My brother, my husband? (pm first)


Arnold's mind began to spin at those words... she wanted more from him?! He let his eyes lock on the folds her her pussy... inches away... and his let his tongue circle her hard little nub.... He felt her hips thrust at him almost desperately ahe he plunged his tongue into her.... deeply... and she tasted... familiar. He knew this taste. He knew her taste. How did he know it?

He felt her hands grab into his hair which caused him to plunge even further inside and she tasted so.... delicious. He was hungry for this taste! He had had it before... but didn't know exactly where. HE began to hungrily devour this soaking folds.... Oh he wanted this!

The first orgasm that rocked her hit nearly immediately... as if this had been building in her body for hours and she had only been waiting.... one hard plunge and she gushed over his face.... and he lapped and drank her up, his eyes moving up to her eyes which were clamped and looking away! Oh he wanted this....

Arnold lost himself in the moment, watching Marie cry out, moaning his name, desperate for the next touch, the next lick....

It wasn't until she had screamed his name three more times.... did he finally lift her hips off his shoulders a moment... and then step back... letting her fall rather suddenly! He caught her mid fall into his arms but the back of the knees pinning her back tot he curtain. Her yelp of shock only surprised him as he forced her legs wide open... she hung by the legs at his elbows.... He didn't want to think about the bad... the wrong.... he wanted her... he would have her. He plunged his cock into her tight pussy, plunging as deep into her as he could go!! It was not gentle... it was not soft... it was intense, brutal... and hard!!!

He slammed her onto his cock over and over... causing himself to grow painfully hard and still he needed more! He thrust his hips hard into her as she dropped onto him and made her scream out in pain and pleasure..... and he wanted more.... He felt her lips cover his, her tongue and his sparring as he fucked her senseless.... and it was only at that moment.... did he lose the last vestige of control and came hard inside her... pumping his hot seed deep into her womb!!!!
She could not believe her words... but she meant them, she wanted and needed more and more of him, even though it was so very wrong of her, she knew he was her brother but she did not give a damn. She knew it was wrong that she was basically tricking him into this... she could not help the way her body reacted to him, she was completely and utterly drenched and not from the water! She looked down at her brother and where his face was... it was the hottest fucking sight she had ever seen before in her life...her heart was racing more and more, she had waited for this moment since she was how old now... hell she could not even remember at this point in time, She moaned so loud it echoed the whole fucking shower, she felt his tongue enter her tightness, and she whimpered in pure pleasure, thrusting her hips against his mouth begging him for more showing him exactly what she needed and wanted...she still held her hands in the place that he asked her too, she was utterly falling apart at the seams, in all the best ways, her eyes closed enjoying the sensations he was bringing forth in her. She was biting her lip, she would have been gripping his hair if he hadn't told her to keep her hands in place... His tongue was pure delight she thought to herself and she wanted and needed so much more of his tongue of him... of everything.

She could not fucking hold her hands up anymore she needed to touch him, needed him to feel and know her need... she ran her fingers into his hair and tugged causing his tongue to plunge deeper into her pussy... holy fuck she cried out... sometimes she had a tendency to speak out what she thought, these instances were no different at all. She did not think of the past.. she did not think of the what ifs.. she didn't think of the future, she only thought about the here and now and how good he was making her feel... and how she did not want to let this moment pass her by...she wanted and needed him and she finally had him... and he wanted her just as much and that much she knew...

She felt that sensation building inside of her, as her moans turned into screams and her nails dug into his hair, her hips still pushing against his mouth as his tongue continued to lap at her pussy..."Fuck... Oh fuck!" She cried out as she gushed all over his face... but he continued on just licking and sucking her juices and cum from her pussy making her orgasm continue to pulse against her pussy..Her eyes were closed tight as she was lost in her own orgasm..She wanted more... she wanted to feel him inside of her... this time she was crying his name out as she was slowly coming down from her orgasm...

However Arnold never stopped licking and sucking or thrusting his tongue in and out of her pussy causing her to have three more intense orgasms and screaming out his name at the same time...She could still feel the pulsing of her pussy when he lifted her hips from his shoulder letting her catch her breath for a spell... He stepped back and she was worried that was it... she did not want that to be it... she needed to feel his cock inside of her... She gasped when she fell and for a moment she thought he was angry. She noticed he was not angry as he caught her... the intensity in his eyes matched her own eyes... she was shocked to say the least but when he forced her legs open she moaned all over again... her head was all over the place...she wanted him ached for him, she needed him to be fucking her and she needed it to be soon...she wanted him to want her the way she wanted him... she hoped he was not thinking of Candace while he was taking her... no stop it Marie she did not need to think of that..not now. She gasped out at the suddenness of his hard cock invading her tight pussy, moans eliciting her lips once more... he was so fucking deep... it was so fucking good... "More... Arnold more... please.'' She begged and cried and moaned. This was the way she always wanted to be fucked... This was intense and she knew she was going to cum all over his cock for the fourth fucking time today, well fifth if you counted the orgasm she had given herself. He was fucking her so hard, so brutal and yet she continued begging for more and more, screaming and moaning his name as loud as she possibly could.

He was simply ravishing her pussy... she had never been fucked so hard in her life... she was crying out, grasping her hands on whatever she could get them on, screaming, crying, moaning. He thrusted his hips up so hard into her pussy that she screamed out his cock could not get any deeper she moaned to herself.. She felt her orgasm continuing to ebb and flow more and more... She needed to taste him.. she wanted to lick his every crevice she thought to herself but She settled upon his delicious lips..She moaned against his tongue loving the taste of his tongue against hers, her moans and screams were coming out more and more, so many gasps were escaping her lips into his own.. her only thought was please don't stop, she found herself moving against him now, needing her orgasm, needing to feel his orgasm... She groaned and moaned holding onto the shower wall with both hands as the intensity of her orgasm hit along with his own and again she was screaming his name over and over again...
The moment he had started cumming in her, she exploded all over him as well and screaming his name! That sounded very familiar too! She had called his name recently like this but where?!

A thought for another time! He kept her pinned to the shower wall, his cock pulsing his stock inside her, her arms wrapped around his neck, his lips on hers. He was trembling as he held her taunt. She was his fucking sister!!! No... he was fucking his sister!

The thought rose from the depths a moment... then sank back into the swamps of his mind.... He didn't care at the moment... that had to be one of the best fucks he had had.... When his lips pulled away from hers and her eyes opened and locked on his, he smiled down at her a moment, then as he finished his deposit, lifted her off him and lowered her to her feet.

Her arms still wrapped around his neck, he studied her face. Fear and apprehension seemed to roll through those delicious eyes of hers. He didn't smile, he didn't frown, he didn't make any noticeable gestures for or against her. He just stared into those eyes... long and deep as she stood on her toes before him, breasts pushed up onto his chest. Something else felt familiar too... something that flashed in his mind and he reached to her arms and gently pulled then off him...

Arnold then reached up with his right hand and grabbed a thick handful of her hair... and began to push her down. First her head just bent back and she looked up but it was evident that wasn't enough.... her knees collapsed under her and dropped to either side of his thick thighs. He then leaned down and took her wrists once more... crossing them and pinning them to the shower wall once more... holding them tight with his left hand.

Her body was soaked from the shower, her hair soaked... laying flat on her head and neck.... He grabbed her hair once more with his right hand.... and pushed his cock into her gaping open mouth. He remembered this as well... her sucking his cock... needing his cock. She clamped on it like her life depended on it. He thrust her head onto his shaft over and over.... punishing her throat. There was nothing gentle or loving about it. She needed punished for some reason.... and this was it.... He began to force his cock down her throat again and again... growing harder with each and every thrust!
Oh fuck me she thought to herself, she had been wanting this for so long and she wondered if she was just dreaming this entire time... she was not holding back what she wanted, as her own orgasm rocked her body her juices and cum flowing all over her brothers cock screaming his name over and over at the top of her lungs. She had remembered doing the same thing while he was drunk, she had felt bad still for having done that...but she needed him, she still needed him. She wondered what he may be thinking in this moment, was he as confused as her, angry that she had come in, hating her for this... or did he want this deep down as much as she did.

She did not want this night to ever end, but she knew deep down it would... when the orgasmic bliss passes she knew he would regret everything. She was still pinned tightly against the shower wall and she did not care one bit, his cock felt to good in her, and he could fucking string her up by her feet and she would cry out pleading for more...she loved the feel of wrapping her arms around his neck, the only time she was really happy was her times with Arnold.. he tasted so good, she wanted to taste more of him. She could feel him trembling inside of her, god she knew she was wrong for this. She hated herself in this moment, she knew when this was over her brother would more and likely hate her too.

Her heart was pounding it was quite now since they were both coming down from their respective orgasms...there were so many thoughts going through her mind...regret, pain, fear, anger, hurt, love, need, want, but at the moment she had him, and that to her meant more to her than any money in the world, she made a decision a long time ago to give it all to him, if she landed on the streets so be it...his smile helped to ease her mind at the moment she thought to herself, her breathing was so rapid as she looked up at her brother, she looked up and gave him her own shy smile.

She did not want to ever let him go, the fear of never having him this way again was almost unbearable for her to think about, he seemed to be studying her and she wondered what he was seeing and or thinking when he looked at her.. hate more and likely was that was this a hate fuck she thought to herself... don't you dare fucking start crying she thought to herself. She knew he knew his sister pretty well, and there was so much laying in those eyes of hers... she was trying to hide all of her feelings. She felt like he was looking into her soul, she wanted to crawl into a whole and forget the world for a while, for everything she had done and was still doing... he seemed to have no emotion towards her, how could he have ever thought she agreed with her parents, how could he not feel and see how much she truly loved and adored him, how?

Her heart was racing and she found her hands a little shaky as he started into her dark brown eyes...god she wanted nothing more than to ask him if he was okay, or ask him to say something, say anything...she felt good her body pressed against his, it felt almost to good. She had remembered a moment like this under the waterfall when they were younger...she was worried when he pulled her from him, she wondered if he still hated her... actually she knew he did, especially as he gently pulled her from his body. What happened next however was just something she never expected when her brother grabbed a fist full of her dripping wet hair...and began to push her down towards his cock that was already hard again...and she did not mind at all rather she relished at the thought of sucking his cock again, she had not really gotten to taste him the way she had wanted to when he was passed out drunk.

