Multiple stabbing murders in Sydney

It puzzles me when people trot out the claim that the Australian government took away our guns.

Yes, we have to have firearms licenses and there are restrictions on the types of firearms that can be owned. Yes, lots of firearms were relinquished to the government because they were no longer legal or the owner didn’t want to go through the licensing process.

But even a simple google search on “Gun Ownership by Country” pops up a wiki entry (out of date by a few years) that shows Australia having over 3.5 million guns in civilian hands.

This equates to about 1 gun per every 7 people, though presumably that is misleading as many gun owners possess multiple firearms and the actual number of gun owning people would be far less.

Regardless, there are lots of firearms here.

We are much better at keeping them out of the hands of the crazies that the US seems to be.

There does seem to be evidence that the mentally ill stabber had attempted to obtain firearms but was unable to.

So I do wonder why the people claiming the government took away our guns keep making those claims. Are they too stupid to do a couple of minutes research, or being wilfully dishonest.
More information has come to light about this tragic event and it disturbs some of our misconceptions/assumptions (including mine)

The perpetrator looked Middle eastern but was not. He was not a Moslem. He had a history of Schizophrenia, a fascination with knives, and particularly, a problem in making relationships with women.

The first person who tried to protect some women was a refugee from violence in Pakistan, and only here for 7 months, He was a Moslem and security guard working his second job, and was stabbed to death while steering a group of women out of danger.

The second 'Hero' was a young man who held off the attacker on an escalator with only a plastic traffic cone to defend himself. This Frenchman, here on a 6 month working visa allowed many others to escape and drove the perpetrator up a floor into the path of the third heroine.

This rather attractive slightly ditzy looking blonde policewoman, with no support at all, walked straight towards the perpetrator, gave him one warning and killed him with a single shot when he failed to comply.

One's assumptions can be dangerous.
More information has come to light about this tragic event and it disturbs some of our misconceptions/assumptions (including mine)

The perpetrator looked Middle eastern but was not. He was not a Moslem. He had a history of Schizophrenia, a fascination with knives, and particularly, a problem in making relationships with women.

The first person who tried to protect some women was a refugee from violence in Pakistan, and only here for 7 months, He was a Moslem and security guard working his second job, and was stabbed to death while steering a group of women out of danger.

The second 'Hero' was a young man who held off the attacker on an escalator with only a plastic traffic cone to defend himself. This Frenchman, here on a 6 month working visa allowed many others to escape and drove the perpetrator up a floor into the path of the third heroine.

This rather attractive slightly ditzy looking blonde policewoman, with no support at all, walked straight towards the perpetrator, gave him one warning and killed him with a single shot when he failed to comply.

One's assumptions can be dangerous.

Correcting and clarifying the record is important.

And then there's the Church thing that also doesn't make sense.
More information has come to light about this tragic event and it disturbs some of our misconceptions/assumptions (including mine)

The perpetrator looked Middle eastern but was not. He was not a Moslem. He had a history of Schizophrenia, a fascination with knives, and particularly, a problem in making relationships with women.

The first person who tried to protect some women was a refugee from violence in Pakistan, and only here for 7 months, He was a Moslem and security guard working his second job, and was stabbed to death while steering a group of women out of danger.

The second 'Hero' was a young man who held off the attacker on an escalator with only a plastic traffic cone to defend himself. This Frenchman, here on a 6 month working visa allowed many others to escape and drove the perpetrator up a floor into the path of the third heroine.

This rather attractive slightly ditzy looking blonde policewoman, with no support at all, walked straight towards the perpetrator, gave him one warning and killed him with a single shot when he failed to comply.

One's assumptions can be dangerous.
Thank you for the clarification..... this crime involved 3 to 4 people to mitigate this attack who were at first blush, not trained for this action ... once again it required a good guy with a gun to stop a determined criminal from further action...
And then there's the Church thing that also doesn't make sense.
It does but it's weird. Bishop Mari Mari Emmanuel is a Bishop of a splinter part of the Assyrian Orthodox Church sometimes called the Nestorians. He is very popular with the expatriot Asyrian community which mainly lives in Western Sydney. He has decidedly Homophobic views has announced that the election of Donald Trump is the only hope for the future and generally has very conservative opinions. He is also an extreme anti vaxxer anti lockdown advocate. Unsurprisingly, he has no time for Moslems considering that his home country and flock was ravaged by ISIS.

