Honest anal


Really Experienced
Sep 4, 2019
I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the rectum is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information - revealed!
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I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constrant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the colon is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information - revealed!
100% agree. There are a lot of nerves to be enjoyed for anal but cleanliness and prep/cleanup time is a buzzkill
I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constrant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the colon is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information - revealed!
What a summary! Thanks!
A lot depends on the individual and their diet. If you eat plenty of fibre and not too much fat, then stools tend to be neat and self-contained, not to mention regular, and condoms can come out your arse looking as clean as when they went in, possibly with a small smear.

I've never bothered with douching etc unless it's part of the experience, and don't know anyone else who routinely bothers - some chaps I know might, if about to have a first date with another guy and being anxious to make a good impression. But unless you've had 10 pints and a curry the night before (or lived on fast food for a week), it's not really a problem that some paper towel by the bed can't fix.

Individual milage may vary.
I've been an anal fan since I first had it with my girlfriend back in college. Back then it was dirty anal, get it as it happened. Over the years, I've included the preparation into Ds scenes. The steps add anticipation and tension, not to mention the discomfort and humiliation. I love the whole process and will always take the time to do it right, use a lot of lube, and start slow so we both get what we need.
Shit happens. That's the way it
goes. Men usually clean out for other men in my universe, but we know it's not perfect.

Food takes about eight hours to move through your system, so don't clean out and wait six hours to have sex. Clean out in the morning, and you might stay pretty clean for several hours.

Do Not. Do Not use a sodium or other types of enemas designed to
make you poop. You'll keep pooping but never get cleaned out. Simple water works best. Get a simple enema bulb.

It's a very personal process, and one that a person can figure out with practice.

If a guy wants to bottom for
me, he's got to clean out, no exceptions. Likewise, I would not expect anyone to fuck me or rim me unless I am clean as a whistle. It also helps me relax with confidence. I'm not a big fan of brown surprises.
Poo is part of life.

If the smell is a problem, wear a good mask, perhaps one with scent in it. We don't but it's an option.

Before my wife pegs me I consider what my situation is. If I feel like I'm gonna go soon or I have a few times that day and am borderline sore, I tell her and we postpone. If I feel good I'll excuse myself to go pee and take a look in the mirror and make sure I'm clean as in no paper residue. I get the things we need ready and help put her strap on. We've tried to organize this so when the moment strikes she can pound me.

That's it. We have our fun and I ask for more lube if I think I need it. She wears a nitrile glove on one hand and uses that hand to touch anything that might be contaminated.

When it's over, I may or not shower right away but I will pretty soon afterward. I put the things away and clean the toys.

There have been just a few times during the action or after she DOES fuck the shit out of me. Not much, just a little. She tells me, I get tissue or paper towel (part of the supplies to have nearby) and dispose of it while she waits for me to return. Then we continue.

Ya just gotta be adult about this. :cool: Ever had a pet? Dealt with a child? Poo is part of life.
I really enjoy it. Never thought i would. didnt think i was that type of girl. But it makes me feel real slutty, objectified and more of a mental turn on.
if the guys cock hits the right spot i'll climax hard with no pussy stimulation.
I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the rectum is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information
Anal is a special event for me whether with a lover or self indulgence. It takes alot of preparation and post care.
I like to think of it as a ritual of sorts occupying a few days. First the urge or ask for anal play is followed by the necessity to cleanse. Douching suffices in the heat of the moment but the sheets will need to be changed after the fact. An appointment for a colonic cleanses the upper colon, leaving you squeaky clean for a day or so . And don't forget to wax, presentation is everything.
Just before commencement a large towel placed on the bed. In the lou, a baister full of water based lube into the rectum provides plenty of lubrication, don't be shy , I've put a full large bottle in there. Make sure your toy or sire is lubed and your in for a moving experience of sexual pleasure.
Yes a bath is wonderful after a good prodding, and nothing is as luxurious as a silk robe when your bottom has that aching after glow. Launder the towel , make the bed and bask in splendor. Vaginal sex over the next few days is quick to remind you of the recent event and offers a nice twist.
Poo is part of life.

