Ishs' House of Tale Crafting


Horny Stud
Aug 29, 2021
Welcome to Ishs' House of Tale Crafting!! Here, I will craft tales for RPs to Enjoy and Read, hell maybe RP if we're lucky.. My rules are Simple, Biker Outlaw Oriented stories are welcome here. As well as Maid/Master, Dom/Sub, Model/Photographer, etc etc.

However, Male Teacher/Female Student fantasies are NOT welcome (MS and HS, honestly I believe it's a cookie cutter bullshit role plus not a fan of that cause it's a rape fantasy I really don't wanna do or do I want to, ever. Hard NO)
Trucker/Hitchhiker are not welcome here either. (Truckers are creepy in my opinion, Thanks Joy Ride and Pee Wee's Big Adventure..)
Anything deemed creepy by standards, I will not do. Noncon is fine, just nothing too extreme. So let's get writing!!!

EDIT (as of January 6, 2023): I'm actually warming up to a teacher fantasy scene (the female teacher/male student aspect. Always love breaking the power dynamic in a sensual reversal. Story will be written out soon)
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Love of a House Mouse

Lily Rose (or whoever you're gonna play with, Lily Rose is my example) isn't your ordinary runaway teenager. At 19, after living with Ish and his Ol Lady for a couple years. She was secretly in love with the outlaw MC Leader of an MC himself. Will she come to her own realization of secretly falling in love with the Outlaw Biker, or does he know she secretly loves him and wants him? Only time will tell.
Dirty Deeds done gone Wrong

A female drug dealer comes in and tries to make a deal with the Outlaw MC President. She is smittened by the Outlaw later on. But at first, he didn't like her nor the fact she handled drug business. He and her would hit it off after her distributor would send two men to get her left for dead in this erotic yet action blazed SRP tale!

"So it's just that simple. We go in and take out the girl." The man said to his partner loaded with a gun in his hand. The two men drove their Nissan Altima to Ishs' clubhouse. How or why they knew she would be there, he did not know. The security cameras would show them approaching as Ish was getting armed to protect the place. "Who were these men, what were they here for? Were they here for the girl, but most importantly why were they here for her?" He asked himself, wondering why two men with 9 mm pistols are coming to the clubhouse in a nice car. Most importantly, they'd be not coming out alive.
The Drifter and The Sweet Runaway

(Now I'm not one for Flashbacks or "What if?" Scenes but if it's anything to do with an 18-21 year old Ish, I'll come up with it dammit. So anyway here's a short snippet of the story I may want to do in the future.)

Ish, a 19 year old high school graduate decides to ride off on a motorcycle away from life. His parents telling him to go to college and make something of his life, he just wants to ride and hit the gym for the rest of his life. One day, while riding through the Texoma border heading over to South Dakota, he ran into a 19 year old female who was running away from either a bad family or a super bad boyfriend. Either way, he was not gonna leave her behind and then decided to approach her to see what else is going on with her. He would approach her since he was just a travelling biker and maybe would love her company too.
The Outlaw and The Good Girl (A Retelling of Persephone, Hades and the Pomegranate)

(Excerpt from Chapter 1: The Evening Dance)

Ish, a businessman who literally was known for accounting and adult entertainment would be taking his lovely new secretary to the Gala his company was holding for the 5th Anniversary of it's founding. He was dressed to the 9s in a tuxedo with a black bowtie. Normally he preferred the regular tie in a half or full Windsor knot. But this evening was a black tuxedo and bowtie event.

His secretary, the new lovely girl would be wearing a lovely Raven Jet Black dress, earrings, and black high heel pumps. She also adorned a pomegranate gold colored necklace that belonged to her mother. So it was a few hours before the event, the limo wasn't coming for another couple of hours as he would then get behind her and then say to her "Mmmm.. Your Master missed you this weekend. Thank God you're here."

Just then, she would turn to him as he would then slowly slide off the right strap of her dress. The woman gasped, bit her lower lip and moaned, "Mmmm master Ish, your lovely Persephone loves it when you take off her dress." The secretary moaned and cooed to him, enjoying her self in the moment. The way she was enticed and mesmerized by him was a short steel strike of thunder that even most people couldn't understand but he did. She was his in the moment that would last for a moment, maybe forever...
The Perfect Extreme Workout

Ish woke up this morning to a normal usual routine of heading out to the gym. He was a bit tired so he got up from the bed and then headed to the shower to get him awake. He got a bit alert, readying his usual pre workout brekky, letting it digest. Prepping his pre-workout with BCAAs to drink on the way to the gym. A peach lemonade flavor with fruit punch best aminos. He just got into his RAM 2500 Pickup Truck and left his 2 story mansion to head over to the gym he works out at.

