Kidnapped to an Island Paradise (closed for Magellans_demon)

As Jack approached, Katy was unsure what to do, she couldn't avoid him forever but equally wasn't sure how to deal with this, hoping he'd let her down gently, accept the mistake or at least pretend to, and go on enjoying whatever the time was together, if she was very lucky.

"Katy I'm not sorry for saying what I said about loving to be with you. And I have a feeling you feel the same way too. I heard the words that slipped so easily from you and they made me happy. I too have deeper feelings for you and want to spend more time getting to know you better both here on the island and on the mainland.... I thought we were developing something special and I would love to find out where it takes us. But I understand your feelings too that maybe I was wrong to use those words since I brought you to the island in a way that is really inexcusable. And for that I'm sorry.... Katy, if what I said offended you and all you want is to be friends and nothing more while we are on the island I totally understand. But I was hoping for something more because the longer I'm with you the more I want to be with you."

Listening each time Jack spoke, Katy wanted to reply to everything he said, relieved and happy with the way he was talking about his feelings for her, but she felt frozen to the spot, still stuck in her fears and doubts. If she opened her mouth she'd burst out in the tears she was restraining, or say something even more silly than she had so far. Her mind had swung so quickly, from feeling peaceful and happy with him, to letting all of her doubts run riot over her again and now she didn't trust herself to do or say anything more right now.

As Jack looked at her and took in all the fear and worry she held, any light left in his expression seemed to dull as he looked as though he was giving up trying to speak to her.

"I'll leave you alone to your thoughts and wait for you on the shore,"

Hearing these final words Katy felt her stomach drop, not knowing what to do next in this situation or between them at all but very sure she didn't want him to go if she had the choice. Unsure what to do she bit her lip, wanting to tell him not to leave but feeling she could barely make a muscle move. He was about to leave regardless though, his muscles steadying to leave the rocks and she felt she'd steered them both into an ultimatum, if she didn't do anything now she'd easily lose the opportunity he'd offered.

"Don't," she blurted suddenly, even surprising herself, but it seemed much clearer in that moment that if she didn't stop him now she'd make things even worse than she already had. It would be all her fault then she'd lost this chance and she might not be able to get it back. It wouldn't be him rejecting her as she feared all along, but her voluntarily giving it up and could she be really that much of an idiot, even in her most pessimistic thoughts?

"Please, wait" she almost stuttered. "I don't know if I should be left with my own thoughts, I don't seem to be able to keep them from running into chaos" she smiled awkwardly, her mind offering up a small joke at her own expense to try and distract her from risking sobs.

Swallowing and taking a deep breath she calmed herself as much as she could. "I'm sorry, I seem to keep messing everything up after you make it so good and then I come crashing through."

She let her words flow out like a dam bursting, knowing it was likely the worst way to do this, almost anyone else would know how to be more graceful but she heard everything she was feeling tipping out of her in her haste not to miss the moment after all.

"I don't want to be friends, I'd love to be something more but I didn't think you'd want anything like that. I didn't meant to let it slip out but I think I'm in love with you, it sounds stupid though when I hear myself say it, especially the way things started, that doesn't seem to matter or feel real anymore though now we're here and know each other more. I don't mind if you think I'm going too fast and shouldn't say I'm falling for you, we can keep getting to know each other, I'm not asking for anything more. You're really special, gorgeous and thoughtful and fascinating and I... don't know when to shut up...." she finished babbling, bright pink again as she bit her lip, looking at him to say something.
Every muscle in his body tensed up, ready to slide back into the water. A sense of disappointment enveloped him, thinking the relationship that seemed to be budding was coming to an end. Leaning forward, ready to make the move, he heard a loud, "Don't," Every muscle fiber in his body tightened as his mind tried to process what it heard. He looked at Katy, seeing her eyes blinking as if she surprised herself.

He remained rooted to the spot like a statue, listening to her sputtering appeal. "Please, wait ....... I don't know if I should be left with my own thoughts, I don't seem to be able to keep them from running into chaos" He saw the look of concern and some confusion on her face as if she were fighting some internal demon. He shifted his body to look at her, seeing her take a deep breath and then say, "I'm sorry, I seem to keep messing everything up after you make it so good and then I come crashing through."

"No ..... don't say that," he whispered and then stopped, listening to her.

"I don't want to be friends, I'd love to be something more but I didn't think you'd want anything like that. I didn't meant to let it slip out but I think I'm in love with you, it sounds stupid though when I hear myself say it, especially the way things started, that doesn't seem to matter or feel real anymore though now we're here and know each other more. I don't mind if you think I'm going too fast and shouldn't say I'm falling for you, we can keep getting to know each other, I'm not asking for anything more. You're really special, gorgeous and thoughtful and fascinating and I... don't know when to shut up...."

His heart soared hearing she wanted to be something more than just friends and she thought she was falling in love with him. His mind tried to process the rapid fire words spilling from her lips and he couldn't hide the smile that began to form on his face. She was falling in love with him and that was good enough for him. She seemed to still be on the fence, after confessing she thought she was falling in love with him and then saying she didn't mind if he thought she was going too fast and shouldn't tell him she was falling for him.

As Jack processed her words, it seemed she wanted the relationship to blossom but at the same time afraid of rejection. He could only think of Michael, remembering how he treated her the few times he saw them together. Was that how he treated her? Keeping her guessing what was the right thing to say and do. It it was, he could understand how she wanted something but was afraid she might be rejected.

He heard her stop talking and look at him, and he felt nothing but love for her. It seemed she was on the verge of breaking down, seeing her lips quiver a little and her eyes blinking rapidly. Moving quickly, he put his arm around her shoulders, feeling her body shaking slightly as he moved closer, twisting his body so he was looking at her.

"Katy ..... " It was all he could say for the moment, staring into her eyes, seeing her eyes wanting him to say something. He pushed a few wet strands of hair from her face and smiled. "I'm falling head over heels for you and up until today, I tried to keep it hidden. But I can't hide my feelings anymore. I think of the little things you do, your smile, your laugh, everything about you make me happy and I love you for who you are ..... a kind beautiful person inside and out." He stopped for a moment and then added, "I only want you to be happy and if I can in some small way make you happy then I'm happy."

He knew he was now making a confession that had been boiling inside him for the last few days. Leaning toward her he kissed her forehead and wrapped his other arm around her drawing her into him. It was awkward, holding onto her on the smooth outcropping rock. There wasn't much room to maneuver and he could only hold her, gingerly without falling into the water. But he felt he needed to hold her and feel her lips against his. After another kiss on her forehead, his lips slid downward to lay a butterfly kiss on the tip of her nose and then their lips met. He felt her body pushing against his as the kiss deepened, tongues slipping in and out gently but with passion.

When the kiss broke, he smiled. He could tell she wanted to speak but he put his finger on her lips. "What do you say we slip back into the water where it's not as risky to fall off these rocks." He saw her smile and quickly slipped into the water, turning to look at her nakedness.

"Come to me my mermaid," he said with a laugh and smile seeing her slip into the water and into his arms. "This is better," he said feeling her arms wrap around his shoulders, her hard nipples pressing into his chest, kissing as they moved a short distance until he could feel the sand beneath his feet. "I'm falling for you Katy," he whispered hoping that he had washed away some of her doubts and concerns about him.
On edge for a moment, wishing she'd stopped for a more mature conversation rather than pull away and then rattle off everything in her mind at him like a dam breaking, Katy leant unconsciously towards Jack's touch as he pulled closer to her.

Hearing his words, although a lot more steady and coherent than hers, echoing the same sentiments and more, she smiled but more softly than before, a visible wave of relief running through her as her body relaxed and the tension left her face, feeling less giddy happiness and more secure contentment with him.

She still felt silly, now for causing so much drama when he'd apparently been feeling the same way she was, but she could live with that. If he hadn't been shocked or turned off by her so far then what did it matter, the outcome was all that mattered and was turning out much better than she'd been hoping. The fact that he loved her too, spoke so openly and lovingly about her reassured all her worst predictions, she felt like everything she'd been hoping for was confirmed and that if it got any better she was going to burst.

"Come to me my mermaid," she heard him say, happily sliding off the rock to be caught by him, "This is better....."

Katy relaxed into his arms as she kept hers around his neck, wrapping her legs around him as if to try to get back to before she lost her nerve. It was heavenly to be able to be with him now knowing everything would be ok, for now at least. Strangely even being given more than she was expecting, suddenly having more to lose, didn't unsettle her. Maybe this wouldn't work out one day but it was working out now, and she could feel secure in that, it was wonderful not to have to try and work out where you stood with someone every second or figure out the lies from the truth constantly. She looked into his eyes affectionately as he whispered to her,

"I'm falling for you Katy,"

"That definitely makes me happy" she murmured back in reply as she held onto him, her words far more relaxed now, a lot of the worry gone from her attitude now. As she spoke she broke up her sentences with light kisses over his lips, her smile comfortably twitching over her mouth. "You absolutely make me happy. I love you. There, it's out. I'm glad we don't have to hide anything any more. I don't want to hide how I'm feeling. I love you and I want to show you how happy you make me."

Drawing him into a longer, passionate but still slow kiss, Katy could finally unwind and fully enjoy the feel of him, enjoy their lips and tongues scarcely moving against each other, just taking time to taste and explore each other. When they pulled apart again, Katy was flushed and her eyes shone as she focused on Jack, her mind floating.

"If I'm your mermaid..." she asked in mock thought, "then I'm confused about whether you're a passing sailor who's caught me, or still my world famous soccer star, or my gorgeous personal stripper...? Not that it matters at all, as long I can be yours, please." she smiled.
Happiness filled his entire being when she murmured and commented, "That definitely makes me happy" in response to him saying he was falling for her. He noticed a distinct change in her facial expression, seemingly more relaxed.

His smile broadened as she kissed him lightly, pulling away after a brief touch of their lips to tell him between sentences,
"You absolutely make me happy. I love you. There, it's out. I'm glad we don't have to hide anything any more. I don't want to hide how I'm feeling. I love you and I want to show you how happy you make me."
He wanted to say something but his words were smothered by her lips pressing passionately against his. It seemed her whole world changed with those few words that held so much meaning. The kiss was long and ardent filled with desire of what was to come. His hands held onto her hips, then sliding to cup her buttocks, pulling her tight against him knowing she could feel his growing desire, before sliding up her back, holding her close.

When the kiss finally ended he was breathless as was she as he uttered, "I love you Katy and I'm glad it's out in the open now. I've wanted to tell you but didn't think you felt the same way. But now I want to only make you happy."
But there was one secret he held back telling her. Even though they professed their love moments ago, he still held off telling her he was a very wealthy man. He thought of what he had told her so far and everything was truthful, about him being an accountant, he had a condo in town, his father was an accountant, his mother passed away. But he didn't fill in all the details surrounding his feud with his father ..... that this was his island ..... and he was the owner of a multi-corporate organization ..... and when they returned to the mainland he had a mansion that was his. Something told him not to ruin the moment and he resolved that before they left the island, if they were still lovers, he would tell her everything.

When they pulled apart again, he saw Katy was flushed and her eyes, once filled with sorrow, were now sparkling and seemingly brimming with love. He listened to her jubilant voice saying, "If I'm your mermaid... then I'm confused about whether you're a passing sailor who's caught me, or still my world famous soccer star, or my gorgeous personal stripper...? Not that it matters at all, as long I can be yours, please."
They were still in chest high water and Jack chuckled at her question, taking a moment to stare into her smiling face, trying to think of something to say back to her. He let out a laugh, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and then responded to her questions.
"The answer to your question if very simple and intriguing at the same time. For you see, I am all of those men to you but there is one catch."

Her questioning gaze made him smile. "First off I am your world famous soccer player who will love you and take you all over the world to fantastic cities where the matches are played and afterwards we will make love in the most beautiful places the world has to offer."

