May this forum die, screaming and wallowing in a pool of its own excreta

I think there should be a forum called "Outside" then when the trolls get into it with each other we can tell them "Take it Outside".

PoliteSuccubus said:
I think there should be a forum called "Outside" then when the trolls get into it with each other we can tell them "Take it Outside".


I agree. And I also like the making of this forum... Though... taking a lead from George Carlin, in Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back

(i have no idea why i watched the movie either... besides the fact that I enjoy all of the movies that keven smith made)

" Gay, straight, bi, ... its all the same now a days, it isn't the 90's"
... or something to that effect anyway. We are so intermingled into most communities now, it doesn't matter. It is still a struggle and have unique problems, and over comings and all, but sometimes, its just good to know that there are others

::hugs community::
sexy-girl said:
i was debating on if i would post on this thread or not ... because although i wouldn't put it quite as never did ... i agree with her

the reason why i was debating on posting on this thread was because i don't intend to post on this forum at all ... that sounds awfully bitter and childish ... sorry :)

its just for me the general board has accepted every lesbian issue thread i've started over there ... theres been a strong GBLT community over there mixed in with everyone else in a very natural vibe ... it would of been great if the GBLT people from the BDSM forum posted on the GB when they wanted to talk about such issues

Can relate to where you are coming from, but hope LGBT people from the BDSM board don't go to the GB (though recent events would say it is not a huge danger)!! As a high percentage of posters to the BDSM board fall into the LGBT community, it would sadly deplete valuable contributors to a body of discussion which promotes understanding and exchange of information within the BDSM community.

Have yet to see a post where our LGBT community was marginalised by straights in BDSM and as the focus is on BDSM believe that is where it is best posted. Becomes complicated if people are going to frequent one board only, having to choose between their sexuality choices, but time consuming straddling 2-3 choices also....exhausted!! Would be great if good threads could be duplicated where they are inter-related, (eg. queer within BDSM), but cumbersome and very wasteful of space too I imagine....oh for a perfect world.

So I guess that brings it back to purpose of boards. I believe separation is good to allow ease of discussion on areas of interest, but not if it is a desire to exclude others who are for all intents and purposes accepting and a step backwards and an unravelling of decades of hard work to promote inclusiveness and equality. Thus BDSM board discusses subjects primarily, but not exclusively, BDSM, while my understanding is GLBT board deals with issues which are primarily LGBT, though not exclusively. IMHO that is the beauty of the diversity of Lit members and the commitment by many to work toward tolerance and celebration of difference.

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Here's a heterosexual perspective on this forum. While I can appreciate MzC's desire for a "safe" place to post without being flamed, I think in the big picture, it also presents some problems.

1) Whenever anyone does get flamed on the GB for being gay (I haven't seen it happen to lesbians) the effect is that it makes the gay basher look like the idiots they are, thereby increasing the acceptance of gays/lesbians to a majority or posters on the GB who may not interact with gays/lesbians in real life. Living in the east village of manhattan, I have plenty of wonderful interactions with them, but others here on Lit may not.

2) I saw a special last night on PBS about whether or not "homosexuality" was natural. The show debunked the myth about it not being natural by focusing the show on homosexuality in the animal kingdom. I am going to start a thread about it, but where to do it. According to the sticky, since it is not about "heterosexuality," I could post it here. However, most of the people who post here know that homosexuality is a natural dynamic, both among humans and animals. I decided I am going to post it on the GB, as I feel the "exposure" on the issue would be more beneficial there.

In any event, I wish the forum and those who choose to post here the best of luck making this forum what you want it to be and what you need it to be.
Never is just mad at me for whatever reason, I think. I'm not concerned. Since there's valid discussion in this thread, I'll leave it alone.
I'm mad at you?
Is it because you're so beautiful? "For some reason" is a tad vague. Isn't it more likely that I really don't think this forum?

Seriously though, it's nothing personal. Please don't take it that way.
Etoile said:
Never is just mad at me for whatever reason, I think. I'm not concerned. Since there's valid discussion in this thread, I'll leave it alone.

Etoile, I hope you will take a moment to reflect on how it may come across to people when you say things like "Since there's valid discussion in this thread, I'll leave it alone."
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Queersetti said:
Etolie, I hope you will take a moment to reflect on how it may come across to people when you say things like "Since there's valid discussion in this thread, I'll leave it alone."

I agree with Queersetti on this one. I am fast becoming disenchanted with this forum. I'd much rather go post somewhere where I don't have to worry if what I am saying is considered by one to be valid or not.
Etoile said:
Never is just mad at me for whatever reason, I think. I'm not concerned. Since there's valid discussion in this thread, I'll leave it alone.

If you are not concerned why post that? Why the snippy remark too? I think a moderated board is a wonderful idea. I'm not a very die hard poster anyway. But, I do think maybe you should lighten up
FinestSilk said:
I agree with Queersetti on this one. I am fast becoming disenchanted with this forum. I'd much rather go post somewhere where I don't have to worry if what I am saying is considered by one to be valid or not.

