I'm considering licking a Republican in the groin

FinePhilly said:
I'm seeing bumper sticker potential here.

"Love your cuntry? Eat out a Republican"

Something along those lines? What do you think?
LMAO! Very, very funny. You rock.

But I wouldn't put one on my car, because I am anal about my Camaro Z-28.
butterscotch_ said:
Market them, I could sell a gross where I live.

I could never undertake such a lofty endeavor on my own. I'd need a talented and capable assistant.
Agent99 said:
...WE - Hmmm. After that lovely and charming poem I wrote you in OY's thread this is what you do for me? Actually, I might have done Ronnie and Chuck. Both handsome leading men in their heyday. But Newt? NEWT? I don't think even Ted Haggard would do him!

You have slandered one of our finest statesman. As a longstanding (since 9:51) Republican, I am offended. Only a thorough groin-licking will assuage my boundless anger and prevent me from posting like busybody for the next 2 years.
Guru said:
LMAO! Very, very funny. You rock.

But I wouldn't put one on my car, because I am anal about my Camaro Z-28.

No worries. We'll provide it in magnet form. No permanent damage done to the pretty car. :kiss:
FinePhilly said:
I could never undertake such a lofty endeavor on my own. I'd need a talented and capable assistant.

I don't have much money but I'm willing to take one for the team. Send me in coach.
Agent99 said:
MaGuy- we can talk politics because I am a good 'pole' worker.

Excellent! After the "poles" we can stuff some ballot boxes. ;)
butterscotch_ said:
I don't have much money but I'm willing to take one for the team. Send me in coach.

Excellent. We'll crank these babies out in time for the '08 election.

Still, we should start...ummm...conferring shortly.
Guru, that's better than the Log Cabin folks. Their platform is too syrupy for me. I like your progressive thinking.

Lukky, Was your post intending to say that you'd do my bush?

Butterscotch, your name is sweet and all, but I think it is best that I not get sticky in your groin.

Jinxie, I'll take you as my running mate. We can have fun with Litsters from both parties.
Wrong Element said:
You have slandered one of our finest statesman. As a longstanding (since 9:51) Republican, I am offended. Only a thorough groin-licking will assuage my boundless anger and prevent me from posting like busybody for the next 2 years.

To make up for it and allow you to unleash that power, I will even let you use the minority whip on me.
FinePhilly said:
Excellent. We'll crank these babies out in time for the '08 election.

Still, we should start...ummm...conferring shortly.

Yes, two short years to show the Dems what we Repub women are made of.
Aliea said:
The groin in question really determines if that is positive or negative.

i hate to hijack this thread, but i've got to say that i'm wed enough to my politics that i don't know that i can agree with this.

i had a red-hot fling with one of trent lott's staffers once. very lickable groin, objectively speaking. we both realized, though, that we couldn't do the matalin/carville thing. we couldn't shed our ideologies with our clothes.

SaintPeter said:
Your panty lines are crossing party lines.
This is not a time for partisan politics.

I am firmly behind [ha!] the POTUS*

*Panties Of The Unbiased Sort
Agent99 said:
This is not a time for partisan politics.

I am firmly behind [ha!] the POTUS*

*Panties Of The Unbiased Sort
I will have my people contact your people on the POTUS position. My support requires your support. My erection is closely tied to your election.
Agent99 said:
Any volunteers? Take one for all the wrongs of your party. Then we can wipe the face clean and start anew.

Hey, if you're gonna do a parody thread, might as well make it uh ...sexual. Right?
I refuse to touch anyone who's been with little boys.

:eek: Hmmmmm, that pretty much excludes most Republicans! :eek:

I seem to have been subscribed to this thread automatically from having posted in the other one. How did that happen?
Luckily, the change in control of the legislature will help ensure that it remains legal to lick the groin of the party and religion of your choice.

Sadly, first language and gender are already lost causes.
Agent99 said:
Any volunteers? Take one for all the wrongs of your party. Then we can wipe the face clean and start anew.

Hey, if you're gonna do a parody thread, might as well make it uh ...sexual. Right?
Spiro Anew died so long ago I didn't think anyone'd dig him up.
LovingTongue said:
I refuse to touch anyone who's been with little boys.

:eek: Hmmmmm, that pretty much excludes most Republicans! :eek:


That reminds me, I need the help of the GB's witty members. I've come up with the beginning of a joke, but I need a middle and a punchline:

So, Michael Jackson, a Catholic priest, and a Republican senator are all vying for a position as Scoutmaster of a local troupe...
ReadyMike said:
Luckily, the change in control of the legislature will help ensure that it remains legal to lick the groin of the party and religion of your choice.

Sadly, first language and gender are already lost causes.

this post needs to be framed.
I'm suitable for framing, so I had to bump.

Does editing count as a bump?
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