He heard her chuckle but he knew secretly he was capable of taking her to distant lands to see the world's treasures. But that conversation would have to wait.

He leaned in to give her another kiss and pulled back with a big smile on his face. "And I'm your gorgeous personal stripper who will perform privately for you any time you wish. I will thrill you with my moves and tantalize you with hints of what awaits you each time we make love. And since I'm your famous soccer player, I will strip for you anywhere in the world, you only need to say the word.

He chuckled remembering the promise he made to her about teasing her like she did to him. But he was already scheming as to what pleasurable punishment he was going to make her endure until it ended with pleasure for her and him.

And now for the last of my personalities. The first two can't happen without the last. He could see he had her attention as he leaned in for one more kiss before he told her. "For you see my dear sweet beautiful mermaid the first two can't be enjoyed because everyone knows that mermaids don't have legs ..... well except in the movies." He squeezed her against him, whispering, "I happen to know that there is a way mermaids can get legs and walk on land for as long as they want."

He saw her head tilt backwards slightly, knowing she was trying to figure what he was talking about. He began to walk backward toward the shore, telling her, "there is a true story of a sailor who happened upon a mermaid stuck in the shallow water. As they got closer, he slowly lowered both of them into the surf.

"The sailor was enamored with the beauty of the mermaid so much so that he lay beside her wanting to help her. But the mermaid was also stricken with love struck eyes and soon they began to make love. And as the waves crashed over the lovers making love in the surf her bottom was transformed into beautiful legs just like yours Katy."

Jack pulled Katy against him just as a wave crashed around them, his lips touching hers. "You're my beautiful mermaid and this sailor wants you to have your legs so you can enjoy your soccer player and stripper." His arms, around her, pulled her tight against him, feeling her respond to his kiss. He was so happy they were now growing and connecting together and he could only see happiness in their future.
Watching Jack consider her questions and think of a reply, Katy didn't feel any impatience or rush, finally at peace with him and able to enjoy every moment properly without having to work out what was happening. It was the most laid back she'd felt in ages and she couldn't just put it down to the gorgeous island when she'd previously been feeling so bad here as well. It was Jack that made the difference, feeling him loving and accepting her made her feel beautiful and wanted.

Hearing him start to answer her, Katy grinned as she listened to him lay out how he'd basically give her everything she could want. She knew most of it was imaginary, well the world travels at least, she was fully prepared to hold him to the offer to strip again for her on the other hand, but even if he had a little money from his investments she was hardly about to insist he spent it on holidays for her. The sentiment was so lovely and romantic though, she'd happily settle for some international food at home while they made love in the same beautiful place, even a little apartment would do fine for that if they weren't going to get far from the bed anyway.

The picture he painted with his words was perfect and she happily played along.

"I will thrill you with my moves and tantalize you with hints of what awaits you each time we make love. And since I'm your famous soccer player, I will strip for you anywhere in the world, you only need to say the word."

"That sounds just what I need" she breathed in agreement.

As he recounted his mermaid story, guiding her with him, Katy leant into his embrace and stayed lost in his eyes, smiling as she listened, completely rapt in his attention and imagination, feeling a thrill of anticipation as she wondered where this was leading.

"The sailor was enamored with the beauty of the mermaid so much so that he lay beside her wanting to help her. But the mermaid was also stricken with love struck eyes and soon they began to make love. And as the waves crashed over the lovers making love in the surf her bottom was transformed into beautiful legs just like yours Katy."

Feeling Jack's arms pull her closer she understood the conclusion his story was winding to and was only too happy to follow along, her body responding to him already. Laying in the waves with him felt magical enough to fit the story, she could almost imagine they were part of his tale and belonged together just as much.

"You're my beautiful mermaid and this sailor wants you to have your legs so you can enjoy your soccer player and stripper."

"Then make love to me my gorgeous sailor" she cooed when their lips parted again. "If anyone can give me any magic I need, I think it's you"

Lost in need for him Katy slipped her arms around his back and shoulders, sliding her whole body as close to his as she could, drawing him into a deep passionate kiss, moaning desperately against his tongue as she felt his hard cock brush against her mound. Knowing he wanted her, loved her, was enough of an aphrodisiac even before she could feel his beautiful body on hers, having the two combined with the waves cradling them while the sun still played across their skin only made the moment more heady as she clung to him.

"It seems my wonderful sailor can do everything he promises " she beamed as she straddled his hips with her legs, one of her arms cradling around his head to hold him from the shallow water. Using her free hand she stroked between their legs to wrap her palm around his cock, her eyes darkening with desire for him, gradually settling him at the entrance to her pussy. Unable to hold away from him for long she pressed slowly onto the tip of his manhood, gasping at the pleasure running through her .

"Make love to me Jack... my love"
"You're my beautiful mermaid and this sailor wants you to have your legs so you can enjoy your soccer player and stripper."

"Then make love to me my gorgeous sailor" she cooed when their lips parted again. "If anyone can give me any magic I need, I think it's you"

He became lost in her embrace and the torrid kiss that followed. The waves swirled around them, enveloping them in the white froth as their bodies melded together. It was as if the waves were washing away the old thoughts and doubts he had, knowing now that he had found the woman that truly loved him for who he was and not for his wealth. The thought of finally finding her made his heart swell with happiness.

As the passionate kiss lingered, he felt his manhood growing thicker and longer, rubbing against Katy's mound. The feel of each small movement rubbing his shaft soon brought it to full strength. They were lying together enjoying the feel of each other when he felt her head lift, breaking the bond between their lips.

"It seems my wonderful sailor can do everything he promises " He smiled into her alluring eyes as she moved to straddle his hips. He chuckled when she cradled one arm around his neck to hold it up, making sure he was not swamped with sea water.

"It is the beauty of my mermaid that helps to make me keep my promises." He chuckle when she reached between them stroking his hardness. "I see my mermaid has found her legs," he moaned as she rubbed the tip over her mound, positioning it for further exploration.

He saw her eyes take on a totally different look than when they were sitting on the rocky outcrops. They were darker, more mesmerizing than he could recall seeing them in the past. He waited expectantly for the her next move and when she uttered, "Make love to me Jack... my love" he felt a tremor course through him.

Slowly as if in slow motion, her pussy enveloped him, the hotness of her sex permeated his cock and he said moaning, "Yes my love I'll make love to you." He closed his eyes basking in the feel of her Kegel muscles squeezing his shaft as it filled her. When they were totally connected, he felt her hips begin to grind against him and his hips responded, meeting her gentle movements.

It seemed their bodies were meant for each other as they moved with precision. Closing his eyes, he felt her hotness encasing his cock and each small movement sent shivers of pure delight to every nerve ending. Gone was the doubt, replaced with a new feeling of togetherness.

Opening his eyes, he saw her staring down at him with what he could only describe as a look of pure love. Her hands had moved to his chest and he saw her breasts swaying gently back and forth with each thrust of her hips. His hands reached for her hips, helping her move slowly on his shaft.

And then he reached up, running a finger over her lips before his hand moved to the back of her neck, pulling her down into another torrid kiss. He felt his desire rising as the kiss lingered for what seemed forever and when it broke, he twisted her sideways so they lay side by side, his cock and her pussy still connected.

"I love you Katy," he whispered above the crashing waves. With one of her legs draped over his hips, he began to thrust harder. The feel of her body responding ignited more love and lust inside him. He kissed her while one hand, on her back, held her firmly against him while their bodies rocked together in the wild surf.

He could feel the inevitable release coming, gaining ground as his member began to throb inside her. "Cum with me my beautiful mermaid," he said with a laugh when the kiss broke. "Let me fill you with my seed and you will no longer have fins for feet." And then just like the waves washing over them, he felt he could no longer hold back.
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"Yes my love I'll make love to you."

Katy basked in the feel of Jack sliding deeper inside her, watching him with a perfect mixture of love and desire as he lay beneath her and gave delicious thrusts far inside while he kissed her. His body felt amazing but being close to him, feeling how much they happily shared with each other was even better.

She glowed as he told her again he loved her after he moved them to lay side by side. She couldn't hear enough of him telling her that in that beautiful moment, her heart beating faster both from their movements into each other and her feelings with him. The sex had been really good before but now it felt truly special.

Feeling Jack thrust harder as she was held between his cock and his hand, she moaned and ground harder against him, her hand sliding across his body, still needing more of him. She tried to go as slow as she could, her hips moving steadily against him to meet his rhythm, gazing into his eyes as every single move he made edged her closer to climax. It didn't help her hold back though that every touch thrilled her, feeling his lips and hands over her while he filled her.

"Cum with me my beautiful mermaid.... Let me fill you with my seed and you will no longer have fins for feet."

Katy couldn't help laughing along with him, but quickly sobered as she needed every breath of air as she slid against him, feeling pleasure start to flood through her.

"God, Jack, I love you" she gasped as she closed her eyes, lost to the sensation of cumming around him.

Her body tensed against him as she moaned her pleasure, the water heightening the feeling as the waves broke against them. As she felt him pulsing within her, her fingertips pressed into him, almost overwhelmed by everything she felt. While they both came back to earth from their mutual orgasms she kept her leg wound tightly around him, intending to keep him locked within her as long as possible, even as the rest of her relaxed against him

Running her fingers through his hair, smoothing the strands away from his forehead, she looked across his face with tired but contented eyes.

Once she could talk again she murmured, "Mmm, I loved that. I love how you make me cum. I love how you kiss me. I love your stories. I love being your mermaid, now my gorgeous sailor has given me legs to come onto land with him."

Laying with Jack as long as she could, peacefully enjoying his company and the way he made her feel as though she was in a story or a movie being with him. After long moments together though a better thought occurred to her.

"Wait here a moment" she told him, lazily getting up out of the surf, making her way up the bank of sand.

Finding the picnic pack she took the tablecloth out and spread it on the ground closer to the edge of the waves, covering the dry beach so they wouldn't both get covered in the rough sand. Sitting on the cloth she propped herself up on her elbows, stretching her body and legs out in a lithe line, letting herself dry in the gentle sun flooding into the cave as she watched Jack.

"Come to my new bed. Now I have legs I can enjoy all the pleasure of the land." she called to him with a grin. Seeing him approach she added, "Sorry to steal the picnic table, if you don't like it you'll just have to use me to eat from" she smiled cheekily. "Come and lie down with me my gorgeous sailor and tell me all about your travels" she laughed.
The way the muscles in her body tightened and she let out a pleasurable moan, he knew she was close to climaxing too. His cock throbbed and with each pulse of her Kegel muscles, it was a losing battle to hold off. And then as he experienced an overwhelming orgasm, he felt her too give in to the pleasurable release. The waves enveloped them like a cocoon, keeping them welded together as their bodies enjoyed the intimacy of the moment. They remained locked together, kissing and caressing as their bodies began to recover.

"Mmm, I loved that. I love how you make me cum. I love how you kiss me. I love your stories. I love being your mermaid, now my gorgeous sailor has given me legs to come onto land with him."

"Yes my lovely mermaid ..... with those legs .... I won't have to carry you everywhere on land," he laughed kissing her quickly and squeezing her against him. They lounged in the surf, smiling ..... kissing .... caressing, until Katy chuckled and told him, "Wait here a moment" and then rose from the surf and walked onto the shore. He rolled onto his stomach watching her naked form, admiring every curve of her delicious body, wondering what she was up too.

He had his chin in his hands, feeling the waves washing over him, seeing her pull the tablecloth from the bag Marie had packed. He chuckled to himself as she laid the tablecloth neatly on the sand, near the water. What could be on her beautiful mind? When she sat on the tablecloth, propped up on her elbows and stretching her body and legs out toward him, he smiled, admiring how the sun caught and highlighted her figure.