He drove as he chugged his pre-workout to get him ready into his mindset of working out. Today was chest day, but he also wanted a personal trainer for this sesh too. He always did believe in Two people are better than one doing this. It was fun working out solo but this was meant to be a two person thing as well.
The Trace of Success

Ish drove to his office downtown for his normal job. As an accountant, but no ordinary accountant. The man handled his finances in a way no one ever could as he was also an Adult Entertainment mogul. The man was about 5'4, slightly muscular and dressed very nice. He came to the office as he was in a very sharp 3 piece navy royal blue suit, with his matching colored tie tied in a very professional Windsor knot, the navy royal blue vest under the suit jacket with a clean white buttoned up Joplin collared dress shirt.

He headed to his office in the building on the third floor, he greeted his lovely secretary, Mae who was fresh on a Monday morning as he then headed into his office. The office building was a bit simply an old 40s styled building, that was renovated for 80 years so there was also a mix of mid to late 80s repairs and modern day renovations. Plus it was a 6 story building. Normally a man of his caliber would be getting the top floor, he was quite content on the third floor. It was halfway there to upper success. The man sat down until he was commed through his secretary. "Sir, your 11 o'clock meeting is coming in. She's here to talk to you about working in the adult industry."

"Let her in, Mae." Ish said over the intercom on his desk over to Mae. The woman had came in through the door. She was anxious but professional while coming through the door. What she was gonna say next was going to be a deal maker.
Sex Therapy, is it for Everybody?

(This is a nucleus prototype I really want to try. Have had this idea for years lol, maybe I want see if this would be a bit appropriate to pursue to write and play.)

Ish was heading over to his Sex Therapist's office in his Ram Intruder pickup truck. He smiled as he knew things were getting good but slow with this lady. He also noticed that his sex therapist has been around the block, for sure. He checked his phone's time to see the time. He wasn't too early, but not late either. In fact, was about 15 minutes appropriately there. He wasn't scheduled to see her until 2:30 PM. He smiled as he got out of the truck to head into her office, to take a seat.

He saw the magazine rack have porn magazines that were published by his publication and porn company. There also was softcore fashion magazines such as Lucky, Glamour and Cosmo. Some of the stuff that even would give him an erection right now. He saw the Therapist's hot receptionist, Miranda. She was buxomed and curvy and about 5'1. What's funny is, that she was around Ishs' age. Even though he like both her and the sex therapist. He just sat at the waiting reception until his time to come into her office.
Pariahs, Outcasts, Misfits and Outsiders

(Note: This is something outside of my avenue I wanna try. Not playing the outlaw pornstar badass here, but a student here Again, another flashback Ish post.)

Friday, March 12th
4 PM, Town Square

Ish walked to the town square as he was readying for his evening to hang around his best friends who are brothers and their family. Although he also was growing attraction from his best friends' sister. Even though their sister was older than he was even though his birthday was last month when he turned 18 at the time. Fate, was it love at first sight? Or was he getting into a deal where he would bite off more than he can chew.

This was his best friends' older sister let alone this is also the first time Ish stayed the night. Also might be a good opportunity for him to come over almost every day since it was spring break for him and her since she came back from junior college.
Roseblazer Records, a Pinnacle for Musicians and Artists

(Note: I don't just play the outlaw pornstar badass gym fitness guy, did you know my character is also a Record Producer and owns his own club too? (There'll be more on that later))

Ish woke up on a chilly Tuesday morning in his 3 story Mansion in his California king bed. It was about 7 AM as he was heading over to his enterprise downtown, a series of businesses that catered to all walks of life with one goal in mind. To create art with his adult entertainment empire and also sign important record deals with future up and coming promising talent. With all the rage of pop and rock, there's no telling who's wanting to sign with the record company that's been standing for 12 years. People from Austin, San Diego, Paris, Chicago, Tokyo, New York, Boston, Dallas come miles away from to either make it or break it in the music industry.

As today was a very early morning where Ish was set to come in the studio to meet with the possible talents around the Greater Los Angeles area, he would get into his white Lexus to drive over to downtown Los Angeles over to his super lot which was 120,000 square feet in acre which housed his main buildings the grand porn studio which was an old 40s movie studio lot with 80 years of renovations. Sort of buildings from the 40s and 80s now mixed with modern glass and steel. As well as the main focused building, Roseblazer Records. A 3 story building with 6 recording booths (3 each on the second and third floor). He drove to his 6 story office and porn studio area in the lot to make a walk to the record business building.

