Is there anything truly crazy most of the Left at least pretends to believe?

Sean Renaud

The West Coast Pop
Feb 5, 2004
I've been surfing several news sites and whiles its difficult to gauge how many people genuinely believe some stuff it seems there is no shortage of just flat out crazy from the Right. Like just in the last few decades we had the Obama wasn't born in the US which since his mother was a citizen his location of birth was irrelevant. Not to mention that's a fairly stupid rule these days. It was put in place at a time where there was a legit fear some Old World Royal could win an election. I believe lots of crazy stuff can happen but but some English Prince winning an election is close enough to impossible these days that its not a concern. Then we are STILL getting Michelle Obama is actually a man because of doctored photos and apparently a lack of photos of her pregnant. They may exist but I don't think I've ever seen a picture of my mother pregnant. Now both of these I think are good ole fashioned racism with just enough polish that people can pretend its legit. At least the second one. She's not even an unattractive woman FFS.

Then we have the idea that COVID was designed in a lab. Which is at least possible if not plausible That said if it was a Chinese bioweapon why unleash it in China. At the time there weren't many restrictions on travel. Why not send a few tourists to Disneland or the Super Bowl and just have them wander around? Wouldn't that make a lot more sense? Then Bill Gates was trying to get microchips into people for. . . I never really figured that one out.

Now don't get me wrong, I can disagree with someone and not think they are crazy. I find it difficult to defend Israel at this point but thinking the Palestinian People deserve this for decades of mostly harmless attacks. I've always felt that Israel's responses are the equivalent of a six year old punching you in the dick and you going home for your baseball bat. There is such thing as gross overkill. That is not me supporting HAMAS, I do not. At this point I'm not sure there are any truly good people in this conflict. There are innocent people who get caught in the crossfire but okay. That doesn't make you insane.

I couldn't have picked Taylor Swift out of a line up six months ago. Maybe you lined her up with other blonde pop stars I could eliminate the wrong answers. That's Britney, that's Shakira, that's Christina so it must be you. Joke would be on me if they just found some blonde model to throw up. The Super Bowl was a psyop? I tend to think that there is a maximum number of people who can keep a secret. If Taylor was at the Super Bowl and both teams agreed to throw the game some idiot would have posted it on Twitter by now. Or been drunk in a bar. Or just pissed off someone who leaked it intentionally. Too many moving parts makes me dismiss most conspiracy theories.

That's before we talk about the election was rigged. Even though in the lead up BOTH sides agreed Russia had interfered with 2016. How effective was in question. If Trump was in on it is in serious question. At this point I think his inability to keep his mouth shut not to mention pissing off so many people in his own party that we'd know by now. Still THAT could be true. The number of at least known fraudulent votes found is a rounding error. Yes we all want secure elections but I believe we are as secure as we can reasonably get. I mean there is ALWAYS going to be a Raul Bonnila III who signed on his father's line who died last year and hasn't been purged. Heck I'm not a Jr but when my father dies the very last thing on my mind is going to be getting him off the voter registration. Literally behind when does Resident Evil 9 drop. My mother's name is Terry which is more common for men than women. I suppose voter ID would prevent me from taking her vote. But polsters are usually locals. I'd have to gamble she hadn't already voted, the pollster didn't know her from somewhere and a lot of other things. This isn't happening.

That global warming is a hoax designed to force people out of their cars. Global Warming or at least proving that there are gasses that can cause climate change. That theory by a few years older than evolution FFS. I think over a century is long enough that if nobody has disproven it its more than likely true.

Then every few weeks we year something about a literal invasion. Not that illegal immigration is out of control. A debatable point that I won't walk you through right now. But that able bodied young men are gearing up to attack us. And white replacement theory.

I could go on but I have to state that I wouldn't care if this was limited to the Ben Shapiros and Alex Jones. I think at least a few years back Tucker Carlson was high enough up the food chain that he has an oblgation to the best of his ability to make sure his information is accurate. Thing is we have people like Bobert and Green and Gaetz spreading this garbage. Frankly Trump may not say it outloud too often but he never says "Okay that's too far."

We already had J6 and while I think those people are insane there is something I agree with them on. That if I really and truly believed our elections were being stolen that's when its time to go 2nd Amendment on people. I am genuinely concerned about what happens the next time if say Trump loses.
Pizzagate! No, wait. That was right wing lunacy. So freaking crazy.

There must be a left wing example, but I can’t think of it. The serious conspiracy nuts flock to the other side.
I think you have to be specific about / focus on the fact that the many far right crazies have significant influence in the "republican” party, whereas the few far left crazies running around have minimal or no influence in the Democratic Party.

That ^ is a yuuuuuge distinction.


(And, no, MAGAts, recognizing / protecting / codifying the rights of individuals who don’t conform to gender "norms", and who have existed since the dawn of humankind , is not crazy.)

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The Earth is round.

(Sort of.)

Strictly speaking if I remember right its more oval shaped but that's like nitpicking that a rectangle that is 2x2.3 is by defintion square. There is a point where you're just being pedantic even if you ARE correct. Its like stuff about dinosaurs. If I'm not in a classroom environment I'm not gonna call you out on the fact that mosasaurs are lizards, Pterosaurs are just pterosaurs. I draw the line at people putting mammoths and sabretooths with them. Or that lions live in Africa. While true there is a small population in like India or something.
The closest I can think of is the constant whining about how white musicians "stole" everything from Black ones. Annoying (at least it is to someone like me who is very knowledgeable about rock history), but fairly harmless.
The closest I can think of is the constant whining about how white musicians "stole" everything from Black ones. Annoying (at least it is to someone like me who is very knowledgeable about rock history), but fairly harmless.
Funniest "stolen lick" story I ever heard was a guy interviewing KISS Ace Frehley, asking him if he resented Pearl Jam stealing the guitar solo from KISS "She" for the Pearl Jam song "Alive".