He could only laugh when she looked at him with a big grin plastered on her face. "Come to my new bed. Now I have legs I can enjoy all the pleasure of the land" Jack smiled at his lovely mermaid. But instead of rising to his feet, he got on his hands and knees and began to crawl toward her like a creature leaving the sea. Her grin widened and he laughed when she called out, "Sorry to steal the picnic table, if you don't like it you'll just have to use me to eat from"

"Mmmm that sounds like a most delicious way to eat," he smirked as he drew close to her, hearing her add,
"Come and lie down with me my gorgeous sailor and tell me all about your travels"

Jack arrived at Katy's feet and took a moment to scan her body. She looked so lovely lying on the tablecloth, looking down at him. "this sailor has many a tale from the sea," he laughed kissing the tip of her big toe on each foot before bestowing a kiss to the inside of each ankle. "There are tales of sea monsters and pirates," he whispered kissing the inside of her each calf, knee, and thigh seeing her legs spread open a little wider.

"I have stories of storms that caused our ship to wreck upon the rocks of some unknown island," he said as his lips approached her mound and he kissed all around it but not venturing inside the moist lips. He giggled, kissing her abdomen, sticking his tongue inside her belly button, feeling her squirm against his lips.

His eyes cast upward seeing her watching his every move. "Yes my dear mermaid. I have tales of seeing mermaids swimming along side our ships acting like dauphins but calling for sailors to join them, promising them pleasures beyond their belief."

Arriving at her taut nipples, Jack took his time enjoying the taste and feel of their roughness against his lips and tongue. He enjoyed the way her chest rose and fell, hearing her breathing become a bit more louder. When he finished claiming her ripe nipples for his own, his lips made a wet trail upward to her neck where he laid soft butterfly kiss to each side and then up to her chin. Afterwards, he pulled back a fraction of an inch and looked deep into her eyes.

"But never has this sailor given in to the temptations to jump ship and join the singing mermaids song. But finding you on the beach and making love to you in the surf was pleasure beyond belief for this sailor." His lips were close to hers, their breath intermingling as he whispered, "If you had been the one swimming alongside my ship, I would have abandoned it and joined you in your beautiful world."

He took a breath. "I would gladly dine on your luscious body my sweet and loving mermaid." And then his lips met hers and he felt her falling backward and he followed, feeling her arms wrap around his shoulders and neck, her legs wrapping around his waist as they fell into a deep loving kiss. Lunch would have to wait.
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As Jack started to crawl towards her Katy laughed, knowing he'd be planning something now and looking forward to him reaching her to find out what. He didn't seem to tire so far of finding ways to amuse and arouse her and her heart swelled with the thought of how he felt about her to bother to act like this.

Watching him start to kiss slowly up her legs she shivered despite the warm sun, already feeling the post orgasmic glow that had been running through her start to give way to anticipating having his mouth teasing her again instead, her legs opening for him. As he kissed around her mound her breath became more shallow, waiting for his lips to brush against her core, waiting for the incredible feel of his tongue. Instead he continued up her body and played his tongue across her belly button as she shifted against him, still unused to this attention but her body gladly responding. The sensation only grew as he laved his tongue over her breasts and she panted as she watched him, electricity running through her as she was tempted to hold him against her, or beg him to kiss her more, but was entranced by seeing his journey across her skin. Every time his lips brushed her skin she could feel each breath coming more heavily, closer to tiny moans.

She smiled gently between panting breaths, charmed by his story and the look in his eyes as she felt herself fill with a mass of feelings she could barely keep track of but she knew that, if she'd been falling hard for Jack before, she was completely freefalling now, wanting to enjoy the love ebbing between them.

"But never has this sailor given in to the temptations to jump ship and join the singing mermaids song. But finding you on the beach and making love to you in the surf was pleasure beyond belief for this sailor..... If you had been the one swimming alongside my ship, I would have abandoned it and joined you in your beautiful world..... I would gladly dine on your luscious body my sweet and loving mermaid."

As they fell back together, Katy wrapped herself around his body, lost in the feeling of his lips against hers and intoxicated by his words to her. All she could think about was touching him, staying close to him and sharing more tender moments. She was focused on giving him the same treatment he gave her, for once not because she had to return the favour or he was demanding anything but because she wanted to tease and please him. It felt so comfortable to both want the same thing, to share each other, to be honest with each other and feel so loved.

Breaking from another kiss that left her lightheaded but relaxed, Katy held Jack's jaw between her hands, halting him from meeting her mouth another time, watching his expression as their bodies pressed against each other again, taking her time now to take in every moment. There was no rush, they had all day, hopefully many days, even if they had to feed each other as they lay together to keep going.

"I'm glad you found me and brought me here, if you'd come into my world I'd have had to kiss you endlessly to give you my breath until I found a way to make you a merman so you could live with me." she laughed. "Now instead we have time for you to enjoy my body however you wish. But first I think I should be able to investigate the first sailor I have ever managed to capture..."

She looked at him longingly but with mischief in her eyes.

"Now this sailor has given into the temptation he should get the chance to find out whether all the promised pleasures are true or not. If he stays still and lets me explore that is..."

Letting Jack's arms continue to rest around her, she ran her tongue leisurely over his as they kissed deeply once more, free to let her fingers work across him as they continued to leave one kiss after another between them. Very slowly she stroked down his shoulders and down his arms before heading back up to his shoulder blades, sliding her fingers across the top of his back. Tracing down his spine she drew her fingers in circles and random patterns across his skin, moving slowly across his muscles, grazing across to his sides and back again, until she reached the curve of his lower back.

Spreading her palms over his ass cheeks she gently massaged her way down until her fingers teased between his legs, skimming down his inner thighs as far as she could reach until she had to admit defeat and work back up, at least partly. Only one hand worked back up his spine while the other slid between his legs, lightly stroking down the line of his ass, along the skin towards his balls before finally teasing them with her fingertips. Breaking their last kiss she writhed gently under him as she stroked his balls, arching a little against the cock that lay over her mound.

"What pleasure would you wish for now?" she smiled invitingly up at him.
Jack was enjoying the feel of their bodies in a tight embrace, her arms around him, holding onto him as they passionately kissed. Their kisses broke momentarily to allow taking in precious air but then immediately cementing together again, falling into deep loving kisses.

When one kiss broke, he felt her hands leave his back and hold his jaw between them, stopping any further kisses. His expression was one of surprise and wonder ..... wondering what was on her mind. He looked into her eyes seeing a shimmering glint of excitement as she took her time to survey his face. He could tell something was on her mind and smiled when she laughed telling him, "I'm glad you found me and brought me here, if you'd come into my world I'd have had to kiss you endlessly to give you my breath until I found a way to make you a merman so you could live with me." He chuckled seeing her laugh at the mention of him being turned into a merman. "Now instead we have time for you to enjoy my body however you wish. But first I think I should be able to investigate the first sailor I have ever managed to capture..."

He saw the sparkle in her eyes, full of playful mischief. "Captive!!!! my sweet beautiful mermaid ..... me your captive !!!!!" he laughed. "Here all this time I thought it was I who saved you from certain doom on the shore of this enchanted island."

He kissed the tip of her nose, listening to her tell him, "Now this sailor has given into the temptation he should get the chance to find out whether all the promised pleasures are true or not. If he stays still and lets me explore that is..."

"I assure you my precious mermaid. In all my travels I have heard the tales of the promised pleasures of mermaids following our ships, singing songs to the sailors, telling of the pleasure they will endure if they only jump into the ocean. And now that I'm your captive on land I look forward to allowing you the pleasure of exploring this sailor." Their combined laugh drifted over the waves washing onto the shore. "But my beautiful mermaid I must warn you ..... as you explore this sailors body, you will find a magic wand that will bring us both much pleasure."

His words must have ignited a fire within her for he felt her tongue tease his lips and then they fell into a long deep kiss while her fingertips began to roam over his shoulders while they continued to trade sensual kisses. Tingling sensations coursed through his muscles and veins, feeling her fingernails randomly trace different designs on his back. Her fingernails were also beginning to awaken something between his thighs that lay on her mound.

He smiled feeling her fingers massaging his ass cheeks and then trying to reach his manhood from over his hips and between his thighs. When she was only able to touch his ball sac, he let out a soft moan into the kiss feeling her fingertips gently massaging the twin balls that would soon be filled with his seed for her. When her hips arched upward, his hips moved with a small grinding motion, letting her feel the growing wand rubbing against her mound.

"What pleasure would you wish for now?"

"My pleasure .... my dear lovely mermaid is for you to explore to your hearts content all that I have I have to offer. But as you explore and as I warned earlier you may happen upon a magic wand." He smiled, a huge grin on his face as he rolled off her, laying on his side.

"And while you are exploring my body it is known in sailor's circles that the sailor too must explore the most precious place that the magic wand is to be placed. It is said that the use of the sailor's lips and tongue must excite the mermaid's most precious place and find the magic button that will melt the heart of the mermaid and break down any resistance she may have ....... but there is a word of caution to both the sailor and the mermaid."

He could hardly contain a chuckle as he weaved his tale. "As the sailor's magic wand and the mermaid's most precious place are excited, both must stop before the pleasure overwhelms them so that the m
agic wand can be inserted into the precious place that is boiling like a cauldron of magic potion over a wood fire."

Jack shifted, quickly turning his body to face her feet. Pulling her on top of him, his face was staring at the moistness of her sex and knew her eyes were doing the same to his cock. As he circled his arms around her hips, drawing her body to him, his tongue licked at the nectar coating her pussy. Just before he plunged his tongue into her, finding the magic button, he called out. "Remember the warning ..... only explore until it's time for the sailor's magic wand to be inserted into the hot cauldron of love."

Feeling her lips on his thighs, he found her clit and began to let his tongue dance over and around it. His hands squeezed her tight buttocks, massaging them, hearing her moan of love as he felt her fingers grip his cock knowing that in the next few moments he was going to feel her lips encase his cock ...... his magic wand.
"My pleasure .... my dear lovely mermaid is for you to explore to your hearts content all that I have I have to offer. But as you explore and as I warned earlier you may happen upon a magic wand."

As Jack started answering her question, continuing the new chapter of the tale he was weaving for her, Katy grinned, watching him move to lay beside her. Shivers of pleasure ran through her listening to him continue his tale, wondering what was coming next. She loved the sound of him describing what he wanted them to do and how he created his story, she could almost have relaxed and just listened to him talk, if the mention of pleasuring each other wasn't spreading heat through her.

Reading between his words, ideas of his lips and tongue against her folds and clit drew a moan under her breath as he continued to talk, the thought of him breaking her down and sliding his 'wand' inside her causing her toes to start to curl already. She held his gaze with swirling desire, fascination and adoration. The moment she thought he'd shown her enough pleasure, overwhelmed her as much as possible with so much orgasmic bliss and surprising declarations of how he felt, he found another way to fill her heart and... between her hips. It was almost unbelievable how they'd got here but it felt as though nothing could go wrong now, with Jack.

Finishing his tale, feeling him pull her on top of him, Katy giggled at first then let out a long sigh of need as his arms circled her and she was pressed against his tongue, her legs spread wide either side of him, every nerve either delighted by his attention or craving his next touch.

"Remember the warning ..... only explore until it's time for the sailor's magic wand to be inserted into the hot cauldron of love."

Katy started to smile again at his repeated warning, excited by the direction he was heading, but barely had time to process his words before he plunged his tongue into her and she cried out, "Ohhh, oh, Jack".
Faced with Jack's stiffening cock as the only thing she wanted to give her attention to at the moment, the only thing to distract her from the heat flooding her, she eagerly licked across his tip, wrapping one hand around his shaft firmly as the other hand cupped around his balls, stroking everywhere she could. She was happy enough to lavish her mouth over him anyway but with him probing her with that gorgeous tongue it drove her on harder.

