Kamala Harris reiterates false claim that gun violence no. 1 killer of children day after Chiefs shooting

Every year, more than 3,500 children and teens—defined as infants through age 19—are shot and killed in the U.S., and another 15,000 are wounded.

Of the 42,939 traffic fatalities in 2021 in the United States, 1,184 (3%) were children 14 and younger.

So the figures are not exactly aligned, but unless 2,400 teenagers 15-19 years of age are shot and killed each year, it's safer to be in a car wreck than be in line of fire.

Cause more car wrecks, it'll make shootings safer!!!!!!!


So the figures are not exactly aligned, but unless 2,400 teenagers 15-19 years of age are shot and killed each year, it's safer to be in a car wreck than be in line of fire.

Cause more car wrecks, it'll make shootings safer!!!!!!!
You'll note those are total numbers of deaths in your link, SD's article only compares accidental gun deaths to car accident deaths. The target audience of these types of op-eds are not the smart bunch to ever graduate from kindergarten.
You'll note those are total numbers of deaths in your link, SD's article only compares accidental gun deaths to car accident deaths. The target audience of these types of op-eds are not the smart bunch to ever graduate from kindergarten.
It's amazing that people who are apparently considered sane enough to vote, take such a site seriously when the first line of Wiki describes it as:

Breitbart News Network (known commonly as Breitbart News, Breitbart, or Breitbart.com) is an American far-right[5] syndicated news, opinion, and commentary[6][7] website founded in mid-2007 by American conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart. Its content has been described as misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist by academics and journalists.
Ask him?

Oh, before you do you might want to double check his stats.
His states based on race? But it's a culture thing.....

What culture led to fatherless children? Was it the culture that incarcerated certain groups of people more than others leading to fathers to be in prison rather than with their kids?

Is that a culture?
If they are FBI based they are based on crime, felonies to be exact. Now, when you see numbers that are vastly out of line with a groups representation within a population you are looking at a cultural issue. Which has me referring you back to the Dr. Sowell book I linked just a few posts ago.
If they are FBI based they are based on crime, felonies to be exact. Now, when you see numbers that are vastly out of line with a groups representation within a population you are looking at a cultural issue. Which has me referring you back to the Dr. Sowell book I linked just a few posts ago.
They are not FBI based the records are based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data. The CDC gets its data from hospitals, doctors, medical clinics, police reports, coroners and other sources..
If they are FBI based they are based on crime, felonies to be exact. Now, when you see numbers that are vastly out of line with a groups representation within a population you are looking at a cultural issue. Which has me referring you back to the Dr. Sowell book I linked just a few posts ago.
I'm familiar with his horseshit.... Yes.

So the culture puts a particular race in jail more than another one for the same crimes..... Got it.
I'm familiar with his horseshit.... Yes.

So the culture puts a particular race in jail more than another one for the same crimes..... Got it.
No you don't, you don't get shit, you don't know shit, you're just assuming shit.
Sowell is a fucking shill. I mean at least Candace might actually buy her own bullshit. Sowell is smart and articulate he just found a lane where he could make tons of money.
I read that somebody called the killer a thug and by saying so he's a racist.
No you don't, you don't get shit, you don't know shit, you're just assuming shit.
You declared the cause to be fatherless children and then said the cause was culture. I'm not assuming anything. I'm going off of your comments. Fathers in jail lead to children without fathers. Statistics show a disproportionate rate in blacks and Latinos for the same crimes as whites.

I'd say poverty drives people into gangs and disproportionate prison rates lead to disproportionate poverty.

So yes, race is a factor.
You declared the cause to be fatherless children and then said the cause was culture. I'm not assuming anything. I'm going off of your comments. Fathers in jail lead to children without fathers. Statistics show a disproportionate rate in blacks and Latinos for the same crimes as whites.

I'd say poverty drives people into gangs and disproportionate prison rates lead to disproportionate poverty.

So yes, race is a factor.

I would actually go a step further in saying that when (I believe it was Reagan but I'd have to look it up) changed the welfare laws to state that if there is an able bodied man in the house who isn't working no welfare for you. Well if they couldn't get jobs through no fault of their own the responsible thing to do was to walk away. Which lead to them stealing, selling drugs all that stuff.

Hell sagging was a result of the amount of weight you lose when your in jail. It wasn't that one day black people just decided to wear their pants down there.

These things are all tied together. If we're being honest in the US separating race, class and culture is virtually impossible. You can try but good luck with that one friend.
You declared the cause to be fatherless children and then said the cause was culture. I'm not assuming anything. I'm going off of your comments. Fathers in jail lead to children without fathers. Statistics show a disproportionate rate in blacks and Latinos for the same crimes as whites.

I'd say poverty drives people into gangs and disproportionate prison rates lead to disproportionate poverty.

So yes, race is a factor.
If you are suggesting that those that denigrate education, elevate criminal behavior and violence, and refuse to take responsibility for their off-spring tend to be of a particular race, well, you're right. They belong to a particular sub-culture whose roots are profiled in Dr. Sowell's book.
Sowell is an evil man and we've already pointed out that this culture you speak of is mostly something the government made happen.
Sowell is an evil man and we've already pointed out that this culture you speak of is mostly something the government made happen.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Any excuse to avoid confronting the reality of the situation.