Jack Smith’s Case Against Trump Appears to Be Falling Apart

It has everything to do with Smith.
It does not

You prejudge. Then you seek to justify your prejudgement with outright lies and half truths. Which makes you guilty of 2 wrongs.
I do not.

I have an opinion of whether 45 committed a crime. I trust our court system will work it out. I don't attack court officials who are doing their job in order to support my opinion
^ this is an example of sentence construction and word choice proving bias.
lol, no shit I’m biased against trump. Look at all he’s done ffs

You use the words "criminal grifter" as if they're factual rather than just your belief and then justify your use of those words by the statement "supported by his long history of doing so" as if that too is factual.

Both of those are unsupported except as a personal belief. Yet those beliefs shape and frame your overall opinion as if they were actual facts. Basically, your beliefs form your opinion based on those beliefs. Which is called circular logic.
Nope, you’re wrong. Read up on the guy. You can start with Bob Woodward’s books on his presidency. Woodward, as you may recall, is the real deal.

Worse, when called on it you attack the person pointing this out to you. I have made no bones about how I stand for the law. Nothing I can recall having said regarding Biden runs afoul of that. Why? Because I form my opinions based on FACTS rather than my beliefs.
You’re the last person to call out anyone for attacking someone. Besides, if you think my saying something you do is a bit silly then I’d love to see your act in court against other lawyers.

As for Biden, you did say he was legally innocent, but you personally believe he’s not as quoted in this very thread. It’s ok to have an opinion even if the law has another. Do you think OJ did it?

Trump has never been adjudged guilty of any criminal act. That you don't like him doesn't alter that FACT so you have no basis to claim he's any sort of grifter or criminal or crook or anything of the sort. That you do that is because you need to do so in order to justify yourself to yourself. The really horrible part is that you don't actually know anything, you're going on what a biased media has told you and you're using that to slander Trump with.
But he has been adjudged to be guilty of all kinds of shit. Their are basis galore to claim he’s a grifter and criminal and crook. You saying otherwise only makes it clear that you don’t know much of anything about trump which means you have no basis to make ascriptions towards me.

Which makes you a tool both personally and for the political operatives who shaped that message and told you to spread it for them.

It's obvious that you're actually smarter than that. Yet, because you've been told to ignore your own intelligence to get a reward you debase yourself for "them."
Thanks, I think. But no, I’ve done a deep dive into trump and his past reading all manner of books, including Roger Stone’s. And I’ve drawn my own conclusions and believe my own eyes. In fact, they’re the same conclusions a lot of congress critters have but are to scared to voice and act on them or who are too political to stand against for long, just look at McConnell and Graham.
You already look foolish so there'll be no change in that dept.

I have an OPINION. It's based on the historical record of non punishment for others who have done the same thing Eastman did.

You have a BIAS which you've let run loose in your head to control your words and deeds. It's based on a severe case of TDS and hate and a FAILURE TO REMEMBER what happened the last time people got together and decided to enact a major change in society and then realized that mob rule sucks.

That was called Prohibition and the mentality then was just as wrong as the TDS driven mentality of today.

Not that you'll get the connection. Because you're intentionally stupid and filled with hate.
Trump's prosecution is on par with Prohibition from a Consitutional standpoint?
I guess AJ the Housesquaw was right "Go Big Or Go Home"! :rolleyes:

Edited: "Go Home" not "Go Homo". :ROFLMAO:
. Do you think OJ did it?
Yah totally off topic and not meaning to derail hisarpys next possible meltdown, but I belive OJ did it, and I knew he was going to walk on the first day when the chick started using a barking dog as reference to the time the crime was committed...

She should have just said, we have OJ's DNA from the crime scene which 99.999999999994 % proves he was there.

Now I'll sit down and let the defence take up six weeks of your life trying to prove otherwise.
This is what the bar concluded.

My opinion differs.

The Ca State Supreme court will determine which of us is correct.
Yes, it will.

The delayed justice for America's judicial system is well past due.

It's time for some finality and accountability to reign that in. The appeal should determine that the bar was correct; Eastman was wrong, and the loss of his license as a result of pushing fantasy and carrying carbon water for Trump is a way and warning for others to observe and heed.

When that happens, I expect you will agree justice was delivered and duly adjudicated by an equitable system.

See here's the thing; if he was actually guilty of the things he's been charged with, he'd have been found guilty in fact instead of only in the minds of those who read biased media bullshit.

Or doesn't innocent until PROVEN guilty mean anything to you?

As for the settlements, the NY hush money case is going to test whether a settlement is a criminal act or not. My money is that the jury will find him guilty (because Trump and NYC biased jury) but the appeals court will reverse the verdict because settling a dispute with someone isn't a bribe. Nor does it legally equate to an admission of guilt.

The E Jean Carroll case will also be set aside because proclaiming your innocence isn't defamatory.

So, based on that (if it happens) how can you conclude Trump did anything wrong when he's not been found to actually be in the wrong?
As you said, let's not 'pre-judge' Trump in a legal court of law, save that for the 'public court of law.' Wait for the waters to flow beneath the scales of justice until the appeals run out. If justice isn't blind, it will see what the public eye has seen - guilty beyond a doubt.