Katy slipped her lips slowly down Jack's shaft, her tongue darting around him as she pulled him deeper towards her throat, hungrily sucking him deeper then sliding away to kiss the tip, only to devour him again. Building up a steady rhythm she moaned around his length, first gently then insistently as the feel of his tongue between her legs and the taste and feel of him in her mouth made her head swim. As he grew harder she groaned against him, remembering his warning but already dreaming of cumming against his lips, his cock buried into her throat, swallowing his seed. Just imagining it fired her up, she'd never enjoyed sex this much, he was making her addicted she was sure.

Katy could feel herself approaching her peak, his tongue relentlessly pushing her closer. She tried to pull her hips up, move away a little, release the tension building rapidly between her legs but his hands held her and his mouth followed her movement. All she achieved was grinding herself along his tongue, moaning against his shaft and pushing gently back onto him, lost in the feeling.

"Oh god, Jack, stop" she gasped, inadvertently releasing his cock from her lips, quickly replacing her hands over his shaft as she realised her loss of touching him, wanting to keep feeling him harden for her. If he carried on sucking her she was going to climax, so hard, so turned on being knelt over him and able to pleasure him at the same time.

Slipping her leg quickly over Jack's head to remove the temptation before she could give in and cum against him, Katy moved in a half circle to kneel looking up at him instead. Settling between Jack's legs again but this time aimed to crawl up his body, Katy stopped temporarily with a hungry look, taking a moment to slip her lips around his cock again until she felt him twitching against her and could hear his groans of need.

"I think both the sailor and the mermaid seem quite excited now and I can guarantee I'm boiling hot for you.." she murmured with lust. "I think it's time I took notice of the warning and let the magic wand do it's work" she grinned.

Stradding Jack's lap, sliding slowly down his 'magic wand' Katy moaned longingly, having to slow her movements even further to avoid sending herself over the edge, resisting the temptation to ride him fast and hard straight away.

As she finally reached the base of his shaft, burying him completely within her, she looked at him as though she still needed something more. Gently pulling at his shoulders to show him what she wanted, she guided him to sit up with her straddled across his lap, his cock hard and deep within her, pulling his hands around her to rest in the small of her back, demanding his touch with her movements.

Her own hands free now she slipped her fingers through his hair, panting as her desire almost completely overtook her. She felt she only had a few precious seconds left before the feel of him drove her to buck against him as if she needed to cum as fast as possible.

"The mermaid's heart has been completely melted and she has absolutely no resistance left against such a powerful magic wand. All she can do is throw herself on the mercy of the sailor's wand and hope he gives her his magic" she laughed with an edge of desperate desire.

Locking her hands behind his neck she leant back a little, sliding wantonly onto his shaft.
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Feeling Katy settled on top of him, grabbing his cock in her hands while his tongue darted inside her folds flicking at the sensitive button, he heard her cry, "Ohhh, oh, Jack". Her hips and body adjusted on top of him and as he began to lick around and over her clit, he felt her hands stroking his cock and her tongue caressing the tip. "Mmmm yesss," he moaned into her mound as his cock grew harder.

Her ass cheeks were the perfect size for his hands to squeeze and making sure she wasn't going to escape from his lips. His hips moved up and down, feeling of her hands on his cock and balls sending lust-filled tremors and sensations to every nerve ending in his body. How did he get so lucky to find a sensual beautiful woman who told him she loved him? Today, they professed their love for each other and now on a beach on a wonderful island, they were again making love. He just couldn't get enough of her, wanting to hold and kiss her all the time.

His tongue sliced over her clit, feeling her hips jerk a little as if to try and get away from his tongue but his strong hands held her pussy firmly against his face. He thought of the warning not to take each other over the edge and wondered if they really could resist the temptation. The way she was slathering attention on his cock with her lips and mouth made his hips begin to gyrate and grind harder against her.

He continued to probe her with his tongue, moving from her sensitive love button to the entrance where he was to place his 'magic wand'. The taste of her juices slipping out and over his lips was like an aphrodisiac, wanting more and more of her precious body and mind. Flicking his tongue around the slick opening, he pushed it inward, feeling her strong muscles squeezing it as if it was a small cock. He enjoyed the feel of her hips grinding on his face while he pushed his tongue deeper, beginning to tongue fuck her pussy. With each plunge into her moist hot channel, her muscles squeezed harder, hearing her moans growing louder over the sound of the waves crashing on the shore near them.

But she wasn't the only one feeling pleasure. While he feasted on Katy's pussy, she was working his cock over like a pro. He moaned into pussy each time she took him deeper and into her throat. It was such a marvelous feeling knowing she was enjoying preparing him for what he knew was coming soon.

When she took him as deep into her throat as she could, he moaned, "Ohhhh fuckkkk mmmmmm that feels so good." It was as if they were approaching Nirvana, a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven. He remembered reading somewhere that in Buddhism, nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment where a person's individual desires and suffering go away. It felt as though they were in their own world of pleasure in the cave and on the island without a care or worry in the world.

It was as if nothing could disrupt their euphoria, the feel of her hips grinding harder on his face and the feel of his cock beginning to throb in her throat with need for Katy and then he heard, "Oh god, Jack, stop" Her mouth pulled off his cock just in time before he would have crossed that line of no return. Her juices covered his lips and face, seeing her pussy move away from hungry mouth and tongue.

He watched with delight as Katy moved beside him, her eyes trained on his as she settled between his open thighs. When her mouth captured his aching wand once more, he let out a long growl as pleasure swept over him, pleading with her, "If you keep that up my lovely mermaid, my wand won't find your hot cauldron of love." His hips bucked upward and he was grateful she pulled her lips off before he lost all control.

The smirk on her face said it all, "I think both the sailor and the mermaid seem quite excited now and I can guarantee I'm boiling hot for you...... I think it's time I took notice of the warning and let the magic wand do it's work."

"Yes please my sweet mermaid," he managed to say between deep breaths, seeing her sly grin knowing she drove him to the point of ejaculation and was able to make him hold off. He let out another low animalistic groan watching her slowly slide down on his 'magic wand.' It was the most erotic thing he ever felt, seeing her look of pure lust as she too tried to hold off from the inevitable release.

He followed her silent instructions, sitting up and wrapping his hands around her to rest at her lower back while her legs wrapped around his waist, trapping his cock deep inside her. Their bodies stayed very quiet as their eyes searched, seeing the lust and love in each other's eyes.

His cock was throbbing inside her, feeling her muscles pulsing around it. He licked his lips, ready for the final kiss that would send them both over the edge, plunging into the chasm of sexual pleasure. He smiled when she laughed, "The mermaid's heart has been completely melted and she has absolutely no resistance left against such a powerful magic wand. All she can do is throw herself on the mercy of the sailor's wand and hope he gives her his magic"

This was a slice of Nirvana, the two lovers locked in an embrace that could only be broken by their desires to experience the pleasures of an amazing sexual release. With her hands locked behind his head, he felt her lean back just a little, grinding her hips on his shaft.

His hands slid from her lower back to press her upper body toward him and his waiting lips. Their bodies were sealed together as his lips sought and found hers, feeling the passion in the kiss. How long could they hold on? Each were ripe to be thrown into the sexual abyss while each tried to hold off as long as they could.

Jack felt her arms wrapped tightly around his neck, feeling her fingers sliding through his hair as her tongue tangled with his, slipping deep inside to let him suck on it and then retreating welcoming his between her lips. The kiss broke for only a millisecond, their eyes conveying the deep lust within each of them.

After another soul searching kiss, he was breathing hard. "This sailor gladly accepts the pleasure his mermaid is about to give him. The mermaid has worked her wonderous magic, drawing this sailor to her with her beauty and song. And now that his magic wand has been accepted by the lovely mermaid ......."

He was gasping, feeling her pussy quivering around his cock. The time for talk was over and now only the pleasurable release mattered. As his lips closed in on hers, he whispered in a deep needy voice, "my mermaid ..... accept what your sailor has for you ...... This sailor loves you."

And then he felt her hips gyrating hard, grinding against his hips, the strong muscles within her channel squeezing ..... pulsing hard and there was no denying what would happen. He felt her body quiver and begin to shake as the kiss deepened and their arms held each other tightly as their bodies crashed like the waves of the sea. His cock erupted, sending ribbons of his seed deep inside her.

It felt like their orgasms lasted forever, their lips sealed together until the seal was finally broken, each breathing hard staring at each other, wide smiles on their faces. "My magic wand has given up everything and now the seal between the mermaid and the sailor is the final seal my sweet mermaid ..... you have this sailor's heart and soul for as long as you desire."
With Jack drawing her more firmly onto his body, locking their lips against each other, their tongues playing against each other, Katy found her fingers running across him, needing to touch him any way she could.

"This sailor gladly accepts the pleasure his mermaid is about to give him. The mermaid has worked her wonderous magic, drawing this sailor to her with her beauty and song. And now that his magic wand has been accepted by the lovely mermaid mermaid ..... accept what your sailor has for you ...... This sailor loves you."

The way he spoke to her, low and longing, drove her over the edge just as much as his hips thrusting up into her did, his arms pulling her onto him. Katy moaned lewdly into his mouth as she bucked repeatedly around his cock, rolling her hips onto him with sheer abandon as she lost any sense of the waves behind her or the sun gently streaming onto her, only feeling Jack inside and around her. The muscles of her pussy clenched around him, holding onto him and increasing every wave of her climax until she groaned in desperate need. Finally coming down from the peak of her pleasure, Katy's head swam as she could finally slow a little, forcing her eyes to open, meeting Jack's gaze, panting as their kiss broke and they gazed at each other, almost as though it was the first time they'd felt this.

"My magic wand has given up everything and now the seal between the mermaid and the sailor is the final seal my sweet mermaid ..... you have this sailor's heart and soul for as long as you desire"

Panting for breath, Katy looked deep into Jack's eyes, grinning in pure bliss but unable to speak, even if she had the air to do so. Was he really serious? Or was it only part of the story he was spinning about the sailor? Was she truly meant to take it to heart? As much as he'd helped to banish her doubts Katy could barely believe Jack was really trying to tell her he genuinely wanted to be hers for as long as she wanted him. It already felt like more than her luck deserved to even be on this island with him, enjoying what they had over the last few days. Him telling her he loved her had been more than icing on the cake, more than she expected. She didn't feel like she had even half the good fortune she'd need to keep him for a month, let alone as long as she was starting to suspect she would want to have with him. Most of her mind felt like it was floating, carried away on a wave of post orgasmic relaxation, an undercurrent telling her this was all so good, so perfect to love each other, but a small core inside her waited for something to go wrong.

The aftermath of such a blinding climax still shuddered through her, every pulse of aftershock feeling just as strong as the orgasms she normally gave herself. Clinging on to Jack as if she was back in the pool drowning, she very slowly unwound her legs from around him, feeling as though all her limbs were weighted down with anchors.

Pressing her lips down his neck and shoulder, covering his skin in light, panting kisses, Katy tried to keep the tears out of her eyes again, this time not from fear and worry but as emotion overcame her at his words, bliss at the pleasure running through her mingling with happiness at what he told her. She leant against his shoulder, her lips pressing gently against him, virtually cooing at the feel of being coiled resting against him as she gasped to recover her strength. He must be almost as spent as she was but still felt so solid underneath her, holding her and allowing her to droop against him.

Pulling Jack gently with her to lie side by side she continued to kiss along his neck, her lips leaving light touches along his throat until she curled herself under his chin, laying her cheek against his chest, feeling more possessive doing so than she had a right to be but needing to be pressed into him, held by him, almost hiding herself in him, trusting his words, wanting to claim him as hers despite her hesitation. Her hand settled over his heart yet again, loving to feel as much of him as she could as often as she could, his cock under her palm when she'd been so turned on and desperate to feel them both release, and his heartbeat under the same palm when she was satiated and wanted to feel his love.

"God, Jack" she gasped, trembling with the effect of such an overwhelming climax as she curled against him, her body racked as if she'd just run a marathon but in such a pleasurable way. "Hold me tighter, even if you crush me I don't care right now, please keep your arms around me" she whispered.

