lincoln project ad driving trump crazy


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Donald Trump appears to be losing sleep over a new ad from The Lincoln Project. The ad, which ran in Mar-a-Lago and South Carolina over the weekend and was posted on social media, called Trump out for ordering Republicans to block the border security bill that would have provided border patrol crucial resources to secure the southern border and protect American families.

Trump, an adjudicated rapist, fired off a post on his social media app after midnight on the east coast, complaining about the "perverts at the Failed Lincoln Project" and threatening "[w]atch what happens to these Failed Lincoln Proiect screwballs!”"

In response, Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson released a video calling Trump a "weak, nihilistic weirdo."
the clips are in the article
"Joe Biden is ready to protect America’s southern border. Crack down on illegal crossings. Set tough but fair, new standards. Build up border patrol, adding thousands of new agents. Stop the flow of fentanyl, child sex traffickers, and even terrorists. There’s only one problem," the narrator says, as a clip of President Biden completes the sentence, "Donald Trump."
I think it's a slam dunk issue for Democrats. Republicans had a bill that would deal with the border, asylum issues, backlogs and parole and said no. They deserve to be called out for it
It's obvious why Trump and his band of goose stepping Nazi wannabes did not allow the bill to go through. They want to keep the status quo in place so they can continue scaring their Fox watching legions of old white people into shitting their pants.
Well? The Dems (Hillary) did buy the Steele Report from McCain, no? So it’s not heard of

Just repost their stuff!!