She was slightly confused at the look in her brothers eyes as only her head slightly bent, but she hid it well enough from him, she felt her knees collapse as she again looked up at him and then down at his hard cock that was inches from her wanting mouth, if he only knew just how much his little sister wanted this, wanted him. She loved the way he took her slim wrists firmly in his own, she found a moan escape her lips when he held her hands once more against the shower stall, why did this feel so good to her...he held them tight with his free hand, her breathing was strong and steady now but her eyes did not leave his.

She was drenched head to toe, making it easier to manipulate her in a sense anyway...her dark long brown hair laid against her shoulders and a little in her face, she gasped however when she felt her brother grab another fistful of her hair in his other free hand once more, then he pushed his big cock into her open and wanting mouth. She remembered having him in her mouth and how she wanted to suck his cock until he pumped her throat full of his hot cum...she moaned around his cock...she wondered if he knew how long she fucking waited... wanting... wishing for this moment.

She wanted more... she needed more. He was controlling her mouth and she did not try once to stop him, he was thrusting his cock harder and harder into her mouth, she had never had her mouth fucked so brutally before, and deep down she fucking loved it. It was as if he wanted to hurt her throat, her mouth making her gag on his cock, and then continuing to fuck her mouth harder and harder...she looked up into his eyes, he seemed angry, like he almost wanted to choke her with his cock, make her mouth ache and remember that he was there.. she did not care, she wanted it... she deserved whatever he did to her, she knew that much and if this was what he wanted than she was willing to give him all of her...she choked every few moments the harder he thrusted the harder his cock seemed to get, tears were starting to fall from her eyes, as she gagged and choked her nails digging into the hand that held her tiny wrist, she was breathing through her nose and trying to adjust her throat more and more for his size, as she started whimpering a little against his cock...
The only option she had at that moment... was to bite his cock off to get him off her. Her legs spread vulgarly, her arms pinned tightly over her head, his cock buried down her throat, hot shower spray shooting from the faucet, and an angry looking Arnold staring down at her. He was not sure why was angry with her. For nearly a decade, he had been ousted from this life of luxury because of this pampered prat of a sister. His parents had always chosen her over him... he could have lived with it if they hadn't of taken this so far. If they had treated him like their son, instead of some kind of sickness or disease they needed to burn away from the home.

His eyes were nearly blank as he gazed down at her, struggling to get some kind of air. His cock was too far back into her throat to allow it and he held her head tightly in place with his other free hand. There was a deep darkness in his eyes.... and anger... a rage.... for all he knew, she flaunted her preferential treatment then entire time. Memories flooded him which added another piece of the puzzle.... the Grotto, he had been with her.... and mom and dad and caught him.... and then... she had pointed her finger at him.... saying he had forced her. He remembered the shock of the accusation... she insinuated it hadn't been consensual... that he had attacked her... forced her.

His eyes remained locked on hers and growled, "Mom and Dad can't help you now... those assholes are dead....." He could see her eyes growing wide in panic as the air in her lungs quickly started to run out and he pulled his cock out of her throat as she started flipping her legs and twisting her arms in his grip. He heard her sucking in air through her nose and around his cock a moment... a whimper left her mouth and fear grew into her face as she looked up into his angry fierce eyes.

She had accused him of hurting her to save her own neck. Perhaps... she had planned it all just to get rid of him entirely. It had worked. He drove his cock back down into her throat! She gagged on it and suddenly any pleasures she looked like she may have been getting from it... started to fade. This was not him orally pleasuring himself with her.... this was him... fucking her ... brutally and unforgivingly. His thrust were hard, relentless, endless. Each stroke had his cock getting harder, longer, thicker.

This was not love making like it had been a moment ago... this was punishment.... he knew it and now she was learning it. "Accuse me will you.... betray me will you?" His accusations were low and anger filled.... as he slammed into her mouth and down her throat! He pushed harder... faster... his cock starting to get close.

"You fucking destroyed me...." He muttered as he pinched her nose off and shoved his cock as deep down as he could and kept it there.... All she could do... was bite his cock off to get him to stop and at any moment, he expected that terrible pain to course through him! But it didn't as she stopped her struggles, her eyes wet as she looked to him... as if expecting this... and accepting it.

Arnold growled, "Oh no... too easy... way to fucking easy for you..... You won't check out that easy..." HE pulled his cock out of her to her gasping for air again.... he kept his cock halfway in her mouth as she regained her vision... and then growled, "You are going to pay for what you did to me.... you are going to pay again and again and again for what you caused fucking cunt!" He slammed his cock into her stationary head once more.... only this time it only took about 10 thrusts to explode down her throat!!! He felt his shaft pulse again and again .... hot spunk bursting with each pulse....... and he kept her breath away from her.....

When he was finally finished... and her eyes were starting to roll back into her head from the lack of oxygen... he let her hands go, pulled his cock out of her throat! He let her collapse onto the shower floor as he staggered back to the corner of the shower and slid to the floor himself.... his head in his hands.... and started to to cry to himself.... this had been her fault..... she had destroyed his life... his future.....
She noticed the shift in her brother, part of it confused her the other part understood...She had wanted this but she also did not want him to hate fuck her either and she knew that's what this was, she would fucking hate herself too. She had no where to go even if she wanted to... he still held her wrists firmly above her head, she was confused... why did he practically make love to her before and now hate her, she had been so confused and yet she knew why...she had never understood a lot of the past, when she lied about him hurting her she had been a 10 year old kid that was terrified of her father... she figured Arnold did not know things that happened behind the scenes, and she never wanted him to...the last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt him, and right after she tried to tell her parents, her mother believed her, her father did not.. there was a lot her brother did not know... but he hated her and she would allow herself to suffer if it meant making him feel better... even if in the end she lost him forever... the way he looked at her killed her inside.... she was not sure how to react, she just decided to let him do anything he wanted.

She was only a child herself, she never understood why he didn't or could not see that, but as she thought to herself he knew nothing of the things that went on behind the rest of the dark closed doors and he did not need to. She knew he blamed her for everything and he had a right to, hell she hated herself too...he thought she was just some spoiled brat, if he only knew how untrue that actually was. If he only knew indeed she thought to herself. She did not want to think of the past..the past hurt..but so did the present. She hated what they had done... she hated them, and in turn Arnold hated her.

The way he looked at her made her terrified she had never felt that way about or with her brother before...she was trembling and trying to get air... trying to breathe through her nose. He was going to kill her she thought to herself, as she tried to pull her mouth away from his hard cock that he had shoved all the way to the back of her throat. She could see the darkness in her brother, she knew now in this moment, he would more and likely hate her for the rest of her life, she was shivering and trembling had she ever been this afraid before, yes she had but why... there were memories still locked away in her head... visions of her father, treatments, therapy... it was all becoming to much for her...more than anything she wanted to make him happy, if in a sense killing her did, she would die at this moment...yes she had did wrong, of course but the same night she tried to made it right... but she was a child, she did not understand her own feelings, and the way her father looked at them terrified the hell out of her.

She wanted to tell him how sorry she was, she wanted to tell him the truth about everything but she knew deep down she couldn't...She wished he could see that she had been a kid just like him... why could he not remember the way her father was, the terror she felt...why! She did not deserve all of his hate...and yet she knew he had every right at the same time, he was only 15 himself...she wanted to just tell him to take the money now and she would get out of his life forever. He deserved that much she thought to herself, in a sense she deserved more too, he had no idea what she had been through either. The way he looked at her sent chills throughout her entire body.. and she wanted to literally die, it hurt having him look at her in that way, more than he would ever know, but she knew he would not even care, and why should he?

They are dead because of me... but he did not need to know that either... so much he would never know and or understand...he was hurting her, and she was not trying to fight him off, she deserved this... even if she didn't she did. She was trying to breathe through her nose, she did not want him going to jail for killing her...fear filled through her as she looked into her brothers ice cold eyes, yes she knew he wanted to kill her, he knew he hated her she just did not know he hated her this much, whimpers escaped her lips as she tried to breath feeling like she was looking her grip on everything, and losing everything that she held dear which only entailed her brother.

I am sorry she wanted to cry out. She would not have been able to at the moment even if she wanted to, why did he think she would ever hurt him... I mean she did, but why did he not see it for what it was she was a scared young child. She fought for him... for years. She cried out and gasped when she felt him shove his cock hard and deep into her throat once more. She gagged and choked against his cock, he was forcing her to take his cock and in a very painful way...she wanted to push him away beg him to stop, but even if she could she couldn't have. All she wanted was his forgiveness, his love, his understanding.

She was simply trembling, it hurt, and it was painful. She felt his cock harden and grow longer against her throat, and she could now feel his tears rolling down her cheeks. She did not care at the moment if this was the end of him and her... she could not stand the way he hated her...she would allow him to hurt her if that's what it took. She had to pretend like she did not know what he meant however, or she may give herself away. She had to look at him as if she was confused and not understanding what he meant. She screamed against his cock when he once again slammed into the back of her throat.

I know, I destroyed myself too she thought to herself.. the agony and despair written all over her face. When he pinched her nose, it was this instance she really did think he was going to kill her, She did not fight him however, she accepted the brutal face fuck that he was giving her. Her eyes were wide with fear... she never thought he would ever make her feel this way. She wanted him to stop, she was scared...what did he mean by that, maybe he was planning on killing her after all she thought to herself. She gasped for air as if she could not get enough and she felt as if she couldn't... She regained her focus, but deep down hoped in a sense she wouldn't, the way he growled made her want to die, I did not mean it... I swear I did not mean it, the pain in her heart hurt worse than anything he could do to her. She cried out as he held her head firm fucking her face the same way that he hated her.

She was still trying to breathe she felt like she was going to pass out any moment. She started choking when he finally gave her air, and he dropped her down onto the bathroom floor.... don't cry Marie.. please don't. Him crying broke her more than she already was... her spirit was broke as was her heart... and she was not sure if she would ever feel whole again...She looked over at him... "I--I am sorry." She had to pretend... "But I don't know why." She said looking at him confused, as she continued trying to breath, but now she felt sobs take over her... not really from what he had did to her... but because he hated her, and because of all they had both lost.
"You don't remember...." He scoffed, "Isn't that fucking convenient." He kept his head in his hands while sitting on the floor of the shower, the hot water and steam soaking him....