If the smell is a problem, wear a good mask, perhaps one with scent in it. We don't but it's an option.

Before my wife pegs me I consider what my situation is. If I feel like I'm gonna go soon or I have a few times that day and am borderline sore, I tell her and we postpone. If I feel good I'll excuse myself to go pee and take a look in the mirror and make sure I'm clean as in no paper residue. I get the things we need ready and help put her strap on. We've tried to organize this so when the moment strikes she can pound me.

That's it. We have our fun and I ask for more lube if I think I need it. She wears a nitrile glove on one hand and uses that hand to touch anything that might be contaminated.

When it's over, I may or not shower right away but I will pretty soon afterward. I put the things away and clean the toys.

There have been just a few times during the action or after she DOES fuck the shit out of me. Not much, just a little. She tells me, I get tissue or paper towel (part of the supplies to have nearby) and dispose of it while she waits for me to return. Then we continue.

Ya just gotta be adult about this. :cool: Ever had a pet? Dealt with a child? Poo is part of life.
Shit happens. I hear people say they do frequent enemas. That can cause issues my messing with the bacteria in your colon.
Once my wife pegging me and I was riding her. We were going pretty vigorously. She told me to get on my back and she was going to ram me. As I got up and slid her cock from me a piece of poop fell on her leg.
We have a few brolly sheets... If I am going to play with my ass - I grab one and put it on the bed first. After the fun - roll the sheet up and don't have to worry about changing the sheets.
I thought I'd say something about anal. Because well, I feel a lot of central information is never mentioned by anyone.

I'll preface this by saying most of the time, I'm kinda meh on anal - but when I'm so deep in subspace I'm almost drowning, it's like the nectar of the gods, and it pushes me to a near-constant chain of orgasms. So ... I'm not saying it's bad.

I'm saying it's dirty. And I mean that in the literal way. You may or may not realise this, but the rectum is where what was once food exits the body in a new and substantially less appealing state. This is part of why I'm sort of meh on the concept, most of the time. If I'm really horny, I like to lie on my side, on my bed, and use two dildos at the same time. It's not quite the same as the subspace thing, but it's a close-enough second. But it's problematic.

For one thing, to even get started, you need to realise that either you clean yourself thoroughly - or you're going to quite literally get shit everywhere. Now, cleaning propably means a douche, a convenient little invention that um .. flushes out what you don't want to get everywhere else. Keep in mind, it's not a 100% solution. Often it mostly does the job. Sometimes it doesn't. And ... it's your rectum - it's never precisely clean.

But ... I'll say this: Whatever precautions you take, if you like to do what I like, from time to time you'll need to change the sheets after. And it really does detract from the whole experience. Meh.

The other thing is that ... lubricant doesn't last forever. In my experience, oil lasts longer than waterbased, but waterbased is better, and you can't use oil with latex. So ... waterbased it is. Only, I dunno, it evaporates, or get's absorbed by the skin. Whatever the mechanism, it goes away. I've never timed it, but I'd say you get a good 10-15 minutes of bliss - then you kinda need to reapply if you want to keep going. People never mention this.

So ... bottom line: In order to do anal - and enjoy it, in a relatively non-messy way - you need to flush your hindside, apply lube, get going, reapply if you're like me and can easily enjoy an hours worth of fun - then afterwards, clean everything. And maybe take a bath. You need douche, water, lube, dildo, usually a towel on the bed, more lube (times x), more water, soap.

It's a lot of hassle, and most of the time, frankly, it's hardly worth it. To be completely honest, when all the prep work is done, I'm often no longer in the mood.

Central information - revealed!
I'll never forget the first time I took a cock up my arse. It was years ago, and the memory of that night is still with me. I'd been a Hot Wife for about a year and at that time, I'd go back home to my cuckold for him to reclaim me. I was with a man who'd fucked me in the conventional way, and we were kissing and cuddling on his bed. I noticed his cock was getting hard again, and I wondered if he had it in him to fuck me again. When I asked him, he said he wanted to fuck me up the arse. I said I'd never done that, and he asked if I was willing. I remember telling him that if he could stand the shit, I could stand the pain. And that's how I lost my anal cherry. My cuckold had two cream pies to eat that night when I got home, and then he reclaimed me and ate his third of the night. I still do anal, and I enjoy it. But not as much as getting cunt fucked!
I have never really had a problem with mess. Sure you might get some smells, but if you clean yourself right, and eat a semi balanced diet, you aren’t going to have problems with poo unless you go really deep. We use my shower attachment a bit before playtime if we are doing butt stuff.

