New Documents Implicate Marie Yovanovich and George Kent

Yah, Shokin wasn't investigating anything...he was being paid off, as his predecessors were. The assets were frozen in offshore accounts by the west

And yes, Hunter's presence was a pain in the ass, as has been noted by a shit ton of people, but his ex partner did not reveal any of the bullshit from the interview when he was under oath......and there's a reason for that.
Yah, Shokin wasn't investigating anything...he was being paid off, as his predecessors were. The assets were frozen in offshore accounts by the west

And yes, Hunter's presence was a pain in the ass, as has been noted by a shit ton of people, but his ex partner did not reveal any of the bullshit from the interview when he was under oath......and there's a reason for that.

The Guardian???

Current publications
  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.
The Guardian???

Current publications
  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.
Your article suggests that Devon didn't tell Congress under oath about this but somehow told an interviewer instead.

My article goes through the entire timeline, including acknowledging Hunter's work and discusses that the assets that Devon mentioned were seized as part of the UKs sanctions.

You, who tried to guess at the reasoning of the article of the OP, yet still believe it's see....I actually read the stuff I provided and know the OP article is full of shit as is blatantly obvious. I don't need someone else to tell me that something is biased.
The Guardian???

Current publications
  • Daily Mirror – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election.
  • The Guardian – mainstream newspaper which has consistently supported centre-left politics, either reflected by the Labour Party or the Liberal Democrats.
Wheres the part about posting falsehoods or conspiracy theories from the Guardian? Centre-left is like 60% of the populations stance, nothing wrong with trying to reach the majority.
Your article suggests that Devon didn't tell Congress under oath about this but somehow told an interviewer instead.

My article goes through the entire timeline, including acknowledging Hunter's work and discusses that the assets that Devon mentioned were seized as part of the UKs sanctions.

You, who tried to guess at the reasoning of the article of the OP, yet still believe it's see....I actually read the stuff I provided and know the OP article is full of shit as is blatantly obvious. I don't need someone else to tell me that something is biased.

Court seizes property of ex-minister Zlochevsky in Ukraine – PGO​

PGO= Prosecutor General Office

Pay attention to the dates!

Shokin’s office won a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s property on Feb. 2, 2016, the Kyiv Post reportedat the time. Shokin was fired on March 29, purportedly due to his own corruption.
WASHINGTON — Ukrainian prosecutor-general Viktor Shokin, who was fired after then-Vice President Joe Biden threatened to pull $1 billion in US aid, was “a threat” to natural gas company Burisma Holdings, which paid Hunter Biden up to $1 million per year, the first son’s former business partner Devon Archer confirmed in an interview released Friday.

“He was a threat. He ended up seizing assets of [Burisma owner] Nikolai [Zlochevsky] — a house, some cars, a couple properties. And Nikolai actually never went back to Ukraine after Shokin seized all of his assets,” Archer told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.


Shokin’s office won a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s property on Feb. 2, 2016, the Kyiv Post reported at the time. Shokin was fired on March 29, purportedly due to his own corruption.

Archer’s remarks are significant because they contradict the position of House Democrats that Shokin was not considered a threat to Burisma — a point likely to be hotly contested if Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) launches an impeachment inquiry, as he said last week was becoming likely.

Archer confirmed Monday during an interview with the House Oversight Committee that Joe Biden attended an April 2015 dinner in Washington with Burisma board adviser Vadym Pozharskyi and that Hunter stepped away from a December 2015 meeting in Dubai to call his father, joined by both Pozharskyi and Zlochevsky. Just days before that call, Biden

Shokin’s office won a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s property on Feb. 2, 2016, the Kyiv Post reported at the time. Shokin was fired on March 29, purportedly due to his own corruption.

Archer’s remarks are significant because they contradict the position of House Democrats that Shokin was not considered a threat to Burisma — a point likely to be hotly contested if Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) launches an impeachment inquiry, as he said last week was becoming likely.
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity).

ineedhelp1 obviously missed this little nugget:

From the article:

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following

Or this little nugget:

From the article:

In February 2016, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption after the country’s economic minister and his team resigned to protest government corruption. That same month, a “reform-minded deputy prosecutor resigned, complaining that his efforts to address government corruption had been consistently stymied by his own prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,” according to a Jan. 3, 2017, Congressional Research Service report.

“After President Poroshenko complained that Shokin was taking too long to clean up corruption even within the [Prosecutor General’s Office] itself, he asked for Shokin’s resignation,” the CRS report said. Shokin submitted his resignation in February 2016 and was removed a month later.



👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

(Quoted for posterity and stupidity).

ineedhelp1 obviously missed this little nugget:

From the article:

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following

Or this little nugget:

From the article:

In February 2016, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption after the country’s economic minister and his team resigned to protest government corruption. That same month, a “reform-minded deputy prosecutor resigned, complaining that his efforts to address government corruption had been consistently stymied by his own prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,” according to a Jan. 3, 2017, Congressional Research Service report.

“After President Poroshenko complained that Shokin was taking too long to clean up corruption even within the [Prosecutor General’s Office] itself, he asked for Shokin’s resignation,” the CRS report said. Shokin submitted his resignation in February 2016 and was removed a month later.



👉 ineedhelp1 🤣

ican't can't see beyond his hatred of Biden, Clinton,'s a long list, which makes me wonder who exactly "pissed on his Corn Flakes"?

Court seizes property of ex-minister Zlochevsky in Ukraine – PGO​

PGO= Prosecutor General Office

Pay attention to the dates!

Shokin’s office won a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s property on Feb. 2, 2016, the Kyiv Post reportedat the time. Shokin was fired on March 29, purportedly due to his own corruption.
The Europeans were pushing for Shokin's removal in 2015. The seizure of assets was Shokin trying to save his own skin....too little, too late.
(Quoted for posterity and stupidity).

ineedhelp1 obviously missed this little nugget:

From the article:

CNN uncovered a letter dated February 12, 2016, in which Sens. Rob Portman (R-OH), Ron Johnson (R-WI), and Mark Kirk (R-IL), along with several Democratic senators, called for Ukraine’s then-president to “press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General’s office and judiciary.” Four days later, Shokin resigned (although he didn’t officially leave until the following

Or this little nugget:

From the article:

In February 2016, International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde threatened to withhold $40 billion unless Ukraine undertook “a substantial new effort” to fight corruption after the country’s economic minister and his team resigned to protest government corruption. That same month, a “reform-minded deputy prosecutor resigned, complaining that his efforts to address government corruption had been consistently stymied by his own prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin,” according to a Jan. 3, 2017, Congressional Research Service report.

“After President Poroshenko complained that Shokin was taking too long to clean up corruption even within the [Prosecutor General’s Office] itself, he asked for Shokin’s resignation,” the CRS report said. Shokin submitted his resignation in February 2016 and was removed a month later.



👉 ineedhelp1 🤣


The press likewise amplified claims made by a former foreign policy adviser of Biden’s, Mike Carpenter, who maintained, “Shokin played the role of protecting the vested interest in the Ukrainian system.” Of the fired Ukrainian prosecutor, Carpenter reportedly said, “He never went after any corrupt individuals at all, never prosecuted any high-profile cases of corruption.”

Carpenter’s claims that Shokin “never went after any corrupt individuals at all,” doesn’t square with even The Washington Post’s reporting that under Shokin in February 2016, Ukraine had reinstated a court order to seize Zlochevsky’s personal property, including a mansion, a luxury car, and plots of land. But while the Post attempts to explain away the renewed court order against Zlochevsky, the legacy outlet missed the larger — and conclusive — point: Burisma’s founder, Zlochevsky, and its top executive, Pozharskyi, feared Shokin and his investigation.


The evidence on this point is overwhelming and comes firsthand from Burisma executive Pozharskyi, whose November 2015 email to Hunter Biden and his colleagues spoke of Burisma’s “ultimate purpose” being “to close down” “any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine.” Hunter Biden’s business partner and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer has similarly testified in a closed-door session of the House Oversight Committee that in December 2015, Zlochevsky and Pozharskyi “placed constant pressure” on Hunter Biden to get help from D.C. regarding the Ukrainian investigation. In response to such pressure, according to Archer’s testimony, Hunter Biden called his then-vice president father with Zlochevsky and Pozharskyi in tow.

The recently released FD-1023 memorandum summarizing a “highly credible” confidential human source’s (CHS) reporting provides further corroboration that Shokin was investigating Burisma — or, at a minimum, Burisma executives believed he was. According to that longtime CHS, in discussing Burisma’s desire to purchase an American oil and gas business, the CHS “told Zlochevsky that due to Shokin’s investigation into Burisma, which was made public at this time, it would have a substantial negative impact on Burisma’s prospective [for an Initial Public Offering] in the United States.” According to the CHS, Zlochevsky replied, “something to the effect of, ‘Don’t worry Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.’”
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ineedhelp1 has had every relevant point spelled out for their last remaining braincell (obviously defective) and they can’t arrive at THE OBVIOUS logical conclusion.

It tracks.