He lost track of time for a spell, just sitting there, processing his latest revelation. They had been fucking each other....for how long and how it started he wasn't sure.... but they had. Their parents had caught them, she accused him of essentially raping her, and he got booted out of the house to a boarding school the next day. Neither his mom or dad ever spoke to him in person again. He had tried everything to get back home, dropping out of school, getting kicked out of school, getting into fights with others, even going to juve for drug use and fighting. He never saw either of them again.... just the lawyers that would come in, clean up the mess he made and put him on a new path in a different location.

He had been so desperate to make things right with them that he kept trying to get their attention. He wrote letters to them, tried to call them. His letters were returned unopened, his calls unanswered. When he was 17 and he had been kicked from the latest academy, the lawyers had appeared once more, cleaned up his mess and then gave him a check for $25,000. His mom had also provided a roll of cash in the amount of $10K. The lawyers had informed him this would be the last time either would help him. He tested that with getting put in jail for stealing a pair of shoes and sure enough... no one came to help him that time. He knew he was done with his parents and they and his twat of a sister were done with him. He hated all of them for what happened!

Of course he used the money to go to a local college and set him up a home, started working as a commoner and going to classes. It was during this time he had met Candace... who had helped him through some of the absolute worst thoughts and times of his life. He was essentially an orphan. Candace, on the other hand, had both parents and was the oldest of 5 brothers and sisters. Their family seemed nearly perfect. He had started spending more and more time with her family if for no other reason to get a tiny dose of what being loved had actually meant. He had no idea what if felt like at that point.

So when word of his parents dying got to him through their attorney's he had found himself plummeting into despair. He had let this part of his life go and hadn't wanted to revisit it, but Candace had thought it would help bring closure.... when he saw his sister once more, it opened those old wounds again. It wouldn't have bothered him at that time if she had been on the plane as well. He already knew he was only getting $10K while their favorite little girl got it all. If she died too, rather than any of it coming to me, it would be turned over to the corporation that her dad ran.... to disperse as bonuses to all the employees.

And now... he sat in a shower, face fucking the hell out of Marie, who struggled to get to a seated position. He growled, "If you only knew the kind of pain you caused me.... " It was a low deep growl, "But you can't fucking remember... fucking convenient." He pulled himself up to his feet and turned off the water. He looked at her, then grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air a few inches before pushing her back to the shower wall, making her stand on the balls of her feet, her hands on his wrist.

He said, "Trust me when I say, what I did to you... you had coming. You lied to mom and dad. accused me of raping you.... so I went ahead and made it true..." He pushed her along the wall till she fell onto her butt once more in the corner. He pointed to her and said, "You will NOT fucking move or a sound."

He stepped out of the shower, then the bathroom. A minute later, he came back with a rope that he used to tie the door of the shower, which swung open, to the wall. Making sure she couldn't get out with any action short of actually breaking the shower door open, which he wasn't sure she would have the strength to do anyways, he left her alone, naked in the shower.... and he plummeted the room into darkness and closed the bathroom door, leaving her utterly alone... as he went to work doing what he planned on doing.....
She felt horrible when he scoffed at the fact of her not remembering and he should, because it was a lie, well as far as she knew it was there were things that she could not remember... things that she buried deep inside...every word he spoke stung and cut into her like a knife, yet she would take every word, every horrible thing and not say a word, because she deserved them all, but she reminded herself she was a kid herself...he did not seem to care or understand that fact. It hurt her seeing her brother this way, she had flashbacks here and there of the past, but she blocked most of her childhood out, she didn't remember much after she had turned what 9 or so, well only certain things, she never understood why, but that was neither here nor there.

She was fighting back the tears so hard as the water continued to splash the both of him, all she wanted was to comfort him, but she knew at the moment not to say anything. She did remember being with her brother, she had been young as he, but she remembered asking for him one night... why she could not remember.. so much she could not remember. She had been scared, she remembered that but yet, not much after that, she remembered telling her parents that she lied...she was scared and confused...but nothing after that. She was fighting so hard to get memories back that were long gone...what the hell happened that night, why wouldn't they believe her..wait mom did believe her she remembered, dad however told her he wanted to hear nothing more... but there was something else there, something that happened months before.. but what?

She remembered as she started getting older, she wondered why they wouldn't let Arnold come home, asking why he was gone, where he was, she even wrote to him...but her dad always found her letters and put them in a drawer... or was that where, hell she didn't know. Then she remembered becoming a teen before they were killed, she remembered the arguments, the hate, the rage, how she missed her brother.. she did not remember why, but here and now the past was slapping her in the face the way she was sure her brother wanted to. She remembered begging her parents to let Arnold come home, she remembered the day her father slapped her and told her not to bring it up again, she never understood why her father treated him that way, especially when she told him the truth.

It was hard seeing him this way, even harder knowing how he felt towards her. As much as her heart was breaking, she knew his was much worse, until she discovered the real truth of the actual hell she endured. The past was a real bitch for her, and her brother, and it seemed for her at least the future was not going to be either, she knew he needed this to heal, if hurting her helped him heal so be it. She bit her wobbly lip, she did not want him to see her cry, she needed him to heal...wanted him happy.. if she was going to be miserable for the time being so be it.

The water was starting to run cold against the two of them, but she did not think either of them would have even noticed, they were both trapped in memories of the past...she did not budge, she just stayed where she was, and never said one word. She tried remembering more.. but it was like her mind was enclosed in a trapped door. She hated these feelings. If people were to look into their dysfunctional family, they would think what a twisted fucking family and they sure as hell would not be wrong. Arnold thought his life was hard... if he only really knew.... hell if only she could remember.

Life was such a wishy washy thing and it was more so for her. She remembered the hateful way her brother looked at her that day, at the time she did not understand it, but now she knew, she would have felt the same way, even if he did not know the truth, of her trying to right the wrongs, her letters, things she saved.. her plan was not working in her favor.. it had actually blown up in her face...and she was getting everything her brother felt she deserved. Maybe it would have been better, if that day she just gave him everything like she had eventually planned to and let him move on, but the thought of not having him in her life killed her.

She never wanted the money she always felt like it was blood money anyway... and she still felt that way... he could have it all if it made him happy... she did not want it... she always knew it was more than just because of what they did to him, there were things that happened to her she just did not know what. Her heart was racing, and her head thumping. She did know, and she hated it, she would do anything to take his pain away from him, anything he wanted. She was grateful when the water was turned off. She yelped when he grabbed her by the neck and she wanted to say go ahead if killing me will take the pain away then kill me but she said nothing.

She shivered... she heard those words before... something just like that... where? When? She was wide eyed, but did not even try to get out of his grasp. She took a deep breath when he pushed her against the wall, she didn't say anything just huddled against the wall. His words terrified her.. something else she remembered but could not get the pieces to connect, she felt like she had a jigsaw in her head. She dared not move...even though she may have had ample time to do so. She started to freak out when she realized what he planned... Marie calm down she told herself over and over again.

He turned the light out and left her naked and wet and tied in the shower, tears rolled silently down her cheeks, until she felt claustrophobic... she remembered a closet, she had been locked in a closet in the dark... she was 9 or so... she was crying and begging to be let out, she was inwardly freaking out.. but she never screamed to get out.... the memory went away pretty quickly... but she remembered that closet, but why had she been in it, who locked her there... she took a deep breath and fought more tears back... everything that was happening was her fault or so she thought...
Nearly 30 minutes later, Arnold had returned to the bathroom and opened the door. He flipped the light switch on and set a case he had found in her closet on the counter. The anger still rolled through him like an angry tidal storm, but he had managed to smooth it down to a focused anger now. He heard her whimper and saw some movement through the cloudy glass doors of the shower. He reached into the case and pulled out a nice thick cock gag from the other items.

he walked to the shower door, untied it and swung the door open. She laid in the corner where he left her naked though mostly dry, hair damp, knees to her chest. He wore a pair of jeans now, a pull down shirt, and boots... He walked towards her and said, "Open your mouth...."

As she adapted to the light and his presence, he shoved the cock gag into her mouth, all of four inches long, then strapped it to her mouth. There was a little opening from the tip of the cock to the back of the gag to all water and air in. He had seen these before but was surprised to find she owned on in this box. He said, "With how you treated me... you will not speak to me again, unless I allow it. You got me?" His anger was clear and intense, but not fiery.

He said, "I found a few things in your closet.... things I never expected to find.... you know what I found I can see...."

He stood up and pulled her to her feet, pushing a towel to her to finish drying. He turned to the bathroom counter and pulled out a shiny steel collar with a hoop in the front of it. On the side, laser etched in blue onto it was, "Bubby's Toy". He looked to her and said, "Got no idea why you have this as much as you hate me... but whatever...." He pushes it onto her neck and locks it with a Masterlock, "Made my job easier."

Arnold spun her around and locked a pair of matching steel shackles onto her wrists and then down to the ankles with more. A pair of thin sheek leads connected the wrists shackles together as well as the ankle shackles, and then a third chain linked the two chains together Each of these shackles had the same etched markings on them. It confused him why she would have them, but at the moment, it didn't matter.

When she was shackled in place, he pulled out a long thin chain with a clasp on it and snapped it to the collar. For hte moment, he had forgotten about Candace... or anyone else. He spun her to face him and said, "I sent the staff home... they have the next month off. No one is going to help you or save you. You are mine now.... and I have about 15 years of punishments to render out of your hide....."

He pulled out one last item from the box.... a blue hood that covered the top half of her face and shoved her into darkness once more. Once he was done, he turned and led her out of the bathroom and into her fate....
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She was glad when she heard the door to the bathroom open, being closed in like this really was starting to freak her out a bit...yet she could not remember why she was so scared of the tight spot or the darkness he had placed her in. She had to readjust to the light when he turned it back on. She hated this feeling, this feeling of fear, uncertainty, not knowing what was going to happen, the worst part was the feeling of how much he truly hated her, and though she knew why, she never understood why he did not understand she was just a kid and surely he had to know she took everything back 5 minutes after she said it... again she remembered their father screaming at the both of them, how she shook terrified... how he told her to shut up.. she was not sure what she was remembering, they were there and yet no real ones were coming to the surface, or they seemed like gibberish to her at the same time.

