i really don't think we can call this a democratic win


Dec 11, 2004
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

it would do both parties a world of good to realize that and take action accordingly.
Hester said:
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

it would do both parties a world of good to realize that and take action accordingly.

Hester said:
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

That might be true. I'll take it either way.
The Demicans and Republicrats have an agenda. And we have nothing to do with it.
DevilishTexan said:
The Demicans and Republicrats have an agenda. And we have nothing to do with it.

*hands DT a tissue*
Hester said:
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

it would do both parties a world of good to realize that and take action accordingly.
Thank you for the political analysis, Spinaroonie.
Here comes the SPIN!


"The Democrats only won because they moved to the right"

"The Democrats didn't win, the Republicans lost"

"The Republicans lost because the sun was in their eyes..."
Hester said:
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

it would do both parties a world of good to realize that and take action accordingly.

That's why there's traditionally been a reaction against the incumbent in the sixth year (1966, 1974, 1986--1998 broke the pattern). It's the only way to register disagreement with the President.
You fuck up, people don't vote for you any more. The story is as old as democracy itself.
Hi Hester -

I'm sorry to interupt, but is that part of a Matisse painting in your av? It looks like part of a Matisse painting. One of the ones of people dancing in the grass. Is it?
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Here comes the SPIN!


"The Democrats only won because they moved to the right"

"The Democrats didn't win, the Republicans lost"

"The Republicans lost because the sun was in their eyes..."
Lollipops on acid. Nice.
Does anyone really think it matters who's in power?

In a 2 party system there are no winners. Actually, it's irrelevant how many parties there are, all politics and politicians are crooked.
AlotLikePsyche said:
Hi Hester -

I'm sorry to interupt, but is that part of a Matisse painting in your av? It looks like part of a Matisse painting. One of the ones of people dancing in the grass. Is it?
it's a yearns original
Hester said:
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

it would do both parties a world of good to realize that and take action accordingly.
You could call it a deocrat landslide, and admit that the right-wing Republican agneda has been utterly defeated. But you won't do that.
Guru said:
You could call it a deocrat landslide, and admit that the right-wing Republican agneda has been utterly defeated. But you won't do that.
excuse me?

you are making assumptions.

"Lot" should be capitalized like all the other words in your name. "Alot" is not a word. I hate you with the red hot intensity of a thousand stars. Flames...flames...on my face...
I'm just hoping Rick Perry doesn't try to call his "win" for re-election tonight a mandate. Fucker got barely 40% of the vote, and had to slime the hell out of his opponents to do even that.
Dixon Carter Lee said:

"Lot" should be capitalized like all the other words in your name. "Alot" is not a word. I hate you with the red hot intensity of a thousand stars. Flames...flames...on my face...
Have you noticed how many people spell definitely as definately? Drives me fucking insane.
Hester said:
as much as we can call it a republican loss. in large part people weren't voting FOR dems but rather against the current regime.

it would do both parties a world of good to realize that and take action accordingly.

That's a damn good point.