I am the motherfuckin' Patriarchy

Victim narratives will damage your psychology. Most men do not abuse or subjugate women; they simply compete.

I agree. The victim mentality can promote an unhealthy perspective.

The white man victimhood is sad and hilarious at the same time. I cry alligator tears for guys who complain about how feminine men are ruining the world.

What have they lost?

Your take on the article is an interesting display of your bias.

Is there anything in it that says the studies reinforce social male dominance?

The sex differences it mentions in more affluent societies don’t support a benefit for patriarchy, in fact, though it’s not a big difference, it found that improved living conditions benefit womens’ cognitive development more than men. Poor guys!

“This suggests that, when it comes to cognitive abilities, females benefit more than males from improvements in living conditions. The performance gap increases in domains where females have an advantage and closes in domains where males are ahead.”

A guess there are growing reasons for male insecurity in the modern world.🤔
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I agree. The victim mentality can promote an unhealthy perspective.

The white man victimhood is sad and hilarious at the same time. I cry alligator tears for guys who complain about how feminine men are ruining the world.

What have they lost?

It's almost like you think "feminine men" are victims or something.
It's almost like you think "feminine men" are victims or something.

We obviously are victims of derision and unsubstantiated accusations. Take your comment as an example:

Liberals figured out they could sneak into the room under the cover of a dress and get real women to serve them whatever they want.

Are you projecting? Is this the sort of ‘benifit’ you believe feminine men are seeking?

Or how about this HisArpy:

Lol. Based on the fact that you pretend to be something you're not, you don't know squat about yourself let alone what motivates others.

Again you accuse me of pretending. I’m not thin skinned but that doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

You don’t even defer to experts in fields you don’t practice in. You continue to project your own political and social beliefs over the rights of people to decide what medical treatments they and their doctors decide is appropriate.

You see, the DSM says that gender confusion isn't a mental illness. What that means that is that, despite the truth, someone decided that anti-conservative political ideology trumps medicine and science and they incorporated that bad decision into the DSM. Which also means that those who truly are suffering with a mental illness aren't going to get the medical treatment they need.

So yeah, there are people who are victims of your words and actions.

Fortunately you’re fairly impotent in any real world consequences so you’re only about as dangerous as a bumper sticker.
It's almost like you think "feminine men" are victims or something.
It is bitter, besides being literally butthurt

Reminds me of Don Lemon. Maybe he wouldn't be so bitch if he wasn't getting rogered by a white guy every night

Regardless, the only time the beta is ever dominant is when they are by themselves on the toilet.
More importantly, transgenders are a vulnerable population afflicted by mental health challenges unrelated to transgenderism which means it is wise to treat them gently.

Many transgender people grow up in unsupportive homes.

A proud and supportive parent can accentuate the things they like in a child while an unsupportive parent will accentuate the things they don’t like.

What sort of message do you think got drilled into my ten year old head when my stepdad told me over and over I would never be a “real man” and would never make it in the “real world”? He even suggested I become a priest. 🤣

His patriarchal pressures backfired. I
had lots of mixed messages, but rather than wallow in being a victim I looked outside of his values and found my own. I’m femme but I’m no victim. I’m not filthy rich but I ran my own businesses well enough to let my wife stay home and send my kids to private schools. They’re all self-sufficient and compassionate adults.

What’s your measure of success? Fuck the patriarchy. They’re the scared pussies, not me.
There is an ideal where men stand when a woman enters a room. It signals they are ready to defend her, offer her whatever she wishes, and so on.

Feminism originally was intended to support that concept but it was suborned by those who either refuse to enter the room or would throw the men out.

Liberals figured out they could sneak into the room under the cover of a dress and get real women to serve them whatever they want.

The problem is that most women would be happy to do so and would toss all other real women out in favor of the pretenders.

I suspect it's because they got tired of the constant bitching after the men left.
Yes, you’re an expert on women....kind of like you’re an expert on water...or Truth Social stock valuations.
I was called a "Chad Thundercock" a couple of hours ago by one of those effeminate gurly boys at a bar this evening. Because the waitress girl served me before it.

Because I have more money to tip with.

And .......I own the place.

Betaboi didn't know that. I told him to relax. The Biggest lion eats first and the women eat second

Betas get killed young by hyenas.

Hey, the progressive wants us to behave like animals. Democracy let's us go all the way!
No you weren't and no you don't. You are as beta as it gets.
Geeks and tech are threatening more jobs. Lots of “real men” are gonna need to find something else to feel needed.

It’s fake, but probably not for long. 😉
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What sort of message do you think got drilled into my ten year old head when my stepdad told me over and over I would never be a “real man” and would never make it in the “real world”? He even suggested I become a priest.
I aspire to being a realist in all things. If you look at your kid and he does not fit the model you want, it is time to adjust expectations. Forcing square pegs into round holes never works. You might not like where things are going, but you have no control over it, and asserting control ends badly. I knew a bunch of kids struggling with variations on this issue when growing up, and their parents seemed to think they could force everything into the place they wanted, but all they achieved was a heap of collateral damage.

The tells just keep on coming.
Words are racist.
Not only that.......being prepared and not relying on government is racist!

Here is how the narrative formed: one eve on MIRC it went like this

Cuckx: guise! guise! we are beta geeks......right? Let's build robots and own those chads!

Lots of harumpf from the sockpuppets

The reality was that Chad bought the company had the robots retooled and the betas went back to frantic masturbation, crying themselves to sleep
Words are racist.
Actions enable the spoken racism.

Policies cultivate the racist actions.

Capitalism fuels the racist policies.

The hegemony/stat quo profits from the capitalism.

Social media is used by the hegemony/stat quo to promulgate racist rhetoric.

Racist rhetoric uses the racist words.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

We obviously are victims of derision and unsubstantiated accusations. Take your comment as an example:

Are you projecting? Is this the sort of ‘benifit’ you believe feminine men are seeking?

Or how about this HisArpy:

Again you accuse me of pretending. I’m not thin skinned but that doesn’t mean you aren’t being an asshole.

You don’t even defer to experts in fields you don’t practice in. You continue to project your own political and social beliefs over the rights of people to decide what medical treatments they and their doctors decide is appropriate.

So yeah, there are people who are victims of your words and actions.

Fortunately you’re fairly impotent in any real world consequences so you’re only about as dangerous as a bumper sticker.

Just for you.