She whimpered a little, but did not cry, she more or less whimpered because she was cold, yet that was something she would keep to herself. She would take anything he dished out to her, she just wanted him to forgive her, love her, want her... she knew what she had done was wrong... but she never meant to hurt him, she was a kid confused scared.. again she thought of a closet no light... was she naked? She couldn't remember. She found herself gasping when the shower door swung open but she said nothing. She had been huddled in the corner of the shower, her knees to her chest, fear and pain shooting through her especially at the anger and pain that she had seen in her brothers eyes, she would do anything to take that away.. even if she herself suffered.

He was the most handsome man she had ever seen as she watched as he walked towards her...but the hate in his eyes broke her more than any punishment that he had planned for her. She did not hesitate to open her mouth, she told herself she would do whatever it took. She had always wanted this with him, but not for him to hate her... never for that.. she adored him so...wait she was remembering something else.. her going to his bedroom one night.. she had been scared and asked to sleep with him, and she was crying... she can't remember why probably a storm, did they? She could not remember.

It seems her brother had found her hidden sex box as she called it...well that was not the box she wanted him to look through she thought to herself. Him telling her she could not talk to him, and she had not treated him badly, she tried, she tried so hard to get him back... to tell the truth... wrote him letters..that her father had hidden somewhere... the letters that brought something up to, her father flipped out when he found her trying to send it... one of them he ripped up in front of her, he had been furious and she had been terrified but why...She nodded her head however, even though this was the worst punishment he could have given her, even if he did not know that.

She was shivering a little but did not know if it was because she was a little cold or because of the hatred in his eyes. She dried herself up when he threw the towel at her not meeting his angry eyes, her dark brown ones were full of despair. Fuck she forgot all about that collar, if he asked how the hell would she explain that, well now she did not have to considering the fact he did not want her to speak to him unless he told her to. She remembered when she had that made... she wanted something to always remind her of him... How could he think she hated him, did he not see the way she looked at him, the way she was not fighting him or trying to, the way she came to him in the pool and the shower.. why would he ever think she hated him.

She knew what he wanted, he wanted to hurt her, make her feel the same pain he felt she had put him through.. if he only really knew... if she only knew. She remembered something being held down..but who.. and not in a good way.. she closed her eyes and tried to remember but nothing came to her. She felt fear hit her and she was not sure. She remembered those too, she had remembered when she bought these things... what she wanted from her brother. She gasped when he locked the collar she remembered a hand around her neck.. she felt like she was going to die, she remembered she was what 9... maybe it was just some strange dream she was remembering.

Okay big brother, she thought to herself... do your worst, I deserve it, she thought to herself. Her big brown eyes looked at him, but she did not try anything... she just sort of nodded her head as if understanding. She wanted to be his... but she knew that was not how he meant that at all. Again he wanted to punish her, why could he not see that she was trying to make things right, or that she was a child..any of that... when he pulled the mask over her eyes, she remembered something else, a blindfold, being pinned, mouth covered with a hand, she was trembling now... but she did not try to move or get him to take it from her... what were these memories of or who she wondered.

She was still trembling as strange memories kept flooding her...
Arnold tugged on Marie's leash, prompting her to keep moving forward as they moved from the cool tiles of the bathroom, to soft plush carpets of his bedroom. Yes, he was angry with her... furious with her. Mistake or not, her actions caused a cataclysm in his life. If she had been at the top of a mountain and yelled out in shock, which triggers an avalanche that crashes down the side of a mountain that ends up killing people, is she not at least partially responsible?

He knew she was a kid at the time... and she reacted like a kid would. That wasn't it... he could forgive that part of her. It wasn't the fact that mom and dad could have brainwashed her into thinking he was the devil as he suspected they had done. It was the fact that after she had come of age and even before, she made NO attempt that he was aware of to reach out to him. He had not gotten a card, a note, a call, or even a text asking how he was. Meanwhile up until the point when he washed his hands of them, he had sent her cards and letters, all of which were sent back to him unopened. Sure, mom and dad could have done it, but the words on the letter reminded him so much of Marie's hand that it was hard not to believe it was her sending them back. When she celebrated her 18th, she never reached out still. So far as he was concerned, she had accused him of what she did, then abandoned him just like their parents had. She had proven to him beyond a doubt... that she had not wanted him at all... what he thought had been something important... had been a lie.

He led her to the bedroom door and opened it. A cool breeze rushed over both of them and he led her onto the wooden floors of the hallway. He turned to look at her in her hood... her naked body at his mercy. He reached to the hood and slid the blindfold attachment up and over her eyes so she could see. He let her take a moment to let her eyes adjust and then scan the room they were in. He turned and walked towards their parent's bedroom. It was then, he saw her eyes widen and she tried to put the brakes on.

Arnold turned to face her and grabbed her collar, fingering the stenciling of it. Why had she bought a collar that said that particular phrase on it. He shifted his eyes to her and said, "When you are I were in the grotto, we had been in love.... I think. Mom and Dad caught us... not being good with each other... you did... what you did... and mom and dad started a chain of events that destroyed me. So now... before I leave here... I am going to give mom and dad a reason to roll over in their little urns.... and you are going to do it with me..... Let's go." He wasn't raging angry, but it was dead set adamant this was going to happen and he pulled her by the collar, even lifting her to the balls of her feet as he pushed her to their parent's bedroom.

The maid had kept the room tidy and dustfree and it looked exactly like he had remembered it... everything tidy and clean... a bookshelf with mom's romance novels on them, a desk near the fire place for dad to sit. The King size bed in teh middle of the room. It was literally exactly like it had been. He pushed her into the room and closed the door... locking it.

He said, "Where shall I fuck you first... on their bed?... the desk?... the balcony? What do you think?" He let her collar loose to see what she would do.
She followed him without question, whatever it took she reminded herself...she promised herself whatever it took to make him not hate her, that's what she would do... She knew they were in his room, she could smell his cologne he wore lingering... memories flooded her of it, when she remembered a sweatshirt she borrowed that had that exact scent on it and she kept it hid it in her box of Arnold as she called it. She was glad her eyes were covered, that way he could not see the emotions swirling about in her dark brown eyes. She knew what she had done was the worst possible thing a sister could do.. but he did not know how she went her parents and told them the truth right after... there was a lot of the past he did not know, and that she could not remember or chose not to remember perhaps.

She knew she was doing the right thing... her brother meant everything to her...even if he did not think so..even if he hated her... and after all this, if he wanted her gone she would go, but not before she gave him everything, everything he so rightfully deserved... she had ruined his life even if she was young...she still ruined his life. She hated herself for what had happened, she hated what her parents did, she hated her whole life.. Arnold was the only good thing in her life and she ruined that and then her parent's finished it, she never understood why... what because they got caught making out... they were both young... it did not mean anything... well I guess to her it did at least now..

She wished at the moment she could tell him just how sorry she was but she also knew if she did she would have to admit that she had lied about losing her memory because she had been terrified of losing him. She remembered the fights and arguments with her mom and dad over where her brother was and why he was not coming home.. they were very vague about it with her.. but she knew why.. not just the fact of her lying about hurting her, but also because of catching them in the grotto. She wondered if he ever got any of the letters she did manage to get out.. she wondered if he got the birthday cards... she remembered her father found a letter and hid it from her... had Arnold ever reached out she wondered... so much after he left was a gap.

She never knew her brother tried to reach out to her, she knew nothing, her mother and father always made sure of that, well rather her father... her mother did at least tell her that Arnold was alive. She felt her heart breaking more and more at this moment thinking of how lonely and sad and angry and hurt he must have felt.. he did not realize she had never stopped loving him, she always would.. even if he would always hate her... she remembered her 18th birthday she called her brother, Candace said she would tell him, but he never called her, she spent her 18th birthday in her room alone with tears in her eyes, it was all in the journals she kept, she had been journaling since she was 10 old enough to start, all her deepest secrets and thoughts.

How could he not see the love she had for him, she went to him, in the pool, the shower today... she would not just have done that for nothing she thought to herself. She found that she could feel her heart racing and her hands were shaking a little, but she did not once try and pull away from her brother. It was chilly, or at least she felt chilly maybe that was just because of the cold look her brother was giving her before...that hurt more than anything. He needed this to heal she needed to allow him to heal, even if it broke her in the mean time, she just wanted him to be happy.

She was glad to see again in a sense, but then she wasn't cause the pain was so evident in her eyes, as was the fact she was fighting back fresh tears. She looked around and noticed they were in her parents room, she felt a little panic in that fact. She did not like the panic she felt. Her eyes widened a little and she hesitated, she had not been in this room since their death but she felt there was more to it, because this panic was a strange feeling to say the least. When he turned and grabbed her collar and then watched as he touched the stenciling of it, she remembered when she had it made, matter of face it was her 18th birthday, it was something she had made for herself, made her feel like he was there with her celebrating her birthday with her.

She knew he was trying to figure out the deal with her collar, but to her that was neither here nor there. Hearing his words only broke her heart more and more, she remembered that day she had went to him crying, she could not remember why that did not matter to her, all that mattered to her was that her brother had been there for her and she had hurt him, not intentionally but she hurt him none the less. She told herself not to cry, she could not let him see her cry.. her heart was racing so fast. So he did plan to leave her, she thought to herself... even after this he was still going to leave her, had she been doing all this for nothing...

Again, that panic, but she hid it this time more so because she did not really understand it, maybe it was just the death and what was happening with her brother. She was trying to calm herself down but this was hard for her as well, knowing he hated her this much... but to heal him, she would do anything he wanted, take whatever he gave, anything to make him feel better... all his hate, the rage.. he deserved a happy life and she would let him destroy her if it healed him.. she looked at the bed and shook her head, trying not to think anything of it... nothing mattered right now but Arnold.

She was trying not to tremble, honestly she was more than a little scared, she never really seen this side of her brother before... not at least with so much hate. She gasped when he locked the door, she did tremble this time... why though, it was not just her brother.. there was something locked deep in her mind... oh well she thought. She did not know the answer he wanted, did he expect her to fight... she wouldn't. She found herself getting on her knees in front of him, she was going to beg for forgiveness but she was supposed to not remember that.

