Hi Ku Cat

Blank page waits, I cannot lie;
this movie took me by surprise.
So you must do w/a few lines.
an I must post in 4/4 time.
you've filled my mind with plums
heavy, purpled
and how they may appear
once halved and pitted...
will their inner fruit be yellow
or some bluish shade of red?
& dressed in unctuous goop
& nestled in the tender pastry folds
those hits of butter, spice & sugars...

There was poetry in me today.
after chick rescue,
poor babies, poor Rosie,
all sorted
then hand in hand to the garden,
across new mown grass,
between the Four o Clocks,
to the ruins of two months without a lawn mower,
the removal of pavers placed to step across rows,
buried in Johnson grass and Golden Rod,
and somewhere on the path to now,
the poetry was buried too.
i mourn the lost poetry
happens to the best of us
finding it again
might be just as simple
as stopping to listen for it
Poem written between the lines of Ku's 'to do' list.

I find her in everything I see or do.
notes written

on pristine 20 weight bond

placing herself in the acresis
my life
of my life
how sweet

to have that itch scratched.
Awake to thunders angry crash,
lightning, strobing, displeased wrath.
Silent, we observed the primal force,
stab the earth with fire elemental,
slowly crawl away eastward, never letting up.
Return to pillowtop sweaty covers, leaving her at the window,
watching the storm grumble away.

2 a.m
a warm, thick night
windows wide to still air
you, bundled in a quilt
soak our bed with slick heat

my hand's too hot
your hand too eager
to advertise that turgid treat
—fire-brick in banked furnace—
when my desire
a cocksicle
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cicadas hatch once in a gen
a 3 or a 7 +10
they don't bite or sting
and they have shiny wings
but how do they tell when is when?