"I don't need an adventurous sailor, or even a world famous soccer player, is there any chance I can I trade them in for an accountant called Jack?" she asked weakly as she lay on his chest recovering her breath, her fingers tracing mindlessly across his muscles. "Would he still want me without being bound by magic? Would he still want me to have his heart and soul for so long? Even in an ordinary city with a pretty ordinary girl instead of on a desert island with a mermaid?"

Katy asked her questions with a smile as she listened to Jack's heartbeat, a teasing lilt to her voice as she enjoyed joining in with his tales but a low hint of uncertainty tainted her words as she hoped for the answer she longed for.
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" .......... you have this sailor's heart and soul for as long as you desire" He said it in the spirit of the story and now his desire to want more with Katy was out in the open. In reality it was more than going along with the story of the sailor and the mermaid. It was his wish for her to know that he wanted her to be with him for as long as she desired.

The thought of them being together started when he saw her on the street and in the coffee shop. The more he spent time with her, the more he found himself falling in love with her. The time on the island accelerated his feelings toward her rather then the courting that happens in every day life in the city.

Telling her was something he had been thinking about since their time at the waterfall when everything between them seemed to come together. Would she accept the promise of his heart and soul for as long as she desired? She was quiet and he wondered if he had overstepped his bounds and she wasn't ready to talk about such things as being with him when they left the island. He could see in her eyes she was mulling over his words as if trying to figure out if this was all real or make believe.

Her panting was in concert with his quickened breath as they both felt the afterglow of an amazing climax. The sound of the water crashing on the shore offered a backdrop and the screeching of a sea gull somewhere high in the sky only added to the suspense he felt in that moment. They were still locked together, her legs wound around him, squeezing him while his hands held her tightly against him.

Jack wasn't sure how to take the silence that covered them but he tried to relax and just take in the moment. It was so special the way they played the part of the sailor and mermaid but in reality it lead to his promise and for that he was happy. The feel of her lips on his neck and shoulder sent small shudders of pleasure through him. What would he say if she rejected him? He didn't know but the last few days were a whirlwind of love for him and he hoped it would continue when they left the island.

The thought of leaving the island had its own problems that were created by him. He had purposely left out the fact that he was now the owner of one of the largest companies in the world. When they returned to the mainland he had some obligations to fulfill. But what about Katy? Would she understand his reasoning for not telling her before they left the island? He was still uncertain how to tell her now that they seemed to be really falling in love. There was a small part of him telling him not to reveal anything now ..... not in this moment of pure happiness. He didn't want anything to break the special bond between them. The truth would have to wait.

Their bodies slid slowly to lie side by side still locked in the tight embrace. His magic wand was losing its magic, shrinking inside her but still held prisoner. He felt her head resting against his chest, a hand over his heart and still nothing from Katy about his words of promise. Her silent reaction seemed to speak volumes but he had seen too many movies where the woman clings to the man, tears in her eyes and then tells him the awful truth that they would never be good together. Was this one such moment?

"God, Jack" feeling her body trembling against him, seemingly burrowing into like a small child does to their mother. He felt as if he was her cocoon, keeping her safe from the outside world. "Hold me tighter, even if you crush me I don't care right now, please keep your arms around me" He pulled his arms tighter around her, feeling her nakedness meld with his knowing he would always be her cocoon.

Her words broke the silence of the waves lapping at the shore and he listened, "I don't need an adventurous sailor, or even a world famous soccer player, is there any chance I can I trade them in for an accountant called Jack?" He smiled and let out a soft chuckle at her request to trade them in for accountant. For the moment he remained silent, feeling there was more. "Would he still want me without being bound by magic? Would he still want me to have his heart and soul for so long? Even in an ordinary city with a pretty ordinary girl instead of on a desert island with a mermaid?"

The thrill that raced through his heart and mind was tremendous. She wanted him ........ even if he was an accountant. The thought of Katy being the first woman to say those words set off fireworks in his mind. It was not because she knew he was rich but because she loved him for his personality. As he pondered her questions, he still felt it was way too early in this affair to tell her but he vowed that before they left the island, he would tell her everything. In reality, everything but his wealth was out on the table for her to see.

Jack relaxed his arms, shifting his body so they were face to face. He felt her body relax as his fingertips traced the outline of her nose and then caressed her lips. "Katy. The answer is yes. You can trade in the sailor and the world famous soccer player for this accountant. I think they will be disappointed but I'm sure I can let them down easily." He saw her lips curl into a smile and he knew that was what she wanted to hear. But there was more that needed to be said.

This accountant will want you without the sailor's magic" He hesitated a millisecond and said, "For the heart you stole belongs to the accountant and not some made up character. And I don't find you as an ordinary girl but someone who is beautiful, smart, funny, and easy to talk too. I love everything about you Katy and whether we're in an ordinary city or on a deserted island, I will want to be with you and I want you to be with me."

The time was now for the question he wanted to ask and he looked into her eyes, seeing them glistening. "Katy .... he hesitated a moment .... when we leave the island would you continue to be with me?" He saw her lips start to open to answer him but he put his finger on her lips. In a dead serious tone, he added, "Katy would you live in the same place as me but if you say yes there is one condition." Her eyes opened wide and with a wide smile. "Can the mermaid who has legs now visit along with the sailor and the world famous soccer player every so often along with maybe a few other playful friends?"
As Jack moved to look deep into her eyes, tracing his fingers across her face, Katy relaxed, leaning into his touch, no longer feeling so uncertain about his answer. She felt even now that she knew him well enough already to be sure that he wouldn't be so cruel as to continue to act so loving only to then turn her down. Even if he said something like he wanted to take it slow between them that was fine with her, as long as this carried on in some way.

"Katy. The answer is yes. You can trade in the sailor and the world famous soccer player for this accountant. I think they will be disappointed but I'm sure I can let them down easily...... This accountant will want you without the sailor's magic.... For the heart you stole belongs to the accountant and not some made up character. And I don't find you as an ordinary girl but someone who is beautiful, smart, funny, and easy to talk too. I love everything about you Katy and whether we're in an ordinary city or on a deserted island, I will want to be with you and I want you to be with me."

She smiled widely at his initial answer, relieved and bubbling with happiness that he still wanted to be with her, in reality and as himself, not just as a character in a fantasy. She'd managed to convince herself ever since the waterfall that this was only a fantasy, a bubble that was completely real for a while to let you look at and enjoy it for a short time, but would pop any moment and cease to exist at all. Jack seemed willing however to confirm to her over and over that he wanted this to be real and solid though, she wasn't sure how she'd got so lucky but wouldn't question it when he wanted to be with her.

"Katy .... when we leave the island would you continue to be with me?..... Katy would you live in the same place as me but if you say yes there is one condition..... Can the mermaid who has legs now visit along with the sailor and the world famous soccer player every so often along with maybe a few other playful friends?"

Katy laughed openly, her heart soaring now at the thought of everything he'd asked. He was asking her to love him, live with him and carry on their saucy games together? There was no way she was even going to consider saying no.

"Of course" she grinned, "I think we can accommodate visits from as many friends as we can think of.... especially if they're playful" she added with a cheeky smile.

Her words then turned more serious but her eyes still sparkled as she couldn't stop her smile from dancing all over her lips.

"I'd love to be with you Jack, for as long as you want me. I love you... and I'm not going to backtrack on that this time" she smiled. "I'd love to live with you, carry on spending so much time together, carry on getting to know each other. I love what I've already got to know of you and I want to carry on getting to know you, find out more about this gorgeous amazing man. You see me as so much better than I see myself but as long as you're happy with me I can't wait to spend more time with you.

....As long as you're not just taking pity on me though, seeing as I'm technically some homeless girl you've picked up" she laughed, teasing both of them about the way they'd ended up here, no sense of resentment in her eyes.

That felt like a completely different time now, she didn't hold any grudge or blame for how they'd arrived here. It felt as though that had happened to different people, they'd ended up here through strange choices they'd both made and then, almost through magic, it had all worked out well. She felt as though they were now much more of the people they should be now, compared to the pair that had met in the coffee shop. Katy didn't feel like some desperate helpless case who needed a man to do her a favour and house her, she felt as though she was choosing this just as much as Jack, cherished by him rather than pitied by him.

She felt far more at peace now, this was going to be the start of their new life together, however long it went on for, when they got back to the city they'd be living together and she could feel her excitement starting to build already. They'd started off in their early meetings by talking about the work he needed done on his condo and now she was going to be living in it with him, it seemed strange but in a good way and for a moment she hoped that he didn't think she'd only fallen for him quite so hard because he was doing ok, had a place to stay, and by the sound of it, made decent money. She coloured a little at the thought that she could possibly come across as some freeloader, going from Michael supposedly 'looking after' her, although that was a joke in reality, to Jack doing the same.

"I'm only joking there though, I'd have said yes even if I already had my own place" she explained a little more solemnly, "and I'll be looking for another job as soon as we go back. Even when Michael let me move in with him I paid for myself, I don't want to look like I'm expecting to be pampered or live for free." she stated seriously.

Katy couldn't keep her smile from returning though as she thought about what she'd just agreed to, kissing him softly, breaking up every few words with another kiss.

"Mmm, living with you.... sounds wonderful.... seeing you every night.... every morning.... going to sleep with you.... waking up with you.... getting playful with each other.... growing closer.... I can't wait...."
Katy's laugh at his suggestion that the sailor, mermaid, world soccer player, or other playful fictious characters be allowed to visit when they lived together on the mainland made him very happy. Her vivid imagination and willingness to play silly games during sex matched own active imagination. And when she agreed, grinning brightly, "Of course .... I think we can accommodate visits from as many friends as we can think of.... especially if they're playful"

"I'd hope you'd say that," he chuckled as her tone turned more serious, listening as she expressed her love to be with him for as long as he wanted her and how she loved the thought of living with him and spending so much time together and getting to better know each other.

Her words brought up the old fear of his wealth as a stumbling block and he tried to push it to the back of his mind as she told him how she loved what she already knew about him and find out more, telling him he was a gorgeous and amazing man.

When she mentioned he saw her so much better than she saw herself and if he was happy with her, then she wanted to spend more time with him. He chuckled at her reference, "....As long as you're not just taking pity on me though, seeing as I'm technically some homeless girl you've picked up"

"I do want to spend more time with you and you sell yourself short on just how fantastic and beautiful of a woman you are." He looked into her eyes, smiling brightly and then kissing the tip of her nose. "I'm not nor would I ever take pity on you and as of now technically." he stopped and pulled her tighter into him. "You are not technically homeless now that you agreed to share your life with me." It was an odd attempt to dispel what had happened on the mainland that eventually brought them to this slice of paradise.

He thought about his condo which would not be needed now that he would be moving into the mansion. When should he tell her? When would be a good time to break the news that by her saying yes changed not only his life but hers too? He pushed the thought deep into his brain, knowing that soon, before they left the island he would have to come clean with her and tell her what living with him would be all about.

He chuckled when she added, "I'm only joking there though, I'd have said yes even if I already had my own place .... and I'll be looking for another job as soon as we go back. Even when Michael let me move in with him I paid for myself, I don't want to look like I'm expecting to be pampered or live for free."

"I think all things will happen as they should when we get back to the mainland," he said as the old thoughts of telling her she would never need to work again. And if she did, it would only be because she wanted to get out of the house. But he again resisted, not wanting to break the bond between them that had become so much stronger now that they professed their love for each other. Even if he had very little money, he would never treat her like he knew Michael did ..... an object to satisfy his needs only with no respect or care for what she wanted. No, he, Jack Wilson, would never treat her like an object.

"Mmm, living with you.... sounds wonderful.... seeing you every night.... every morning.... going to sleep with you.... waking up with you.... getting playful with each other.... growing closer.... I can't wait...." Her words between soft sensual kisses warmed his heart. At long last he has found the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with and she loved him for who he was and not some wealthy man who would could help her climb the social ladder. No, he knew in his heart Katy was not the gold digger kind of woman.

