Maybe someone can explain this to me

It’s fact, full stop. Biden did not have the authority to possess classified documents period, never mind having possession for over 20 years.
lol they found some file in a box in his garage. They were turned in. Trump had rooms full of files, claimed in July they were all returned. The FBI raided his home and found 90 plus files...fuck off with your Biden outrage, it might be believable if you claimed the same about Trump. But you don't.
God, you are SO right. I mean, remember when the Democrats tried to take legal action against the newly elected president because he hadn't received a majority of the popular vote? Or when they spent years arguing that he didn't meet the constitutional requirement of a native born citizen because his father was foreign and his mother was too young to count in her own right? Shameless!

Oh, wait a was the Republicans who did the first one to Clinton and the second one to Obama. Never mind!
Challenging the results of an election is legal. Eliminating a political opponent through the use of law-fare is cowardly. Challenging Obama’s citizenship is old news, it’s not the same as eliminating the competition using the justice system.
Challenging the results of an election is legal. Eliminating a political opponent through the use of law-fare is cowardly. Challenging Obama’s citizenship is old news, it’s not the same as eliminating the competition using the justice system.
He eliminated himself with his actions
Challenging the results of an election is legal.
It is if you have legitimate reasons to think it was called incorrectly. That was not the case with the Republicans who spent years whining that Clinton was somehow illegitimate because he hadn't won a majority of the popular vote. (And these are the exact same people who spent 2001-04 and 2017-2020 reminding anyone who would listen that the popular vote is meaningless!)
Eliminating a political opponent through the use of law-fare is cowardly.
Not if there's a real case to be made that he deserves to be eliminated, which certainly is the case here. Whether you agree or not that the 14th Amendment applies to Trump, the fact is that the case could be made. And it's not a matter of cowardice, but rather of preventing a dangerous demagogue from coming to power again.
Challenging Obama’s citizenship is old news, it’s not the same as eliminating the competition using the justice system.
You're right, it's not the same. With Trump, there IS cause to challenge his eligibility. With Obama, there was not.
The reason you can focus on all these legal woes stems from 2 issues, a complicit media and weaponizing our justice system. Pop the hood and take a deeper look of what democrats really stand for. Look closely at the ethical backgrounds of Fani Willis, Smith, ‘Tish James, Bragg and the lopsided use of the justice system against republicans and the media running a protection racket for the Biden’s. Democrats are the party of tyranny, win at all cost even if it destroys any semblance of law and order. Case in point, only democrats would attempt to eliminate a candidate using the courts rather than the will of the people, raw naked fascism.
You're funny.
The thing that gets me is the argument currently is that the President has immunity unless he is convicted by the Senate and removed.

During 45's impeachment hearings, the line was that his crimes would be addressed in the courts rather than in the Senate.

Seems to me that this means that no President can commit any crime and be held accountable based on this logic.
Ashley Biden wrote a book?
Maybe this asshole means her diary!

Stolen.. and those who stole it are facing charges

May this asshole’s daughter lose hers!!

Someone steals dugout shit and we are to believe does not misrepresent what is in it


Can anyone find another book this asshole is referring to?? I found nothing! She must have a horrible publisher !!
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Because Presidential immunity applies to the President. Not the VP or a congressman. Biden wasn't Prez when he did the bad stuff you conveniently omit from your discussion points.
The Fraud case steams from what Trump did in 2011-2012, Manhattan: Defamation and Sexual Assault case relates to stuff Trump did in the 90’s, Mar-a-Lago Documents case is for what he did after leaving office, yet thump claims presidential immunity in all these cases. While presidential immunity is a thing it only applies to things done while the president is in office not to anything before or after the term.. Secondly it only applies to things directly related to the job of being president..

If a president orders a drone strike on Usama ben Ladin he is immune to murder charges killing the enemies of this nation is part of the job of a president. If he hires a bunch of burglars to break in to the office of a political opponent to steal files presidential immunity does not apply, political dirty tricks are not in the job description (officially)..

Trump is calling for presidential immunity to apply to everything he;s done past, present and future.
My question is, 'why do Republicans believe presidential immunity is absolute for trump yet doesn't exist for Biden?'
I can't make the question simpler than that.
They don't. You don't see Republicans filing suit against the Biden family in state courts all over the country. We do see an impeachment inquiry proceeding and congressional investigations if they are successful and Biden is impeached you could then see him being prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. The difference is Trump didn't commit any crimes while in office.