"Anywhere." Please not the bed she thought however, unsure to herself why.
Arnold smirked down at her as she spoke... though that gag in her mouth made it hard to understand her answer. He pulled his cock from his pants and stepped towards her with it semi hard. He pulled her head back and rubbed his cock all over her face, letting his balls rest across the bridge of her nose and down onto each eye.... He was angry with the life she had forced on him. He leaned down and said, "Let me make something perfectly clear to you.... you stole my life from me... you made mom and dad hurt me and abandon me and destroy me. They did it yes, but you caused it. You have no idea what they called me, the labels, the attacks.... it was horrible.... because of you."

Tears poured down his face from the trauma he had had to deal with... all the pain and agony he had had to bury inside him for so long bursting out of him like a supervolcano!!! He had her at his utter mercy... he could kill her... should kill her.... but he couldn't... he loved her far too much to do anything like that. He remembered back then... the feelings, the needs... the desires....

His eyes lowered to her breasts... heaving up and down from heavy breathing, her face filled with tears of her own.... and then he looked at the collar once more and saw the words on it.... 'Bubby's toy'. It was a curious phrase and it didn't make sense she would have that. She had called him bubby in the past when they had been little, but she had hated him and lied about him, so why have this? It didn't add up.

He leaned down and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her up to her feet, then pushed her towards Dad's desk and then over it. He grabbed the chains on her ankle cuffs and wrapped them around each of the legs of the desk forcing her to spread them painfully wide as the desk was over 8 feet wide. He then walked around the desk and took her collar leash and pulled her over the desk, securing her in place by tying the leash to the handles of the desk. This thing had been made out of steel and wood... and meant to last 200 years without damaging so he wasn't too concerned about her breaking anything.

When he finished securing her, he walked back around to where she lay bent over the desk, ass out. He reached to his belt and said, "357...... " He pulled the belt slowly came off his pants as he coiled the belt into a loop. Her eyes locked on his and he said, "That is how many spankings and beatings I took from Dad because of that day. He beat me 357 times.... I couldn't walk for nearly a month once I was carted off to Fort Gentry. You are going to get all 357 of those spankings back.... before I am done with you.....

He positioned himself and then raised that belt belt high... and swung down not too hard, but hard enough... and said, "1"
The way her brother looked at her, chilled her to the core, but she tried not to think about that, she had remembered someone else looking at her but it was in a much different way, but that was neither here nor there, here in this room, this awful room, she wasn't sure why it was so awful for her, but there was something...she knew with the gag he would not be able to hear anything she had to say... but she tried anyway. Typically she would have been excited watching her brother remove his cock from his pants, but this was a bit different, all he wanted was to make her pay for the hell he went through and honestly she did not blame him... at the end of this.. whatever he planned for her... she still was going to give him everything and walk away, if that was what he wished of her.

As much as she hated the way he looked into her eyes full of pure hate, she felt nothing but love for him, she had always felt nothing but love for him, and yet deep down she felt as if he would ever really know... how much love... she felt tears in her eyes, and it was not because of what he planned for her, it was for the pain she knew he felt, the pain that she had inflicted on him, even though she was just a kid herself, like he had been, and also things her brother could never know about the reason and day she first went to him... but she still could not remember herself, so she guessed it did not matter at this moment, if she could have taken all his pain away she would have, if he wanted to kill her she would let him, he wanted to make her suffer, she would let him, he wanted to hate her, well he had every right... even if there were things he would and could never know... things before they had gotten caught together, she wished he knew that she had told the truth, but that really was not so.

His voice was ice cold... made her own blood run cold as well, this was horrible she thought to herself... not what he was doing to her, but how he was feeling towards her, how much he hated her...She was trying not to wrong he was... she had tried to save him.. he was in a sense lucky.. he would never know half of what she went through before and more so after he was gone... she still didn't know there were pieces forming in her head but none of them made any sense to her what so ever...she did not let them do anything, she thought part of her was angry as fuck too, angry that he was blaming her for all of this... she was a kid, she had no control over there parents.. she did not want to try and remember any more it would not matter anyway Arnold would hate her no matter what she thought to herself.

She closed her eyes for a moment, more so to just regain some composure she could not allow herself to break, if this was what he needed then so fucking be it she thought to herself...he was not completely wrong in the first place. Actually she did have a idea... she heard them mumbling to themselves one night after he was sent away... mom was arguing for her father not to say such things... and what right did he have to be upset with Arnold when he was doing much worse, she was not sure what that meant and at the time it confused her.. it confused her even more now...she did not know about attacks however, she would have never let them hurt him, she would have sacrificed herself for him not to get hurt ever again, then and sent shivers through her knowing how he suffered... at her hands.. it killed her.

God seeing him cry was the one thing that fucking crushed her soul shattered her...she hated herself more than he did.. but it was not just because of the lie she told, there was something hidden deep inside that made her hate herself more, even if she had no reason to hate herself for the past. She wondered what her fate would be... whatever fate he dished out, she would take it all...anything to take this pain and rage from him...anything to give him some semblance of a normal life...she may not ever have one, as much as he thought she did she never had a normal life, after they sent him away she was a empty shell of herself, perhaps even before that until the night she went to her brother, scared of a storm, he took whatever pain and fear she felt at that time and he took it all away.. she remembered him asking her one time why she was crying... she thought it was one time, she had stayed home from school not feeling well, he came home and she was in the treehouse tears filled in her eyes, as if she had been hiding from something or someone, she just told her brother, it was because she was not feeling good and that she just wanted to be somewhere where she felt safe.. he held her and rubbed her hair soothing her... she was glad he never really asked more than that... what was that about she wondered to herself.. why was she scared, home, she was not actually sick so why?

She shook these memories away, her mind like a jigsaw puzzle, or the box from fucking hellrasier somehow that made her giggle in her head, she at least could keep dumb humor in her brain, she thought of that first time with Arnold.. she remembered somehow not being... no she had to have been a virgin... what the hell why was all this shit surfacing now she wondered to herself, frustration filling inside of her. She trembled once more at the memories and the way her brother was looking at her...she was trying to control herself but deep down she was having a hard time, she was having a hard time keeping strange memories and feelings at bay, but she had to, but the tears stayed in her eyes, not because of what he was doing, but because of everything that he went through and everything that she went through, she watched as he looked at the collar, yes there was a story with that but it did not matter right now, nothing mattered.

She wished at this moment she could tell him just how much she loved him..but it did not matter no words of love was going to make him hate her any less than he already did. This was the way things were going to be now...she felt bad for everything... yet when she started to feel bad all she could think about was the past... and the memories that continued to surface.. that she had buried deep inside of her, that 18th birthday was one of her worst, she thought calling her brother he would come, but he never did...not once... she knew she deserved it but she always tried.

She wanted to tell him she hated herself probably more than he did but she could not, not with being gagged and she was not sure he would want to hear anything she had to say anyway, he already told her never to speak to him again unless he told her to.. she agreed. She yelped inwardly when he grabbed her by her hair and yanked her up hard, why did she start trembling again when he took her closer to dad's thick oak deck, she shook her head trying now not to remember.. he pushed her over the desk, and realized her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt at any moment she would pass out or faint but she did not. She refused to cry out, refused to admit it hurt... but it did, but the physical was nowhere near the emotional pain she was feeling.

She closed her eyes once more bracing herself... she knew this was needed... and for him... anything.. anything for him to hate her just a little less she would do... she remembered a night where her and her father were alone before Arnold before he got sent away before she found she loved him more than a brother, she had written something about it in her journal she had forgotten she left it out, she remembered daddy reading it, and she remembered the spanking right here on his desk, bare handed painful... but she pushed it to the darkest corners of her mind and wanted to keep them buried there for ever.

Breath Marie just breath...her hands were shaking, her body trembling and she was fighting back the sobs she was holding back, but was it in fear of Arnold or something much deeper she wondered. What did he mean by that she wondered to herself. Spankings that brought something back again... no! This was about her and Arnold and his pain not whatever she was hiding or keeping buried in her head. Hearing that killed her inside even more than she was she thought to herself. This made her panic a bit, she was not sure why though, but she fought it back... take it all Marie, take it all.

She found herself jumping a bit at the first smack to her ass from the belt, trembling as he did, she did gasp into her gag, but refused to scream... if he wanted to hurt her so be it, she had been hurt a lot... she just could not remember when or how...
The fact that she didn't scream... was impressive... he had to admit... He heard her gasp hard and suck in a hard deep silent breath, but no scream. That was good. He hadn't screamed either for a long time. He didn't understand why they had beat him and chunked him out like they had. He never understood why mom never came to his rescue.

No one would come to his sister's rescue now.... he reached back and struck her beautiful naked ass once more just north of the first strike. No scream though there was a whimper with this one. He leaned in and grabbed her hair and said, "355 to go." He coiled the belt around her neck and tightened it up near her aluminum collar. He pressed his body into her and said, "I am going to take my time with this... I am going to make sure you feel every ounce of pain you put me through.... and I am going to have a little fun along the way...."

He pulled his cock out once more and felt it semi hard and ready to go. He eased up behind her and spread her lips... and slid his rod into her once more... pushing in balls deep inside. Using the belt as his leverage, he began to thrust into her slowly... then harder... and harder... each thrust causing him to harden up! He said, "I wanted to keep you ... be everything to you... and you accused me of what you did! I thought you had loved me too... you wanted what I wanted... but it had been a lie... a fucking lie...."

He said, "So... you don't love me... fine... you didn't want me that way... fine... but I wanted you... I was going to own you.... and I still am. No one can help you now. No one is going to stop me from taking exactly what I want out of your ass from now on! No one!!" His cock grew harder and thicker and he was getting close... so fucking close!!!

He slammed into her body harder and harder, causing the entire desk to shake and quake... He leaned down and did something to her that he new she would like... though he didn't know how he knew.... He pushed her head to the desk, exposing a part of her neck and as he fucked her with all his might, he bit down on the back of her neck... just hard enough to sting!
It hurt... it really fucking hurt she thought to herself... but... he needed this...she would give him this no matter how much it hurt, how painful it would get, and she was sure it would get much much worse... but she wanted his love... his forgiveness... her memories were locked down deep inside slowly coming to surface, yet she was confused by what any of them meant because they were not making any sense. She would not scream, ever no matter how painful it got. She hated hearing what her father had done to him, as she thought that something else came to mind, her dad hitting mom, after she seen him spanking her... no that was not right, was it, and why had he spanked her?