"Mmmm you make it sound like the end of a romantic movie where the woman and man come together and live happily ever after ...... and Katy I promise you this ..... I will do everything in my power to make you happy ..... to lie in bed every night and see your bright cheerful face every morning ..... making love to you .... playing with our imaginary friends ..... but most of all Katy ..... I want to also grow closer to you .... to smell you .... touch you .... kiss you ... and give your everything."

He pulled her against him, his eager, needy lips sought hers and they fell into a long deep kiss, hands caressing each other where ever their fingers could reach. This was not a sexual arousing kiss but a deep kiss of love and commitment on his part and he knew it was on her part too. When the kiss broke, he smiled, seeing how her breathing was matching his, a bit more heavier.

A bright comical smile etched his face. "All this talk of love has made this sailor hungry for more love. With all his years of experience on the sea, he found that food was also needed to sustain life" he paused seeing the glint in Katy's eyes ....... "I also have heard mermaids in the sea talk of such things."

He saw the backpack and reached for it, pulling to them. "Hmmm let's see what we have in the way of food for a famished sailor and a beautiful mermaid." Pulling out a couple of sandwiches, he spied some fruit Marie packed. Grabbing a group of grapes, he pulled one off the stem and held it above Katy's lips enjoying the way she pursed her lips.

"I feel like a lowly servant feeding the queen of the mermaids," he laughed as he rubbed the grape over her lips and when her mouth open, he gently placed the fruit into her mouth watching her begin to chew it. Plucking another grape from the stem, he placed it on her lips, and when she opened her mouth, he saw her holding it between her teeth.

"Does my queen require a kiss?" It was loaded question and he knew the answer as his lips met hers and they fell into another deep kiss. Could anything be better than being on an island, an island he owned and knew that in the future they would come back time and time again. But for now, he tasted the sweetness of the grape and her lips as the sun washed over them and the sound of the waves making a perfect backdrop for their love of each other.
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"Mmmm you make is sound like the end of a romantic movie where the woman and man come together and live happily ever after ...... and Katy I promise you this ..... I will do everything in my power to make you happy ..... to lie in bed every night and see your bright cheerful face every morning ..... making love to you .... playing with our imaginary friends ..... but most of all Katy ..... I want to also grow closer to you .... to smell you .... touch you .... kiss you ... and give your everything."

Katy thought she was going to burst as Jack made his promises to her, smiling with pure happiness as she listened to his words, felt his lips caressing hers. The idea of leaving the island, going back to normal life, going back to all the mundane things like working and shopping, didn't disturb her at all, it wasn't the sun streaming down on them and the picturesque view she was really enjoying, amazing as all of that was. The thought that she'd still have Jack with her, loving each other's company and spending so much time together seemed like the real fantasy.

As he drew her against him it felt like proof of his promises, his kiss and stroking hands so gentle and loving, as if all he wanted to do was show her how much he wanted to be with her and she didn't hesitate to show him she felt the same, kissing him deeply.

"You're like a dream come true, I think I've had all my wishes granted in one" she murmured, "I've always loved romantic movies but hated how they were so unrealistic, promising you could meet someone, fall instantly in love and be beautifully happy, but being with you now it looks like I owe them an apology" she smiled softly as she caught her breath after his wonderfully intense loving kiss.

"All this talk of love has made this sailor hungry for more love. With all his years of experience on the sea, he found that food was also needed to sustain life....... I also have heard mermaids in the sea talk of such things..... Hmmm let's see what we have in the way of food for a famished sailor and a beautiful mermaid."

Katy giggled freely as he held the grapes to her but soon sobered to watch him as he fed her a grape, finding him so sensuous that it forced her breath to hitch, keeping her eyes caught on his as he fed her. Every time she thought she was feeling as filled with bliss as she could manage he surprised her with more thoughtfulness or some new way to make her fall for him.

"I feel like a lowly servant feeding the queen of the mermaids.... Does my queen require a kiss?"

Katy moaned in pleasure as they kissed so deeply again, Jack sharing the fruit as he shared his mouth with her. He felt and tasted delicious, she knew she was addicted and didn't want to break the habit for a second.

"No, your queen doesn't require a kiss... she requires as many kisses as she can get every single day, for as long as possible" she smiled, continuing to stroke her hand slowly across him, unwilling to stop. "If I'm the queen of the mermaids though, you can't be my servant, I'd make you my king and we can feed and serve each other...."

Craning her neck to look at the picnic bag herself, pulling out another tub of fruit, she licked her lips looking back to Jack as she took a grape from the stem he held, resting it in her belly button before opening the tub of strawberries, laying one in the swell of her cleavage, holding another between her lips, pointing out towards him ready for him to bite. A last minute impulse gripped her and she took a third, laying it to fill the triangle her thighs made below her mound, looking up at him with excitement in her eyes.
The kiss with the grape clenched between his teeth as an offering to her was filled with love and passion. He bit into the grape, separating it, letting Katy enjoy it's sweetness as their lips remained sealed together. Her moans were greeted by his own moans of pleasure as the kiss lingered until he finally pulled back far enough to take a breath.

He smiled into her sparkling brown eyes, hearing her answer his question. "No, your queen doesn't require a kiss... she requires as many kisses as she can get every single day, for as long as possible ........ If I'm the queen of the mermaids though, you can't be my servant, I'd make you my king and we can feed and serve each other...."
Jack couldn't help but chuckle at Katy's playfulness. Everything about her felt so right .... so good. "Then it is settled my queen mermaid. I shall be your king and we shall rule over all the sailors and mermaids in the sea." He kissed her once more and when the kiss ended, he felt her body moving, stretching against his as she reached for the picnic bag. As she stretched, he enjoyed the feel of her nipples grazing his chest as he placed a soft kiss on her neck.

A soft laugh erupted from his lips, seeing her pick out another tub of fruit and lick her lips. The glint in her brown eyes and the mischievous grin on her face foretold that she was thinking something playful. He didn't say a word, only watched as she took a grape from the bunch he was holding and placed it in her belly button.
Then opening
the tub of strawberries, he watched with rapt attention as she lay one in the swell of her cleavage and another between her lips as if presenting an invitation for him to taste. He looked at her expectant expression and was about to lean toward her for the kiss, when she pulled another strawberry from the tub. He wondered what she was up to and smiled when he saw her push her thighs together and lay the juicy fruit to fill the triangle her thighs made below her mound.

Surveying the fruit placed strategically on her body, he grinned, staring into her eyes, seeing a child-like playfulness and excitement. Her imagination seemed to match his and he knew their relationship could only grow and bring them closer together.

"Hmmm I think I shall start at the top and work my way down," he laughed, leaning toward her, placing a soft kiss on her lips, feeling the strawberry with his tongue. They held the kiss for a few moments, Jack loving Katy's frisky nature. As the kiss lingered a decision had to be made. Does one or the other get to enjoy chewing the fruit? Or do they share the taste of its sweetness that has hit his taste buds. Gently, he bit into the strawberry, feeling her teeth also biting into the fruit until it broke in two and their lips sealed. The kiss was intoxicating as they dined on the sweet fruit.

"Mmmmm that was delicious my queen but I do believe there are more pieces of fruit hidden on your exquisite body." He looked at her cleavage, seeing her hands pushing them together, keeping the strawberry secured. "Very astute of you to keep the strawberry held captive for me," he grinned and started placing butterfly kisses on her chin, throat, and upper chest before reaching the deep crevice.

"It looks very tasty," he quipped flicking his tongue over the ripe fruit. "I think I should share my find with you," he joked, hearing a soft moan when he pushed his face between the twin globes, retrieving the piece of fruit. But he knew his sharing was not what Katy was thinking. Once it was secured between his lips, he let the tip extend outward from his lips and then drew circles around one nipple and then the other hearing her soft moans.

Biting into the strawberry, he didn't swallow it but allowed some of the juices to slip past his lips and onto one nipple. Then he left a trail of strawberry juice from one nipple, in between the two mountains, and then to the other nipple. Lifting his head slightly, he looked into her brown eyes. "Looks like I made a mess that I have to clean up."

Jack didn't wait for a response, lowering his lips to one very hard nipple, feeling her hands in his hair as he sucked and flicked his tongue over and around it. He savored the feel and the taste of her juicy nipple until he was satisfied with his work and then he lapped up the juice in her cleavage as he made his way to suck and nibble on the other succulent nipple, hearing her soft moans growing louder.

His own desire was rising again, feeling blood flow into his cock, starting to bring it back to life. Lifting his head, he saw the grape in her belly button and the strawberry between her thighs and smiled. "Looks my journey is not over yet," he chuckled as he lay quick butterfly kisses on her stomach until he reached the grape setting perfectly in her belly button. Gripping it with his teeth, he bit into it, seeing some of the juices filling the shallow button. His tongue licked at the pool of juice, feeling her body, wiggle a little and he smiled knowing she was a bit ticklish.

Finishing his task, he glanced up at Katy, seeing her staring at him, both knowing where the next stop for his lips and tongue would be. "Keep your thighs together until I secure my final treat," he said and then began to kiss his way to last piece of fruit. Picking up the strawberry with his teeth, he smiled seeing her thighs relax and slightly open.

Jack quickly moved, pulling her thighs open to reveal her shaved mound. He felt another jolt of lust in his body and knew she could see his rising desire between his legs. With the tip of the strawberry protruding from his lips, he traced the soft lips from top to bottom and then pressed it between them, to find her sensitive love button.

Rubbing the tip over her clit, brought the response he was hoping for, her hips rising and falling on the strawberry. After a few more swipes at her clit, he held the strawberry above her mound and then bit into the juicy fruit, watching as the juices spilled from his lips onto her mound.

Glancing up at Katy again, he smiled as he chewed the remaining pieces of the strawberry. "It's looks like I really have made a mess my queen." he laughed. "It will be my honor as king to clean it up," he grinned lowering his lips to her mound. Using his fingers, he opened the lips, spying the swollen jewel. "Yes I definitely have to clean up my mess," he murmured as his lips met and began sucking on her jewel while his tongue slathered it with loving flicks and feeling her hips begin to undulate against his face.
Katy watched, enraptured, as Jack went along with her playful offering and then some. She'd only start something tentatively, thinking he'd only react briefly, expecting him only to pick the fruit from her with his lips, but every time he'd find a new way to surprise and delight her. Laying back, her eyes trained on him, Katy grinned as she basked in his attention, feeling truly loved already. She tried to play it down in her mind, her doubts still straining to get free, wondering if everything would seem better and more sincere anyway on a sun-basked desert island, but she was already imagining being away from here and what life would be like. Even some tiny apartment if that's what they ended up with, with the noise of traffic and sirens instead of waves gently lapping the shore, would be just as magical if he still loved her like this, as long as he didn't change his mind about her that would be more than good enough.

Sharing the fruit and a passionate kiss, Katy's breath quickened, delicious anticipation flooding her as Jack started working his way down her body, his hips lips setting her skin alight. She couldn't keep quiet as his tongue flicked over her nipples, his actions pulling lustful moans from her. His tongue progressing around her belly button, heading down to the final treat between her thighs only added to the feeling.

By the time he stroked the strawberry between her legs she was already feeling overheated, her growing need causing her to squirm against him but feeling him tease her clit caused her hips to buck against him, her hands digging into the cloth underneath her as he started to drive her closer to yet another peak.

Perhaps she was just getting more and more addicted to him but something seemed to have stirred and deepened in her with their recent declarations of how they felt about each other and every move he made was turning her on. Her inhibitions lessened, he made her feel sexy and wanted when he touched her and she responded lewdly, she no longer felt so small and silly but enjoyed writhing under him like she was trying to practice a movie sex scene.

"It will be my honor as king to clean it up.... Yes I definitely have to clean up my mess," he said as he ate the fruit she'd left for him, just before she felt his lips and fingers playing across her folds and clit.