Don’t forget that previously his same lawyers said that he couldn’t be impeached but could face the courts.. now they reverse that thought

Fuck McConnel said the courts would handle the case!

What the FUCK happened to Checks and Balances???

Republicans bitched about partisanship of impeachments. Clinton impeached over sex! Sedition and a coup? Naw!! Using Presidential power to get foreign nation to investigate an opponent? Sure! That’s just “maladministration” not ABUSE OF POWER

Let’s not forget Lindsay Graham speachifying about the sanctity of the Presidency that Clinton had besmirched. Trump shit all over the Presidency and Lisdsay licked him clean!

Sorry to be so crude….. no I’m not

But God forbid you “air squeeze” a woman’s tits in her sleep !! Fuck “Prostitutes” while married.. pay to cover it up? God’s Party approves !
They don't. You don't see Republicans filing suit against the Biden family in state courts all over the country. We do see an impeachment inquiry proceeding and congressional investigations if they are successful and Biden is impeached you could then see him being prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. The difference is Trump didn't commit any crimes while in office.
Apart from, I dunno; tax fraud, theft from charities, inciting insurrection, possession of classified documents, destruction of evidence, falsifying business records.
They don't. You don't see Republicans filing suit against the Biden family in state courts all over the country. We do see an impeachment inquiry proceeding and congressional investigations if they are successful and Biden is impeached you could then see him being prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. The difference is Trump didn't commit any crimes while in office.
God, you crack me up!
They don't. You don't see Republicans filing suit against the Biden family in state courts all over the country. We do see an impeachment inquiry proceeding and congressional investigations if they are successful and Biden is impeached you could then see him being prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. The difference is Trump didn't commit any crimes while in office.
What? There is plenty of evidence of Trump personally making phone calls to urge people to falsify election results on his behalf and other calls pressuring election officials not the certify election results.. There are recordings of the calls.

Trump never attempted to conceal the fact that he had government documents in his possession?

Biden had some documents as well but when Biden’s lawyer found the documents they didn’t conceal the fact Biden had them. They called the proper authorities and said, “We have some paperwork we don’t think we are suppose to have what do we do?”

The records office said send them to us, and Biden’s lawyers overnighted the papers to the proper place..

They didn’t deny they had them, they didn’t try to hide them, they didn’t move them elsewhere. They sent them back like the law requires to do anything less is a violation of the law.. One of these things is not like the other.

Trump received and kept valuable gifts from other heads of state and keep them.. While he can’t easily refuse a gift from the king of wherever, that’s rude an as a representative of America he needs to show a high degree of decorum.. He has no choice but to accept the gift.. But if said gift is over $415 by law state he has to turn it over to the government its against the law for him to keep it.. DJ broke that law on several occasions.

As far as Biden goes there’s an inquiry of impeachment and they find something by all means impeach, if he is impeached by all means have a trial.. If he is convicted sentence to the harshest penalty allowed under the law.. I believe 99% of democrats will say what I said.. They won’t be crying he has immunity,
What? There is plenty of evidence of Trump personally making phone calls to urge people to falsify election results on his behalf and other calls pressuring election officials not the certify election results.. There are recordings of the calls.
You've been here long enough to know, if Trump did it, Reighguide has long since convinced himself it cannot be a crime, period. In that particular case, he thinks Trump was just promoting national security by sniffing out corruption overseas. Or something.
Let me try to understand so Trump was "pretending" to pressure election officials' into subverting the counts to ferret out those who actually would and trump always fights for truth, justice and the American way.. Got it..
Let me try to understand so Trump was "pretending" to pressure election officials' into subverting the counts to ferret out those who actually would and trump always fights for truth, justice and the American way.. Got it..

You've gotten to the point that you will say anything in order to think you're correct. You're not.

The issues here are cutting edge and the outcome isn't known at this point. However, based on other similar cases/issues we can apply the concepts in those decisions to Trump's actions and see where we are.

The result after doing that is not what you want so instead of accepting it you go all in on the defamation and anti-Trump ideology skewed outlook by posting a twisted and distorted view of the world and then say it's all Trump's fault.

It's not. It's you. It's always been you.
Yes I get you're pretty slow on the uptake,but you kept you face out of here for two months. When I'm bored I'll go and un-bury your idiotic November scientific comments
Trust the science!! Lol. You’ll go down in the history books as a big disappointment.