God Arnold I am so fucking sorry, she thought to herself, the pain of knowing what he went through because she panicked as a child and lied even though she told the truth less than 5 minutes later. She remembered another time, these visions or memories kept flooding her, and each time it seemed as they were getting stranger and stranger as time went on. She knew Arnold hated her, however she never realized just how much he truly hated her, the next smack from the belt caught her off guard for the simple fact she had been lost in her own mind.

Again she did not scream, but a whimper did escape her lips and a tear rolled down her cheek. She gasped a little when he yanked her hair and made her face him, 355 she thought, her heart was pounding against her fucking chest at the thought, and she was sure it would get worse over time. She did panic a little when he wrapped the belt around her neck, he was so angry he might just kill her on accident. When he pressed his body against her's she could not deny she enjoyed the feeling of him against her... even If it was for all the wrong reasons, his words, each word he spoke sliced through her like a knife, I deserve the pain my sweet, sweet brother, I deserve all of it, she thought to herself, her heart raced against her chest and she hated knowing what she had done to him however unintentional that is was, she wondered what he meant by having a little fun, didn't matter she reminded herself, she wanted her brother to heal, she knew there was a lot he did not know and she was sure he would not believe her anyway... he had no idea what it was like when was sent away... her questions, a slap.. she remembered being smacked in her face when she asked why Bubby was not home...her father had been furious with her, she never understood his anger though...

The thought of him fucking her again, no matter how rough or how mean, or even painful it got, the truth of the matter was, she craved his cock, craved him, she was young, but Arnold was all she had ever wanted in her life... the day he got sent away was one of the worst days of her life.. but she remembered maybe not the worst... she shook the thought and memory out of her head once more, she needed to focus on this moment and on her brother, she found herself moaning when he slid his cock into her wetness, yes through everything she was hot... she always was when her brother was involved, fuck me she thought when he was completely seated inside of her.

The belt around her neck did make her nervous she could not deny that, but in some strange way.. it was turning her on...he was thrusting into her slowly almost agonizingly so... she was biting her lip, trying to control her feelings, and emotions all at the same time, then he moved harder, and harder she could feel his cock growing inside of her, she was gasping... it should not feel this good... she should be begging for him to stop... yet she could not, would never beg him to stop, she had made that promise to herself and she damn well would keep it.

His voice, It was so dark, and so cold, and as much as she knew the belt was going to hurt more soon enough, the tone and the hatred was what really made her hurt... if he only knew she thought to herself, His words shocked her a bit more than she thought they would, you were everything to me she thinks to herself, the pain and hate in his voice was what would eventually break her..she would never forgive herself for what she did to him...never! She loved him more than he would ever fucking know... it was what got her in trouble, with her father... again a slap in the face, telling her not to ever think about her brother again, that he was all that mattered to her now... her eyes widened for a moment, memories running rampant confusion laced within... she was still listening to Arnold's word's... and they were killing her slowly, no never a lie my love, never a lie... did she lie about him yes.. her love... no... he was not innocent in all of this either, she wrote him letters, and pain dearly for it.. but how she could not really remember, she called him on her 18th birthday.. no call back, she even tried to go to him once.... her father found out... wait... no..did not matter.

Every time he spoke and his words... she broke a little more inside.. he was crushing her with his words and yet she understood why he was saying them... he never knew of her letters, her tried trip, but he should have known about the call Candace promised to give him the message.. but he never called back, there were letters hidden, things hidden in her fathers office things she did not know about...things in her journals she had forgotten, boxes of things she named Arnold or Bubby.. how could he think she did not love him.. he was everything to her, she remembered telling her parents just that, maybe not in those exact words... and she remembered every time, she would get slapped or spanked... every time... how could he ever think she did not want him...that was all she had ever wanted... she always knew it was wrong and yet she did not care in the least...she knew he only wanted to own her because he wanted to make her feel pain, nothing else or nothing less she thought to herself.

She could not deny that his words, scared her a little, and she had to fight her tears, considering the fact that his words were killing her slowly...but he did not need to know that.. he did not need to know anything. She trembled a bit it was not Arnold she was scared of, it was the words that scared her, and the venom and hate they held. All she had ever wanted was his love... but she got his hate...all of his hate... and so much more. She fought back fresh tears as he rammed his cock into her over and over again, her nails digging into the desk...little whimper's escaped her lips as she tried to control her orgasm, in a sense she felt she did not deserve it... she had always been pretty in control of her orgasms... even if it would be painful to her, she was taking the pain, it was her heart that truly hurt, it was broken and only he could piece it back together.

The harder he slammed, the harder it was for her to control herself but she had to, she told herself she had to, another memory, you have to do this... you want to.. you will, she closed her eyes, who said that, eh again, she was perhaps just repressing something, or maybe just repressing this and turning it into something that it wasn't...she hated these memories, thoughts, what the hell ever they were, all she could really focus on was the way Arnold was fucking her... and how hard it was for her to control her emotions and the way she was feeling, and how much she was trying to control the building fucking orgasm that she knew would rock her fucking body...she gasped when he pushed her head to the desk, but it was not a bad gasp at all, it was a very welcome and wanted gasp...her neck was bare to him, and he was fucking her senseless in all the right ways... even if it was out of pure hatred for her...he bit down on the back of her neck, and instantly a loud moan echoed through the room, how the hell did he know the right spot... the one spot that would drive her completely up the fucking wall.... it stung so good, so sweet, her eyes went tight and her pussy was clenching against his cock so fucking tight like a vice that did not want to let go... and yes she would not cum... she bit down on the gag, controlling herself... but the need was so intense.... and still she could not allow herself to cum...
As he got lost in his fucking of her, he started losing the anger and rage in him for all the years of pain and suffering. His focused shifted from brutality... to lust and desire. He had her at his complete and utter mercy. No one, not the police, to the firemen, not the staff, no one could help her or rescue her. She was his fuck hole now... a collared sack of holes that he would use until he was satisfied and then... who knows... toss her out, keep her... he hadn't gotten that far just yet.

The more he railed on her though, the angry he was getting.... and flashes of her on him in their dad's office began to flash through his mind... her bent over the couch screaming his name.... no... that wasn't right. That had been Candace... not Marie.

It was when she started thrusting onto him in return did he realize she was loving what was happening to her! He began to slow his pace down and felt her take over on the fucking him! She needed this... even tied to the desk and helpless, even with that collar on her neck and cuffs on her ankles and wrists... she wanted this. She needed this.

He pressed his chest into her back and grabbed at her hair and said, "You worthless whore... you want me to fuck you.... you are dying to cum on my cock.... well... CUM then!" He slapped her ass as hard as he could!!!

She did as commanded... cumming hard on him, screaming into the gag, body trembling hard! He had forgotten all about his anger.... he was so focused on this body before him, not caring about anything else. He continued to pound into her with all his pent up frustrations... which only led to her cumming over and over again on him!

He continued to hold her head back, her neck locked by the chain to the front of the desk and her head by his handful of her hair and said, "You like it up the ass too don't you whore?"

He pulled his cock from her ... and shifted it up... and rammed it into her ass!!! He was balls deep in her and he watched her eyes roll into her head and her mouth give out a gasp and moan! She really DID want it up the ass! What kind of woman was she to want this from him? But... did he not want it too?!?! What brother in their right mind would do this to his sister? He was insane too!

Arnold slammed into her ass as deep as he could go into her, his balls slapping her ass... and it didn't take him long.. to explode inside her once more... feeling her dark tight ass with his seed! He held her down tight and they both felt him pumping into her over and over again.
Her head was a whirlwind of fucking emotions she was all over the place, and she felt tears in her was because of the hate she was feeling from her brother, she had always loved him... but now he hated her...and that killed her... it killed her more than anything he was going to do to her, or would do to her...all her life she had loved him, wanted him...and wanted to give him everything, but maybe he was right maybe she did take everything from him.. maybe she deserved the hate...the blame..the anger, even if deep down she knew there was a lot more to their story... to what was going on here...she just could not figure out what.

All of this was harder than she thought it was going to be... and that bothered her, she did all this just for him to know how much she loved him, how much she had always loved him...he would never love her the way he had before and as much as that hurt she also understood at the same time. She knew when he was done taking all his anger out on her, that he would be done with her, he already was this was only for his hatred of her... she already knew she would give him everything the house the money, the shares to the company all of it... and she would let him live his life without her in it.. when he was done.

This was nothing like the shower... well the first part of the shower... no.. and it was not like when she used him when he was sleeping because she wanted and needed him so much... this was pure anger... hatred... rage. Her thoughts were all over the place... but there were moment's when memories were flooding her, one's that she could not understand. She wanted him and she could not, would not deny that and she started to thrust back against him.. still she would not cum... she didn't deserve to.. she did not deserve anything... not him...not this life.. not his love.... nothing.

She wanted her brother always had, and if this was the only way of having him then so be it.. no matter if it broke her in the long run. She hated that it was this way and yet at the same time, being taken this way by Arnold was a thrill for her, this was what she had always wanted with him... yet when everything happened she knew deep down she would never have that.. not after everything that happened, she thought about things.. her father, the anger, especially the anger where he slapped her for talking about Arnold... asking for him... it never made sense still didn't.

She was fighting those repressed memories back..this room... it made her shudder to herself... but right now she was just thinking of her need for her brother. She gasped when he pressed himself harder against her pushing her even harder into the desk...she was quivering beneath him, his words hurt... but he was right she was worthless... even if she tried to make things right, it did not work... but things got worse for her before and after her brother left.. she remembered therapy sessions.. but could not remember what they were about...but him telling her to cum... sent her completely of course and hushed the past up once more.

He told her to cum and the dam completely busted, moans and screams escaped her lips, as she was trembling all over.. feeling as if this was one of the most intense orgasms she had ever had. She now was not thinking of anything aside from the way she felt in this moment how much she fucking wanted her brother, and how at least in this moment, he was giving her everything she had always wanted from him. She was out of fucking control with her orgasms, he was bringing out so many things she buried deep inside herself.. what she wanted, who she had always wanted, would not matter after this she knew that... but... at least for the moment she had this.

She wanted to say yes, wanted to say no.. the only time she had done that was the night he was drunk... so she was not sure the real intensity of it... she knew damn well that night it felt amazing... but at the same time... she was not sure at the same time, she was unsure of herself.. of this. A loud painful scream escaped her lips against the was sudden for her...but then it passed and she felt the most intense feeling she had ever felt in her life moans and gasps once more leaving her lips. She knew most people, women would be mortified by this... but this was her Arnold... she had always wanted this with him.