Katy tried to keep watching Jack as his tongue explored her pussy but her eyes fluttered closed, her head tipping back, soft moans continuing to flow from her lips as the sensations finally overcame her.

"Mmm, Jack, yes, please do..." she called breathlessly, feeling yet again she should have something more to say, sound more seductive like some saucy film but he reduced her to barely being able to speak. The feel of him between her hips was heavenly, no matter how many times he treated her to this she didn't think it would ever feel too often, her body felt on fire, electrified with the nerves he was setting off.

"Please, oh, Jack, tou... touch me" she whimpered, her arousal rocketing far too quickly to be clear about what she needed from him but hoping he took the hint.

She groaned in need as he read her mind, circling a finger around her slick entrance, teasing first one and then a second finger gradually inside her, Katy moaning louder in relief at having her desire fulfilled but laced with further longing as he only made her want even more every second.

When he carried on sucking at her clit and crooked his fingers towards her g-spot parting them a fraction to fill her completely, Katy writhed uncontrollably underneath him, her back arching as her hips shot away from the cloth, pressing herself against him. Her hands slipped through her hair as, for a moment, her mouth formed a silent 'O', her whole body tensing on the edge of her orgasm before she moaned so loudly she almost screamed her climax as it raced through her, sending her almost out of her mind, her whole body shivering with pleasure.

As she slowly relaxed, exhausted from the hedonistic waves, she pulled Jack gently but insistently towards her, drawing him into a passionate kiss, tasting the mix of strawberry and her own juices on his lips as well as own his taste now becoming familiar. Katy slid her tongue along his, breathless but needing to be as close to him as possible. Her body still responded to him immediately, as satiated as she was, pressing into him, her legs wrapping around his to draw him close, feeling his growing hardness resting against her abdomen, her hands threading through his hair, winding her whole self around him.

Finally pulling away, she looked into his eyes, panting for air, a soft smile over her lips, her face flushed but happy.

"Wow, that was amazing...... I really love you" she murmured, starting to truly feel like a queen with how freely she could enjoy saying that, having less and less to fear.

After a few moments gazing at him, regaining her breath, Katy had just enough energy to carry on. "I think you must genuinely have some magic even without using your wand," she laughed, "You've got me completely bewitched, not that I want that to stop for a second.... my king. I can't wait to live with you in our castle, especially if these are the sort of banquets we have. You might starve though, I think a king needs more than a little fruit to live." she added, giggling.
"Mmm, Jack, yes, please do..." He heard a touch of urgency in her voice as he slaved on her pussy, enjoying the mixture of strawberry and her juices. His tongue flicked around the sensitive jewel feeling her hips pushing against his face, silently asking for him to take her to a higher plateau.

"Please, oh, Jack, tou... touch me" he heard a definite urgency in her whimpering plea and he knew he had her almost to the top of the plateau. A plateau where her mind would take over the functions of her bodily movements and she would be unable to deny the pleasure. And to get to that point, he pushed two fingers into her and as he sucked on her clit, they found her g-spot, teasing it and feeling her body lurch into overdrive. He knew it was just a matter of moments before her orgasm would overwhelm any resistance to stop it.

For some reason, this orgasm seemed more intense as it ripped through her body causing her to gyrate wildly on the blanket. He wasn't sure he would be able to contain her as each touch of his tongue on her clit and his fingers on her g-spot seemed to cause her to shift into a higher orgasmic gear.

Finally her hands pushed his head away from the overly sensitive jewel and she urged him to move up into her arms, giving him a deep appreciative passionate kiss. To him, it seemed she was still on a high, her tongue licking at his lips and then his tongue as her legs and arms wrapped around him. Her body felt so good pressing into him, feeling his hardened cock pressing into her abdomen while her hands slid through his hair, messing it up.

"Wow, that was amazing...... I really love you"

"I love you too Katy," he whispered back to her, kissing her softly on the lips before withdrawing and looking at her. She was perfect for him and he fell for her head over heels. He never would have suspected that their relationship would grow so fast. But whatever they did together seemed perfect. There would be some rough days when they disagreed but he felt deep down they could get past anything they faced in the future. But one thing stood out as a possible game changer ..... his wealth. How would she feel about being with a wealthy man and living a life of luxury? Would she be upset he didn't tell right from the start?

His thoughts were broken when he saw her grin and tell him, "I think you must genuinely have some magic even without using your wand," He smiled and laughed seeing her laughing too. "You've got me completely bewitched, not that I want that to stop for a second.... my king. I can't wait to live with you in our castle, especially if these are the sort of banquets we have. You might starve though, I think a king needs more than a little fruit to live."

Her use of the word "castle" brought back the thoughts he had a few moments back. She was under the impression they would move into his condo that he really did plan to remodel prior to his father passing away. If she knew she was really talking about a very large house that some called a mansion, would it make a difference? And how would she take to having a staff to care for most of their day to day needs? He hoped not.

He smiled broadly, "yes my dear queen I am a man of many talents as are you." He kissed the tip of her nose. "I too can't wait to live with you in our castle filled with love banquets. And you are correct ... a king needs more than fruit as does his queen. But wouldn't it be lovely to spend the entire day like this, enjoying the pleasures we can give each other?"

He felt some hunger pangs in his stomach and smiled at the thought of their bodies being wrapped tightly together, his arms wrapped around her holding her against him. Her legs wrapped around his hips, trapping his semi-hard wand against her abdomen while her hands sifted through his hair. Everything seemed so perfect, so right with the world here on the island. He pushed the thoughts of his real wealth to the back of his head, knowing that soon, he must tell her about it .... but not now ..... everything was so right as they held each other.

How about if the king and queen were to unwrap their bodies and forage for some food. Food that would renew their strength and who knows what else might be renewed?" He reached for the backpack, pulling it to them but not breaking the seal their bodies had formed. "I bet we don't have to look far to forage for food," he chuckled knowing that their seal would be broken if only for a little while.
"I too can't wait to live with you in our castle filled with love banquets. And you are correct ... a king needs more than fruit as does his queen. But wouldn't it be lovely to spend the entire day like this, enjoying the pleasures we can give each other?"

"Absolutely, I can't see any problems with that plan. If we never had to go back to normal life I could easily spend every day like this. Well... maybe not exactly like this, I'm sure we could find plenty of other ways to enjoy being together, enjoy each other's other talents, but I can't imagine getting bored of spending time like this" Katy smiled as she heard Jack's words and breathed a reply. She enjoyed everything they did so far but couldn't find any reason to tear themselves away from making the most of this pleasure for as long as the day held out. It didn't hurt to alternate though, even spending time next to Jack talking or just whiling the time away felt pretty special to her.

"How about if the king and queen were to unwrap their bodies and forage for some food. Food that would renew their strength and who knows what else might be renewed?... I bet we don't have to look far to forage for food,"

Katy grinned as he pulled the backpack towards them, raising herself up on her elbows before slowly sliding out from under Jack, staying close to him though, unwilling to break the connection between them with too much space.

"Unwrapping ourselves for now would let us enjoy the moment all over again when we wrap ourselves back in each other when we feel renewed though" she said, leaning towards him as she sat up, drawing his cheeks between her hands for a soft kiss, still finding it hard to believe her luck that not only was he allowing her to but wanted her to.

"I think we could both do with some extra strength, you must be exhausted after giving me so much of your magic" she added, blushing, hoping her recent climax hadn't been too wild to him.

As Jack raised himself to sit as well she slid her legs sideways over his lap to draw close to his side, teasing his semi-hardness as she slid her thigh against it, her shyness about touching and being close to him evaporating in the light of him making his feelings clear.

Taking a couple of boxes from the backpack as Jack opened it, finding carefully made sandwiches and smiling at him, still happy to follow the fantasy he was weaving around their now increasingly beautiful reality.

"Looks like my king was right, foraging for our food seems to be easy" she joked as she offered them to him.

Biting her lip briefly as she thought of another idea, not this time just around sharing their bodies, Katy still felt pangs of the old timidness, in case he reacted like everyone else she knew did, as if her ideas were small and stupid, even though she knew he wasn't like that.

"I'm a little better making the food than foraging for it though so it's lucky these weren't too hard to search for..... I used to love cooking but haven't really for a while and I'd love to do more things together, even though this is amazing.... Do you think Marie or Ashley would mind if I cooked for us one night, or is that a silly idea, would they be offended or something?" she asked, second guessing herself. "Perhaps as well as a sailor and a soccer star I might miraculously find a sous chef around here to help me too" she added with a laugh as she distracted herself starting on a sandwich herself.
Jack smiled when Katy spoke of how if they unwrapped themselves now it would be an enjoyable moment when they got to wrap themselves back together again. He felt the same way, feeling they were on the same page, not wanting to distance themselves to far from each other. He grinned when she took his face in her hands, drawing him into another soft kiss. How many times had they kissed softly, just to let the other know their true feelings?

He didn't bother to try and count as he enjoyed the soft kiss before she released him, telling him as she blushed, "I think we could both do with some extra strength, you must be exhausted after giving me so much of your magic" He remembered how her body had reacted to her latest orgasm.

"I don't think I could ever be exhausted from giving you pleasure my queen, my mermaid, and my artist." He rose to sit and offered a soft chuckle when she slid one leg over his lap, feeling her thigh rub against his still semi-hard wand, making it twitch.

If she had wrapped her arms around him rather than pick up a couple of boxes, his cock would have responded. But instead, they opened the boxes to find the sandwiches Marie and Ashley had prepared for them, listening to her jokingly say, "Looks like my king was right, foraging for our food seems to be easy"

He was about to respond when he noticed she bit her lip, feeling she wanted to add something. He listened as she told him she was better at making food rather than foraging for it and how she used to love cooking but hadn't done so in a while. And she wanted to do things together rather than have everything done for her.

Was this Michael's way of keeping her off guard when she was with him? He imagined Michael was a control freak, keeping her off balance and guessing about everything she did or wanted to do. Her comment about wanting to do things together was exactly what Jack wanted, to share the experiences of like. He, Jack, didn't want to control her but let her be herself. In the little time they were together, he found her to be very interesting besides being a fantastic lover.

"Do you think Marie or Ashley would mind if I cooked for us one night, or is that a silly idea, would they be offended or something?" He saw the way her facial features changed as if she were a young child, unsure of herself and asking the parent's permission if it was ok to do something that was normally done for them. And then she added before he could speak, laughing, "Perhaps as well as a sailor and a soccer star I might miraculously find a sous chef around here to help me too"

Jack smiled broadly at Katy, watching her take a bite of the sandwich. "First off my queen, your king knows these lands well .... where to find food ..... and a lovely artist who draws beautiful pictures in the sand .... and a beautiful mermaid who allowed a sailor to give her legs so she may enjoy sitting and enjoying being with the soccer professional ..... and ...... and last but the most precious of all .... he found his queen." His response started out as a joke but by the end he was serious. He hooked his finger under her chin, pulling her toward him for another of the endless soft kisses that conveyed love and affection.

When he released her he said, "I don't think Marie or Ashley would be offended by allowing my queen to have rein over the kitchen for one night. It is not a silly idea to want to show your king how a queen can prepare a scrumptious meal for them to enjoy." He thought of what it must have been to be with Michael always asking, always doubting she was doing of saying the right thing. Over the last few days, he noticed that attitude changing.

His face took on a very serious look as he laid his sandwich on his thigh for a moment and put his hands on her shoulders. "There is one troubling thing with your request to make a meal and include a sous chef. I know of one that is fantastic but he has a problem with all the beautiful chefs he has worked for."

Jack played the moment like a masterful actor, letting his words sink into her brain which he knew that she knew he was joking but nonetheless, he added, "You see my dear chef I'm afraid the only sous chef available would not be able to keep his hands to himself while preparing the meal. I'm afraid he would bother the chef until she was unable to cook and they would have to make love on the kitchen table before completing the meal. I hear tell he has ruined a good deal of meals but I also heard he has made the chefs very happy."

