Luna's Faces, Characters and Ideas

Karina Valero--

One of my fave faces

Ooooo, she's pretty.
Yeah except.... *grins* the man never ever finishes. *snickers* Do you have any idea how many stories he and I started but then he just... poofs. At least it's just not me he does that to.
I can't even see HOW anyone could walk away from your words. I told you long ago, I stalk your writing dammit.
Also, I finally threw a small ad up to see if I could get sone takers...wish me luck.

cuddles the heck outta the beauties...
I can't even see HOW anyone could walk away from your words. I told you long ago, I stalk your writing dammit.
awww Luna. You're making me blush.

I think I have 4 ongoing stories now. My co-writers are really patient with me while I handle a bunch of stuff in RL.
awww Luna. You're making me blush.

I think I have 4 ongoing stories now. My co-writers are really patient with me while I handle a bunch of stuff in RL.
You always deserve patience. beauty. Real life has always trumped story time.


I want some Luna writings, dammit.

I have no issues writing guys In fact (depending upon the depths of my dark lil brain) certain stories beg for guys when I can't make women FIT the aesthetic. Just sayin'
Someone, please allow me to write a Drow elf for this reason RIGHT HERE

I think the hardest part about using drow is people get stuck on the society of Menzoberranzan where the options for men are slaves, weapons masters, or wizards. Similarly that's what people assume all drow females are like or force all drow females to be like instead of remembering that they can make them be like whatever they want.
I think the hardest part about using drow is people get stuck on the society of Menzoberranzan where the options for men are slaves, weapons masters, or wizards. Similarly that's what people assume all drow females are like or force all drow females to be like instead of remembering that they can make them be like whatever they want.
This is truth. I want a pure D&D story where my girly escapes JUST to make it topside....I love ranger types and the average elfin femme does nothing for me. But Drow women?? Egads, all the yes.
This is truth. I want a pure D&D story where my girly escapes JUST to make it topside....I love ranger types and the average elfin femme does nothing for me. But Drow women?? Egads, all the yes.
Unless you just do a world where there is no Underdark and Menzoberranzan exists on the surface, protected by a permanent Greater Darkness spell, or somebody snuck down there and "rescued" a drow high priestess baby somehow, we won't go into the details of how somebody snuck in and out of both that city and one of those giant complexes and mansions, lol.
Unless you just do a world where there is no Underdark and Menzoberranzan exists on the surface, protected by a permanent Greater Darkness spell, or somebody snuck down there and "rescued" a drow high priestess baby somehow, we won't go into the details of how in and out of both that city and those mansions, lol.
shhhhh lemme wallow in make-believe dang it.
shhhhh lemme wallow in make-believe dang it.
That's the thing, you don't have to wallow. You could just have drow be on the surface and have all the abilities of the high born if you want, with no explanation required. Each thread is your world to do with as you wish.