Just the Headlines

UNLV Shooter Identified – Was a College Professor Rejected for a Position at the School​

By Cullen Linebarger Dec. 7, 2023 7:15 am

Law enforcement officials told ABC News that the mass shooter was 67-year-old Anthony Polito, a professor who unsuccessfully applied for a job at the school. He had previously worked as a professor in North Carolina and Georgia.

ABC News reported that two police detectives responded to the active shooting scene and confronted Polito, who was armed with a handgun. The gunman started a shootout with the police and was killed.

The outlet reported investigators are searching an apartment in Henderson, Nevada, believed to be Polito’s home. The police have obtained his phone and are using it to search for evidence regarding his motive for the shooting. They are also searching his professional writings for additional clues.

Authorities have also revealed that the victims who were killed in the shooting were faculty or staff, not students. Due to this, they suspect the attack was not random, but it’s unclear at this point whether he knew the individuals.

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/20...fied-was-college-professor-rejected-position/

No doubt the left was hoping for a white supremacist.