Is there an ideal length to a Literotica story?

Hey, are you saying I'm an unreliable narrator?

I will have you know, sir, that I have never been arrested or even cautioned for any of my misdemeanours. Suzie knows a policeman ;).

Discretion is the better part of Valerie
(though all of her is nice)

- according to Roger McGough :)
Hey, are you saying I'm an unreliable narrator?

I will have you know, sir, that I have never been arrested or even cautioned for any of my misdemeanours. Suzie knows a policeman ;).

I never said 'narrator' - the word unreliable did come up though :D Could you ask Suzie to ask her policeman friend if he knows of any mental health resources you could check into. There's no shame in admitting that living so far south can have an impact on one's well being. (internet says it has to do with the upside-down magnetic poles, or some such. It's not your fault, that's the key take-away.)

But really, this is all getting a bit too kinky for me; your Suzie knows "a" policeman and "he does favors " by covering up misdemeanors for you :rolleyes: I hope I don't have to swim down there for an intervention — What? What, may I ask, have you gotten yourself into lad?
But really, this is all getting a bit too kinky for me; your Suzie knows "a" policeman and "he does favors " by covering up misdemeanors for you :rolleyes: I hope I don't have to swim down there for an intervention — What? What, may I ask, have you gotten yourself into lad?
All this from a canuck with a moose on his porch!

EB looked up, hearing a kerfuffle. Nothing to worry about, just Yukon trying to cope with two hours of daylight before the sun went down, that part of Canada being so very far north.

In a nearby dam, beavers were stirring. The moose edged nervously away from the icy edge of the water. "Those bastards can be like Australian crocs when they attack. Thank goodness I don't speak German."

Carry on ;).
It depends on the story. Some stories can be covered on one page. Others may need 4. You just have to write your story and see what develops.
All this from a canuck with a moose on his porch!

EB looked up, hearing a kerfuffle. Nothing to worry about, just Yukon trying to cope with two hours of daylight before the sun went down, that part of Canada being so very far north.

In a nearby dam, beavers were stirring. The moose edged nervously away from the icy edge of the water. "Those bastards can be like Australian crocs when they attack. Thank goodness I don't speak German."

Q: Why did God create the English?
A: To give Australians and Canadians something to agree on. ;)

Now you boys take it outside - and play nice...
Q: Why did God create Americans?
A: To give Australians and Canadians something to agree on. ;)

Now you boys take it outside - and play nice...
I've corrected it for ya, TP, just for the sake of accuracy. You do understand drop bears discriminate purely on the basis of accent (and brightly coloured shirts), and with any rising inflection, that upwards "eh," you're safe?

Also, when it comes to the English, both Australia and Canada face towards Buckingham Palace and honour Her Maj. The Canadians even get Harry and Megs, so that's loyalty. All we got was Charles, going to school for a year ;).
My question to the authors out there is, what do you think is an ideal length for story on Literotica?

Do you even think there is such a thing?

My postings have been averaging 30+ pages (12 font, double-spaced). I tend to focus a lot on conveying what the main characters are thinking and explaining the reasons for their actions. This often takes a lot of exposition before I get to the "action".

I realize there are many types of stories posted on Literotica: romance, quick fuck stories, and, literally, everything in between.

While I feel like the average reader isn't here to read a long novel, as I writer I don't want to short-change my writings. There's a specific story that I want to tell.

On the other hand, I also want to attract as many readers as I can, and I've been told that shortening my stories will hold more people's attention.

Your thoughts? Thank you for your help.


I love going into thoughts and some of my favourite stories take pages before getting into big action, but then, the action is so much more satisfying.

But conversely some stories I have enjoyed have been one literotic page. That’s the great thing about short stories. They are as short and long as you want to make them (ooh-er, madam).
I personally prefer shorter stories. You can break long stories down into chapters and still have the attention of the reader.
You can build anticipation that.

All of my stories, so far, have been between 1,300 words and 1,700 words.
The conclusion of my stories are left Open-ended, so that readers can tell me in the comments or message me, if they want me to continue.
I also leave opening in the stories themselves, so I can branch off to other stories, off the that one.
I personally prefer shorter stories. You can break long stories down into chapters and still have the attention of the reader.
You can build anticipation that.