The guy that stabbed him is a 16 year old Moslem with some record of mental health and behavioral issues. The problems occurred because the Bishops services are live streamed to thousands of Assyrians homes in addition to the in church congregation. This led to hundreds of angry people turning up very quickly demanding that the Police hand over the already arrested perpetrator to the Mob for summary punishment. The Police refused and the mob then decided to attack the Police. A number of Police were injured and there was damage to more than 50 police vehicles. Oddly enough, the extensive security cameras at the Church has allowed many people to be recognized and arrested. The Assyrian community is gunna find out very soon that vigilante justice doesn't get far in OZ and both the original perpetrator and the mob will be given time behind bars for their efforts.
Thank you for the clarification..... this crime involved 3 to 4 people to mitigate this attack who were at first blush, not trained for this action ... once again it required a good guy with a gun to stop a determined criminal from further action...
Though unlike in the US that “good guy” (actually a woman) was able to stop the criminal with far reduced danger to herself.

Though obviously not 100% sure, she was presumably confident she had the advantage as she had a firearm and he didn’t.

Thus she could visibly approach him and try to defuse the situation with minimal risk of being killed from a distance.

That failed. Some accounts claim he rushed at her (we will find out in time) but instead of shooting her dead from a distance, he was the one who came off worst.
Though unlike in the US that “good guy” (actually a woman) was able to stop the criminal with far reduced danger to herself.

Though obviously not 100% sure, she was presumably confident she had the advantage as she had a firearm and he didn’t.

Thus she could visibly approach him and try to defuse the situation with minimal risk of being killed from a distance.

That failed. Some accounts claim he rushed at her (we will find out in time) but instead of shooting her dead from a distance, he was the one who came off worst.
So this begs the question of without the firearm, would it have been possible for the police woman to subdue the criminal without additional help ?... I'll add this, it's rather surprising how quickly a determined person can cover 21 feet from a standstill to contact...... ask me how I know......
Our police are equiped with a variety of tools including tasers. But they seem to be of dubious effectiveness.

I don’t really want to second guess her actions, but I imagine that without her gun she would have used her taser.

I’m actually surprised there aren’t the usual rabble here in the media complaining that she didn’t use her taser or shoot him in the legs or didn’t do a triple backflip flying kick in slow motion while getting him to sign a consent form for her to touch him.

I don’t really want our police to be evenly matched with murderers. It isn’t a TV martial arts tournament.
It puzzles me when people trot out the claim that the Australian government took away our guns.

Yes, we have to have firearms licenses and there are restrictions on the types of firearms that can be owned. Yes, lots of firearms were relinquished to the government because they were no longer legal or the owner didn’t want to go through the licensing process.

But even a simple google search on “Gun Ownership by Country” pops up a wiki entry (out of date by a few years) that shows Australia having over 3.5 million guns in civilian hands.

This equates to about 1 gun per every 7 people, though presumably that is misleading as many gun owners possess multiple firearms and the actual number of gun owning people would be far less.

Regardless, there are lots of firearms here.

We are much better at keeping them out of the hands of the crazies that the US seems to be.

There does seem to be evidence that the mentally ill stabber had attempted to obtain firearms but was unable to.

So I do wonder why the people claiming the government took away our guns keep making those claims. Are they too stupid to do a couple of minutes research, or being wilfully dishonest.
They do the same about Canada. We have guns. We have lots of guns. They are just retards who parrot fox news.
Thank you for the clarification..... this crime involved 3 to 4 people to mitigate this attack who were at first blush, not trained for this action ... once again it required a good guy with a gun to stop a determined criminal from further action...
So this begs the question of without the firearm, would it have been possible for the police woman to subdue the criminal without additional help ?... I'll add this, it's rather surprising how quickly a determined person can cover 21 feet from a standstill to contact...... ask me how I know......
278 "Good guys with guns" stood around in an elementary school in Uvalde Texas, waiting patiently for a "mentally ill" white guy with a grudge to complete his school massacre.

Lots of them probably drew overtime pay too, I'd wager.

Guess they lacked "determination".....or maybe "guts"......but their steel peener substitutes were of little use to them.