"8 AM and already on top of it." Ish said to himself as there was a person in the reception area. Was this his next recording artist standing before him?
Erotic Office XXXmas Party

Roseblazer Studios Office
Downtown Los Angeles

The office was hustling and bustling around this time around 2:30 PM on a Thursday afternoon. It was also around this time that everyone in Ishs' adult entertainment business was getting into the Christmas spirit as he was too. Everybody was setting up for the wildest Christmas party in the world or only around the office but it felt like an after party for a movie premiere. Ish was in a red buttoned down shirt with the sleeves rolled up and khaki pants complete with a very festive tie. Green, white and red with reindeer patterns.

"Yeah, totally it'll be the most wildest party ever my guy." Ish said over the phone on with his recording studio manager, Josh. "I know bro, you also give like the best damn gifts too. Always trying to horn in my action jk jk." Josh said jokingly as he was tapping his fingers. Just then, Ish would hear a light knock at the door. "Damn bro, another knock. Busy at this hour. I'll see you at the party my guy." He said to Ish as he then hung up.

As Ish heard a knock at the door he then would yell in response. "Come in!"

(This is a holiday post for XXXmas.) (Also if you want to borrow this thread and turn it into your own, DM me let me know as well as feel free to invite me to post in your thread. :) )
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Hard Cock Rock (Cock n Roll Fantasy)

Lead guitarist Ish Roseblazer is many of things. An outlaw mc biker president, a pornstar/porn producer, record producer, the works. But here he is a recording artist. Hired gun guitarist, even had his own band "Cock n Unload". Here is an experimental story I am itching to do and work on slowly with anyone)

Ish drove his pickup truck to band practice as he was the only male in a female predominant band although the group was his project, the girls were the main focus cause of their sex appeal. He noticed the rhythm guitarist and vocalist, Dixie Vixen (birthname: Elizabeth Caldwell) in her usual leather corset dress and ankle high heel boots, all black and leather of course.

He then showed up since he and were the only two members here, perhaps if it was them two only. Were they meaning to hold auditions for a bassist and drummer respectively? Well no matter, it was most definitely crunch time for sure.
Passionate Creative Writing (Sins of a Writing Teacher)


University of California, Northridge
Los Angeles, California

(NOTE: this is my first female teacher/male student erotic RP idea. So please bear with me and relax. :) )
Ish Roseblazer was a 21 Year Old student who went to the University of California, Northridge in luscious Los Angeles after pulling 2 years of Cisco Junior College transferring credits, as he majored in Art and Minored in Computers there. Which he turned both of them into a the ultimatum where he focused on gaining a main focus on a Bachelor of Arts degree. As well as working in Porn on the side to help pay for college. He moved from his small hometown of Eastland, Texas to LA for schooling and to work in porn in both acting and writing. Maybe producing one of these days.

It was 10:30 AM on a Tuesday as he was heading over to a student apartment complex where he shared a student apartment with 3 other fellas, he was heading back from the campus gym as he was working out there. The roommates were an English major, and 2 Contemporary Film Majors as Ish came to bulk up with a post workout protein shake as he blended bananas, blueberries, oats and chocolate protein powder to satiate his palate and to fill his appetite a bit until the class let out at 12:15.

The Student Apartment complex was very convenient for him to walk from there to the campus. Since Tuesday was a bit busy for him with a Creative Writing class then an Introduction to Mass Communication class at 2:00 PM which doesn't let out until 3:15 PM which he really doesn't mind, anything was better than him staying in his own room. He then started to walk over to the Northridge campus to walk there to his two classes since his shake could keep him filled for a bit until he return to the apartment for his second meal.

He headed to the english department where his creative writing class were to take place for the day. He sat at the front desk and then hope his Erotic Creative Writing story was graded by the teacher, hope she liked it as he awaited for her to come into the classroom.
I am interested in the subject of Creative Writing and could dabble in playing a minor role of a fellow student. It would be good to have somebody play the teacher.
I am interested in the subject of Creative Writing and could dabble in playing a minor role of a fellow student. It would be good to have somebody play the teacher.
You wanna be a fellow student, eh? DM me, I'll allow it for sure. As for the teacher, search is going underway.
Friday Night Magic Gone Wild (Erotic the Gathering)

Ish had drove his 2021 Dodge Ram 1500 Intruder white pickup from his mansion over to his other favorite hangout spot, an old creature comfort known as "Lord Talbain's 'On the Battlefield Game Shop;' Tabletop and Trading Card Co.". It was an old comfort that was a home away from home he normally when to when he had a chance when he was not busy with either rolling with his boys in the Halberdsmen MC since he was their president, working at the Roseblazer Entertainment compound down town (Porn Producing, Acting, Writing and Photography and Music Recording, Record Producing) or Hanging out in one of his Clubs he normally runs. The man was a businessman through and through but everybody takes off their suits and ties at the end of the day.

