House Democratic leaders yesterday revealed their plan to restrict President Bush's u


Literotica Guru
Jun 30, 2003

Headlines from a local paper
: House Democratic leaders yesterday revealed their plan to restrict President Bush's use of war funding, though some Democrats said the proposal, released on the eve of a symbolic vote against the war in Iraq, does not do enough to stop the war.

Discuss (while I head off to work)
They did the same thing for Vietnam in '73-75...

Support the troops or kill the troops by reducing all trickles down to the boots on the ground......the end justifies the means- more votes and a enemy victory that will embolden them in the future.

It just means the grandkids will be dying there 20 years from now~
headlines from a local paper:
Iraq is a mess, Mars is invading Earth!, Giant ants attack Florida.

Etc etc etc.....

Who gives a fuck about what a local paper says?

Go down to your local high school, get thier paper and quote that. Means about the samething.

Very vague newspaper quote.. He's what Murtha actually proposes.

Murtha hopes to choke off the 4-year-old war in Iraq by placing four conditions on combat funds through September 30:

The Pentagon would have to certify that troops being sent to Iraq are "fully combat ready" with training and equipment; troops must have at least one year at home between combat deployments; combat assignments could not be extended beyond one year; a "stop-loss" program forcing soldiers to extend their enlistment periods would be prohibited.

"We're trying to force a redeployment not by taking money away, by redirecting money," Murtha said, adding he wants U.S. funds to be slanted more toward diplomacy and Iraq reconstruction.
Plasmaball said:
headlines from a local paper:
Iraq is a mess, Mars is invading Earth!, Giant ants attack Florida.

Etc etc etc.....

Who gives a fuck about what a local paper says?

Go down to your local high school, get thier paper and quote that. Means about the samething.


Rather dramatic, I'd say.
Lost Cause said:
They did the same thing for Vietnam in '73-75...

Support the troops or kill the troops by reducing all trickles down to the boots on the ground......the end justifies the means- more votes and a enemy victory that will embolden them in the future.

It just means the grandkids will be dying there 20 years from now~ the way the emboldened Vietnamese are killing us now?