Jack let out a loud laugh, picking up his sandwich and letting his words cook in her brain. As he chewed, he said with a half-full mouthful. "Do you think the chef would mind?" And then another thought flew into his brain. "I also know that the sous chef would only take the position if he is allowed to prepare a special dessert for his chef. Do you think the chef would be agreeable to such a deal?"

A plan for dessert that she would remember for a long time started brewing in his head knowing that the evening this took place would be most memorable.
Waiting for Jack's answer as her old doubts yet again snaked into her mind, Katy felt the growing happiness at things going so well with them, even though she was still waiting on some level to trip herself up, make a mistake and spoil this somehow. It was like a slow tug of war, Jack would pull her deeper into his comfortable, secure, loving world and then her doubts would try to pull her back but it felt so good that they appeared to be losing so far, especially as she fell further in love with him. That in itself made her fall for him more, that he didn't seem to judge her, pointed out the good things that she couldn't even see in herself and seemed happy to be with her without needing to be impressed.

It took some getting used to after Katy feeling she was constantly asked to prove herself and then told why she wasn't good enough, wasn't performing well enough. Her mother had continually told her how to do better but she could see that was from worried love, panic that they wouldn't be able to look after themselves. Michael she would have tried to convince herself once was also looking out for her but that had been her hope, not reality it seemed looking back from the island. He'd been a constant reminder of why and how she wasn't good enough for a long list of reasons. She still felt some were true enough but Jack made her feel she was doing ok even with all these glaring faults and worth spending time with despite them.

As he called her his queen, pulled her towards him and pressed his lips against hers she closed her eyes and moaned very softly, no less excited by the loving reminder than at the first time. The butterflies and the worries were lessening slowly though, deepening into what felt like a stronger connection between them. Even as he took hold of her it wasn't possessive, it was a reminder they both wanted to be with each other and wanted each other. Every time he reminded her of how he felt, gave her courage to show the same to him, it felt as though things were becoming stronger with them. That felt far more real and special than being kept on the edge of her nerves just for one good day in the sea of grey days.

When Jack reassured her her idea of cooking for them was ok she smiled, relaxing, looking forward to sharing as many experiences with each other as they could. If they were going to live together, the thought of even the most basic domestic chores took on a new edge of pleasure, thinking of getting used to being with Jack at the same time. Even cleaning would be fun if he took the chance of her hands being full to slip his hands around her waist and kiss her neck at some point, and the mere thought of him having to roll his shirt sleeves up his arms to do dishes sped her pulse up a little.

Nibbling through a sandwich and listening as Jack described there being a problem with the sous chef he could think of though, Katy watched him curiously, not expecting him to bring up something truly troubling but wondering anyway what he was about to say or reveal. As he spoke however she shuddered a little, the previous images of domestic bliss flying straight from her mind as she pictured Jack lifting her onto the kitchen table, towering over her as he pressed between her legs, slid into her with her arms clutching him closer to her and left any thoughts of a meal far from her mind.

That sounded like a problem she'd be overjoyed to face and she laughed with him, almost replying as he asked if she'd mind but stopped herself as something new seemed to occur to him. Her eyes darkened a little at the proposition he made and she gazed at him, intrigued but a wave of excitement rising through her, already really wanting to find out what Jack's idea was, knowing it would be something she'd love.

"I think the chef would be more than agreeable to that whole deal" she told him with a wide smile, "In fact, I think that would immediately seal the job offer for the sous chef. The chef would love to have dessert made for her, whatever it might be, and would adore having a sous chef that shares all of her passions, not only for food... I don't see how he'd be ruining anything. Even if it does make the cooking more difficult, I suppose that will just test the chef's ability to multi-task." she grinned.

When Jack finished his own sandwich she wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his hardness twitch against her thigh as she slid up against him, her breasts pressing against his skin. Leaving a small series of kisses against his lips she held her face comfortably close to his, loving how they could share so much intimacy with so little difficulty.

"Thank you," she whispered, "for agreeing to my little ideas and having so many wonderful ones of your own. You already make me so happy, make me feel like someone I'm happier to be, like I don't have to worry about everything suddenly changing. As long as I can make you just as happy I can't wait to try anything and everything together, even on the kitchen table" she added playfully, kissing him softly again.

One hand played gently into his hair, keeping his gaze while the other drifted down his chest, eventually brushing over his hardness as they sat entwined.

"It must be a fault of all chefs that they can't keep their hands to themselves...." she murmured as her fingers wrapped tenderly around his shaft.
When Katy answered his question about the sous chef bothering her during the meal preparation and would love to enjoy his desire to prepare a very special dessert for her, he saw a sparkling glimmer in her eyes. It was so refreshing playing the imaginary games with her. Some of the women he dated in the past were stuffy and full of themselves, so concerned with climbing the social ladder.

He always felt that the real world was a serious place and that Katy would do well facing the day to day issues when they returned to the mainland. Katy was like a breath of fresh air, fun and inquisitive, willing to play along for the shear enjoyment of playing. Would she become the snobbish county club woman once she slipped into the that part of society? He didn't think so. Jack was so happy now and pushed all thoughts of future issues to the back of his mind.

"I'm sure the sous chef will be very happy to hear of the chef's acceptance of him preparing a scrumptious dessert for her. I have a feeling she'll be wanting more and more of the dessert," he said as his mind began to work on what he would do to make the dessert a special memory.

He laughed as he saw he peaked her curiosity as to what type of dessert the sous chef would be planning. "I'm afraid the sous chef must keep his special dessert a surprise. If he told of his dessert, it wouldn't be a surprise." He smiled and added, "I know the sous chef will be more than happy to share all of his passion in and out of the kitchen. And he will be sure to do whatever he can not to ruin the special meal as it's being prepared and I think he would be intrigued to see the chef's ability to multi-task."

Afterwards, Jack finished his sandwich and smiled when Katy wrapped her arms around his neck, placing quick soft kisses on his lips. He let out a soft moan feeling the tips of her breasts brushing against his him. He couldn't get enough of her ...... her quick wit ..... her charm ...... her soft kisses ..... and the way she felt in his arms.

He again saw the glimmer and sparkle in her eyes when she told him, "Thank you ........ for agreeing to my little ideas and having so many wonderful ones of your own.". You already make me so happy, make me feel like someone I'm happier to be, like I don't have to worry about everything suddenly changing. As long as I can make you just as happy I can't wait to try anything and everything together, even on the kitchen table"
Jack mulled over the words Katy spoke feeling one of her hands slicing through his hair while the other caressed his chest. As her hand slid down his body, he felt the familiar sensations beginning to build up in his body. And when her hand brushed against his semi-soft muscle, he felt a jolt of happiness. She knew just what buttons to push and he tried to concentrate on what she was saying, "It must be a fault of all chefs that they can't keep their hands to themselves...."

He knew where this was heading, feeling her fingers circle his cock and begin a slow stroking motion. "I have a feeling that the chef wants to interview the sous chef in such a way as to not be disappointed when it comes time to share a kitchen with him." He closed his eyes momentarily feeling blood flowing into his muscle the more she stroked it.

"If that is the case then I needed to tell the chef some things before the interview gets too in-depth." He looked deep into her beautiful sparkling brown eyes, kissing her gently on the lips before he spoke.

"Katy you do the same for me .... make me happy just to be alive and sharing all this with you." What would she say if she knew this really was his island? But he dismissed it quickly. "I'm glad you feel the way you do and I think we make a great team and I can't wait to share more with you. I want you to be happy and I'll promise I'll try to make you feel loved and wanted no matter what faces us when we return to the mainland."
He pushed a few strands of hair from her face and looked adoring into her eyes again. There was an urge within him to make her happy. "I want you to be happy with me even if we ruin a meal because we can't keep our hands off each other." Kissing her deeply, he felt her lips respond in kind and her body pressing against him, feeling her fingers tighten around his shaft as it grew longer and thicker.

He pulled her down to lay next to him, kissing her, feeling her body mold into his cocoon. His hands began to caress whatever part of her he could touch .... her back .... shoulders .... lower back .... cupping her butt cheeks ..... hips ..... thighs .... he just couldn't get enough of her.
The kiss broke and he was breathing a bit harder. "I love you Katy and will do anything to make you happy and safe. I want to make love to you now," he moaned as his lips crushed against hers.
When Jack joked about his interview but mentioned telling her some more things, Katy looked at him seriously but stayed relaxed as she curled against him. Her normal worries were easier to keep from running unchecked through her, curious about what he was going to say instead of panicking. It didn't hurt either that his kisses came so often, reassuring and soothing at the same time as arousing, reminding her this was real and that she didn't have to earn every single piece of affection any more. Listening to him speak she slowed her pace to focus on his words but didn't stop teasing her fingers up and down his shaft, thrilled by the feel of him beneath her palm, how easily they could be intimate.

"Katy you do the same for me .... make me happy just to be alive and sharing all this with you..... I'm glad you feel the way you do and I think we make a great team and I can't wait to share more with you. I want you to be happy and I'll promise I'll try to make you feel loved and wanted no matter what faces us when we return to the mainland..... I want you to be happy with me even if we ruin a meal because we can't keep our hands off each other."

Her eyes softened hearing all of his words, still amazed and entranced by how tender he was to her, pleased to her him echo exactly the same feelings she had for him and everything she was hoping he felt about her. Kissing him back just as enthusiastically as he pressed his lips onto hers she felt as though she couldn't get close enough to him, their bodies enticing each other more the closer they got. As he guided her to lay down with him she smiled into his kiss, stroking him more purposefully as she adored his fingers covering every part of her he could.

"I love you Katy and will do anything to make you happy and safe. I want to make love to you now," Jack added between kisses.

As his lips crushed hers she matched his moan, her heart almost ready to either burst or melt at his declarations, she wasn't sure which, but she knew she wanted to please him too, leaning into him to slide her leg over his, pressing him to lay on his back as she straddled him.

"I love you Jack, I can't wait to face whatever comes with you, share everything with you, enjoy every ruined meal while we love each other. So then if you want to make love to me go ahead and make love to me now" she breathed as they drew air again between kisses, "If you want to keep me happy and safe then hold me to keep me safe and fill me to make me happy..." she smiled cheekily, starting to feel at ease.

Keeping her fingers firmly but tenderly around Jack's shaft she slowly slid him along her folds, watching his expression as she used her body to tempt him even further. Her own features softened with desire as his obvious need excited her too.

Sliding his tip inside her depths, still wet from her uncontrollable arousal in response to his talented mouth, Katy locked eyes with Jack, making herself wait for their next kiss, as a mischievous confidence flooded her. He made her feel as though she could do anything and it wouldn't be wrong. Instead of slowly pressing him into her she slid him fully inside her in one gentle but fluid motion, her eyes fluttering closed for a second at the beauty of feeling of him inside her but forcing them open in time to see his own reaction.

Leaning down she kissed him passionately once more, her muscles tensing around his cock, exploring his tongue as her thighs ground her onto him. Before she could get carried away she broke their kiss, sitting straighter on top of him, her thighs gripping onto his, to drive him deeper into her, acting quickly before her nerves had a chance to air themselves. She was tired of second guessing herself, it took so much effort and heartache, this was chance for something new and far more lovely.

Taking Jack's hands in hers, she interlocked her fingers between his, using him to steady and grip herself against as she slid up and down along his shaft, laughing as she watched his eyes darken and sparkle, giving her more than enough encouragement. Feeling him grow even harder within her she slowly brought one palm at a time to her lips, keeping her gaze on his with a grin as she left kisses across the skin of his hands, placing one on one of her ass cheeks once she'd finished caressing it, then placing the other over her breast. Laying her hands softly behind her along his thighs to stroke him and steady herself, her head tipped back a little, leaving her body open to him as she closed her eyes to enjoy the feel of him and the joy of leisurely riding him.