Before Ish became a major workaholic and traded his nerd life for a life of sleaze peddling and club hopping, he enjoyed playing a few games that catered to him. Even if he doesn't care for them much, he still holds the hobbies very near and dear to his heart. Few hobbies he had in mind were card games and tabletop games. He dabbled in Dungeons and Dragons a bit, but didn't have time for it cause of work, as well he caters himself in a penchant for both Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic. Tonight was Friday, so instead of club hopping with his fellow porn people he opted out for a quiet night where he wasn't alone with people who shared the same passion with him in gaming. He was driving around the other side of town.

The 5'4 Muscular stud drove over to the said card shop, getting out of the truck while he parked in the parking spot next to the side of the storefront it bundled, along with 5 other businesses such as a GNC and a GameStop. He then was grabbing his black backpack he carried all his accessories and decks for both the aformentioned games as well as a playmat, and loads of dice for dice rolls to see who goes first in the game. But tonight was all about Magic, and he packed a Black "Aggro" deck, since it wasn't aggro but it had a mix of Phyrexian Archetype and Death touch abilities. He held his black wooden custom deck box, opening the door to the storefront. The place was semipacked!! It was cause of the Professor from the Tolarian Community College giving this place a shout-out on one of his YouTube videos. New people were coming in and out for Friday Night Magic. He laid his backpack at his usual end of the table he hung out at and sat down.
The Strange Case of Mr. Roseblazer & Lady Meadows (A Reimagining of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)

(This is the big one, a mindful magnum opus. A reimagining of Dr. Jekyll of Mr. Hyde but with a bit of undertones of Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde, as well as the 1995 horror adjacent comedy Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde.)

Ish Roseblazer had a series of jobs to do, by day he was a chemist and medicine practitioner that crafted medicine during the day while he was crafted potions and medicines as well as doing paperwork and doing inventory to keep his medicines and potions in check. However he had his own secret vial of a special serum that was to alter his form. Sorta in a way, to tap into his surpressed evil side. Also by night, he was a leader and president of the Halberdsmen MC, the outfit he ran but even his club did not know about the side of his.

Enter Persephone Ann Meadows, the Lady that lurks inside of her muscular host. The synonym for the Hyde to her host's Jekyll. They both share a symbiotic relationship while her host is a flirt to the ladies, and a dominant stud. She's a flirt to both sexes, very domme in both sensual and dress. Her attire is signified by her look and feel. Even her evil side that was suppressed in Ish even made her do questionably morally grey things. Things such as noncon with men who are willing to be dominated by her. Although women are willing to be dominated by her, she didn't mind the brats. Working for it was her duty of course.

One afternoon, Ish was working in the lab on his serum for the 10th time, just to add to his own private personal stores. The serum was a bluish color with a hint of green. "I've done it." He said to himself while focusing on mixing it and storing it.
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Erotic Office Valentine's Day Party

It was 1 week after Ishs' 31st birthday, when he had done thrown a wild party at his club as opposed to the office since mostly the chaos there, ensued worse at the club than at the office. With the Party starting at 2 and going until 7 or 8 PM since Ish was a very gracious host of course. Christmas, Birthday Parties is what he sprang his money on for sure but Valentine's Day parties are where he springs funds in the most. It was about 1:45 PM while he came about while he started to press the intercom on his 3rd floor office which was programmed for all the office floors, 6 to be exact.

"Attention fellow office workers. Attention. The Valentine's day office party will take place on the 3rd floor. Open Bar as usual as well as the food will be catered. Please come 5 minutes before the festivities start. Mr. Roseblazer has a surprise for all of you." He said chuckling as he was wearing a coral pink three-piece suit with a hot pink and gray striped tie while he got up into the main floor of the 3rd floor office. He ordered everything as usual. High priced and top counter liquors and wines, expensive catering such as sushi and pricey Italian food. Anything that suited an office's palate.

Of course, Ish ordered a party favor that would leave an everlasting impression on them. Santa was generous on Christmas, so it was Cupid's turn to play. He knows that if he hits two random people with aphrodisiac arrows, they would be hot with one another but with erotic passionate sex. Who knows, maybe Cupid could bring another hot girl to play with the people in the office. Just like Santa did last Christmas.
Here are two new stories I really wanna try out sometime.

Investigation Sensuality - This is about a PI who was hired to investigate the man who works as both a porn businessman and is also a biker. Although she's more serious about her profession, her client convinces her to take up another suitable profession for clues.

Private Tutoring and Hotwife's Adventures in Sex - This is about a female teacher named Kellie that's a hotwife and is interested in playing with studs including yours truly. She notices something more with Ish and comes back for more.
Kings and Queens from Different Screens - This plot is about an actress who is on top in movies (can be a rising starlet or a veteran of the Silver Screen (albeit Jessica Tandy, Fay Wray, etc.) however she goes on a blind date with someone in the sleeze business (porn industry) with people starting to give them dirty looks, etc etc.