This was her brother anyone who seen this, seen them together that knew them would think they were fucking sick, think she was sick... is that not what happened way back when... isn't that why they were on this downward spiral... she still did not remember what happened, why her father had been so angry... he knew they were kids.. he did not just hate Arnold she remembered, he hated her too.. and she was remembering that he had hit her more than once out of anger... but his anger was not from her and Arnold... it was much much more.

Maybe they were both crazy... she hadn't known all of what her brother went through, in turn he had no idea what his sister went through either, his might have been hell, but hers was worse than he would know... oh he would find out, even though she had forgotten for the time being. She screamed out again as another orgasm rocked her body when his cum shot inside of her tight ass.... but he did not stop he continued riding her ass over and over again, slamming her hard into the desk... moans and whimpers escaping her lips... she was not sure what to expect next... but she was terrified... she was worried it was going to be worse... but she needed to give him this outlet no matter how much hell she had to pay.
Arnold staggered back as reality quickly came crashing down around him as his orgasm calmed adn then stopped. What had he done?!?!

He pulled out of her and staggered back a step or two. His eyes locked on Marie, cuffed up, bent over the desk, legs spread, cum oozing down her legs... This was his sister... this was Marie!!!

Then as soon as the shock hit him, it slid right off his back as he looked down at his cum covered cock and said, "As it should be. What do think of that Dad?!?!" He yelled out into the room, "Roll over in your fucking graves if you want! You precious little perfect daughter.... is my cum whore now!!!" He yelled out to basically the sky... not directed at anyone.

He turned and walked over to the balcony and opened the double doors, letting the cool evening air blow into the room. Then the turned to look at Marie. She was well secured... as she was meant to be... a slave ready to service her Master. Her eyes remained locked on him as he walked back to the desk, pulled her head back and said, "Look at the mess you put on my cock... you dirty fucking slut.... Open your mouth..."

Her eyes went to look away and he slapped her face rather smartly and said, "Lesson 1) I am Master now. You are slave. Your ass is mine to do with whatever I fucking want to. Lesson 2) You will ALWAYS keep your eyes on Master. How can you please him if you can not see him?"

Her eyes locked on his. As angry as he was with what she had done to him and gotten mom and dad to do to him, he was feel incredibly ... powerful. He reached down to her mouth and popped the gag from it letting it hang at her neck. He shoved his own cock into her mouth adn down her throat making the toy feel like some midget cock.... He said, "What do you think of this ma! You perfect little baby girl is my whore now!" He yelled out into the air again as he started throat fucking Marie!
She was shocked a bit at the way her brother seemed shocked and stunned all at the same time.... she could not completely see him especially the way she was on the desk... she wanted to cry... not because he fucked her... not because he used her.... and not because he hated her.... she wanted to cry for the past... the one they did not share together, for the brother she lost so many years with, for the fact he thought he meant nothing to her, and mostly for the way he thought no-one loved him... at least in the family... but there was so much more buried into their family that he knew nothing about.. and she could not remember... she did not know yet what that may be... flashes were coming and going... she hadn't thought of her childhood in a long time... honestly truth be told... she did not want to remember... she went through hell before... and after Arnold, there was a reason she was Daddy's princess... she thought to herself... but shook it off.

She did not cry... she would not... she did not break... at least on the outside... inside however was a completely different story. She knew he hated her... she understood why... she just well... it did not matter... there were many things he would learn... see... and he had no idea the hell he was going to come across...stuff Marie did not know was hidden... about her... things in her journal... videos... old letters she wrote... things she saved from her father tossing out...old videos of the so called treatment she needed to forget her brother... that one never worked... but it kept her from talking about him to her family anymore... fear was a bitch of a thing.

No it should not be this way she thought to herself... but she would not say or admit that even if he did tell her she could speak. Hearing him yell dad, made her shiver... he wouldn't have noticed anyway... and she was not really sure why either. She did not want to admit him fucking her just to spite their parents... was a bit of a fucking turn on... if Arnold only knew their dad probably was indeed rolling over in his grave she was not to sure about her mother, she loved Arnold but their father.. she remembered was a bastard... but again her mother knew and did nothing to stop the hell that went on in this fucking hell mansion as she called it, remembering writing just those words in one of her entries... but she could not remember why.

She was far from perfect she thought to herself... she was more damaged and fucked up than Arnold could begin to Fathom. She thought about that 18th birthday of hers where she called him, left a message and sat all day and night waiting for a call that never changed, she wrote about that too. The air felt amazing on her scorching hot skin.. she should hate what he was doing... but deep down this was all she ever dreamed of... very different way than this... but she could keep that part to herself. His look was dark... it honestly scared her a little... she had never once been scared of him....but with his hate... she was not sure what he was capable of.

She was also still supposed to have lost her memory so he was practically fucking and using a girl that didn't know she had done anything wrong...but she was not thinking of that and she was sure he was not either. She did not look away from him, she wouldn't... well she was sure she would but not because she didn't want to look at him... more because of the hate in his eyes when he looked at her... its what made her want to cry... but she didn't. She looked away briefly just because she wanted to compose herself for a moment, that did not bode well, and she jumped at the slap to her face.... Arnold never hit her before... it shocked her but then again... they have been apart for so long.. she did not know him anymore... her thoughts were all over the place.

She looked at him as he spoke... wasn't this what she wanted... well yes... but under different circumstances she had always wanted what he and Candace had... this was far from that she thought to herself. She nodded her head in acknowledging him. She sighed to herself. She just wanted him to be happy... with or without her... she knew it would be without..she knew she would still give him everything... if she could not have him.. then the money, the house, the corporation it all meant nothing to her...actually it never meant anything to her in the first place... all that mattered was her brother and her love for him.

He did not know everything she had tried... what she endured... none of it. She never took her eyes from his dark and cold ones.. her heart breaking... he hated her with a vengeance... she was sure he would kill her, if he thought he would get away with it... if it was any consolation he was killing her... the hate was killing her eating her the fuck alive. She gagged slightly but did not recoil from his hard and big he started to really fuck her throat...angry full of rage. Without warning she felt him forcing her head down as far as she could go and she felt him holding her there. She could feel him pressing tightly against the back of her throat.. Her mind and her body want to recoil, but she has a strong will and refuses to yield even as her eyes bulge and she cannot breathe. He began fucking her face like he was fucking her cunt...and that was how he was treating her face.. like it was a cunt, thrusting her face as hard as possible.

She feels his hands wrap around her head, he pulled her against his cock with more force, his hips pumping without abandon. He could hear her gags and gasps and whimpers against his cock, the sweet sounds of the Glug, slug, slug sounds coming from him fucking her throat...he knew she would not be able to take much more...she feels him thrusts his cock deep once more holding it there, feeling her throat constrict against his cock.... she had tears running down her face, from the brutal face fuck he was giving her.
Arnold let out all his anger.... ... all of his pain... all of his sadness... all his rage.... everything into this facefucking! His hips slammed over and over into her nose as his cock slammed down her throat! He looked down at her and said, "I know you ... didn't hurt me directly.... but you started it all! Over a fucking lie! You may not have destroyed me .... but you fucking well lit the match that did it!"

He felt his cock hardening in her throat and tears started pouring down her face. He couldn't help but think if what he was doing to her was actually fair to her. It was possible it had been a mistake on her end that caused ireperable damage to him. But did it matter how a person was shot really? They were still shot and injured regardless of the motive. This had been like that.

He turned his eyes towards a portrait that hung on the fireplace of his mom and dad and could almost sense both of them glaring at him. He didn't care. He hated them both for what they put him through!

Arnold realized he had stopped moving as he had been looking at hte picture.... and felt Marie's body trembling. He looked down ato see her desperate eyes looking up at him and he pulled his cock from her throat, letting her regain her breath... he didn't want to kill her.... just punish her!

"What in the fuck are you doing?!?!?!?!" a voice came from the doorway.... and Arnold spun around... to find Candace glaring at them in shock!!!
She could feel the anger he felt towards her...the hate...the rage...all of he hatefucked her face as if her face was her pussy. She was trying to be able to handle his cock, as he slammed down deep into her throat. He was right, she was the cause of all of this, even unintentional; and out of fear she still caused every bad thing that happened to him...and herself...even if she was not completely putting the memories of her past together yet... she knew they called that repressed memories. She had never meant to lie, but at the time she was terrified of her the moment she couldn't remember why...but back then she had plenty of reasons to. He was right though... this all started over her lie...but she wished he knew the truth, that she instantly told her parents she was lying but her father had been so angry...and made threats against her, and even Arnold...she remembered that...but there was more...what dammit!

She was finding it a bit hard to breathe now as it seemed as if her brother's cock was growing bigger than it already was if that was even possible...tears were running down her face, and it wasn't crying it was from how his cock was deep against her throat cutting off circulation. She would just take it...take it all, she loved him more than life itself, and would do anything to see him truly happy again, if hurting her was the way, then so be it she thought to herself. She would never forgive herself for the lie she told, even if she tried to make it right, her head was spinning and not just from how hard he was fucking her face...but because of the memories that seemed to come and go...memories she was fighting that she did not want to remember.

All that mattered was that she hurt him and she would do anything in her power to somehow make it right, be his bitch, give him every last asset, live without him, watch him love and be with other women, no matter how much all of that would hurt her, she would give it all to him, to see that boy that had taken her virginity, the one that loved her, protected her, wanted her, and the one she lost that made life right, he thought his life changed she had no idea the hell she went through in this house then again at the moment she did not remember the hell just bits and pieces that did not make sense to her.

She was starting to feel her throat constrict and most of the time she loved that feeling, not that anyone had ever really fucked her face so violently, and even if she loved was becoming harder and harder to breathe through her nose as she so often was able to do...then again she had only really been with the guy she was seeing since her brother and his cock was nowhere near as big as Arnolds. She could feel her head spinning more and more but this was different her heart raced and for the first time she felt real fear she knew he hated her...but she never thought he would want to kill her.

