Name change unable to login to chat


Discovering a new me
Dec 13, 2014
Dear team
I just had my user name updated but now it still wants to log me into chat with my previous name after logging into the site. This means i can no longer use chat to conntact my friends

New name :tender_tasha
Old name latexminion.

Any help to solve this would be useful .

Thank you.
I am sorry but I am afraid there is not much we can do on the chat side.

I am seeing tasha you posted here

Hardoc i would say maybe say you are having the same issue there.

But as far as I can tell from previous seems to resolve it self with time? We have had a few chatters with the same issue and they were able to log in after a time. I am really sorry I am not sure why but I would suggest trying there.
I have heard if you log out, clear all your cookies, close the browser completely, then go back to the site nad tyr and log in again that sometimes it works.. something to do with old names cookies causing and issue or something like that.. not entirely sure, just recall someone talking about it in chat once