Patented Ace Frehley cackle ensued. "Not at all, because I stole the solo from Robbie Krieger of the Doors song "Five To One". LISTEN
Strictly speaking if I remember right its more oval shaped ..
Hence the (sort of). But it isn't really any one consistent shape. It wobbles and bobble and varies. Hard-ish on the outside surrounding a soft gooey center, like a Cadbury egg. Forces pull and push on it changing the surface yielding ..... you know, Earthquakes, volcanoes, tides and such.
Hence the (sort of). But it isn't really any one consistent shape. It wobbles and bobble and varies. Hard-ish on the outside surrounding a soft gooey center, like a Cadbury egg. Forces pull and push on it changing the surface yielding ..... you know, Earthquakes, volcanoes, tides and such.

The occasional comet. I must admit I am genuinely impressed. IT is very rare for me to run into someone one who doesn't think the Earth is a 100% perfect sphere like a basketball. Though this is why I often despise talking science, history, even some politics online or even in person. I have to give a fucking college course before the conversation can get to what I'm talking about needs to change.
I don't feel like looking it up, but the crust thickness isn't what many think it is. Overall, fairly thin and constantly moving. Yet I have an open quarry not too far from me that's over a mile deep, much of it below sea level.
I don't feel like looking it up, but the crust thickness isn't what many think it is. Overall, fairly thin and constantly moving. Yet I have an open quarry not too far from me that's over a mile deep, much of it below sea level.
The King Kong v. Godzilla series has proven the existence of "Hollow Earth", several thousand meters beneath the crust of the Earth. Dinosaurs still exist down there.
I find it difficult to defend Israel at this point but thinking the Palestinian People deserve this for decades of mostly harmless attacks.
Mostly harmless? There are lots of successful harmful attacks that have occurred, and even more, people still have to dodge these "harmless" attacks using "harmful" weapons.
Pretty much everything believed by the left is crazy. But so is almost everything believed by the right. Probably the craziest thing believed by the left, is that the right is their enemy. The craziest thing believed by the right, is that the left is their enemy.
They like to pretend that people that couldn't fill a Denny's at 6pm won nationwide elections
There is no requirement to attend a gathering of your candidate before voting for them. You can never go to any campaign event and still cast your vote for that candidate.

You are also not required to have bumper stickers, yard signs, truck flags or buttons for your chosen candidate.

If your polling is based on these things, your understanding is faulty
Communists: This is how you protest!

Azzarello had a paranoid interest in conservative tech billionaire Peter Thiel, believed that “capitalism is unsustainable,” and fretted about fascism and climate change. He had worked for Democrat congresscritters Tom Suozzi and Ami Bera, as well as for the self-described “social justice organization” Liberty Hill Foundation. His LinkedIn photo was a picture of him standing next to Bill Clinton. He described himself as “a huge proponent of left unity” and an “anarchocommunist” — i.e., a radical moonbat of the type you might expect to do something really crazy in a public park. many cats was it short of a visit from the board of health? is a blog that alleges that it's keeping an eye on the American far-left. In reality, it's up there as one of the most despicable and horrifying sites in the wingnutsphere:

Blatant homophobia (gays are commonly referred to as "perverts") and rants about the "gay agenda" trying to destroy Christianity.[2][3]
Global warming denialism.[4]

Showing sympathy for white supremacist conspiracy theories and racist views, such as giving shout-outs to the race war conspiracy theorists,[5] claiming that liberals are trying to get African-Americans to kill white people, wondering why people continue to "persecute" George Zimmerman, and declaring "The welfare state produces Trayvon Martins by the millions" (though this doesn't keep them from admiring black conservatives). They call Trayvon Martin "Saint Skittles" and their support of George Zimmerman goes beyond simply thinking he should be acquitted and right into borderline hero worship. Pointing out their racist dog whistles is just political correctness gone mad in their eyes.[6][7] Their post on "Ghetto Booty" drops the subtlety in favor of more overt racism.[8]

Declaring food aid to be a slippery slope to communism while pushing Allen West's bullshit that there are more Americans receiving food aid than there are Americans working in the private sector.[9][10]

Xenophobia and support for populist protectionism, in true Lou Dobbs style.[11]
Abuse of Godwin's law.[12]

Calling Barack Obama racist and claiming that he was visited by Malik Zulu Shabazz in the White House.[13][14]

Hating Europe and citing the Daily Mail to push some urban myth about animal brothels in Germany.[15][16]

Believing Barack Obama is trying to destroy Christianity and is a foreigner.[17][18]

Thinking schools are part of the liberal agenda.[19]

Being aggravated when liberals play the "race card" though they themselves believe that blacks didn't vote for Mitt Romney because blacks are racist. No, really.[20]

You get the idea — it's another manifestation of the wingnut persecution complex.
Probably the craziest thing believed by the left, is that the right is their enemy. The craziest thing believed by the right, is that the left is their enemy.
  • Craziest thing believed by the Left: equality.
  • Craziest thing believed by the Right: forced morality improves people.