She was starting to panic more and more at the moment. She was trembling now... there was no way to warn him that what he had been doing was truly hurting her...she was whimpering. Her eyes were wide and full of fear when he looked down at her, when he pulled her cock from her mouth, she gasped and tried regaining her breath slowly, choking a bit as she did. She could feel his hate now, every last ounce of her...she was sure he would have killed her at that moment and would not have cared one bit. Her eyes went wide and the yell of a woman, she instantly knew who the woman was, and she felt sorry for her, this is something no person should walk in on, especially when your fiance was fucking another woman and choking her with his cock, even more so when the woman was his sister.

She might not like Candace and might have plotted against her, but she really felt for her at this moment...and she did not want Arnold to feel pain, but somehow she knew that would be exactly how he felt...
Suddenly... the world snapped into focus! Candace standing there with a look of horrible shock in her eyes.... betrayal... He pulled his cock from Marie's mouth and tucked himself back in and glared down at Marie as if this was her fault yet again somehow.

Candace turned and ran off down the corridor and Arnold yelled, "Wait! Candace! Let me explain!"

Arnold reached her as she got to the stairs and grabbed at her shoulder saying, "Please!!!"

He didn't see her hand cross or strike him at all... but he felt it as he head spun around and he staggered back! Holy fucking hell she could hit! By the time he got his bearings once more, he could hear Candace wailing as she darted out the side door to the house. He took off after her once more yelling, "Candace please!!!"

The man got to the side door leading out to the driveway and could only watch as she spun tires in the yard as she sped off! He raced down the drive screaming for her.... till he could no longer see her. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number .... but her phone was turned off.... He dropped onto his knees.... realizing what he had done.... he had destroyed his old life.... to punish that bitch of a sister upstairs.

His eyes shifted back up to where their parent's bedroom had been... and anger filled him once more. She was still firmly tied to the desk, cum oozing out every hole... waiting for her fate. Anger filled him as he slowly got up, turned to the house... and marched in!

He made no secret of where he was... he wanted her afraid.... he wanted her terrified he was going to kill her. He was thinking he just might consider it....

... then again, he knew better. He loved her despite everything she had done to him. She still remembered all their adventures back when they were kids.... innocent and pure back then. As he walked towards the bedroom, he stopped in front of her bedroom and looked in. It was all his now... including all her shit.

He turned and walked into the room.... where he found the box of treasures they had been looking for yesterday... and he had thought his folks had thrown out. He opened it and looked inside...and smiled. There was a He-man action figure in there.... and ... Soundwave, his gen 1 transformer. A few colorful rocks and some military coins his uncle had given him... and a picture... just one picture of him and her. Strangely enough, there was a heart circling his picture written in pink. He hadn't recalled that....

He noticed a journal too. Her secret diary she had set out on the dresser. He picked it up adn for a moment thought about not opening it. It was her private thoughts right... but she had given her rights up to him when she got him thrown out of the house. He opened it and began to read....

~~~ 2 hours later ~~~

Arnold walked into their parent's bedroom to find her still tied tightly to the desk... and he held up her journal to her and said, "Is ... what you put in here... true?" he walked towards her and pulled the gag from her mouth.
She jumped slightly at the sound of her brother's girlfriend's voice, she had no reason to feel sorry for her, yet at this moment, she did. Marie looked up at him, and when he looked down at her as if this was somehow her fault it angered her inside, she hadn't asked him to tie her up to her parent's desk and fucking her like he wanted to kill her and fucking her throat at that moment when it was happening she thought he was going to kill her, her heart had broken knowing in that moment he had no love at all for her, but the rest yes him doing this to her, his anger, was all her fault...

The only thing she noticed was the way he chased after Candace...she did not blame him, he would never love her or forgive her the way he did with Candace and she understood why...being here alone this room tied up made her shiver and shake a little...she hated it...she did not know why but being in this room made her feel sick to her stomach, she closed her eyes, she was not sure if she was trying to block out the memories and or make them come forth...there was something locked inside of her mind she just couldn't seem to pinpoint what it was.

Her eyes were full of tears, she had refused to let Arnold see her cry...but now that he was not in the room she could. She was sore, hungry, thirsty, and tired...and yet she was stuck and she would endure all of this...she deserved his pain. She felt bad that Candace walked in and saw what he was doing to her...even if Candace never told him about her calling him on her birthday...and things she had said to her as well. Her head was starting to hurt as much as her body was...the memories hit her hard and fast when they did hit...she remembered how she told her Daddy and Mommy right after she told them in a panic Arnold hurt her, she quickly said she wanted what they were doing together, her Mother seemed to understand at the moment, but her Father...told her if she took what she said back he would hurt Arnold even worse than he planned...her Father always knew the one way to get her to either comply with him or listen t all he had to do was threaten her brother...and she remember her Father telling her that she belonged to him...her eyes went wide then... she remembered a night...where he came into her room, he had hurt her... the memories seemed to hit her out of nowhere...that was the reason she lied...did she ever write that down she could not remember that part...if she knew about the videos she would be mortified.

All the memories came flooding back and they were horrible, Arnold could never know some of these memories...even if it may have explained why she did what she did, she was too ashamed...she wished she would have told her brother, what their father was doing to her, against her Mom watched because she was terrified of him as well...then there were the therapy sessions... was that why she was remembering things...what happened in therapy that was still a block to her. No stop thinking about this stop remembering this she did not want to... there was a reason she didn't remember she then realized she did not want to.

She wanted to curl up into a ball and die at the moment...but then Arnold would know something was up and she did not want him to know...what they shared was everything to her...what her father did was cruel. She was not sure what was going on with Arnold and Candace. Arnold had it rough, but he had no idea what went on behind these walls when he was gone, it did not mean her life was worse than his but, if he thought she had not suffered he truly had no idea. She loved Arnold so much, and he hated her...she hated herself. She did not know what he planned next, but she knew she would take it, she was sure if he wanted to kill her she doubted at the moment if she would even care.

She could hear her brother and quickly stopped her crying, she never tried struggling to get herself out of the restraints that held her. She was scared she could not deny that...but at the same time at least when he was hurting her, in a sense it took these memories and kept them locked away, he was always able to make anything bad go away, there was a night when there was a thunderstorm...she remembered it was a night Daddy had hurt her again...Arnold never the time Mommy didn't even know and she went to her brother's room and barged in he was sleeping and she was crying...she tapped on his shoulder and he was worried that she had been crying but he pulled her into his arms and just held her gently as he kissed her hair, she remembered telling him she was crying cause she had a bad dream and the storm had scared her and he completely understood.

That was a good memory, he chased her demons away...and he did not even know it. She fought back fresh tears just thinking about all the happy memories she once had of her Brother, now they were gone and she was sure he did not care once about what they shared, and who could blame him? Her heart was breaking...not because of what he had done to her but because of how he hated her and how she would always love him despite everything he was doing to her, she felt she deserved all of it and more. She took a long deep breath with the gag in her mouth, she was not even thinking of how her body was aching she was more or less over that, it was everything else that was hurting her at the moment, the memories...the pain of her brother hating her and how she hurt him...all of it, but her body she was not even thinking of that at the moment.

There were things hidden, things she saved that were favorite things of his...she could not bear her Father throwing them away as soon as he died she went and dug for what felt like a long time but was only a few minutes. She only had a few pictures, the one in her box and the one that she had on the bedside table that she loved so much, she hid them when her parents were alive, and as soon as they died she put them up. They had both lost so much she thought to herself, but what she lost the most over it all was him, and she paid every day for it, her heart had never been right after it all, it was the main reason she could never maintain a relationship, nobody was Arnold.

She looked around the room as best as she could, and it sent her blood cold, she refused herself to remember the things of this damn room. She lost track of time and senses, and everything at the moment, the anxiety of it all, how tired she felt, how thirsty she figured she had been here for quite a while.


She looked up at him, she knew damn well her brother realized she had never lost her memory...and she was fine with that. She worked her jaw as she sighed and looked at him, there were a few things from when they were younger and had their first time together, her admission to her Parents 5 minutes after she told them what Arnold did, then did not do telling them it was all her...then as she got older talking about the letters she sent him, the anger whenever her father found them, and how he did not throw them away, but she did not know where they were, how she called him on her birthday... things like that all her feelings about him...she was not sure if she had ever wrote anything about what her father had done or her mother...she remembered what she wrote of Arnold and how she had always taken up for him, begged them to let him come home, begged to know where he she cried without him and how she hated herself for being a kid and lying on him...

She looked up at him the best she could, her dark chocolate brown eyes focused on his eyes..."Every word." She admitted. "Every single word.'' She said and took a long deep breath now that she could. "I'm---I am so sorry." She admitted as she tried to fight back her tears...
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Arnold studied her for a long LONG time... saying nothing. Tears rolled down his eyes as he processed what he had done to her thinking she had been the one to cause all the pain for him. He had basically raped his sister punishing her when the entire time, it had been some kind of mistake that she had tried rectifying. He looked at her and said, "And the parts about dad?"

She only looked away which answered that question as well. He felt his eyes watering up and tears started pouring down his face. What the fuck had he done to her? This wasn't right. He was SOOOOO angry with her and the entire time he had been wrong.

He couldn't look in her eyes as he walked over and untied her from the desk. He didn't touch her at all other than that. He just turned and walked away, leaving her journal on the desk next to her.

He walked to his bedroom and pulled out a suit case. His suitcase.... He had figured out that she had been faking the amnesia and now he understood why. She had been so wrong about that but that didn't mean she deserved what he had done to her. He turned to his dresser and packed a few things. It was time for him to leave this place once and for all.

Marie would call the police on him at some point and he wouldn't resist at all. He even considered calling them himself but that was her call to make.

What the fuck was he going to do now? He had lost Candace forever and now his sister for what he had done. The thought of the Hodges Bridge came to mind...


He could walk about onto the middle of the bridge like he had done a hundred times in the past growing up and after he had been thrown out of the home and just toss himself off it... with the rocks just under the water, it would be the last 5 seconds of his life.

He said nothing as he heard her moving about... he waited for her to hit him, slap him, call the cops, even pull dad's old gun and shoot him for what he did.... he was no different than dad had been. He wouldn't fight her. He had lost it all and now he had to figure out the next path in life he would need to take.... and that bridge kept coming back to mind....

As he finished the last of the items in his case... he closed it and lifted it off the bed, then turned to leave to find Marie standing there... looking at him. It was time to face the judgement.... he waited to see what she would say or do...