. Thankfully, Mike understood this (among other) quirks.

That said, the young woman did put an effort to be more daring and "out there". Why else would she have joined the Kappa Sorority Sisters and spent hours a week preparing activities and events with them around campus? She wasn't always happy about it, but seeing Mike hang out with his friends had occasionally made her jealous, as silly as that may sound. Jealous enough that Melissa would attempt to go out of her shell, just so she wouldn't feel like such a bad person for feeling bitter every now and then that Mike made plans with other people. Especially when it was with a woman, even if she was obviously better looking than her.

This eventually did lead to some problems though. First of all, the Sorority sisters were big drinkers and as mentioned earlier, Melissa was from a traditional Catholic family. They discouraged drinking, especially since her mom came from a family with an alcoholic father. Because of this, and the fact that Melissa had attended a private Catholic high school, she was never really exposed to alcohol in the first place. Her first drink had might as well been battery acid, as she quickly got sick and had to leave home early. This brought some ridicule her way and peer pressure to drink more. This eventually lead to the second problem; the Sorority sisters loved attention and would often pressure members to seek it out.

This eventually came to bite Melissa when they got her tipsy and coerced her to contribute to their Instagram page. It was one of those attention seeking profiles, where the Sorority sisters would take suggestive poses for the camera, all for the intents and purposes of getting desperate men to like and comment pictures. It was part of getting the "brand" more well known. As if the reputation of this Sorority house was important for students at University of Minnesota State. Regardless, they succeeded and got Melissa to take a pose with her gigantic ass sticking out in her tight jeans.


While this picture ended up being liked and shared across the entire internet, its true effect would not be known to Melissa until the start of her Junior year. Two years after her first day at University of Minnesota State, in fact.

Both Mike and Melissa were sitting down in Introduction to American Literature - an elective that they both chose to take - when a sight sent a chill down Mike's spine. Melissa was confused when she saw the expression on her loving boyfriend's face, until he revealed that this man's name was Aaron and that he was his bully back in the day in high school.

At first glance, it was a bit obvious how Mike could have been bullied by Aaron. Melissa's boyfriend was 5'7" and Aaron was easily 5'11", if not taller. Secondly, Mike was scrawny and resembled the typical nerd, whereas Aaron seemed like he worked out quite a bit. Not that he was some sort of juggernaut. In fact Aaron's body was more akin to a swimmer's, with a clear defined body with muscles clearly showing in the tank top that he wore. He was a handsome man with a clean hair cut and piercingly blue eyes. As much as it hurt Melissa to admit this, but it was obvious to her that Aaron was incredibly handsome and must have been a ladies man back in high school.

"He was such an idiot back in school. Got himself expelled during Senior year too. Probably just got around to starting college..."

Mike, almost as if he was reading Melissa's mind, already began to trash talk the newcomer. Her boyfriend was a fairly insecure twenty-year old man and just the sight of Melissa making a quick glance towards Aaron, making his way to the back the class, was enough to make him feel as if he needed to say something. He wasn't lying however. as Aaron WAS expelled during their senior year, for fucking a girl until she was practically screaming bloody murder. It was all consensual however despite this, Aaron was expelled for having this happen in the principal's office of all places. Aaron was a wild man and insanely charming to the people he aimed to impress. Of course, incredibly manipulative as well, knowing the right people to get favors from in order to get what he wanted. His reputation and attitude concerned Mike even now, two years later, due to Mike's perverted tendencies, resourcefulness and his (at least then) outspoken kink for both "thick" women and Asians. Melissa was both.

Not a word was spoken between the two, but a glance was shared - especially towards Melissa. But just as Mike was about to tell his girlfriend something, an old professor in a brown tweed outfit walked in. Dropping a suitcase on his desk, he introduced himself as Professor Jacobs and the lecture began over how he was glad to see so many people signing up for this class this year, how he was going to go over the curriculum...standard stuff. All was good, at least for Mike, until Professor Jacobs brought something up that would change Mike and Melissa's lives forever.

"Literature in general is something that brings people close together. It's more than just a sum of pages and words, it's an experience. That being said, there will be a lot of teamwork and no, you cannot choose your teammates. I will do the honor for you."

Mike instantly froze.

He had awful luck and almost immediately braced himself for the worse situation to occur. Turning back for just barely a second he could have sworn that Aaron's eyes were set on Melissa and hearing the names of people being matched up was enough to make his stomach crawl. His fears were soon confirmed to be a reality.

"Melissa Garnier? Your partner will be...Aaron Simons."

An thus marked a new chapter in Melissa's life.
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