All of my stories, so far, have been between 1,300 words and 1,700 words.
The conclusion of my stories are left Open-ended, so that readers can tell me in the comments or message me, if they want me to continue.
I also leave opening in the stories themselves, so I can branch off to other stories, off the that one.
The issue with erotica/porn though, is that a primary purpose is to get oneself off (not always, but generally, I think). Half a Lit page, which is what you're offering, is a bit like mowing a lawn - fine if you've got a two-stroke, but it doesn't get you very far...
The issue with erotica/porn though, is that a primary purpose is to get oneself off (not always, but generally, I think). Half a Lit page, which is what you're offering, is a bit like mowing a lawn - fine if you've got a two-stroke, but it doesn't get you very far...
You're opinion.
That's fine.
I've gotten lots of positive feedback about the length of my stories.
You're opinion.
That's fine.
I've gotten lots of positive feedback about the length of my stories.
It’s not the length, it’s the girth of your story and what you do with it.

At the end of the day there is no right or wrong with short stories, we might as well argue which is the best story category (group …duh!) but every person has different kinks. Hell, I never thought I’d write gay/bisexual or BDSM stuff but that’s where the story went so there you go.

Myself, I love character development and this means I can enjoy the thought process even before I get to the sex. Also I think a lot of readers (and I include myself as one) for all of kinks have a romantic side that also likes to be touched (phwoar!) as well as the pure animal part.

At the end of the day we all look at the same sky but every one of us sees a different shade of blue.
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It’s not the length, it’s the girth of your story and what you do with it.

At the end of the day there is no right or wrong with short stories, we might as well argue which is the best story category (group …duh!) but every person has different kinks. Hell, I never thought I’d write gay/bisexual or BDSM stuff but that’s where the story went so there you go.

Myself, I love character development and this means I can enjoy the thought process even before I get to the sex. Also I think a lot of readers (and I include myself as one) for all of kinks have a romantic side that also likes to be touched (phwoar!) as well as the pure animal part.

At the end of the day we all look at the sky but every one of us sees a different shade of blue.
I don't argue anyway. LOL.
Well, my mean story length hits around 1600 words.
Less than 10 percent of all the stories I've written would get past one Lit page.
So I guess I'll go back to just writing what grabs me and not try to chase the H. Thanks for the feedback.
Well, my mean story length hits around 1600 words.
Less than 10 percent of all the stories I've written would get past one Lit page.
So I guess I'll go back to just writing what grabs me and not try to chase the H. Thanks for the feedback.
You might want to keep an eye on the date of the last post - this one is nearly two years old - commonly referred to as a necrothread.
Well, my mean story length hits around 1600 words.
Less than 10 percent of all the stories I've written would get past one Lit page.
So I guess I'll go back to just writing what grabs me and not try to chase the H. Thanks for the feedback.
Depends on whether you're writing a long story or a short story or a novella.
I am a voracious reader, but not have the chunks of time to read a 10 page story, or sometimes even 8.

Give me multiple chapters of 3-5 page chapters, and I guarantee I will follow.
The correct length for a story is the number of words it takes to get the story from beginning to end in the author's mind. That could be 750 words, 7,500 words, or 75,000 words. If you look a the world of commercial fiction, the same thing holds true. "The Old Man and the Sea" was about 30k words. "The Wizard of Oz" was about 40k words. "The Game of Thrones" was about 298k words.

One thing to absolutely avoid is a bunch of extraneous wording that has nothing to do with the character's backstory or the story itself.
Is there an ideal length to a Literotica story?
This reminds me of the hotdog-cart guy in my hometown near a beloved historic bridge who would inform tourists every summer that after this year, they weren't going to have the bridge any longer, making them confused and ask if it was going to be torn down, or what, and why.

"It's long enough already."
I am an avid reader, but do not have a block of time for more than a 3-5 page story at a time. Please break up anything longer into separate chapters. I promise, that if you hook me in your first chapter, I will be following your followup chapters
One thing to absolutely avoid is a bunch of extraneous wording that has nothing to do with the character's backstory or the story itself.
This. This is why most stories are too long. I see first draft as 90% story and 10% to be cut immediately.