You continue to harp on this "settling a dispute with someone isn't a bribe;" it's criminal crap. You frame the case incorrectly every time—this E. J. Carroll trial is about Trump fraudulently writing the payment off as a business deduction on his taxes. Trump hid the deduction of the hush payment to Carroll as payment for legal services to Michael Cohen on his income tax form. That's fraud. That's the charge, that's documented—damning evidence. Get the right charge in front of your case; it looks so different!
As you said, let's not 'pre-judge' Trump in a legal court of law, save that for the 'public court of law.' Wait for the waters to flow beneath the scales of justice until the appeals run out. If justice isn't blind, it will see what the public eye has seen - guilty beyond a doubt.

You continue to harp on this "settling a dispute with someone isn't a bribe;" it's criminal crap. You frame the case incorrectly every time—this E. J. Carroll trial is about Trump fraudulently writing the payment off as a business deduction on his taxes. Trump hid the deduction of the hush payment to Carroll as payment for legal services to Michael Cohen on his income tax form. That's fraud. That's the charge, that's documented—damning evidence. Get the right charge in front of your case; it looks so different!

The hush money payment was to Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford)

But otherwise, yeah, spot on.

The hush money payment was to Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford)

But otherwise, yeah, spot on.

So many women. It's hard to remember why one is filing for what. No, they all seem to be filing for the same thing! :nana:

EVIDENCE TAMPERING? Jack Smith Admits FBI Messed with Boxes Containing “Classified” Documents They Seized from Trump​

By Cristina Laila May. 4, 2024 4:20 pm

Jack Smith in his Friday night response admitted the FBI moved the classified documents around.

According to a footnote in the motion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, the FBI messed with the boxes containing the ‘classified’ documents they seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

The DOJ previously assured the Court that the placement of classified documents as originally found had been maintained – THEY LIED!

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/evidence-tampering-jack-smith-admits-fbi-messed-boxes/

Yes, it was a set-up.
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EVIDENCE TAMPERING? Jack Smith Admits FBI Messed with Boxes Containing “Classified” Documents They Seized from Trump​

By Cristina Laila May. 4, 2024 4:20 pm

ack Smith in his Friday night response admitted the FBI moved the classified documents around.

According to a footnote in the motion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, the FBI messed with the boxes containing the ‘classified’ documents they seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

The DOJ previously assured the Court that the placement of classified documents as originally found had been maintained – THEY LIED!

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/evidence-tampering-jack-smith-admits-fbi-messed-boxes/

Yes, it was a set-up.
Nauta has had four months to file this motion yet waited until four days before the deadline.

Lol...this is a delay tactic...nothing more.

EVIDENCE TAMPERING? Jack Smith Admits FBI Messed with Boxes Containing “Classified” Documents They Seized from Trump​

By Cristina Laila May. 4, 2024 4:20 pm

Jack Smith in his Friday night response admitted the FBI moved the classified documents around.

According to a footnote in the motion reviewed by The Gateway Pundit, the FBI messed with the boxes containing the ‘classified’ documents they seized from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

The DOJ previously assured the Court that the placement of classified documents as originally found had been maintained – THEY LIED!

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/evidence-tampering-jack-smith-admits-fbi-messed-boxes/

Yes, it was a set-up.
How cute you believe this....but then again a lot of idiots are cute!!
Or to put it more simply, never ascribe to malice what is adequately explained by incompetence.
The Dispatch's Sarah Isgur on Judge Cannon's rulings
Of course the Trumpers are worried about this case. This has become another chance for Americans with principles to see the noxious, seamy side of the orange turd.

‘Against The Law’: Jack Smith’s Staged Docs Photo Could Throw Major Wrench In Case Against Trump, Lawyers Say​

May 09, 20247:49 PM ET

In a recent court filing, Jay Bratt, the lead Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutor now assigned to special counsel Jack Smith’s team, admitted that the FBI brought cover sheets reading “top secret” to its raid of Mar-a-Lago. The cover sheets, Bratt explained, were used as placeholders for the classified documents found at the scene. Now, both Trump’s defense and the special counsel are admitting that the documents seized from the former president’s residence are out of order, according to court documents first reported by Declassified with Julie Kelly.
The latest development could affect the integrity of the case in the view of both the court and the public, lawyers told the Daily Caller.
“It could [complicate the case]. I don’t know whether it will or not, but it certainly could,” John Malcolm, vice president for the Heritage Foundation’s Institute for Constitutional Government and former deputy assistant attorney general in the DOJ’s Criminal Division, told the Daily Caller.
“The allegation or the argument would be, they’ve tampered with the evidence they’ve affected its integrity in some material way. I mean, it would be as if they had messed with somebody else’s DNA sample or had smudged the fingerprint,” Malcolm continued.

“In other words, in their zeal to stage a phony photo using official classified cover sheets, FBI agents might have failed to accurately match the placeholder sheet with the appropriate document. This is a potentially case-blowing mistake, particularly if the document in question is one of the 34 records that represents the basis of espionage charges against Trump,” Kelly writes.

More here:https://dailycaller.com/2024/05/09/...documents-staged-photo-jay-bratt-crime-scene/

If you're not following Declassified with Julie Kelly you're not getting the full picture. She is a recognized investigative reporter.
Julie Kelly....lmao

Her head is squarely and securely up Trump's ass
Which case? Smith has more than one case in progress on Trump. Both are being delayed but not closed. Both are doing nicely in making Trump suffer public doses of reality facing even as they unfold.
Which case? Smith has more than one case in progress on Trump. Both are being delayed but not closed. Both are doing nicely in making Trump suffer public doses of reality facing even as they unfold.
He has two cases against Trump. The J6 case in DC which is on hold pending his immunity pleas to the SCOTUS and the Florida documents case which is now on hold pending motions filed.