Oh and get a couple sex throw blankets,
Waterproof/grease proof. Saves your normal bed sheets because lube can stain.

That being said, it’s an occupational hazard for denizens or the derrière.
I have never really had a problem with mess. Sure you might get some smells, but if you clean yourself right, and eat a semi balanced diet, you aren’t going to have problems with poo unless you go really deep. We use my shower attachment a bit before playtime if we are doing butt stuff.

Oh and get a couple sex throw blankets,
Waterproof/grease proof. Saves your normal bed sheets because lube can stain.

That being said, it’s an occupational hazard for denizens or the derrière.
I have similar experiences as you, get in the shower and clean yourself out, use plenty of lube and have it handy because it does disapate. My steady dick is maybe 6" long and not too girthy so there not too much initial penetration pain. Yes, there's the risk of poo... that's the nature of the act... also I never do ATM or rimming nor will I ever let him rim me. After he climaxes I insist he goes to pee and washes his cock "most likely he'll get a blow job" while we rest 😈 every now and again my man rubs my p-spot just right..... fuck me to tears...... all I'll say is, it's a full body "orgasm"...
My wife pegged me the other day, and it is a process. Everyone’s body and likes is different.

Making sure I eat well the day before. Sometimes I clean myself out with a small enema. Sometimes I just need a shower first and check back there. I don’t think I’ve ever gone w/some prep.

Still sometimes shit happens. I’m grossed out a bit by it, but it’s part and parcel to the experience. And it can feel
Amazing, so almost always worth it.
My wife pegged me the other day, and it is a process. Everyone’s body and likes is different.

Making sure I eat well the day before. Sometimes I clean myself out with a small enema. Sometimes I just need a shower first and check back there. I don’t think I’ve ever gone w/some prep.

Still sometimes shit happens. I’m grossed out a bit by it, but it’s part and parcel to the experience. And it can feel
Amazing, so almost always worth it.
Eating well the day before definitely helps, also it’s something like 8 hours for food to travel your system, I’ve found morning butt stuff is best as you already have that built in time
I have similar experiences as you, get in the shower and clean yourself out, use plenty of lube and have it handy because it does disapate. My steady dick is maybe 6" long and not too girthy so there not too much initial penetration pain. Yes, there's the risk of poo... that's the nature of the act... also I never do ATM or rimming nor will I ever let him rim me. After he climaxes I insist he goes to pee and washes his cock "most likely he'll get a blow job" while we rest 😈 every now and again my man rubs my p-spot just right..... fuck me to tears...... all I'll say is, it's a full body "orgasm"...
I enjoy rimming, but that definitely best left to after cleaning and before anal
I have similar experiences as you, get in the shower and clean yourself out, use plenty of lube and have it handy because it does disapate. My steady dick is maybe 6" long and not too girthy so there not too much initial penetration pain. Yes, there's the risk of poo... that's the nature of the act... also I never do ATM or rimming nor will I ever let him rim me. After he climaxes I insist he goes to pee and washes his cock "most likely he'll get a blow job" while we rest 😈 every now and again my man rubs my p-spot just right..... fuck me to tears...... all I'll say is, it's a full body "orgasm"...
Soooo want to experience that full body orgasm...

I'm ok about rimming. Have read up on it... Long as both parties are in good health, it should be fine. ATM however, well, I'd consider if it the cock was visibly clean, based on the same as rimming... but psychologically - may be harder.
I really enjoy it. Never thought i would. didnt think i was that type of girl. But it makes me feel real slutty, objectified and more of a mental turn on.
if the guys cock hits the right spot i'll climax hard with no pussy stimulation.
very neatly expressed. kudos to the poster.