There is the problem in a nutshell. Once people begin to worry whether or not their point of view is appropriate to be voiced, they will begin to hold back, and discussion is stifled.
I think that it's important to have this board...yes, we can post on the GB, but many of us have grown tired of the petty bullshit on the GB.

I'm thrilled to see a place to talk to my community in this forum, the same as I enjoy talking to authors in that forum.
I don't know about everyone else but I do not eat, sleep, and drink my sexual orientation. It is only one part of my life. Yes there are times when discussion centers around that orientation, but I do like to discuss other things too. I guess I kind of looked at this forum as a place not to just discuss GLBT issues, but also as a place where those of us that are GLBT can discuss other things as well without having to worry about someone zeroing in on our orientation and making an issue out of that.
FinestSilk said:
I don't know about everyone else but I do not eat, sleep, and drink my sexual orientation. It is only one part of my life. Yes there are times when discussion centers around that orientation, but I do like to discuss other things too. I guess I kind of looked at this forum as a place not to just discuss GLBT issues, but also as a place where those of us that are GLBT can discuss other things as well without having to worry about someone zeroing in on our orientation and making an issue out of that.

I agree with you, and I suspect a great many other people do as well.

The question becomes, will this board be allowed to develop into what the posters want to make of it?
Originally posted by Never Not at all.
I think we should have a black forum
A Jew forum
A male forum
A female forum
A bestiality forum
An incest forum
A vanilla forum
A straight forum
and a white forum.
But what about the APATHY FORUM. Granted, it would probably not be all too active, but those folks deserve a voice too.
(Yes folks, this is a joke. It's kinda scary that I feel I have to state that openly.)
I've sat and watched whole bulletin boards disappear because they "grew" all of a sudden, and without warning. It divides people up, that may not want to be divided up.

If the gays & lesbians et al. have their own forum, then there SHOULD be a straight forum. Then there will be more segregation from each other. Sadly this is taking people who were friends and tearing them a bit apart, because they can't post together anymore.

The over-moderation certainly isn't helping.

Queersetti said:
There is the problem in a nutshell. Once people begin to worry whether or not their point of view is appropriate to be voiced, they will begin to hold back, and discussion is stifled.

................and the forum will die.
I've seen it happen most recently in another place.
Ya'll just jealous that my thread has valid discussion.

Seriously, Etolie has stated that she thinks I'm making some sort of attack on her because I don't like this forum. When people feel attacked it's difficult to not sound defensive.

Queersetti, I do agree that this forum needs to accept a broader range of topics and embrace different views. Like Finesilk, I don't eat, sleep, and breathe my sexuality.

I'm working about eleven hours a day now. Think you could come to Mass and show my body some serious worshiping? Or some light and playful worshiping? Or some rough and sweaty worshiping?

Say yes, or I'll assult you with smilies.

Angel, It's legal in California though.. right?
Never said:

Angel, It's legal in California though.. right?

No, here we have "Domestic Partnerships". We can always run off to Canada, and you'd have to duel my boyfriend. :D
Never said:
I'm working about eleven hours a day now. Think you could come to Mass and show my body some serious worshiping? Or some light and playful worshiping? Or some rough and sweaty worshiping?

Say yes, or I'll assult you with smilies.


Oh not me.... FUCK

navarre said:
................and the forum will die.
I've seen it happen most recently in another place.

With the utmost respect - forums only die if the members allow them to.

In my opinion any new forum will need to go through a growing process - and if allowed to grow at its own pace, will thrive and flourish.

I have seen forums contract a little after an initial burst of activity; I have also seen forums change out of all recognition from their original purpose ... and I have seen forums being close by the owner/moderators because they could no longer stand the backbiting and bitching ... but die???

(The new(ish) forum I most regularly post in is once again quite vibrant after some growing pains. :) )
Can't we all just get along?

yeah yeah... I know...
people in hell want icewater.

Whatever flavor you are....

Give Etolie a break.. sheesh people.

Pull the sticks out of your asses 'n put something abit more friendly there if you'de like.

yeah maybe she did get abit defensive. Who wouldn't?

Nobody's perfect and the same people sitting here typeing and talking all about tolerancy and acceptance of who and what they are... now sit here and bash on other people as they've been bashed on themselves.

shame on you.
DarkLadyOfDeath said:
Can't we all just get along?

yeah yeah... I know...
people in hell want icewater.

Whatever flavor you are....

Give Etolie a break.. sheesh people.

Pull the sticks out of your asses 'n put something abit more friendly there if you'de like.

yeah maybe she did get abit defensive. Who wouldn't?

Nobody's perfect and the same people sitting here typeing and talking all about tolerancy and acceptance of who and what they are... now sit here and bash on other people as they've been bashed on themselves.

shame on you.

Thanks, but you've walked in a bit late.

We've already worked it out.