It was all political driven to hurt conservatives


Jan 31, 2023
And it was led by the media, Hollywood, the Big Tech moguls and the Deep State, the one ol' Trump used talk about.

Call it the The Cabal for Control

Things you don’t/won’t hear about anymore that came from The Cabal for Control:

This people who lost taste during Covid
Covid deaths
The predominance of white supremacy in the military

Once again, those who “follow the Science” have proven that what they follow are herd, finger-in-the-wind, politically-fanned winds of panic, fear and mass manipulation and they never, ever admit that they were wrong, they just move on to the next thing that they know is true because it is a benefit to their cult-ideology.

The herd mentality still believes the tide was stemmed by the Biden Vaccine, which, to his credit, he did get distributed and took credit for even though it was fast-tracked and developed by the Trump Administration. They still are loath to admit that herd-immunity did its work and Covid is still there, will never go away, but somehow just isn’t the danger that used to be despite the vaccine being of little efficacy and the variant having to be “guessed” at each year by “The Science.”

(But don’t worry Covid fans. The Chinese, masters of our “EV drive” battery resources and manufacturing are working on a new variant with a 100% lethality rating as Dr. Fauci sheepishly admits, “You know, the lab theory wasn’t just a crackpot conspiracy theory and some of our ‘Science’, like the six-foot rule just came from nowhere. We really were winging it like when everyone was panicking and Trump was President and I said, ’NO! Enjoy yourself, live your live, go to the Super Bowl™!’”)

Same thing happened after the exhaustive study of the military and “The Hunt for White Supremacy.” They didn’t find any, but those who follow, finger-in-the-wind, knew it was true because it went hand-in-hand with their views of the military and it’s the exact same in other areas of national defense like the border where they assure us the only border crises is the misinformation of the reporting by FOX and NewsMax.

And the herd marches triumphantly along the plains of our broad, sweeping, encompassing, expansive culture. Is their next fantasy going to be, if you do not allow us to mutilate children and turn them into sexual comprachicos, then you hate gays, lesbians, trans and all the other rainbow alphabet letters of sexuality instead of merely believing that they should at least be legal adults before they make those decisions, or do we open up contract law to any child who expresses a desire to enter into a contract, like purchasing a unicorn.

Are we to just look the other way, to go along to get along, while they, “Follow the Science?”
Are black citizens supposed to get to the back of the equity bus while the herd fights “White Supremacy” with a brown invasion over racist borders?

Do we allow in terrorists who hate our way of life and would enslave us to their religion in order to enable the herd’s fight against imagined oppression and Xenophobia while they pooh-pooh the very idea of a national border and fight for the right of the undocumented to vote because in an involuntary tax-driven system of governance they cannot evade taxes as easily as they can the border patrol?


And now, the The Cabal for Control is telling you that you have to FEAR their number one enemy, THE GREAT SATAN and the little satan 𝕏, the mogul who stole Twitter from them and they vowed never to use again (just like they always vow that they're moving to Canada. Maybe Canada should be building a wall for when Trump takes the Left's government away from them too...)

The Cabal who cried wolf.
The chicken who said the sky is falling.
The politician who says MAGA is going to end Democracy.

Didn't y'all get to vote Biden into office? Seems like MAGA runs a non-Democratic election as effectively as they do an "insurrection."
The effects of MAGA on politics and American society, from Covid to Babbitt, is toxic and proven deadly.
Still, I gotta say, it's freakin fascinating to watch a brain that does not belong to a child free flow unanchored by logic or reason.
And it was led by the media, Hollywood, the Big Tech moguls and the Deep State, the one ol' Trump used talk about.

Call it the The Cabal for Control

Things you don’t/won’t hear about anymore that came from The Cabal for Control:

This people who lost taste during Covid
Covid deaths
The predominance of white supremacy in the military

Once again, those who “follow the Science” have proven that what they follow are herd, finger-in-the-wind, politically-fanned winds of panic, fear and mass manipulation and they never, ever admit that they were wrong, they just move on to the next thing that they know is true because it is a benefit to their cult-ideology.

The herd mentality still believes the tide was stemmed by the Biden Vaccine, which, to his credit, he did get distributed and took credit for even though it was fast-tracked and developed by the Trump Administration. They still are loath to admit that herd-immunity did its work and Covid is still there, will never go away, but somehow just isn’t the danger that used to be despite the vaccine being of little efficacy and the variant having to be “guessed” at each year by “The Science.”

(But don’t worry Covid fans. The Chinese, masters of our “EV drive” battery resources and manufacturing are working on a new variant with a 100% lethality rating as Dr. Fauci sheepishly admits, “You know, the lab theory wasn’t just a crackpot conspiracy theory and some of our ‘Science’, like the six-foot rule just came from nowhere. We really were winging it like when everyone was panicking and Trump was President and I said, ’NO! Enjoy yourself, live your live, go to the Super Bowl™!’”)

Same thing happened after the exhaustive study of the military and “The Hunt for White Supremacy.” They didn’t find any, but those who follow, finger-in-the-wind, knew it was true because it went hand-in-hand with their views of the military and it’s the exact same in other areas of national defense like the border where they assure us the only border crises is the misinformation of the reporting by FOX and NewsMax.

And the herd marches triumphantly along the plains of our broad, sweeping, encompassing, expansive culture. Is their next fantasy going to be, if you do not allow us to mutilate children and turn them into sexual comprachicos, then you hate gays, lesbians, trans and all the other rainbow alphabet letters of sexuality instead of merely believing that they should at least be legal adults before they make those decisions, or do we open up contract law to any child who expresses a desire to enter into a contract, like purchasing a unicorn.

Are we to just look the other way, to go along to get along, while they, “Follow the Science?”
Are black citizens supposed to get to the back of the equity bus while the herd fights “White Supremacy” with a brown invasion over racist borders?

Do we allow in terrorists who hate our way of life and would enslave us to their religion in order to enable the herd’s fight against imagined oppression and Xenophobia while they pooh-pooh the very idea of a national border and fight for the right of the undocumented to vote because in an involuntary tax-driven system of governance they cannot evade taxes as easily as they can the border patrol?


And now, the The Cabal for Control is telling you that you have to FEAR their number one enemy, THE GREAT SATAN and the little satan 𝕏, the mogul who stole Twitter from them and they vowed never to use again (just like they always vow that they're moving to Canada. Maybe Canada should be building a wall for when Trump takes the Left's government away from them too...)

The Cabal who cried wolf.
The chicken who said the sky is falling.
The politician who says MAGA is going to end Democracy.

Didn't y'all get to vote Biden into office? Seems like MAGA runs a non-Democratic election as effectively as they do an "insurrection."
AJ put a lot of creativity into this one, folks. Bold, colored and italicized fonts in the mix. Even got to use the 𝕏 symbol from Musk in there.

Make sure you hand clap appropriately. ;)
The Left never fails to disappoint by living true to the stereotype and proving that if it weren't for herd-mentality and hate that they would have no thoughts, just a test pattern or a gray snow-screen.

And we slink like alley cats,
Tearing down what we attack,
To prove that we are one/won...

This is what happens when turbo cancer invades the blood brain barrier, obviously. should write a book with these really insightful thoughts. 👍
And it was led by the media, Hollywood, the Big Tech moguls and the Deep State, the one ol' Trump used talk about.
The above post should show a clear warning about the dangers of drinking too much Carbon based water.

This public service message brought to by the United peoples of Scientific Awareness Or UPSA, for short.