How do you engage readers on Literotica?

Yes you do, or you wouldn't keep talking to me.

Intim8 said he was done with me. And he is. He's ignored me for two days now. He's smart enough to not stick his foot any further down his mouth. You on the other hand, you seem to like the attention, and you definitely need to have the last word. It's silly and childish. So do what you want. the choice is yours, but I'd advise you not to lie to yourself - in front of everyone I might add.

You’re a troll.

Enough. I won’t waste more time with you. Let’s watch and see how you try to bait me some more. 🍿
I write my characters as the people I want them to be, not necessarily thinking about realism and often only recognizing logic and personality when I am reviewing later (wait, would he really do this?). I have used both male and female perspectives many times, hard to say which I prefer. I do try to get into women’s heads more, that’s because of personal attraction to them. My bi characters often follow chaotic patterns of lust or go with whoever is available at the moment and attracted to them. They are polyamorous, easily get over jealousy, and are disappointed by short term or casual relationships but accept the situation with resignation. At least they got laid. This may not be realistic, but it’s a simple formula to keep me writing. Maybe it works on readers too.

I often see the notification beacon up top as a personal message from someone and if the message in question is an attack- the threat response unit in my brain demands I answer. So, argumentative people- if you truly don’t want me to answer you, stop replying to me. Of course, a lot of the time, people feel they need to assert they are right, have the last word, grind down opposition… threat response goes both ways.
Intim8 said he was done with me. And he is. He's ignored me for two days now. He's smart enough to not stick his foot any further down his mouth. You on the other hand, you seem to like the attention, and you definitely need to have the last word. It's silly and childish. So do what you want. the choice is yours, but I'd advise you not to lie to yourself - in front of everyone I might add. I get disagreeing over this, but acting like the decision to put a blurb at the top of your story is akin to exposing the author's innate weakness -- rather than just a decision some authors on a website for smut sometimes make -- is extremely silly.

Christ. What even are the stakes, here? Do you think we're all posting our stories from a room full of starving werewolves who will pounce at the first sign of fear?

Again, it's fine to disagree about whether we should put up blurbs. Hell, I don't use 'em! I also don't self-upvote. But if someone else does, I don't act like it's a character flaw. It's just two people posting stories on a free smut-site who disagree about something that's relatively trivial.

ETA: Like, seriously, I get how internet discussions can get out of hand, particularly when everyone starts bandwagoning on one side or another, but I desperately want to know how on earth someone's opinion on sticking a blurb at the top of a smut-story REALLY matters.
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